Thursday, Jane 3, 19Nj 1 a cot vn rrrrf wr'a pack four . " " EVANGELIST EVANS GETS TKE PEOPLE fl ,00 110' CKOWDS (MITTANC IONCS Afi TURNED AWAY FROM CHURCH v CROWDS ARE GROWING; NTCRCST l DCEPCNINO IN rvwr.nigTic wmiir.i WHAT THE NEWS PAPERS SAY WANS 'en mas ."Ue0 KROWDS AT THE EVAN? SERVICE ft 52 . Chautauqua. Irk Club. The Chautauqua Park ClubTneets tomorrow afternoon(- Friday) at the Chautauqua ball at 2:30 o'clock. AH members are urged to be present. Summer Term. Summer term at the .high school wfll begin Monday, June 7. Pupils should make arrangements as early as possible with the individual teachers. Merley Circle. I.Irs. F. E. Walters, Mrs. Mastiers and Mrs. Keller entertained the Mer- ley Circle at the latter's htme on Allison street fast Wednesday after noon. About twenty-five ladies were present. The time was spent with music, conversation 'and fancy work. Delicious refreshments were served and all departed vowing they had had Christian without being a "hot-foot- AT THE CHURCHES J i:::tttti:::t:;tt::::::i:t::ut:t:t:t::::nt::t:::tt Bruce' Evans is Drawing the Crowd. "Stagnation is the next station to damnation." "The church has only been success ful so' long as she. has been aggres sive. 'A fire engine always has right of way. Any old thing can impede i the progress of an ice wagon or a' wheelbarrow." "A little fellow was asked why he fell out of bed and replied it was because he had sone to sleep too near where he had gotten in. That is why your are a backslider, brother you went to sleep too near where you went in!" Bruce Evans says no man an be a Vining Theatre ONE NIGHT FRIDAY, JUNElth Hobart BoFWorth in Jack London's Great Alaskan l'hoto Play "Burning Daylight" a jolly good time. ed" Christian. He meant by that that every man who is tied up with I the church in any way ought to be tied up in every way. Evans goes on the theory that a man who fails to crown the Christ Lord of all does not crown Him Lord at all. In the Social Realm I , ,.. 1 H iM"M'Vit4it4 1 1 1 1 1 Mi t f '' 1 1 1 1 t1 ' Auxiliary. Commencing last Monday, the Aux iliary Club rooms on Vista street will be open every afternoon to the mem bers and Friday afternoons to the public. Tea and wafers will be as ne maices every one can mm, nave served for 10 cents. The club met,88 "e maxes every one call him, have In roinilar KAssinn Tupsdav pvenine i been growing since Sunday night. A of last week the second and fourth great crowd was present last night Tuesdays of each month having been chosen as meeting nights. WednemLiy Kvening Dance. A large crowd of jolly Jancers at tended a dance given by Percy Dag gart and Sam Kaler Wednesday even ing in Memorial hall. Delegate to National Convention. Mrs. Etta Lam kin and Mrs. Emma Jack are in Portland attending the national convention of Federated Women's Clubs as delegates from the local organizations. Reception. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore of Port land are giving a post-nuptial recep tion Friday evening, June 4, in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Harry IJ. Moore. Mrs. Moore was formerly Miss Marie Rice of this city. It. It. Telegrapher Delegate Returns. F. E. Walters, wire chief and man ager of the railroad telegraph office, returned from St. Louis Tuesday. Mr. Walters was delegate from the Shasta district to the grand conven tion of the Order of Railroad Teleg raphers. There were nearly five hun dred telegraphers from all parts of the United Sattes and Canada present and a rousing session was held.' Will Entertain. School Itnlly. . The Neil Creek school will have a big rally all day Friday. Professor Grlffen, head of the boys' and girls' industrial department of the O. A. C, will speak in the afternoon. Pro- Mrs. E. D. Briggs will entertain feB80r Relmer of the experiment sta-1 this afternoon the executive board of tlon.wlll also address the school and the Civic Improvement Club and the M Calkins will give readings. ! .. 