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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1915)
Jhnredfty, August 19, 1015 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE SEVEJI Full Text of Proposed Contract With Power Company AGREEMENT. This r.greement, made and entered Into thl3 tenth, day of August, 1915, by and between the City of Ashland, a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the Stato of Ore gon, hereinafter called and designat ed the City, party of the first part, and California-Oregon Power Com pany, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California, hereinafter called and designated the Company, party of the second part. Whereas, the City Is the owner of, and engaged In operating an electric generating station, and system of poles and wires for distribution of electric current In and throughout the said City, and Is desirous of ex tending Its distributing system and acquiring all of the electrical busi ness within said City; and Whereas, the Company is the own er of such of the stock of the said Ashland Electric Power & Light Company that it can procure the sale of said electric plant and distribut ing system, appliances and parapher nalia; and Whereas, It is the desire on the part of the said City to purchase the electrical plant and distributing sys tem of the Ashland Electric Power & Light Company and of operating same In conjunction with and in ed ditlon to the plant of the City, and thereby acquire and have the entire and exclusive distribution and sale of electricity In said City; and Whereas, the generating plant of the City is not of sufficient capacity to generate all the power necessary for distribution and sale In said City, and it is the desire of said City to acquire by purchase, additional elec tricity from the Company for the purpose of supplying all needs airfl demands of the City and its inhabit ants for electricity for any and all purposes; and Whereas, It Is tho mutual desire of the City and the Company to enter into an agreement carrying out the express wishes and desires of the City and Company with relation to the sale by the said Company of the electric plant and distributing sys tem of the Ashland Electric Power & Light Company, and the sale of electric power necessary to supply the needs and demands of the City; Now, therefore, these presents wlt nesseth: That for and In consideration of the premises and the several mutual promises, covenants and agreements of the parties hereto, it is mutually agreed by and between the City of Ashland, the party of tne nrst part, and California-Oregon Power Com pany, the party of the second part: The Company agrees to cause the Ashland Electric Power & Light Company to sell to the City and the City agrees to purchase such part of the poles, wires, property and equip ment of the Ashland Electric Power ft Light Company within said City, as the said City may determine upon, free and clear of all incumbrances, for constructing, extending or estab lishing Its electric distributing sys tem In said City, in addition to the system the said City has installed and in operation, the same to be selected by the officers of said City within ninety (90) days from the signing and ensealing of these pres ents, and when so selected and deter mined upon, the price therefor shall he determined by mutual agreement between the officers of the City and of the Company, and if they are un able to so agree upon such value and price, then the same is to be fixed and established by and in accordance with the rules established by the Railroad Commission of Oregon In determining the valuation of the physical properties of public utili ties throughout the State of Oregon. If upon making sucn selection oi poles, wires and other property by the City, the same snail not inciuue nil nf the Doles, wires and otner prop erty heretofore used by the Ashland Electric Power & Light Company in eald City, the said Ashland Electric Power & Lieht Company, or the Comnanv. shall within six (6) months from the ratification of this aereement take down and remove such part or portion of such distrih nting system, poles, wires and appa ratus. The City hereby agrees to call a unficlttl elect on of the quaiuiea vot ers of the said City and to submit tn them for authorization, a proposi tion to Issue negotiable bonds of the City, payable by it at Its option in from six (6) to fifteen (15) years after Issue and sale, and to draw In terest at 5 per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually, and to do and perform all necessary acts and things in the premises as shall cause the said Issue of bonds to be a valid and binding obligation of the City, and if the said Issue of bonds shall be authorized by the voters of said City, when the same are advertised for sale, In accordance with the charter and ordinances of said City, and the same shall be sold for cash in hand, the City will thereupon immediately pay to the Company for and on ac count of the Ashland Electric Power ft Light Company such sum as may he found due In payment for the poles, wires and property of tne Asn land Electric Power & Light Com pany, as may be purchased by the City, but in the event that upon the advertisement and offer of sale of said bonds no cash bid shall be of fered therefor at par and accrued Interest, then such thereof as shall be necessary at par and accrued In terest to liquidate