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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1915)
Thursday, An (fust 8, 1015 ASITLAXD TIDINGS PACK SEVEN ilandard Oil Company's (California) 1 ZEROLEME m i OILS V CREASES ED OO f GASOLINE received highest honors at the Exposi tion. Zerolene was first in lubricating efficiency; Red Crown, first in carburet ing qualities, in purity and uniformity. Jwarded San Francisco 1915 IE Not a property In Ashland but that can be Bold by Tidings "For Sale" ads in less time and at less cost than through the regular agent channel. Having seen a picture, "Hunting for a Ford," in a contemporary pub lication, we rise to inform the editor where he can be hit by several. State Warden Says Game Plentiful Roseburg Review: Because of the greater spirit of protection shown by the hunters' clubs and the sportsmen Individually, there are more deer this year than there have been for many seasons, Is the report of Carl D. Shoe maker, state game warden, who re turned yesterday from a sixteen-day tour through the state. The warden visited the game re serves and the many hunters' clubs in order to familiarize himself with local conditions and get acquainted. All the accounts say the mountains abound with deer. Last winter the light-footed animals were little mo lested by the wildcats and cougars, as there was plenty of food to be had. The main reason for the increase, however, is the preventive measures taken by the organization of sports men. Heretofore some of the mem bers were the worst violators. They would shoot female deer and then mutilate the carcass so that it could not be recognized by the game ward ens. Since the co-operative work has been instituted between the law en forcers and the hunters most of the illegal hunting has stopped. In game district No, 1, which In cludes all the counties west of the Cascade range, the open season for China pheasants will be from October 1 to 31, with the exception of Jack son county, where only ten days' hunting will be allowed, beginning on October 1. There will be no open season in Cooc, Curry and Josephine counties. In the eastern Oregon district, with the exception of Union county, there will be no China pheasant shooting this year. The season In Union will last from Octo ber 1 to 10. Ducks are plentiful this year and will provide sport for thousands. Geese are being given pretty good care on the reserve In Harney county, so they will Increase in numbers. Bankers may have a sense of hu mor after all; those In convention In Chicago have told the farmers how to run farms and evened up with the farmers who always are telling how banks should be run. This Is Your Hotel nnd headquarters when in Portland if you are discrimin ating. Locution: center of city, ser vices unexcelled, rates as low as the lowest. Rati to You CO rooms, perday $1 M ! rooms with bnth I.' lti rooms with lath - W 2(i rooms (larEC outsidr) bath . 2.1)0 Kxtra person iu room J1.00 additional I SPE 1 Standard Literature n ... . CIAL OF! From the Publishers to the readers of the -4 r 1' -- J-'TTTTTTTT i-1 i . FOR FATHER, MOTHER SISTER, BROTHER AND THE KIDDIES For Less Than the Cost of Mail i ng Through special arrangement with the publishers, we are enabled to make our friends and subscribers the following generous offer SUNSET MAGAZINE, for four months, McCLURE'S, - - for four months, PICTORIAL REVIEW, for lour months,. LADIES' WORLD, LITTLE FOLKS, TIDINGS - - - Value 8oc Value 6oc Value 6oc Value 40c Value 40c VALUE $2.00 t - for lour months, - for lour months, FOR ONE YEAR, TOTAL VALUE, REGULAR RATES, $4.80 FOR A LIMITED TIME We offer the above Combination of Standard Literature for only . . . THIS OFFER IS OPEN TO NEW AND OLD SUBSCRIBERS ALIKE it $4.80 ZT $2.50 If you are at present a Subscriber to any of the above Publications, your Subscription will be extended. $4.80 V0T $2.50 it This is the First and Last Opportunity You will ever have to Obtain the "Family Group" of Standard Magazines at This Price SUBSCRIBE TO-DAY! Bring or Mail Your Order to THE TIDINGS t ALWAYS CASH IN ADVANCE SUNSET MAGAZINE I Exposition News and l Pictures, Western Fiction J McCLURE'S Popular Fiction PICTORIAL REVIEW Fashions, Fiction, Household LADIES' WORLD A Woman's Magazine LITTLE FOLKS Entertainment to Youngsters EARLY FIRE FIGHTERS."'" ' New York Had a Volunteer Brigade In the Seventeenth Century. There was an organized fire depart ment In New York city as early us 1048, when a fire prevention