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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1915)
Thursday, October 14, 1015 Result-Getting Classified Columns THE ONE-ATTEMPT who, for example, publishes a Want me result desired decides tnat "advertising does uot pay," should study the practical results, in all lines ot endeavor, ot perseverance. The law of "try again" is as potent in want advertising as in any other effort or enterprise. Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word for each insertioa thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise ment Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. MISCELLANEOUS The Light Expfess Packages or any light expressage delivered to any part of the city each afternoon except Saturday. AH or ders left at I'laza Grocery, opposite postofflce. Telephone 78. Charges reasonable. S. F. Starr, Expressman. 34-tf 8AVE MONEY any one going to Portland soon can save 25 per cent on their hotel bill. The Tidings has a trade-out bill with the Port land hotel which it will sell at 25 per cent discount. Get an order from us before you go and pay us when you get back. 38-tf AUTO LIVERY Floyd Dickey. Tel ephone 342-Y. 81- BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory St Bill posting and dis tributing. 54-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Carnegie Library lec ture room. CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Frl days of each month at 2:30 p. m Mrs. S. Patterson, Pres.; Mrs. Jen nle Faiieett Greer, Sec. What ao you wantT A Tidings rant ad tells it to more than two thousand people in a day. Twenty' five cents does the business. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6 -acre, fully equip ped, free irrigated Ashland ranch 14,150. M. Jacker. 33-lt For Sale A good homestead re- linaulshment with habitable bouse and some improvements, for $500 Excellent for a stock ranch. Address C. D., care Ashland Tidings. 18-tf FOR SALE Fine lots on main boul evard (Daved). 140 feet deep. pretty, comfortable cottage with lots of flowers, yard fenced in with wire netting. At other side of loto Is a store with five living rooms Have roses, berries, trees, sheds for animals. A few chickens and cow could be included. A comfort able home and good business, but want a higher elevation for sick one. Address Box F 4, Ashland Tidings. 40-2t FOR SALE OR TRADE. FOR SALE OR TRADE House and lot on Seventh street. Will sell cheap for cash or consider trade for team and outfit. Address "J.," Tidings office. 40-3t FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE for DroDertv in low altitude, 4 acres near new high school. Well lmnroved. Price $5,500. My equity $4,500. Address S. F. Starr 64 California street, Ashland, Ore FOUND FOUND A timebook containing pa pers which may be of some value to owner, and letters addressed to J. C. Knutzen, Applegate, Oregon. Owner may have same by calling or writing Tidings office and paying for this ad. LOST LOST Between Medford and Phoe nix. a basket containing a few diBhes and two silver cups, one bearlne InscriDtion "Theta" and the other "Baby." Any one find ing these will receive liberal re ward by returning them to Carson- bowler Lumber Company, Asn land. 40-2t PROFESSIONAL. DR, J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear. nose and throat. Glasses sup- nlied. Oculist and aurist for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite poBtofflce, Medford, ore. Phone 567. 21-tf DRS. SAWYER AND ANDERSON, Osteopathic physicians, noneer building. Houre 9 a. m. to 12m., 1 to 4 p. m. Office phone 208, house phone 267-R. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS A TIDINGS WANT AD WILL RENT A HOUSE, GET ROOMERS, SELL AN AUTO, OR DO MOST ANYTHING. One cent a word first time, cent a word after that. INDICATIVE When a woman OF AN dependent on ENTERPRISING "Rooms to Let IiANDLADY uses the Want Ad columns of tne Tidings to apprise you of the fact, you may expect to find other signs of progressiveness in that house. Such a landlady appreciates that she might as readily dispense with eleanliness, on the score of economy, as to attempt to get along without the Inexpensive Want Ad. . You learn to have confidence in the goods of a national advertiser. You may have the same assurance of dependability In the "Rooms to Let advertisers ot the Tidings. MAN OR WOMAN ad once, and if It does not bring WANTED WANTED Fresh milch goat. See Bert Freeman, at postofifce. 40-tf WANTED Good-sized , second-hand fireproof safe. Inquire at Tidings ornce. 3a-tf WANTED Team of good work horses in return for board. Phone 304-J or inquire 303 North Main. 40-lt Tidings "For Sale" ads are active little real estate salesmen. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two pleasant furnished room at 340 Almond street. Phone 34M. 40-3t FOR RENT A3liland restaurant. See Mrs. Staplea for terms at Ash land Hotel. 26-tf RSIC AND ART. TEACHER OF PIANO Mrs. J. R. Robertson, 340 Almond street. Ad vance piano work and Burrowes kindergarten classes. 