the said Indebted ness of the City to the Company shall be delivered to the Company in pay ment and satisfaction thereof. The City agrees to sell to the Com pany, and the Company agrees to buy from the City, three (3) transform ers, Westinghouse Indoor Type, 75 K V A, Type O I S C, Single Phase, 60 Cycle, A. C. 22000-2300 4000 Star, Serial Numbers 270669, 270670 and 270671, the price there for to be determined by the best price obtainable by the Company upon sale thereof to some person, company or corporation to whom the I Company may be able to Bell the same, and the Bald Drlce for said (transformers shall either be paid In casn or allowed as an offset by the Company against any amount which may be found due or payable by the City to the Company. The Company agrees upon the rat ification of this contract, by the qual ified voters of the City of Ashland, to cause to be surrendered by proper deed or acquittance, to be executed by the Ashland Electric Power & Light Company, the franchise here tofore granted by the City to said Ashland Electric Power & Light Company, by ordinance of said City numbered 62, and upon such sur render or conveyance of said fran chise, and the rights thereunder granted, to cease and discontinue within and throughout the City the distribution and sale of electricity to the Inhabitants thereof, save and ex cept that the Company shall have the right to maintain and operate during the period of five (5) years, from the ratification hereof, a line of poles and wires on and along Nevada Street, Mountain Avenue and the Ashland Boulevard, from its substa tion to be hereafter established in said City, a line of service leads for the purpose of conducting electricity thereon to the district outside the City limits, known as Bellview, and at the expiration of the said period of five (5) years, or within such earlier period as may be agreed upon, to remove said lines of poles and wires, and construct another line upon such route as may be designat ed and provided by the City, provid ed, that the City shall designate and provide a reasonably direct route which shall cause the Company, In the construction of a new line, no unnecessary expense either in its con structlon or its maintenance,- and when so constructed the Company shall have the right and privilege to maintain end operate said line for and during the remainder of twenty (20) years from the ratification here of, but during said time the Com pany shall not sell or distribute from said line any electricity within the limits of said City, it being under stood "that the said line shall be maintained as a service lead and tel ephone line only for the sale and distribution of electricity by the Company beyond the limits of the said City of Ashland, end tne com pany shall also have the right and privilege to erect and maintain a line of poles and wires wnicn snaii be a high tension line, and a distrib uting main and a Company telephone line on and along revaaa btreet, Oak Street and Mountain Avenue north of Nevada Street, In said city, from the limits thereof to the sub-station of the Company on Nevada Street, from which sub-sta tion the electricity hereinafter pro vided for shall be delivered by the Company to the City. The City shall have the right and privilege, subject to the rules and re quirements of the Railroad Commis sion of Oregon, to maintain upon the poles of said line or service lead, on Mountain Avenue and Boulevard, such of its wires as may be accommo dated thereon, but such wires shall be maintained at the expense of the City of Ashland, and it shall pay for uDkeeD. repairs, reconstruction ana maintenance of said poles to the Company, its proportion thereof. In consideration, of tne premises. and as a further consideration or thla aereement. the City agrees to purchase from the Company as It may require, and the Company agrees to sell and deliver to the City continuously and for a twenty-four (24) hour service during the full period of twenty (20) years from the ratification of these presents by the Qualified electors of the City, such a quantity or amount of electricity at its sub-station to be constructed in said City, as may be necessary to satisfy and fulfill the demands of the city for Its use and sale at the following rates and prices, to-wit: When the meter reading during the period of one month shows the current consumed to amount to 100,000 kilowatt hours or less, the price therefor shall be One (lc) cent per kilowatt hour. Should the meter reading show 70,000 kilowatt hours or less during any one month, the fixed minimum charge therefor snail De seven Hun dred ($700.00) Dollars. 