Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 14, 1915, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mgpday, Jane 14, 181 g ,
Ashland Tidings
Issued Mondays and Thursdays
Official City and County Paper
Itert It. Greer,
Lynn Mowat,
Editor and Owner
. News Reporter
In "Exercise and Health," an edu
cational leaflet from the United
States Public Service, a note of
warning is sounded. The death rate
after the age of forty is increasing
in spite of more sanitary modes of
living and greater protection against
The Home Circle
Thoughts from the Editorial Ten
One Year $2.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months 50
Payable in Advance.
Advertising rates on application.
First-class Job printing facilities,
Equipments second to none in the
How to Hang Home Pictures.
Pictures should always be selected
No subscriptions for less than three
months. All subscriptions dropped at
expiration unless renewal is received.
communicable disease. The expecta-'with regard to the room for which
tion of life after forty is less than they are intended, taking into con-
it was thirty years ago. This is due sideratlon the use of the room, its
largely to increasing prevalence of size, the relative spacings of the wall,
the diseases of degeneration. The 'and the wall coverings. If the room
muscles, arteries and other organs to be furnished is a dining room, then
of those who as a result of sedentary 'one may use for it marine scenes,
occupation or indolence take too little landscapes, still life, but almost never
exercise degenerate. Heart disease, ! are the so-called "dining room" pic
kidney disease and other ill follow. Itures of fruit and fowls either beautl-
Take exercise. Take daily exer-'ful or appropriate. Family portraits
cise. Have a hobby that gets you out or portraits of famous men are also
of doors. Walk to your business, to out of place in the dining room. They
your dressmakers, walk for the sake may be displayed to advantage In the
of walking. Join a walking club and library; or if the house be too small
behind counter or, desk. It is an
honor to know this girl to be wor
thy of her regard. Her hands may be
stained by dish washing, sweeping,
factory grease or printing ink, but It
is an honest and helping hand. It
stays misfortunes from names; it is
our shield which protects many a for
lorn little family from almshouse and
the asylum.
In ordering changes of the piper
always five the old street address or
postoffico as well as the new.
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon,
Postoffice as second-class mail matter.
Ashland, Ore., Monday, June 14, 1.
The writer took a drive over Ash
land the. other evening with a special
view of comparing yard develop
ments this year with the same last
year, and was very much surprised to
find what splendid civic spirit was
illustrated by private citizens in beau
tifying their own premises.
During the months of July and
August, this year, Ashland will pre
sent a more comely aspect than ever
before. High civic spirit is being
rapidly developed here, showing the
willingness of the people to co-operate
in beautifying Ashland for an at
tractive resort and home city. Ash
land is to be congratulated upon this
spirit. Nothing is more catching
than beautiful yard development and
no doubt next spring practically all
of the yards will be beautified and
the vacant lots cared for.
Ao you descend from Glenview
Drive, looking down the hill to the
left, the eye meets the properties of
Mr. Pracht and Mr. Christensen, with
a vacant lot between. Mr. Pracht's
yard has long been a place of beauty,
but the vacant lot on the east, and
the property now occupied by Mr.
Christensen, has been unkept and
presented a rough aspect. This year
Mr. Christensen is developing beauti
ful flower beds on the rear of his lot
adjacent to Glenview Drive and the
next resident property owner, holding
the lot between Mr. Pracht's and Mr.
Chrlstensen's place, got the inspira
tion, has had the lot plowed, and Mr.
Tracht and Mr. Christenspn have
planted it and established a beautiful
rose hedge along the front of It. Be
ing in full view of our Scenic Drive,
that spot will soon become one of
note, contributing its full share to
ward civic beauty.
keep your weekly score of miles.
Keep chickens, make garden, wheel
the baby or play golf or any other
game, but take two hours outdoor
exercise every day. Gymnasium work
is good for those who like It and can
afford it, but avoid heavy athletics.
Don't try to be a "strong man" the
champion athlete often dies young.
