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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1915)
PARK SIX ASHLAND TIDINGS Monday, September 6, 1915 MMHMMHHHMMMIMMMIMMtMMMMtMMMM Bay Good Real Estate Now Reasonable prices, easy terms; places which are worth more money to you; something that will please you because the price Is better than right; now Is the time to buy these places. Two acres of land, two five-room dwellings, barn, paving and sidewalk all paid; good location. Price $2,500, half cash. Fifty-foot lot and good dwelling on Fourth street; assessments paid. $1,600. Six-room, bard finished dwelling, modern conveniences, near fnion street. $1,500. Stork ranches and farms, large and small, at attractive figures. If you are interested, let us show you. BILLINGS AGENCY t 41 East Mala KuSIifi5"SU. PloneSll State Collars Get Deposits Deposits totaling $7,550.90, which have been held in banks throughout the Btate for saven years because of non-withdrawal by the depositor, will escheat to the state of Oregon, Secre tary of State Olcott has announced. The secretary, in compliance with the state law covering unclaimed de posits, has filed a certified copy of the reports of the various banks with Attorney General Brown, whose du,ty it now is to call on the banks for pay ment of the respective amounts re maining In their possession un claimed. The money, when turned over to the attorney general, will be placed with the state treasurer for the benefit of the common school fund. The unclaimed money held by the different depositaries throughout the state Is as follows: La Grande National Bank, La Grande, $23.89; Dallas City Bank, $1.06; First National Bank, Hood River, $16.17; First National Bank, The Dalles, $52.03; First National Bank, Milton, $150; Butler Banking Company, Hood River, $27.26; Dal las National Bank, Dallas, $4.90; Lumbermen's National Bank, Port land, $49.38; Arlington National Bank, Arlington, $16.29; Harney County National Bank, Burns, $154. . 87; Citizens National Bank, Baker, $140.65; Grants Pass Banking Com pany, Grants Pass, $10; Bank of Mount Angel, Mount Angel, $6.55; First National Bank, Pendleton, $30.47; Flanagan & Bennett Bank, Marshfleld, $17.97; McMlnnvllle Na tional Bank, McMlnnvllle, $13.25; First National Bank of Burns, Burns, $41.11; First National Bank. Astoria, $9.39; Douglas National Bank, Ros5 burg, $219.40; First National Bank of Southern Oregon, Grants Pass, $91. S2; Bank of Echo, Echo, $7.83; Steiwer & Carpenter Bank, Fossil, $4.54; First National Bank of Ash land, $17.74; Central Point State Bank, $2.75; Portland branch of the Bank of California, N. A., San Fran cisco, $24.52; U. S. National Bank of Portland, $788.86; Merchants' Na tional Bank, Portland. $121.73; Northwestern National Bank, $105. 22; First National Bank, Baker, $414.44; Ladd & Bush, bankers, Sa lem, $26.61; State Bank of Ranier, $13.22; Bank of Oregon City, $198. 69; Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland, $500.38; Peninsula National Bank of St. Johns, Portland, $19.36; First! National Bank, Albany, $91.98; First! National Bank, Eugene, $53.73 First National Bank, Tillamook $5.31; Med ford National Bank $130.28; Scandinavian - American Bank, Portland, $229.38; Capital National Bank, Salem, $339.42; Til laniook County Bank, Tillamook, $5 First State Bank, Gresham, $2.67 State Bank of Ashland, 44 cents First National Dank, Klamath Falls $450.85; First National Bank, Port land, $2,128.52; First State and Sav Ings Bank, Klamath Falls, 40 cents First National Bank of Grant County Canyon City, $32.15; First National Bank of Union, $20.85; The First National Bank of Lakevlew, $11.44 First National Bank of Prlnevllle $63.25; Independence National Bank, $197.25; Independence Na tlonal Bank, $197.25; First National Bank of Heppner. $20.96; First Bank of Bay City, $3; American Na tlonal Bank, Pendleton, $272.37 Citizens' Bank, Portland, $69.21. Modoc County Taboos Liquor No warehouse for the sale of liquor to persons In Oregon will be built in Modoc county, as supervisor district No. 3, whose northern bound ary is the Oregon line, decided to re main dry at an election recently, by a vote of 223 to 71. The district voted dry several years ago, but following the election In Alturas, which closed saloons in that city, an effort was made to have liquor licenses In district No. 3. The state line precinct was the only one to give the wets a majority. From the Nevada state line near Reno to the Canada boundary line through California east of the iSerras, Oregon and Washington the entitre territory is dry. Accuracy Every known plan and. device Is used at this strong bank to assure the accuracy of our accounts. You have the benefit of this mod ern service when your account Is kept here. First National Bank ASHLAND, OREGON. Oldest National Bank In Jackson County J Panama -Pacific Exposition Is the Most Wonderful The Mojt Beautiful The Most Important in History It is artistic, it is 9ymetrical, it is world wide, .it is complete. Only three months more will it be opened. No intelligent person can afford to miss the oppor tunity of visiting this exposition. Low Round Trip Fares to San Francisco on sale daily from all points If you contemplate a trip East you can travel through California in one direction at small additional expense. 