1 1 If ..1 AnMMt.4A 4 tin. f . . n ' l on Almond street. MuhIc. W. It. C. Food Sale. At the Ashland Trading Company, 153 East Main street, Saturday, June An especially attractive nrocram b Irom 10 a. m- t0 P- nl- very of musical numbers haB been ar-! person purchasing 00 cents worth of ranged by Director Lawrence of the ' food w111 et a recelpe book free Lyric orchestra for the Sunday even ing concert. ' L Thirtieth Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Russell and son Claud of Yreka. Cal., are visiting at the home of Mrs. A. H. Russell. To day is the thirtieth wedding anni versary of the visiting couple. Thirty years ago they came into the city In a stage. We" kindly request every member to luring their offering early. By request of the executive committee. Pleasant Hour Club. The Pleasant Hour Club met with Mrs. J. Sam Wilson last Thursday In a farewell reception to the club's late president, Mrs. Ruckle, and spent a very delightful afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ruckle are leaving overland for a trip through eastern Oregon, where they will dispose of their outfit and go back to their old home in Iowa for a visit. and men who are not accustomed to be seen in church were there in good ly numbers. The evangelist is unlike a great many men in his profession inasmuch as he does not berate and browbeat every person with whom he disagrees. All the pastors o fthe city were on the platform last night and took part in the services. Prayer meetings are being held in several homes in differ ent parts of the town, representing different denominations, at 10 o'clock. Evans speaks in the Baptist church at 3, 4 and at 8. You may not like him, but you are advised to take a nap before you go, for Bruce will certainly keep you" awake. I irpt, i . "-""XT1! 9:45. Morning worship at 11; theme, "Prayer a Manly and Perpet ual Duty." Y. P. S. C. E. at 7. Even- ng Bervice at 8; subject, "The Un known Quantity." You are cordially invited to attend. Rev. R. W. Far- quhar, minister. . - Dickey Brings Hack Bride. Frank Dickey returned the last of the week from Portland bringing a , bride with him. The lady was for jnierly Mrs. Dickey, her husband hav ing been killed In a railroad accident ( several years ago. Mr. Dickey is one iof the most popular of the Ashland i railroaders and a host of friends will Klk to Dan e. welcome his wife. Tomorrow evening the local Elks will enjoy an Informal dance In the! Medfonl (Jrl..lies Scale Elks' ballroom. While the regular; Forty-six members of the Medford 'series of Elks dances has been com-' Grizzly hiking club climbed Grizzly pleted, the Elks were Just beginning peak last Sunday and enjoyed a very to get really Interested, and this ad- pieaasnt day of real mountaineering, ditional dance was put on to answer Moving pictures of the crowd were the demand for more. taken by. A. C. Allen. The Medford t Tribune concludes an Interesting artl- Cool I'liM-r to Dance. 'cle on the trip with the following: Lovers of terpslchorean tripping "No one who has ever had the will be glad to learn that the dancing pleasure of viewing the Rogue River season at the Natatorlum will open Valley from this peak, with the great Saturday evening with a big orches- systems of mountain ranges on every tra, a fine floor and a jolly time as- and the snow-rapped peaks of sured under the direction of Manager Mount Shasta, Mount. McLoughlln Hum Pracht. Everybody In Ashland and Mount Ashland In the distance, and the valley Is Invited to attend the will ever regret 'making the trip to opening dance. jthe summit of Grizzly peak." Rand Dance. The Ashland armory has been se cured for the monster band ' dance which will take place a week from Friday evening. Out of town people are expected in large numbers' and Ashlanders will turn out en m'sse to dance to the strains of the best music ever orfered at a local dance and to hear the twenty-piece symphony or chestra. Preparations are being made to make the event an epoch making affair. Baptist Church Xotes. J. Bruce Evans Is this week con ducting meetings in the Baptist church. Hundreds of people have heard him thus far, and most every