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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1915)
Result-Getting Classified Columns THE ONE-ATTEMPT MAN OR WOMAN who, for example, publishes a Want ad once, and if It does not bring the result desired decides that "advertising does Lot pay," should study the practical results, In all lines of endeavor, of perseverance. The law of "try again" is as potent in want advertising as in any other effort or enterprise. Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; Vt cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise ment Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postoffice, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 21-tf DRS. SAWYER AND ANDERSON, Osteopathic physicians. Pioneer building. Houre 9 a. m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p. m. Office phone 208, house phone 267-R. DR. JULIAN P. JOHNSON, HOMEO PATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUR GEON. General practice with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted, and guaranteed correct. Office in Mills-McCall building, Masonic hall stairway. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Office phone 35, residence phone 71. 47-tf MISCELLANEOUS SAVE MONEY any one going to Portland soon can save 25 per cent on their hotel bill. The Tidings has a trade-out bill with the Port land hotel which it will sell at 25 per cent discount. Get an order from us before you go and pay us when you get back. 38-tf AUTO LIVERY Floyd Dickey. Tel ephone 342-Y. 81-- BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory St. Bill posting and dis tributing. 54-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourtn Tuesdays of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Carnegie Library lec ture room. CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m Mrs. S. Patterson, Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett Greer, Sec. LITHIA WATER DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR in demijohns or bottles, 15c gallon J. J. Murphy, 486 Boulevard. Phone 405-J. 48-7t HOWARD'S AUTO FOR HIRE ALWAYS READY. For sure go and return, let Charlie do it. Phone l-F-23. 48-imo FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WILL SACRIFICE one thousand dol lars for quick sale, my fine home, all new modern buildings, eight room house, flnB shady lawn. abundance fruit. Call or write S. C. Gunter, 715 N. Main street 49-lmo FOR SALE A seven-room furnished house in good condition, close In on paved street. Paving and side walk all paid up. Price $1,600; half cash; two years on balance. Inquire of owner, 573 East Main street. 49-2t For Sale A gooa homestead re linquishment with habitable house and some improvements, for $500. Excellent for a stock ranch. Address C. D., care Ashland Tidings. 18-tf LOST LOST Between Ashland and Med ford or Medford and Jacksonville, auto robe, black on one side, black and yellow on other; small hole on black side. Lost Thursday morn ing between 8 and 9. Return to Medford Hotel or Crowson's confec tionery, Ashland. Reward. 45-tf FOUND FOUND A tlmebook containing pa pers which may be of some value to owner, and letters addressed to J. C. Knutzen, Applegate, Oregon. Owner may have same by calling or writing Tidings office and paying for this ad. 37-tf WANTED WANTED Good-sized second-hand fireproof safe. Inquire at Tidings office. 35'tf WANTED I will consider any prop osition from land owners on sugar beet growing. Have had experi ence growing same in Colorado. Have some funds to start with. R. T. Stinnett, 4 Lizzie street, San Francisco, Cal. ' 44-lmo. WANTED AT ONCE Loan of $1800 to $2000 for from two to five years, interest at 8 per cent, on city property about ,block from White House grocery. Address "G.," Tidings office. 48-3t FOB SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf, two thoroughbred registered Jersey bulls that will improve your herd. Would rent out bulls two years. Reasonable. R. D. Sanford, Ash land, Ore. ' 47'tr . FOR SALE OR TRADE. FOR EXCHANGE Good home with small acreage of choice land, for good home on paved street. Ad dress C. B. LamWn, 845 EartM.ln. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Dry block wood, $2 per tier. Telephone 420-J. 45-tf FOR SALE Second-hand lumber in good condition, at a bargain. John Loomls, 242 Granite street. 49-tf FOR SALE Alfalfa Beed. Pure seed, high test, no dodder. Grant Davis, Talent. Phone 6-F-2. 48:lmo FOR SALE One set fumed oak furn iture. AlmoHt new. Will sell by piece or set. Address 178 Scid more street. 49-2t FOR SALE E. M. F. five-passenger automobile, in good condition and at a bargain. See George Robison, fire house. 47-4t FOR SALE Turkeys for Thanksgiv ing and Christmas. Call Suburban phone 12-F-12 or address E. A. Purves, Talent, Ore. 49-2t Not a property In Ashland but that can be sold by Tidings "For Sale" ads In less time and at less cost than through the regular agent channel FOR RENT FOR RENT First-class room. 174 Oak street. Telephone 71 47-tf TO LET Wood contract for sledlng and hauling wood to Ashland. Call at J 15 Granite. 