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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1915)
ThuntdAy, Angmt 19, 1915 page fHr LCITIZENS) W- BANK CO FASH LAN If Ml A Bank Account For Good Results An account with The Citizens Hank of Aslilund will aid you in accomplish Ing splendid results in saving your money. Have you with un? sturted one Make thin your (fc-poHiU 8i y. M in i HI"" BON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Royal Arch Masons Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 of A. Siskiyou M., this August 19 Stated convocation Chapter, No.. 21, R. (Thursday) evening, 19-15. Important business. Meet prompt at 8 o'clock.. Visiting com panlons cordially welcome. W. H. McNAIR, H. P W. H. DAY, Secretary. mffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin LOCAL AND PERSONAL j i)iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiii;iiiii;iii;iii Who are "The Gows"? 22-tf Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pearson spent Tuesday in Medford. Get your automobile license and Insurance from G. H. Teo. 18-tf Miss Florence Go wen was a recent Medford visitor in the city. Get your watch repairing done at Johnson's Jewelry Store. 97-tf L. Peterson of Medford was a busl ness visitor In the city Monday. Fir or pine cordwood delivered, 15. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. 23-4t Mrs. N. Cobb and Mrs. M. A. Cobb of Chicago were tourist visitors Mon day. I. N. Mella and wife of Brlckler, Kan., were visitors in the city Tues day. "The Gows" will be in Ashland some time in the near future. Watch lor date. 22-tf The Medford militia is to move to new quarters in an uptown business block. Miss Helen Meyers of this city was the guest of Medford friends the first of the week. Claud Mlnkler is spending a few days in Medford looking after busl ness matters. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hash are en amped at Deadwood in the Dead In dtan country. W. D. Hall and William Hall of .Harvard, 111., spent the first of the week in Ashland. Fir or pine cordwood delivered, 5. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. 23-4t Mr. and Mrs. E. H. West of Med ford spent Monday afternoon visiting friends In the city. The Medford baseball team lost to Klamath. Falls in that city last Sun day by a 13 to 1 score. B. E, Slack and wife of Lewlston, Mont. stopped over Tuesday and Wednesday in Ashland. Hobb Deuel and Ben Plymale were mong the Medford people who mo tored up Tuesday evening. Mrs. D. 0. Stevenson has returned to her home In Portland after a sev eral months' stay In Ashland. C. W Root and, Wallace Carey are - enjoying an extensive automobile trip through the Willamette valley. Dr. ivkrr;;h. ;'Farnum.;and, .tjJttsrf Esther Campbell of Jennings Lodge, Ore., spent Tuesday' In Ashland. Suppose your property nad burned last night,' without being Insured? Would It ' have hurt you or almost "broken you up''?, Safe,,, surewky Is to insureIth the Billings Agency Let us tell you about the low. cost. 23-4t " "The Gows" are coming! 22-tf Food Sale. , -' The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will hold their monthly food sale Satur day, August 21, In the McCarthy building, comer Main and Granite etreets. 24-Bt "Mrs. M. T. ' Swanson ' and family and R. L. Schalel of Hood River were tourist visitors in the city WedneS' day... , - . ; There will be a shortage of factory blocks this winter. "Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. 23-4t R. E. White and Maggie White of Bement, 111., were tourist visitors vho registered at the Oregon Wed' nesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engle and Clif ford Allen and wife are enjoying a vacation outing in the Dead Indian country. E. Vroman and Tex Hlbbon spent Monday evening visiting in the city, motoring up from their Medford home. 0. Winter, Ralph VIning and Paul Winter left Monday on a camping and fishing trip into the Dead Indian country. C. P. Buck and wife of Medford came up to Ashland Tuesday morning and left on the evening train for Cal ifornia points. Get your automobile license and Insurance from G. H. Yeo. 18-tf Mrs. D. G. McCarty and daughter, who have been visiting the Tom Sneed family, left Tuesday for their home in Fresno. t Mrs. A. Weedon, who has been vis iting for some time with relatives in the city, left Tuesday evening for her home in Red Bluff. Miss Mary Huffman of Indianapo lis, lnd