10 Days at San Francisco and 10 Days at Los Angeles and 10 days at El Paso are allowed on all tickets to the East reading over the SOUTHERN PACIFIC Let our nearest Agent outline atrip for you. Our folders "Wayside Notes" and "California Ex positions" will be of interest They are free. Jofca M. Scott, Genertl Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Melons Make Table Syrup A delicious table syrup can be made from watermelons, and it af fords to the farmer, according to the farmer, according to the fruit juice specialists, a convenient means of using the surplus watermelons which otherwise are allowed to spoil in the field. Such syrup has been made by farmers In a small way In various parts of the south, and it has been endeavored to work out exact meth ods of making It as a possible by product from surplus melons. This syrup can be used (mediately or can be bottled hot in sterilized Jars and kept just as is done in the canning of fruit. It Is reddish brown In color, very sweet and well flavored, and will serve most of the purposes for which syrup is used jn the home. It has been tried with satisfactory re sults In making ginger cake, home made candy and as a sweetening and flavoring In Ice cream. As the specialists point out, while the juice of commercial watermel ons, such as the "Tom Watsons," contain on an average only about 7 percent of sugar, or less than many other fruit juices, the ease with which the juice can be pressed out partly offsets the low sugar content. The method described below calls only for utensils ' found In every household: Remove the pink flesh and seeds from the rind of sweet, fully ripe melons. Crush the flesh with a po tato masher or by running it through a meat chopper. Place the crushed pulp and seed In cloth bags and squeeze out the Juice, which flows out readily. About five-sixths of the pulp will squeeze out as juice. About thirteen gallons of the juice will make one gallon of syrup. This amount of juice can ordinarily be se cured from ten watermelons weigh ing from 22 to 25 pounds each. The juice Is then boiled down into a syrup In an ordinary preserving kettle. The Juice bolls without much foaming until It begins to thicken, when the fire should be slackened to prevent foaming and burning. The red coloring matter in the juice co agulates during boiling, and part of it rises to the surface, where ,lt can be removed by skimming. The re mainder floats about In the juice, forming red particles which gather near the top. Toward the last of the boiling the syrup must be watched constantly. If the housewife has a candy thermometer she should take the syrup from the fire as soon as It reaches a temperature of 220 degrees F otherwise she should let it cook until a small sample on cooling is about as thick as maple syrup. When the boiling has finished, the j syrup can be set aside to cool In cov ered vessels or can be poured while hot into cans or glass containers and sealed. Eugene Fairmount Brick Com pany hag added a tile plant 'at Mon roe. The company will make hollow structural tile next year, A $6,000 residence and a $4,000 home are to go up at Eugene. A $12,000,000 steamship company has been organized to operate be tween Boston and Pacific coast porta. The Burlington railroad has asked for bids from northwest mills on 20, 000,000 feet of car timber. - Johnson the jeweler for fine watch work. 97-tf HSHLRND Storage and Transfer Co C. F. BATES Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot. Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs Coal. Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, ASIILAM), OREGON. I a i M I AUTO SUPPLIES at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES f SEND'US YO UR MAIL ORDERS- WE PA Y POSTAGE Gates' guaranteed special Spark Plugs, all sizes 50c Champion X Spark Plugs 50c Tire Talcum 13c Michelin Mastic 30c 3 In. Inner Blowout Patch 45c 3 In. Inner Blowout Patch.... 50c 4 In. Inner Blowout Patch 55c 3 in. Hookon Boot 05c Z in. Hcokon Boot 75c 4 in. Hookon Boot .' 03c Cementless Patches (50c qual ity 35c Ford Tool Boxes ($4.50 qual ity) $3.23 3 Cylinder Pumps ($6 kind).. $4.50 9 in. Electric Headlights ($12 kind), per pair $7.30 Hand Horns, Guaranteed $5 qaality, $3.50 C.E. GATES, Medf ord, Ore. i 4MItttHi)mtMMM4M4444t4MMtMMl SPECIAL OFFER mwuuMMu. From the Publishers I H MM H IHiWtM4H to the readers of the Standard Literature FOR FATHER, MOTHER SISTER, BROTHER AND THE KIDDIES For Less Than the Cost of Mailing Through special arrangement with the publishers, we are enabled to make our friends and subscribers the following generous offer Value 8oc Value 6oc Value 6oc Value 40c Value 40c VALUE $2.00 SUNSET MAGAZINE, for four months, . McCLURE'S, - - for four months, . PICTORIAL REVIEW, for four months, . LADIES' WORLD, - - for four months, . LITTLE FOLKS, - for four months, . TIDINGS - - - - FOR ONE YEAR, . i . TOTAL VALUE. REGULAR RATES. $4.80 FOR A LIMITED TIME We offer the above Combination of (1 EffV Standard Literature for only . . . 011 THIS OFFER IS OPEN TO NEW AND OLD SUBSCRIBERS ALIKE If you are at present a Subscriber to any of the above Publications, your Subscription will be extended. $4.80 vff $2.50 $4.80 vff $2.50 This is the First and Last Opportunity You will ever have to Obtain the "Family Group" of Standard Magazines at This Price SUBSCRIBE TO-DAY! Bring or Mail Your Order to THE TIDINGS ALWAYS CASH IN ADVANCE SUNSET MAGAZINE 1 Exposition News and I Pictures, Western Fiction McCLURE'S Popular Fiction PICTORIAL REVIEW Fashions, Fiction, Household LADIES' WORLD A Woman's Magazine LITTLE FOLKS Entertainment fo Youngsters 8 Ml M H II It I II IIIIM t9