Be a moderate, persistent daily expon
ent of exercise. You may not burn
the family carriage, as Benjamin
Franklin suggested, but at least, as
he advised, walk, walk, walk.
to include a room given over to this
purpose, the portraits of famous men
might be grouped in the living room
and the family portraits hung in the
bedrooms of the members of the fam
ily. The widest range of choice lies
In the selection of pictures for the
living room. Here one may use al
most any subject; scenes, still life,
or copies of any of the old master
pieces are always in good taste.
The young man with limited means,
who has but a few hundred dollars to
begin life with, or perhaps has noth
ing but a pair of strong and willing
hands, we would say to all such young
men that the farm is the best place
In the world. Do not be afraid of
toil, but set an example to the weak,
lazy, loiterer about town by putting
your hand to the plow.
Nearly six million dozen eggs were
imported Into this country In 1914,
according to "Commerce and Naviga
tion of the United States, 1914."
Only a million and a half dozen, were
imported in 1913. Of dried yolks
and frozen eggs there were Imported
In 1913 only 228,000 pounds, but in
1914 the importations grew to 3,400,-
000, an increase of 1,500 per cent.
Why this increase? In 1913 eggs
paid an Import duty of 5 cents a
dozen, but in 1914were free. Yolks
and frozen eggs were kept out by a
25 per cent ad valorem duty in 1913,
but this was reduced to 10 per cent
in 1914.
Some were laid in Germany,
And some In far Japan;
And some were laid in China,
In the days of Ghenghis Khan.
But whence they came or where they
This thought gives small enjoy
The hens and roosters in this land
Were robbed of their employment.
Allowing an average per hen of
Do your city papers say anything
in regard to your locality? Do they
contain notices of your schools,
lodges, churches and hundreds of lo
cal matters of Interest which your
home paper publishes? Not an item.
Do they say a word calculated to
draw attention to your town and aid
your enterprises? Not a line. And
yet there are men who take contract
ed views in this matter, who think
that unless they are getting as many
square inches of reading matter in
their home paper, they are not get
ting the worth of their money. Take
the city paper if you want one, but
don't show such a lack of wisdom as
to crowd out the local paper from
your home.
The Commercial Club requests the
names arid addresses of parties who
are considering coming to the coast
his summer. We wish to send them
literature and give them a good con
ception of Oregon. 74-tf
X The Oldest National Bank in Jackson County J
Member Federal Reserve System i
Capital and Surplus $120,000.00
City of Ashland County of Jackson State of Oregon
United States of America .
Give the Boy a Chance.
The world's record for corn raising
belongs to Walter L. Deenson, an
Alabama boy, yet in his early teens.
Last year this boy raised 232 bushels
of corn on a single acre of land,
which is the largest yield per acre
ever recorded. This remarkable rec
ord was made by an ordinary boy and
on ordinary land. He became Inter
ested in corn raising and studied into
the matter of the kind and proper use
of fertilizers and proper cultivation.
As a result of putting his knowledge
120 eggs a year, the importation of ' Practical use he raised 232 bushels
these 72,000,000 eggs threw 600,000
hens out of work for 1914, or put
1,200,000 on half time.
A song that is sailing toward the
high seas of popularity starts off
wit hsome words like these:
"Nab it, grab it, get the dollar habit!"
Wrong- That's not the habit to
get, or to grab or to nab.
This Isn't the time of the year to
acquire a "dollar habit" If Indeed
there ever Is any time of the year In
which the "dollar habit" is a good
But, there are other habits that are
good and useful during the coming
summer days.
If you want to nab or grab a habit
that Is really worth while, why not
Nab the "outdoor habit!"
Grab the "take" the family to the
Get the "fresh air habit."
Let the "dollar habit" take care of
itself. You must have money In or
der to take a day off one In a while.
The dollar Is necessary so that you
ran have beefsteak and shoes. But
at best It's grubbing to get It and It's
not to be mentioned in the same
breath with the great, enjoyable
things of life.