squad existed, with duties resembling those of the bu reau of Ore prevention of today. The older siiuad was made up of pollce flrenien, or flre-pollcenien, whose duty was to visit all parts of the city, which then extended from the Battery to City Hall park, aud Inspect the chimneys to see whether they were free from Are danger. Those guilty of linvhig chim neys In a dangerous condition were fined $1.50, which went to buy new equlpmcut, such as Ore ladders, hooks and buckets. In the days of the fire police of IMS the owner of each of the 2X) odd houses on Maiihatian Island hud to have one or more fire buckets In his house. These were made of leather and cost $2.50. A local shoemaker pot the contract to furnish 150 to the corporation. These buckets had to he thrown out of the houses when the watchman nave the ularni of lire. They were picked up by the volunteer firemen rushing to the blaze and used by a bucket brigade formed between the burning building und the nearest well. When the wells ran dry the brigades sometimes had to make the river their base. Any one attempting to pass through the fire Hues ut that time was doused. The man who breaks through nnd tells the chief how to fight the lire Is tin evil that has sprung up in modern times. New York Times. TRICOLOR OF FRANCE. First Adopted In 1794, It Fell and Rote Again In 1830. The French have always favored the colors of red, white nnd blue, and throughout their history red banners, white plumes und blue scarfs have been largely used In connection with royalty and the army. The French national ling, the tricolor, however, which combines the three popular colors of France, is compara tively modern. The flag was first adopted about 1704. A decree was Is- (seen Bryan Says Crater Lake Needs Tunnel Medford Tribune: "Crater Lake's greatest need Is a tunnel through the rim-rock of the lake, about fifty feet above water line, bo that visitors may reach the water's edge without the fearful cllrib now necessary," said William J. Bryan upon his return " from the lake Thursday. "I was much impressed with the beauty of the lake which may ha fairly called the world's most beauti ful lake, although cloudy weather prevented our seeing It at its best. In it Oregon has an unrivalled attrac tion, i have seen nearly all the won ders of all the countries, but In all of them there Is nothing to compare with Crater Lake. "Mr. Steel has plans for a tunnel, as the precipitous sides, the heavy snowfall and the character of tha rovk make an elevator a difficult and unsafe problem. I heartily endorse ihs plan, and when the time cornea will gladly go before the congression al committees and tell them of Cra ter Lake's needa. Having been there, 1 can talk Intelligently, and you can depend upon me to use whatever In fluence I have to help Crater Lake, its tunnels, its roads and Improve ments. "1 have thoroughly enjoyed this) trip and wish to express my apprecia tion for the courtesy shown Mrs. Bryan and myself by the Commercial Club, Greater Medford Club and citi zens, and want the good people of Medford to feel free to call upon mo when 1 can he of service." Doth Mr. and Mrs. Bryan were de lighted with what they saw on tha trip and especially enamored of tho giant forest trees and the Rogue river enscades, pronouncing the Hogue tho most beautiful stream they had ever The good roads delighted them. sued which gave to nil flags a knot of tricolor ribbons at the top of the staff, and Inter the red, white and blue de sign was chosen for the national flag. Some years after It was abolished for the white flag of France made famous by Henry IV., and It was not until 1830 that the tricolor came Into Its own ngnin. Since then the flag has been the national banner of France. The divisions on the tricolor are not all the same size. The red occupies the largest space, the blue Is slightly smaller than the red. and the white Is the narrowest stripe of the three. The space occupied by the colors has been scientifically worked out In order to make the flag visible nt long distances, a necessary nsset for navnl purposes. The tricolor forms the base of nearly every flag connected with the army, navy and merchant service of France. The president's flag consists of the tri color, with his Initials In gold worked Into the white stripe. London Standard. especially the paved Pacific highway. I Xiyl K IXSl'RAXCE FOR HAXOF.U'S HOUSE The Dog Team. Now the modus operandi of a dog team Is as follows: The leader and