49-tf FOR RENT Two pleasant furnished rooms at reasonable rates. Inquire 340 Almond street. 47-12t FOR RENT Six-room modern bun galow rrlth five acres in alfalfa. Nice place on the Boulevard, one mile from town. Low rental. See V. O. N. Smith o. O. F. Carson. 4 3-1 mo. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UN DER EXECUTION. J. R. Garrett Co., a corporation, plaintiff, vs. C. F. Pendleton, J. E. Pendleton and P. H. Pendleton, a co-partnership, doing business under the firm name and style of Pendleton Bros., defendants. By virtue of an enecutlon and order of sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court, and to me directed, and dated the 23rd day of October, 1915, in a certain cause therein pending, wherein J. R. Garrett Co., a cor poration, as plaintiff, on the 16th day of October, 1915, recovered a judgment against the defendants, C. F. Pendleton, J. E. Pendleton and P. H. Pendleton, a co-partnership doing business under the firm name and style of Pendleton Bros., in the sum of Nine Hundred Thirty-seven and 50-100 ($937.50) Dollars in U. S. gold coin at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the lGth day of October, 1915, and the further Bum of $10.00 costs and expense of undertaking filed In this action and $18.50 Dollars for costs and disbursements. Which said judgment was enroled and docketed in the Clerk's office of said Court on the 16th day of Octo ber, 1915, and Is of record in Vol ume 23 at page 350 of the Circuit Court journal. In compliance vlth the com mands of said execution and order of sale I will on Wednesday, the 24th of November, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the Court House at Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore gon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, subject to redemption, all of the right, title and Interest that the defendants above named had on the 21st day of August, 1915, or have since acquired, or now have in and to the following real property, to-wlt: From the Intersection of the South line of Government Lot Number Six in Section 19, Township 87 South of Range 1, West of the Willamette Meridian, with center line of Riverside Avenue in the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, running thence South 18 degrees and 30 minutes East 795.56 feet on the center line of Bald avenue to the point of begin ning, and from said point of begin ning, running thence south 18 de grees and 30 minutes East 100 feet, thence East 555.8 feet, thence North 24 degrees and .06 minutes West 103.9 feet; thence West 543.77 feet to the point of begin-' ning, containing 1.19 acres more or less. All of the above land will be sold at said time and place In the man ner provided by law for the sale of real property under execution to satisfy the judgment, costs and the accruing costs of this sale. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1915. W. H. SINGLER, Sheriff. 44-5t-Mon. By E. W. Wilson, Deputy. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UN DER EXECUTION IN FORECLOS URE R. H. Toft, plaintiff, vs. Annie B. Colby, individually and as administratrix of the estate of Edgar D. Colby, deceased, et al., defendants. By virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale duly Issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, and to me directed, dated the 4th day of November 1915, in a suit there in for the foreclosure of a mort gage, wherein R. H. Toft as plaint iff recovered a judgment against the estate of Edgar D. Colby, de- Talent Miss Alice Vandersluis, Talent cor- respondent, Is authorized to repre sent the Tidings In all business rela tions in this field. Headquarters, Vandersluis & Burgan store. Mrs. John Budgeon was an Ash land visitor on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dougherty and son Howard left this week In their car for San Francisco, where they will spend a few weeks. Mrs. Ed Cochran and daughter of Ashland were guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Robison. Word has been received that Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Rhodes, newlyweds, have. rented a nice flat in San Fran cisco and will remain there for some time. Harry Mason of Rogue River spent Sunday with relatives. E. A. Perry celebrated his seventy first birthday Wednesday evening. Mrs. F. P. Bentley visited her daughter in Ashland Wednesday. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Wesley Vogell Thursday after noon. M. C. Reed and wife of Ashland are visiting the San Francisco exposi tion this week. Mr. Reed Is the pas tor of the Methodist church. C. W. Lawton of Medford was a business visitor here Thursday. A. Alford Is slowly recovering from a severe illness. Dr. Charles Hal- stead Is his nurse. The Wolters building, which was destroyed by fire, is being rebuilt. It will be occupied again by R. J. Luke. The town council held its regular meeting last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pulaski of Phoenix were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pulaski this week. They are intending to locate here. Mrs. Mary Torry of Wagner Creek bas taken her mother, Mrs. Cabler, to her home. Mrs. Cabler is still very sick. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ager enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ager of Cen tral Point Sunday. Mrs. Knighten and son Chester of Wagner Creek were business visitors here Thursday. The Brotherhood of American Yeo men held a social session in the I. O O. F. hall Tuesday evening. Miss Anna Dunn furnished the music. Light refreshments were served. Waldo Bell visited his daughter Margaret and son Virgil at the Weiss NEAREST TO EVERYTHING Hotel Manx San Francisco 'PowellSt-etOfdirell Oregonians Head quarters while in San Francisco moderate rates Running distilled Management ice water tit every room. Special alien W. Kelley (ion given to ladies traveling nnescor' led. A la carte dining room. I ceased, for the sum of Four Hun dred Ninety-two and 22-100 ($492.22) Dollars, with Interest thereon from Bald 23 rd day of Oc tober, 1915, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, the sum of $52.54 paid by the plaintiff for taxes and fire patrol and $75.00 attorney's fee, and the further sum of $24.40 costs. Which judgment and de cree was enrolled and docketed In the office of the Clerk of said Court in said County, on the 23rd day of October, 1915, and Is of record in Volume 23 of the Circuit Court Journal at pages 282 and 283 thereof. Now, therefore, in compliance with the commands of said Execu tion and Order of Sale, I will on Wednesday, the 8th day of Decem ber, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the Court House in Jacksonville, Jack son County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemp tion, all of the right, title and in terest that the defendants herein had on the date of the mortgage herein foreclosed (July 2nd, 1915) or have since acquired or now have in and to the following described real property, to-wlt: The fractional West half of the Southwest quarter of Section Thir ty (30) in Township Thirty-seven (37), South of Range Three (3), West of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson County, Oregon, con taining 77.64 acres. . All of the above property will be sold At said time and place in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property under execu tion to satisfy the judgment, attor ney's fees, costs and the accruing costs of this sale. Dated this 4th 'day of November, 1915. W. H. SINGLER, Sheriff. By E. W. Wilson, Deputy. 48-bt-Mon. mmm "Meet me at the Manx"' , Utl I'. ' Tidings home on Griffin creek on Tuesday, before leaving for the Nigger Boy mine at Hornbrook, where he expecta to spend the winter. Mrs. Peter Vandersluis was a busi ness visitor in Medford Wednesday. William Umnienhoffer has left to spend the winter at work In Yreka. Mrs. Vogell entertained the Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church at her home Thursday. December 1 they will serve a chicken supper and hold their annual bazaar. The Piera Delta class will have charge of the candy booth, the. proceeds to go for the decorating pi the church. H. O. Powers was a business visitor in Phoenix last Friday night. Chester Wolters was a visitor in Ashland Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Twldwell of Wagner Creek were pleasantly surprised by a visit from Mrs. TwIdweH'B brother end wife of Washington. Mrs. Joshua Patterson of North Talent returned Saturday from an extended trip of several weeks to San Francisco and southern California, She had a delightful visit with her relatives. Mrs. Rapp expects to start soon for southern California. H. P. Flurry entertained as his guests last week, at his home on Anderson creek, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Brlggs of Medford. John Calvin of Anderson was a business visitor Thursday. Mrs. Lunt and son of Anderson spent Thursday in Medford transact ing business. Rev. Swander, state corresponding secretary of the Christian church, lec tures at the Christian church Tues day night. He was on his way to Klamath Falls. Mrs. H. M. Mason and little son, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Spltzer, left for their home at Central Point. 1 D. Burley spent Sunday with his family here. Mr. Burley Is employed ac Fish lake. Clarence Copeland stopped off to visit his friends here for a few days while on his way to Myrtle Creek, where his parents are. Clarence has spent the past summer in Klamath Falls. Jay Wlthrow entertained fifteen quests at a birthday dinner party in honor of C. W. Lehman. A delight ful evening was" spent. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and daughter Betty spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Jacksonville. Professor Ager expects to leave rriday evening for Portland to be present at the golden wedding of his parents. The ladles of the Community Club pre planning a special program and lea party for next Wednesday, when Miss Towne will be with them. James Hildebrand of Central Point was a visitor here last week. Mrs. William Glenn of Bear Creek left last week to visit relatives in Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Nyswaner ar rived by team from Dorris, Cal., and will be at their home on the Pacific highway for the winter. The I. O. O. F. lodge are contein 1 latlng giving a dance on November 24. Mrs. Olive Wolters was a Medford visitor Monday. M. Alford of Medford visited his father, A. A. Alford, who Is still very ill, last Wednesday. Mrs. Johnson and Miss Ada King cry 'of Bear Creek visited here Thurs day. Roy Coffman of North Talent was operated on by Dr. Malmgren of Phoenix at the Granite City Hospital, and Is still In a serious condition. Last week about fifty new and in teresting books were added to the sfhool library. This Is Yonr Hotel and headquarters when in Portland if you are discrimin ating. Location: center of city, ser vices unexcelled, rates as low as the lowest. jta ran M room.' pr aay ' $ -gj 100 room! with bath 1 100 roomi with bath J-JJ 200 roomi (large outaldt) bath . 2.60 Kxtra pcraon in room 11.00 additional Another Subscription Bargain! A GREAT FAMILY COMBINATION OFFER The Ashland Tidings, Reguiajprice. . $2.00 ThC YOUth'S Companion, Regular Price, $2.00 N Both Papers Together J A For One Full Year, t)f$ti$ir To take advantage of this club rate send all subscrip tions to this oflice. : For a Short Time Only : OXY. ACETYLENE WELDING OXYGEN DECARBONIZING We wish to announce that we have Installed In our Motor Car Repair Department a complete Oxy Acetylene Welding and Oxygen De carbonizing Equipment. We also have Installed many modern appli ances and are equipped for regrlndlng worn cylinders and fitting with new pistons. We make High Grade Chrome Nickel Steel Gears, Springs, Axles and all machine parts. Prompt and efficient service. ASHLAND IRON WORKS No. 248 Helinun St., Ashland, Oregon. 47-4t Walter Reynolds, Sr., left to work cn the new federal building in Med ford, and expectB to be there two months. Mrs. L. E. Wakeman and nephew, Neil Mahoney, of Medford, motored from Medford and spent Wednesday here. Miss Lucy Oatman spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Peterson, of Ashland. Mrs. John Robison entertained the Tuesday Afternoon Study Club at her home. The gentlemen were invited for supper, and the evening was spent In telling stories of pioneer days. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Weaver of Point Point were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Robison, who live on the Bagley ranch. Mr. LaBelle of Aberdeen, Wash., Is visiting old friends here. Mr. La Belle sold out his bakery business shout a year ago and is now very successful at Aberdeen. He is also visiting his daughter, Mrs. Schister, of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Morse enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Peebler of Eagle Point, Sunday. The Bible class of the Christian church held a business meeting. Af terwards delicious refreshments were served. At the recent school meeting the members decided to give Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week as holidays. Mrs. William Yeo and Mrs. Charles Jeffery were Ashland visitors Monday. James Reynolds of the Little Ap plegate made a business trip to Med ford Monday and will accompany his wife hack to their home. Miss Rey nolds has been the guest of her moth er, Mrs. Judson of Medford. The Athletic Club expects to clean cut a room at the cannery next week. The room will be used as their club room. Mrs. J. It. Wlthrow and little, daughter Vera were Medford visitors Friday. The Anderson Creek school board met at the Bchool house Monday af ternoon. Good Work Done Promptly AT THE Rough Dry at Reasonable J. N. NISBET, Mgr. Office and Laundry 31 Water St TELEPHONE 165 EXPOSITION VISITORS Stop at the Fine New Hotel Brayton I 5O TURK STREET AT JHAKKkT San Francisco ROOMS $1 PER DAY AND UP PRIVATE LAVATORY TO EVERY ROOM ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS AND SHOWERS SINOLE AND EN SUITE Pfpp Rue On arrival in the city take rrce dus UNIVERSAL BUS direct to Hotel Brayton at our expense. MMMMmMMtmtMHHHIIi;illMMMMtmMM DR. JOHN F. IIART Physician and Surgeon TALENT, OREGON, LET US SERVE YOU All we ask la the opportunity f of doing so. We feel assured i that our endeavor to serve you will be a strong factor In per- C 1 guadlng you to become a per- 1 i manent patron of this bank, r Our Interests are mutual. State Bank of Talent TALENT, OREGON. )tMMHMHIMIMMIl William Estes mailo a business trip lo Medford Friday. John Lacy has rented the Talent llotol to the Nelvers sisters. They expect to move Into It next week. Miss Edith TrVor Is still Improving but not able to bet out of bod yet. Rev. Jesse Anderson expects to ltave next week to hold a special meeting at Myrtle Creek and will be gone three weeks, but will have a minister from Ashland to take charge cf the church during his absence. The Commercial Club requests the names and addresses of parties who are considering coming to the coast his summer. Welsh to stnd them lterature and give them a good con ception of Oregon. 74-tf N.&M.Home Laundry table Price. New MucUlnery. J Price. New MucUlnery. CENTER OF BUSINESS AND THEATRE DISTRICTS