100,000 kilowatt hours $1000.00 all over this and not over 200,000 kilowatt hours .008 per kilowatt hour additional 200,000 kilowatt hours $1800.00 all over this and not over 400,000 kilowatt hours .006 per kilowatt hour additional 400,000 kilowatt hours $3000.00 all over 400,000 kilowatt hours .0075 per kilowatt hour. Tt is aereed that the minimum monthly amount to be paid by the City to the Company shall be $700.00 during tne entire me oi mis contract. . The foregoing rates shall appiy nnlv to such electricity as may be used or sold in said City for lighting. motor service or power ubo anu r-nnidnz. and other purposes except heating, and shall be delivered to the said City upon an Independent or spnnrate circuit or lead out of the Company's sub-station, and shall ap ply during the life, of this agree ment, unless during said period the Company shall sell electricity for like purpose, service and in like quantity to any other City In Jackson, Jose phine or Klamath Counties in Ore eon, at a less rate, and thereupon the said City of Ashland shall be entitled to such less rate as may be paid by such other City In any of said counties. There shall be delivered to said City upon a separate and Independ ent circuit or lead electricity which may be distributed and sold by said City for the purpose of heating only, and the term "heating" shall be con strued as applying to the heating of water, rooms, dwellings, stores and buildings, and the rate to be paid monthly by tho City to the Company therefor shall be .0023 per kilowatt hour, but always in excess of, and separate from the amount due on ac count of the use of electricity from the circuit or lead hereinbefore de scribed for lighting, power and cook ing, and It Is understood and agreed that the City shall have the right to demand and purchase one-third (1-3) or Icsb of the electricity sold by the Company in the Rogue River Valley for heating purposes, and the Company shall supply the same. And If the present rate of the Company Is raised by the Railroad Commission of Oregon elsewhere in the Rogue River Valley, It shall likewise be raised to the City of Ashland, and if said heating service Is discontinued or abandoned by the Company In the Rogue River Valley, by order of the Railroad Commission of Oregon, It shall also be discontinued and aban doned to the City of Ashland, and the Company shall not be required after thirty (30) days' notice thereof to the City to sell or deliver electric current therefor to said City. All electricity shall be measured by suitable meters Installed for such purpose, one by the Company and one by the City, on each circuit pro vided for herein, to the end that cor rect readings as to the amount of current delivered to said City may be had. The officer, agent or employe of tbe City, and the agent or employe of the Company appointed for the purpose of reading said meters, shall meet at the sub-station of the Com pany at 12:00 o'clock noon on the first day of each and every month, and then and there read the respect ive meters herein provided for. If there shall be a material difference between the meter register of the City and the meter register of the Company, on either of said leads or circuits, the said meters shall Imme diately be tested, and upon such test, the reading of that meter found to correctly register, shall be accepted as correct. If both meters shall, upon test, be found to Incorrectly register, then the amount thereof shall be mutually agreed upon or determined by three electrical experts, one to be selected by the City, one by the Com pany, and the two to select a third. All electricity to be delivered by the Company to the City at the Company's sub-station as aforesaid shall be delivered by what is known as 2300 volts, Starred or "Y" con nected, Three Phase, Alternating current. The variation or tne arore said voltage shall conform strictly to Rule 25. File No. U F 61, of the Railroad Commission of the State of Oregon, or as the same may be here after modified by said Commission. The Company shall not be respons ible for failure to deliver electric current to the City by reason of any unavoidable accident to ita lines or power plants; the order or Injunction of any court; the inevitable act of God, or any other cause beyond Its reasonable control, and the Company shall use all due and rer.r.juable dili gence and effort et all times to re pair its lines and plants and to de liver electric current as herein pro vided. Uoon determining the amount of electricity delivered to the City dur ing any and every month as arore- sald, the City hereby agrees to pay to the Company in cash at the re corder's office of the City of Ash land, Oregon, on or before the fif teenth day of each and every month, the amount which may be found due for the previous month, out of the Special Electric Fund of the City. During the life of this agreement, the Company hereby agrees not to sell electricity to any consumer with in the limits of said City, other tfcan to the City, nor otherwise enter Into competition with it, and the City on its part agrees for sucn perioa not to purchase electricity from any per son, company or corporation, otner than the Company, the party of the second part, and the City further agrees not to extend Its lines for the service of electricity beyond its lim its where such service may In any manner interfere, or be tn competi tion with the service of the Company In such outside territory, but this provision shall not be construed as Dreventlnc the City from generating electricity at the plant now owned by said City on A3hland Creek. If at any time during the life here of the City shall extend its boundary lines and thereby include additional territory within said City, and prior to such acquisition the Company shall have erected and maintained poles, wires and distributing system therein for the service of its patrons, the City shall upon acquiring such additional territory immediately pur chase from the Company and pay for the distributing Hues used in the dis tribution and sale of electricity therein, Including poles and other ap paratus used in connection tnere wlth, the price therefor to be deter