In dealing with other men my first
rule will always be one of unchang
ing courtesy. I will scrupulously
avoid extravagant claims and superla
tive statements. In order that I may
at all times make my meaning clear
to the other man, I will make it a
habit to seek and use the right word.
Above all, I will strive to cultivate
and keep fresh within me a sense of
humor which will enable me to get
my neighbor's point of view, to laugh
with him Instead of at him, and to
see myself as others see me.
I remember that wise man a re
mark, about those who want to be
mayors. I appreciate the necessity
for organization and leadership in
any concern of this kind. Discipline
with me will always be a thing to be
taken for granted. I shall regard the
opportunity to take orders from oth
era as a step toward fitting me for
the lamer responsibility that I am
seeking up ahead. From contact with
my superiors I expect to learn that it
is always better to ask a man to do
something than it Is to order him to
do it.
of corn on one acre of land, thereby
winning the championship of the
world. What Walter L. Deenson has
done serves to show what a common
everyday, out and out boy can do if
he is given the chance. There are
thousands of ambitious boys on the
rich farms of this state who never
know what it is to be encouraged to
take an interest in agriculture or
stock raising. If these boys were
given a small plot of ground and
some seed corn, tor example 10
plant and cultivate, a circus would
not be able to turn their thoughts
very far away from the enchanted
spot where a wonderful harvest will
be theirs to reap. A boy may not be
able to raise 232 bushels of corn on
an acre of his father's land, but he
can do well enough to make his ef
forts worth while. What boy in this
county Is going after that world's
championship record next year?
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Jackson County.
Henry Fox, Plaintiff,
Nettie Pence, Asa Pence, Sebelda A.
Parsons, llliam Parsons, John E
Murray, Emma Murray, W. B.
Murray, Sarah E. Murray, J. W.
Brown, Effie L. Brown, W. T.
Brown Sr., Wm. T. Brown Jr.,
Martha Brown, J. N. Brown, Ber
tha N. Brown, G. L. Martin, Jennie
Martin, Chas. M. Brown, Ralph
Allen, Olive Allen, W. W. Green,
Lucy C; Green, Mary Annette
Brown, and all other persons un
known, claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real
estate described in the complaint,
To Nettie Pence, Asa Pence, Sebelda
A. Parsons, William Parsons, John
E. Murray, Emma Murray, W. B.
Murray, Sarah E. Murray, J. W.
Brown, Effie L. Brown, W. T.
Brown Sr., Wm. T. Brown Jr., Mar
tha Brown, J. N. Brown, Bertha N.
Brown, G. L. Martin, Jennie Mar
tin, Chas. M. Brown, Ralph Allen,
Olive Allen, W. W. Green, Lucy C
Green, Mary Annette Brown, and
all other persons unknown, claim
ing any right, title, estate, lien or.
interest in the real estate described
in the Complaint filed herein, the
above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Ore
gonr you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the Complaint oi
the above plaintiff In the above enti
tled court, now on file with the Clerk
of said Court, within six weeks from
the date of the first publication here
of, and if you fail to appear and an
swer said Complaint as hereby re
quired, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded
therein, to-wlt: For a decree of the
Honorable Court adjudging any claim
of defendants, either or all of them,
known and unknown, to be null and
void as to all of said tract of land
therein described, to-wit: The E1
of SWy4, NW4 of SE and SW
of NEVi of Sec. 32, T. 38 S., R. 2 E.,
W. M., Oregon, and quieting the title
in and to the same in this plaintiff
against any and all of said defend
ants and each of them be forever re
strained from asserting or maintain
ing any right or title in or to said
described tract of land and that the
Eagle Meat Market Popular
Inspect our market, and your confidence will be behind the
pleasure of eating our meats. The knowledge of cleanliness and
a sanitary workshop will aid your digestion.