wheel dog are the whole works on the basis of 75 to 'J55. The leader starts 'em. he stops 'em. he picks the trail, ivided by Check No. 1 for $100 has been is sued by the Horse Insurance Associa tion of the forest service In payment of the claim of Hanger J. B. Steph enson, stationed on the Cleveland national forest In southern Califor nia. One of Stephenson's horses was recently Injured while working with a construction crew on the forest, and had to he Bhot. Satisfactory proof of loss was made to association headquarters at San Francisco and payment was promptly made. This Insurance association Is not a government institution, hut was recently formed by the forest rang es of the California-Nevada district of the forest service, for the purpose of distributing the loss that occurs when saddle and pack animals owned by its nieinliers are killed or dis abled. It Is purely mutual in charac ter, funds to pay losses being pro- nieaus of a small quarterly he turns 'em. When he wulks, the rest do; when he gallops, they gallop. All the wheel dog does Is to guide tho nose of the sled, materially assisted by the driver. The rest of the team merely pull and yelp. From which follows that n good lead er is a very desirable thing to have and a poor leader is worse than use less. The driver, at the handlebars. Is often thirty feet from the leader, the dogs being driven tandem and con trolled by word of mouth and n whip. Outing. Garlic and Milk. The odor and flavor of garlic Is due, like the odor of rotten eggs, to sul phur compounds. Garlic is a member of the onion family, grows in pastures, cultivated fields and even In the woods. Garlic is a bad pest on any farm, but Is exceptionally so on a dairy farm becnuse of the strong flavor It gives to the milk. A temporary expedient Is to keep the cows off tile Infested pasture nt least four hours before milking. This will greatly reduce the bad flavor. Then if the milk stands at least four hours the flavor may disappear altogether. Farm und Fireside. assessment. The amount of the as sessments depends upon the losses Incurred during a quarterly period. At present over 200 horses are In sured In the California-Nevada dis trict, and It is expected that this number will he greatly increased this summer. Thus far the California rangers are the only ones who have formed a horse insurance association, hut the subject is being agitated In other dis tricts and It Is expected that addi tional associations will be formed this summer. A Terrific Conflict. Caller By the way your husband Is carrying on In the next room he must be rehearsing one of his heaviest roles. Actor's Wife Dear, no! He is having a frightful mental struggle. He wnuts to have tho baby's pictures taken, and If we do some of his own will have to come down. Pittsburgh Press. The Right Verb. "I saw an opera last evening. "My dear, you see a play, but hear an opera. Not when society Is out In full force." Louisville Courier-Journal Economy. nusband I don't see why you have accounts in so many different stores. Wife Beeouse, my dear, it makes the bills so much smaller. Boston Tran script Repartee. Mr. Dudds Why do you always stand before the mirror while dressing? Mrs. Dudds To see what Is going on, of course. Puck, "Tension" is among the numerous rases ot words ot Latin ortgln spe cialized to mean -toiiiettiing which the original diil nut mean to the Romans. "Pension'' slgnlties "Imply a payment in the broadest sense, mid we are ut liberty to draw the sound moral that a pension is not really something thrown In ns a gratuity, hut deferred pay. The word tor a soldier's pay was "stipeudliiiu," and here we have an other curious shift ot meaning. Mo nody speaks of a soldiers "stipend" now. it Is a magistrate or n :iergy uinn whose pay receives that name. The "stlpendiiiin" was paid In lumps) three or four times a year, nnd the word came to be used lo mean u year's term of service, -Londou Chronicle. Fire Insurance Docs Not Prev ent WME Your duty Is what the day demands. But protects you against a catastro phe that strikes ONE INSURED MAN OUT OF THIRTY. The company of fering that protection must be Investi gated. Does It pay its claims fairly, cheerfully, without quibble and with out attempting to get out of honest obligation? That is the kind of service offered you by The Billings Agency "loiuraacc That Ininres" Phone 211 41 E. Main HEAL ESTATE AND INSCRAXCE. ri Goethe. - - -- J..1.J.J.XA.1J.J rTTTTTTTrTTTTTvTTl i ii 1 1 1 1 1 i' titiiittst