mined bv three (3) arbitrators, one to be selected by the City, one by the Company, and the two so select ed to choose the third; but the Com pany sha'.l not be deprived or tne right to maintain ana operate through such acquired territory nec essary service leads, high tension and telephone lines for tne purpose oi conducting electricity necessary to the operation and conduct of Its bus iness to territory beyond, and upon such purchase of such lines by the City, the Company shall thereafter and during the . remainder of the life of this agreement cease to sell or dis tribute electricity therein to tne in habitants of the City. It is further agreed that during the life hereof, the Company will sell to the City electric power necessary for the operation of the City's Min eral Springs Pumps, not to exceed Fifteen (15) horse power, the charge therefor to be One ($1.00) Dollar per annum. The Company agrees that It will cause a suitable deed of conveyance to be made by the Ashland Electric Power & Light Company, upon the ratification of this agreement by the voters of said City- to the City, of the lot owned by said Company on Ash land Creek and formerly occupied by It for the purpose of generating eiec tricitv. the expressed consideration in said "deed to be One ($1.00) Dollar, but the true consideration to be a part of this agreement. Wherever in this agreement the term "Railroad Commission" or "Railroad Commlesion of Oregon," has been used, It is intended to apply to that body or commission of the State of Oregon having Jurisdiction over the public utilities of the State. and particularly electric light and power companies, and if during the life of this agreement the Railroad Commission of Oregon or other body or commission having Jurisdiction in the premises, shall be abolished by law, then all matters herein referred to the Jurisdiction of such commis sion shall be settled by arbitration of throe arbitrators, one to be se lected by the City, one by tbe Com pany and the two so selected to select the third, and in all cases where ar bitration is mentioned herein and shall be resorted to by the parties hereto, the decision by the arbitra tors shall be final and binding upon both of the parties hereto. Whereas heretofore there have ex isted misunderstandings and disputes between the City and the Ashland Electric Power & Light Company, and there is now pending In the Dis trict Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, a suit wherein the Ashland Electric Power & Light Company is plaintiff and the City Is defendant, to determine the validity of the franchise of the Company and I ordinance of said City numbered 62, and the respective rights of the City and tho Company thereunder, and this agreement Is entered Into for the purpose of settling and forever put at rest such disputes, misunderstand ings, and the said suit aforesaid, therefore If this agreement is not ratified by the legal voters of the City of Ashland and does not become a valid contract and obligation upon the parties hereto, each party agrees that it will not use this agreement, nor any part thereof as contained therein, against the other in the said suit pending in the United States Court aforesaid, nor claim any right or advantage therein by reason of any of the terms or conditions hereof, but If this agreement shall be rati- fled and confirmed at such election the said suit shall immediately be dismissed. It is expressly understood and agreed between the parties hereto, that the City will provide for and call a special election of the qualified electors of the City of Ashland, at which election It will cause to be sub mitted a charter amendment, which, If adopted by said electors, will rat ify, adopt and confirm this agree ment in all things, and if at such election this agreement is not rati fied, adopted and confirmed by the electors of said City voting thereat, then and in eut'i event, this agree ment fhnil not be a contract or igreemen between the parties, nor bindi-, in any manner upon said r-irties or either of them, but if this agreement is ratified and confirmed at such election, then It shall be binding upon the said City and the said Company and their successors and assigns. For the purpose of Identification of this contract, each paee of the du plicate parts hereof shall be sub scribed in ink by the initials of the mayor of the City, made by the may or, to-wit, "O. H. J.," and by the president of the Company subscribed by the president, to-wit, "J. W. C." In testimony whereof, the City has caused these presents to be executed by its mayor and recorder by resolu tion of the common council duly au thorizing the same, and the Company has caused these presents to be exe cuted by ita president and secretary by resolution of Its Board of Direct ors duly authorizing same Inter changeably In duplicate, the day and year first herein written. (City Seal) CITY OF ASHLAND. By O. H. Johnson, Mayor. By C. H. Gillette, Recorder. (Company Seal) CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY. By Jesse W. Churchill, President By Alex J. Rosborough, Secretary. Executed in presence of: JOS. B. WARE. A. C. HOUGH. H. L. WALTHER. A. C. HOUGH. State of Oregon, County of son, ss. On this tenth day of August, Jnck- 1915, before me appeared O. H. Johnson, Mayor of tho City of Ashland, Ore gon, and C. H. Gillette, Recorder of the City of Ashland, Oregon, each personally known to me, who being dulv sworn did say that he, the said O. H. Johnson, Is the Mayor of said City of Ashland, and he the snid C. H. Gillette, is the Recorder of said City of Ashland, and that tho seal af fixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of the City of Ash land, and that said instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said corporation by authority of its Com mon Council, and the said O. H. Johnson as Mayor, and the said C. H. Gillette as Recorder, each acknowl edged said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said City of Ash land, Oregon. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this the day and year first In this my certificate written. F. F. LODER, Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires December 6, 1915. J State of Oregon. County of Jack son, B8. On this tenth day of August, 1915, before me appeared J. W. Churchill, President, and Alex J. Rosborough, Secretary, respectively, of California Oregon Power Company, to me per sonally known, who being duly sworn, each did say: that he the said J. W. Churchill Is the Presi dent end he the said Alex J. Ros borough Is the Secretary of Califor nia-Oregon Power Company, a cor-1 poration, and that the seal affixed to the said instrument is the corporate I seal of sairt corporation, and that j said Instrument was signed and t sealed in behalf of sr.ld corporation I by authority of its Board of Direct ors, and said J. W. Churchill, Pres ident, and said Alex J. Rosbor ough as Secretary, each acknowl- Ratification of Contract With Power Company NOTICE CF SPECIAL ELECTION. The Recorder's Ashland, Ore., Aug. Office, 11, 1915. Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of August, 1915, the Com mon Council of the city of Ashland, Oregon, at a regular adjourned meet ing of said council, duly passed a resolution in pursuance to the pro visions of Ordinance No. 357 of said city, approved August 8, 1908, au thorizing the Common Council of the city to call special elections at any time for the purpose of amending the charter of said city, wherein and whereby by unanimous vote and with the approval of the Mayor, a special election was called to be held in the said city on the 25th day of August, 1915, for the purpose of submitting lo the legal voters of the said city of Ashland, Oregon, for their approval or rejection, an amendment to the charter of said city by adding thereto an additional section to be known as "Section 19a." And notlco is hereby given that In pursuance of the foregoing premises, a special election will be held for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of the said city of Ashland, for their approval or rejection on the 25th day of August, 1915, the follow ing proposed amendment to the char ter of the city of Ashland, to be known and designated ns "Section 19a" thereof, to-wlt: "An Act to Amend the Charter of the City of Ashland, Oregon, said charter being that certain act of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Oregon, filed In the office of the Secretary of State, October 14, 1908, entitled "An A:t to Amend an Act entitled 'An Act to Incorporate the city of Ashland in Jackson county, Oregon, and to define (he power thereof, filed in the office of the Secretary of State, February il 18S9, and the acts approved Febru ary 25, 1895, amending the same," as amended by all acts subsequent thereto, either of the Leglalative As sembly of the state of Oregon, or by vote of the qualified electors of the city of Ashland, Oregon, to provide fur an additional section to said charter, to be numbered 19a, for the Issuance of bonds of said city for the purpose of constructing, acquiring, enlarging and completing electric light and power plant or plants, for the creation of a special electric light fund, and the control thereof, and to adopt, ratify, and confirm a contract authorized by the Common Council of the city of Ashland between the city of A3hland and Californla-Ore-jon Power Company. Be It enacted by the People of the City of Ashland; That tho charter of the city of Ashland, the same being that cer tain act of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Oregon, filed in the office of the Secretary of State, Oc tober 14, 1908, entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled An Act to in corporate the city of Ashland, in Jackson county, Oregon, r.nd to de fine the power thereof,' filed in the office of the Secretary of State, Feb ruary 21, 1889, and the Acts ap proved February 25, 1895, amend ing the same,' as amended by all Acts subsequent thereto, either of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Oregon, or by vote of the qualified electors of the city of Ashland, Ore- con." be and the hereby Is amended by adding to the said char ter as the same now exists an addi tional section to bo known as Section 19a, Sec. 19a. The Common Council In addition to the powers and author ity granted and reserved by Section 19 of this charter is authorized and empowered, without any other or fur ther vote or authorization by the qualified electors of the city, to en larse. extend, renew, replace and re build any electric distributing plant or plants now owned and operated by the city, and for such purpose to pur chase any and all necessary material and apparatus therefor, and may contract for and purchase any plant or plants from any corporation en gaged in the distribution