is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Casslus Miller, while en route to the California expositions. K. H. Hansen and daughter Metta of Myrtle Point left Tuesday after a several days' visit with the A. N. Mullen family in Ashland. George A. Goenlg and family of Woodland, Wash., spent the first of the week in Ashland and enjoyed a pleasant day in the park. Johnson the Jeweler for fine watch work. 97-tf .A. N. Mullen, a recent automobile arrival from Imperial valley, has tak en over the management of the shop department of the Ashland garage. H. W. Heyers and wife and E. A. Rogers of San Francisco acted upon the advice of chance acquaintances and stopped over Tuesday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Swingle and little boy left Tuesday evening for San Francisco and San Diego. At the latter place they will visit Mr. Swin gle's brother. ; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith or Kansas City, Mo., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cassius Miller on their return home from a two months' stay at the expositions. Mrs. May Shriver of Boise, Idaho, is a recent arrival in Ashland and has taken over Hall's novelty and art store in the Schuerman building on East Main street. Chet Tolman and Crit Tolman, Sr., arrived by automobile from Seattle Tuesday. They are en route from Alaska to Los Angeles but will spend a few days in Ashland. P. J. Brlx, wife and three children of Astoria were recent visitors at the Van Fossen home. A trip to Crater Lake was one of the most enjoyed features of their visit. Mr. and Mrs. James Hindman are camming near Mount Ashland. Oper ator Hadley Is attending to Mr. Hina- man's duties In the Western Union office during his absence. If you are taking a buckskin horse into the hills with you it would be best to paint red stripes around him. Even then some fool hunter might mistake him for a wild zebra. E. C. Starr, wife and daughter of Flint, Mich., were visitors in the city over. Wednesday and were greatly pleased with the park and natural beauties surrounding the city. Rilling Schuerman, Francis Miller and Domina Provost left Tuesday on an extended camping and fishing trip the Dead Indian country, they expect to be gone at least ten days. Dr. Hill and party of Albany and a party from Astoria who are travel ing through the country In automo biles, stopped in Ashland Tuesday and enjoyed a swim at the Natatorlum. The matter of appointing the new county pathologist to succeed M. P. Henders6n, resigned, is still unde cided. E. J. Krause of O. A. C, who was suggested, has refused the offer. Mrs. William Meyer and daughter Bernlce left the last of the week for San Francisco, where they will enjoy the sights of the exposition.. Includ ed in their California trip will be a visit, with .CedrlcMeyers at Sacra mento'. ., The congressional harbors commit tee were . Unable ' to change their schedule so as to make the trip through the Rogue River valley and lf-if; Tuesday ? evening from Grants Pass for Portland. The congressmen were greatly impressed . with the har bor pos&lbllitle at Crescent City, ac cording to the delegation of Medford men who met them at that point and escorted them, to Grants Pass. Michael O'Halloran THE NEW BOOK . by Gene Stratfon-Porter NOW ON SALE Poley's Drug Store Poley & Klhart, Druggists. 1141 M l HUM ySchoo s Soon Those in charge of the campaign for acreage for the sugar beet Indus try in the Rogue River valley have established offices at Medford and will start an immediate and thorough campaign. Among the many hunting parties who left the last of the week for the mountains in anticipation of the opening of the deer season was that consisting of Frank Blevins, Jack Bailey and John Grainger, who took the trail for the Red Mountain dis trict. William Briggs was host Wednes day afternoon to the members of the University of Oregon concert troupe who appeared at the Vining Monday, an automobile ride to the summit of the Slsklyous being greatly appreci ated by the visitors. A large number of the Pythians from northern Oregon cities who mo tored down to attend the unique ini tiation at Crater Lake visited Ash land Sunday and Monday before go ing up to the lake. The swimming baths proved to be an appreciated attraction. Miss Agnes Storey of this city and Miss Alice Uhlan of Roseburg re turned Tuesday from a two weeks' visit at the San Francisco exposition. Miss Uhlan stopped off for a brief visit in Ashland. The