84N.MaiaL. SCHWILIN Phone 107
decree in said case be declared to be
in the nature of a deed of conveyance
and entitled to record as such, and
that plaintiff have such other relief
as the Court sees fit and proper in
the premises.
This summons is served by publica
tion thereof under and by virtue of
an order of the Hon. F. M. Calkins.
Judge of said Court, dated the 23rd
day of February, 1915.
Date of first publication, May 3,
1915. GEO. W. TREFREN.
98-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
Ashland Residents Are Learning How
to Exchange the Old Back for
a Stronger One.
Does your back ache, feel weak
and painful?
Do you suffer headaches, languor
and depression?
Is the urine discolored, passages
The kidneys may be calling for
Weak kidneys cannot do their
Give them the help they need.
To cure a kidney backache yo
must cure the kidneys.
Use a tested and proven kidney
Doan's Kidney Pills have stood the
test. Convincing proof of merit In Ash
land endorsement:
R. E. Allison, railroad conductor,
556 B street, Ashland, says: "I suf
fered from my back and kidneys. I
have never found anything that has
given me as quick and positive relief
as Doan's Kidney Pills. They are
just as represented. Any one can try
them with confidence as to the re
sults." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Allison had. Foster-Milburn,
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Galvanized pipe has gone up, so I
am compelled to raise my price to 19
cents per foot for two-inch, three
quarters of a cent less than any one
can lay it here. Emil Pell. 4-tf
We Give a Horselaugh
when we see the way some horses are
shod. The horses don't laugh, how
ever. Neither would we if we wore
such ill fitting, uncomfortable shoes.
Bring or send your horse here to be
shod in our way. Then the horse
will feel like laughing and working
more willingly too.
Comer First Ave. and C St.
Successor to W. W. WllBon.
If the writer had a little capital to
nut with his faith in the future of
Ashland he would make $100,000 out
of real estate Investments here .dur
ing the next two years. Ashland sup
plies the best opportunity for profit
able Investment by men who know
than any other city on the Taclflc
coast at this time. All of Ashland
property will advance, but, of course,
thero are particular spots, by reason
of development about them, that will
Increase in value quick. Many of
these have already been taken by far-
sighted citizens.
Ranler H. C. Mowrey has pur
chased plant here and will be known
as Mowrey Lumber & Timber Com
pany. Planing mill being installed,
dock facilities Improved, sheds being
extended, and plant to operate soon
The girl who .works God bless
her! She Is brave and active. She
Is not too proud to earn her own lly
Ing or ashamed to be caught at her
dally task. She smiles at you from
.k .r Unrrlri for CHI-CHHS-TBR S A
VIAHUflU iikaind riM.s in KFD and
Staple and Fancy
Dry Goods
Sorosls Shoes
Butterick Patterns
Gold metallla boxes', sealed with Bl
Rlbboa Tam NO OTHER. DMrtnipv
Drat.l uk tor CIII.CUKS.Ttll V
Ashland has a young business man
who It terribly handicapped by the
pranks of a foolish dad. Too bad. If
the young fellow bad a chance he"
would develop Into one of the most
successful merchant! In southern Ore
year regarded oa Dent, Safest, Alwayt Reliable.
Parasols Reduced
Our entire stock sun shades
: regular values up to $3.00
jnow $1.00
Children's parasols values to
$1.25 pow, each 25c
One lot of wash goods regu
lar 45c kind, now, yd. . .20c
Money &wip
Good Seasonable merchandise at REDUCED PRICES, things
that you need during the warm weather.
Middy Blouses
, Regular $1.50 kind now. .98c
All ladies . white wash waists
former prices were $1.00 to::
$3.00, now each . . . 49c ::
One lot of dainty flowered
wash goods now 12 l-2c yd.
Shoe Special
One lot children's barefoot
: sandals and white canvas
: pumps, special 49c pair.
Ladies'' low shoes, regular : :
$3.00 to $3.50 values, special i j
$1.98 pair.
X Uo Best in Quality
XSho Lowest In Price