and sale of electricity within the city, and said Common Council is further author ized and empowered for nny of such purposes, and when deemed neces sary, by resolution or ordinance to borrow money on behalf of the city, pledge its credit, and issue negotiable bonds In an amount In the aggregate not to excepd $25,000.00, and are hereby further authorized and em powered to Impose and levy annually In the same manner as other taxes of said city are Imposed and levlod such taxes upon all taxable property In edged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed my of ficial seal, this the day and year first In this my certificate written. F. F. LODER, Notnry Public for Oregon. My commission expires December 5, 1915. Not a property in Ashland but that can be sold by Tidings "For Sale" ads in less time and at less cost than through tbe regular agent channel. CLEANLINESS, PERSONAL ATTENTION AND COURTESY COMBINED TO Eagle Meat Market Popular Inspect our market, and your confidence will be behind the pleasure of eating our meats. The knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary workshop will aid your digestion. SIN. Hall SCHWEIN one 107 said city as shall be necessary to pro vide for the payment of the Interest on all the bonds hereby authorized as such Interest shall become due and payable, and to constitute and create a sinking fund for the payment and redemption of said bonds at matur ity, and are also authorized and em powered to provide by ordinance or resoltuion at or before the time of the issuance of said bonds for the levy of such taxes, and for the crea tion of such sinking fund and the re tirement or said bonds, and there is hereby created a special fund of said city to be known as the "Electric Fund," which shall be by the officers of the city separate from other funds now or hereafter creat ed, and there shall be kept n said electric fund all Income and moneys wnicn snail lie paid to the city from the sale of bonds; the sale of unus able and undesirable electric machin ery and apparatus and moneys re ceived from the sale and distribution of electricity to tho inhabitants of the city, and there shall be paid out of said fund by order or warrant of the Common Council, or In accord ance with the provisions of any con tract of the city, all moneys neces sary and proper for acquiring any and all electric machinery and appa ratus; for the maintenance, enlarge ment, extension and improvement of the electric plant of the city; all amounts necessary to pay for the purchase and acquisition of electric ity for the city under any contract and in accordance with the terms thereof; wages anil salaries of em ployees en;;agad by the city In elec trical work and the operation of ita electric plant, interest on the bonds hereby and heretofore authorized for purchasing and acquiring an electric plant, and for the redumption of such bonds. That certain contract or agreement between the city of Ashland, as party of the first part, and California-Oregon Power Company, as party of the second part, executed by the mayor and recorder of the city in behalf of the city of Ashland, and by the presi dent and secretary of the said com pany on behalf of said company, on the 10th day of August, 1915, as au thorized by the Common Council of the city by resolution adopted on the 10th day of August, 1915, and all the terms and conditions thereof as the sane appear and are sot forth In said resolution of the Common Council, be and the same is hereby In all things ratified, adopted and confirmed, and declared to be the binding contract and obligation of the city of Ashland and the California-Oregon Power Company." The ballot title and number of such measure will be as follows: "An Act to amend the charter of the city of Ashland, the same being the act to incorporate said city filed with tbe Secretary of State, October 14, 1908, and the acts amendatom thereof, by providing for an addition-,. al section to said charter and act to-, be numbered 19a, providing for the - issuance of bonds of nsid city for the; . purpose of constructing, acquiring. enlarging and completing electric light and power plant or plants; ror the creation of a special electric light fund and the control thereof, and to adopt, ratify and confirm a contract between the city of Ashland and the California-Oregon Power Company." Vote Yes or No. 100 Yes. " 101 No. For the said special city election to be held on the 25th day of August, 1915, as aforesaid, the following vot ing places have been designated and' Judge3 of election appointed by the Common Council of said city, to-wlt:: First Ward: Fourth Street Fire Station. Second Ward: McCarthy Build ng, corner Granite and North Mafn streets. Third Ward: City Hall. First Ward Judges: O, W. Bene dict. W. A. Bibby and Manley Brower. Second Ward Judges: W. A. Pat rick, Alice Huntley Murphy and Mrs. E. S. Hathaway. Third Ward Judges: XV. H. Gowdy, Blanche Hicks and Mrs. L. Hilty. The two Judges last named In each ward shall also act as Clerks of elec tion. The polls will be opened from 9 o'clock In the forenoon lmtll 6 o'clock In the afternon of said dny. C. II. GILLETTE. City Recorder! HSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co C. F. BATES Proprietor.. Two warehouses near Depot. Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs Coal. Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, ASHLAND, OREGON. MAKE THE