young ladies report a wonderfully good time and a profitable and enjoyable visit at the exposition. r New Fall Goods New Silks The popular siiks for fall will be poplins, chif fon taffeta, foilles, taffeta de chine, crepe de chine. Bought at better prices and to be sold at lower prices. New Wool Goods Serges, Emprees cloth, satin cloth, Oregon suit ings, coatings. All the best selling shades now in 6tock. New Skirts $5.50 to $7.50 buys any of our new skirts. Why pay more when such good cloths are made up in such clever styles at such popular prices. New Corsets Stock of Gossard Corsets is now at its best. Several new shipments received. Why not arrange for fitting now by graduate corsetiere. New Bags 68c to $2.50. New Belts 25c and 50c. New Motor Caps 50c to $1.00 umv a w for school. few days more to prepare You can do your buyin to good advantage at this store now. New stocks are arriving daily. Inexpensive worsteds for children's J school dresses, serges, shepherd checks 1 plaids, mohairs, etc., the yard 50c 48-in. Serge Sponged and Shrunk 98c 48-inch Fine French Serge $1.19 J- If you want the best 15c hose for cliil- J dren ask tor our new number 3d I there is no better. The New Suits $19.50. $22.50. $25.00. $27.50. $30.00 Judge not by quoted prices see them. 0 They will beat comparison in price, quality or style. May we have the pleasure of showing you these garments soon. McGee's and La Vogue guarantee behind each garment. tHIHIIIMHMHM mMmHMMtMHMMIIIIMIMIHIMMMHMMt Wonderful progress 1b being made on the Siskiyou grade, according to information given out by those iq charge of the construction work. The crusher is working full blast and several hundred feet of gravel is be ing put on the grade daily. It is planned to have the road in readiness for the concrete by early spring. The record price for Bartlett pears In the northwest this season was made Tuesday by the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association, when their first car sold in the Chicago market for $1.25 f. o. b. Medford. This was aa extra fancy, shipment, the pears coming from an Irrigated district'. 1 . It you want to buy or sell any thing, try Tidings , want aas. They do the work, , . TTTT ! I ami back for one specific "purpose. After an absence of five years many changes greet rue changes for the better. New, modern, attractive buildings are seen in all parts of the city, but Ashland's chief charm is her neat, clean, well:kept streets, together with her parking sys tem. This added to a most remarkable natural setting which no art of man can approach places Ashland in a class by herself. It I am not here to engage in a general real estate business as the Christian ministry now demands my time, but wish to say I am fully persuaded that Ashland is now developing her greatest asset, for nature has endowed Ashland abundantly with the means of restoring health (of which her marvelous mineral springs are but a part), and more money is probably spent in search of health than for any crop grown. Ilnavc observed that rapidly growing communities such as Los Angeles, Denver, Portland in fact, the entire West are dependent upon the prosperity of the whole country for their prosperity. Detroit and other automobile manufacturing centers are prosperous, war munition centers are pros perous, the vast wheat belt is prosperous, an immense corn crop is in sight and financial reports indicate a rising tide of prosperity the country over. Ashland's aggressive faith in her own future will bring her in touch with prosperity at an early date. If the whole country . were prosperous, Ashland would at this moment be prospering in a very marked degree. As . it is, real estate will be' moving in less than 30 days. Before I was in the city three hours I ' heard a lady trying to buy a certain kind of property for' cash. j M y Purpose in coming back now is, to, sell my, real estate, and I did not travel from Colorado for nothing. If I sacrifice,-you will gain. No lengthy descriptions here. Leave your name and address at Kose Bros'.i store and I'll call. Would rather hold toy best property, but it is the most salable you are the gainer. If YOU want the bargain, don't delay. I'm here to show you. Choice residence, lots near the Boulevard, acreage, cherry orchard, timber. Might trade. Delays are ' expensive to both of us. Leave your name today. i t N. J. MeasoeeF ; .r.u ;i .'V: i J 1u. ttiilHtTlllllltttfHI I tTttt fttTtTTttTtl i 1 1