44-tf LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE W. R. Raudebaugh and J. D. Raude baugh, partners doing business un der the firm name and style of Raudebaugh Bros., Plaintiffs, vs. Ora Angle, L. L. Angle and Butler and Thompson Company, a corpo ration duly Incorporated and doing business under the laws of the State of Oregon, Defendants. By virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Jackson, dat ed the 18th day of September, 1915. in 'a certain cause therein. wherein W. R. Raudebaugh and J. D. Raudebaugh, partners doing business under the firm name and style of Raudebaugh Bros., as plaintiffs, did on the 11th day ot May, 1915, recover adjudgment against Ora Angle and L. L. Angle for the Bum of One Hundred Twen three and 80-100 ($123.80) Dol lars, with interest thereon from said 1st day ot May, 1915, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum and Fifty ($50.00) Dollars attorney s fee, and the furtner sum of Twen ty-nine and 20-100 ($29.20) Dol lars costs, which judgment was en rolled nd rtnok-ptpfl in the Clerk's office of said Court in said County i Deen unavailing, as Bishop Cooke has on the 11th day of May, 1915, and j refuged to reverse his order of trans Is of record in Volume 22 of the i Circuit Court Journal at page 605 J fer- Rev- Mr- Hawkins left Friday thereof. In compliance with the com mands of said Execution and Order ot Sale, I will on Saturday, the 23rd day of October, 1915, A. D., at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. at the front door of the Court House in the city of Jacksonville, Jackson County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction, to the hishe3t bidder for cash, sub ject to redemption as is provided by law, all ot the right, title and interest of tie above named de fendants, Ora Angle and L. L, Angle, or either of then, in and to the following described real prop erty, lying and being situated in Jackson County, State ot Oregon to-wit Beginning at the Northeast cor ner of the L. L. Angle lot, said cor ner being the point of intersection of Oak and Spring streets( said Spring street 1b an extension to B street),, all In the city of Asbland, Jackson County, Oregon, and run ning thence North 69 degrees and 30 minutes West along the South line of said Spring street 254.5 feet, thence South 23 degrees West along the East line 51 feet and 8 inches, thence South 67 degrees East at right angles to Oak Btreet 254.6 feet to the West line of said Oak street and thence North 23 degrees East on the West line of Oak street 40 feet to the place of beginning All of the oove described real property will be sold at said time and place, in tne manner provided by law for the sale or real prop erty under execution to satisfy the judgment in favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendants, as above mentioned. That said real DroDertv will be sold subject to a certain Mortgage Lien and Tax Liens of the Butler Thompson Company, a corporation, which said liens have been decreed to De prior liens by a certain Order Modifying Decree, which said order is or rec ord in Volume 23 of the Circuit Court Journal at pages 280 and 281 thereof. Dated this 20th day ot Septem- ber,1915. i W. H. SINGLER, Sheriff. By E. W. Wilson, Deputy. 36-5t-Thurs. A WORD FOR MOTHERS It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg lect their aches and pains and suffer in silence this only leads to chronic sick ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, yon should know that Scott's Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves and build strength. Scott's is strengthening thousands of mothers end will help you. No alcohol. Scott ft Bowse, filoomfidd. N. J. ASHLAND v.,. H 1 i V V Ruth St. Itenis in "Tlie Garden of Page Tlieatre, Medford, Friday Miss St. Denis' dancing partner, Ted Shawn, has created a number of the latest modern dances, including the Sea Gull Waltz," the "Shawn Plea of Medford Church Failed Protest by members of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Med- ,ord aeaInst tne transfer of the Rev. J. K. Hawkins, who has had charge of the church for the past year, has for Oregon City, where he will preach the coming year, and the Rev. J. C. Rollins, who was transferred from Corvallls, arrived Saturday to take charge of the Medford church. Not a property in Ashland but that cau be sold by Tidings "For Sale" ads in less time and at less cost than through the regular agent channel A woman sizes up a beauty choriiB from the waist up; a man from the waist down. Good Work Done Promptly AT THE Rough Dry at Reasonable ji..; . .. .','( 5 m: - '' I tX .. ' I ,.' . I K r WW J. N. NISBET, Mgr. Office and Laundry 31 Water St "The Children's Hour Protect the children from the draughts. Keep the damp and chill away with a good oil heater. Inexpensive to operate easily carried from room to room. Smoke less and odorless. Dealers every where. For best results use Pearl Oil lg p Perfection Oil 'Heater. AAAAAAAAAAA TTDINGS 1 t Hi 1 ' V V V V f I Kama," one of Iier Oriental dance, night, October 15. Step," the "Tokio Trot," the "Canton Canter" and the "Balancello." He and Miss St. Denis will also repeat their former success, the "St. Denis Mazurka." Complete new special scenic effects and beautiful costuming designed un der the personal direction of Miss St. Denis will form an important feature of her production. Note This is not a motion picture. Let 'er Rain! If you've a man's work to do, wear Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 The coat that keeps out all the rain. He flex Edges stop every drop from running in at the front Protector Hat, 75 centi Satisfaction Guaranteed OWEjj A. J.TOWER CO. ty' 6.5 BOSTON tfBRM$ N.&M.Home Laundry Prices. New Machinery TELEPHONE 165 Standard Oil Company iCtMorniat Portland Correspondence Courses In bookkeeping, Shorthand, Business English, Punctuation and Letter Writing, Arithmetic, Penmanship, and Com mercial Law are offered by the Medford Commercial College If you cannot attend our day school, let us teach you by mail. Tuition rates for complete courses, including books, from $5 to $15. Write for illustrated ournal and full information. AddreSS MEDFORD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, College Building, Medford, Ore. Talent Man Shows Rich Specimen A specimen of float Quartz from a boulder in the Wagner creek district was picked up by L. U. Rhodes of Talent, which will run from J4.0OO to $.".,000 to the ton. Mr. Rhodes recently bought two claims on Horn Gulch and is now making a deal with a concern in Tacoma to Install a quartz mill on his holdings, and will commence operations as soon as the deal is made. Mr. Rhodes set the old fever to burning In tho veins of several Ash land prospectors last week with the piece of rich ore which he brought up with him. He expects to leave for the San Francisco exposition in a few days and may be gone for most ot the winter. Xe:tt spring he will make an effort to locate the vein from which the specimen comes. Mr. Rhodes is Interested in several low grado holdings In the Wagner creek district and states his belief that the big fortunes in mining in this county lie in developing a cheap method for taking out large quanti ties of low grade ore rather than in working in the mere hope of discov ering a get-rlch-quick proposition. Three North and South Highways Eugene Guard: Three state high ways running north and south through Oregon is the dream of the state highway commission,' as ex pressed by State Highway Engineer Canline on his recent visit to Eugene, according to County CommisBlouer M. H. Harlow. "Mr. Cantine's opinion that the roads north and south should event ually be built and maintained by the state and that the cross rouds, east and west, should be built and main tained at the expense of the counties. He proposes three main state high ways the Pacific highway, a road in central Oregon and a road along the coast. These together with a net work of cross roads by counties would give Oregon a complete high way system, he believes." County Court Closes Session The county court finished the work of its regular monthly session Friday and adjourned to meet later In the month. A delegation of residents east of Bear creek and north of Medford pe titioned for the creation of a new school district, to consist of portions of the Central Point, Merriman and Red Top districts. Another delegation of Agate citi zens appeared in behalf of Improve ment of the road running from the Central Point bridge north to Rogue river. Representatives of the newly formed Central Point Taxpayers' League requested the building of a new bridge ove.r Bear creek to Cen tral Point, to cost $12,000. The czar is still monarch of all he surveys but his survey doesn t ex tend as, far as It used to. If yon want to buy or sell any thing, try Tidings want aas. 'iney do the work. I WILL GIVE $1000 f I FAIL to CURE mi CANCER TUMOR I tnit before It POISONS flip glands ir itticiit to BONE WithoutKnifeorPain No PAY Until CURED WRITTEN GUARANTEE No X Kay or other swindle. An Inland plant miiltcslhMurc Anv TUMOR. LUMP or SORE on the Hp, lacs or body long Is CANCER; it never palnsunttuant stage IZB-mur. KUIIH seui FRKK. lO.wiO testi monials. Villi Is IMS Any LUPin WOMAN'S BREAST iSMPCIOn(i lwsy poisons deep arm- vHtl Uklt pit Klanus ana Kill 5 uuiuut Onewiiinun lnevery7 Wa vufiiKA nmnv whi) wait too 10I1K & must U1C ho Poor cured at hull price if cancer is yet small Dr.&Mrs.Dr.CliAMLEf&C8.a8ffl "Strictly RllsM. Bru'sst Csncer Sasclallrt living' i; 34 J & 43bt Valencia sl, sn nanus, tai UNDLT MAIL THIS uhmjmwim wnwn fAflK THtitt DR. JOHN F. HART Physician and Surgeon TALEJiT, OREGON, LET US SERVE YOU! All we ask is the opportunity i of doing so. We feel assured that our endeavor to serve you will be a strong factor In per suading you to become a per manent patron ot this bank. Our interests are mutual. State Bank of Talent TALENT, OREGON. iMMHIMtlllllilMMUM i f Gives a brilliant flossy shine that it does not rub ufl or dust ott that a anneals to tho Iron that lasts (our M tlinus as long as any other. tl Black SilkStove Polish Is In a class by Itaclf. Iff more carefully mnileandmado Iruin better Materials Try It on your parlor rove, yourjix.A si.ivn or your itls lr yoiMttm c (imi it tholtojt pn'ishy.m ever UBttd, yo:jr hardware or irroctTy tlfulr it auttioriwd la nr- fund your money, Shlnm ft Every Drop' mm Ashland's Glass of Water. The Tidings has just printed the beautiful glass of water prepared by Mr. Duryea on a large number of en velopes (the glass Immediately under the return card) and has them on sale at this office in packages ot 25 at 10 cents a package. Every citizen should secure and use these envel opes in their correspondence and thus help to put Ashland on the map with out extra cost to themselves. The price, 10 cents the package, is the same envelopes are usually sold for without the beautiful advertising souvenir. tf The Commercial Club requests the names and addresses of parties who are considering coming to the coast his summer. We wish to send them iterature and give them a good con ception of Oregon. 74-tf This Is Your Ilotcl and headquarters when in Portland if you are discrimin ating. Location: center of city, ser vices unexcelled, rates as low as the lowest. Hatwi to Tom M rooms, per day .11.00 100 rooms with bath l.M )00 rooms with bath 2 00 WO rooms (large outside) bath . . i.tO Extra person in room f 1.00 additional I ia'''iiiiiirriit,riiSfiiP'' . I ! i