body in town Is hearing about and thinking of him and his meetings And when you hear him he makes you think of God and the Investment of your life here and hereafter. . Sunday school will be at 9:45. . Morning worship at 11. J. Bruce Evans will preach. B. Y. P. V. will meet at 6:45. Leslie Phillips will lead. The evening service will begin at 8 o'clock. Come early It you expect to get a seat. Bnrrett.Xeil. Miss Irene Barrett and Ellis Neil of Ashland were married Thursday evening at Yreka at the home of the Methodist minister, Rev. McKay. The ceremony was performed at 7:30 In the presence of a few friends. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Barrett of the Kingsbury springs district and Is one of the most popular members of the younger set. The groom is a son of L. A. Nell and has recently been conducting the ranch east of the city. Both are well known locally. The young couple re turned to Ashland Tuesday and Tues day afternoon were In the city re celvlng the congratulations and good wishes of their many frlenii. They will make their home here. Epworth Ieaguers. Those wishing to attend the Ep worth League convention at Medford Sunday afternoon and evening please phone or hand your name to H. S. Palmerlee. Special car will leave Ashland at 2 p. m., 'returning at 9:30 Those going Friday to stay through the convention please notify J. O Rlgg. Congregational Church. The usual services will be held on Sabbath, June 6. Sunday school at An 8-Reel Paramount Production for 10 and 15 Cents First 'Church of Christ, Scientist. Corner Hargadine street and First avenue. Sunday service at 11. sub ject of lesson sermon. "God the Only Cause and Creator." Sunday school at 9:45. Wednesday evening meet ing at 7:30. Reading room open from 2 to 4 daily except Sundays. Presbyterian Church. There will be regular services at thap Presbyterian church Sunday morning, June 6. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock. No prayer meeting this week or next. Statement of the Ownership, Manage ment, Circulation, Etc., - of Ashland TidlngB, published semi- weekly at Ashland, Ore., required by the act of August 24, 1912: Name of editor: Bert R. Greer. Managing editor: Bert It. Greer. Business manager: Bert R. Greer. Publisher: Bert R. Greer. Bert R. Greer, owner. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: F. D. Wagner, mortgagee, Ashland, Ore. BERT R. GREER, Owner. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of April, 1915. Q. F. BILLINGS, Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires January 6, 1916.) New Hector Arrives Tomorrow. Tho Rev. P. K. Hamnlond will ar rive in Ashland Friday noon to tatke charge of the Episcopal church here. His wife and daughter will arrive Saturday. Services Sunday at the Episcopal church will no doubt be under his charge. Mr. Hammond comes to Ashland from Oregon City, where he has endeared himself to the people. The Tidings received a let ter from E. E. Brodie of Oregon City, president of the State Editorial Asso ciation, praising Mr. Hammond very highly. Mr. Brodie says: "Mr. Hammond js. a personal friend of mine. He is a genial gentleman and I know that he will be a welcome addition to the social and religious life of your community." Notice for Bids. Sealed bids will be received up to 5 o'clock p. m. June 1, 1915, at the office of the company, 65 East Main street, Ashland, Ore., for the hot sul phur springs Installation. Plans and specifications may be secured upon application. SMITH, EMERY & CO.. 2-2t 65 E. Main St., Ashland. Ore. Benton Bowers has been laid up during the past week with an attack of grippe and bronchitis combined. Johnson the jeweler for fine watch work. 97-tf Birds for sale. Trained songsters. English orioles. 44 B street. 3-2l CoiTect probably carry the Urgent margin of profit of Hiiy food products you buy, 'it was this condition we sought to chnnge when we reorganized our coffee business a year ag). ltig selling expenses of exclusive coffee house are really respousihle lor the large profits, llecause coffees nre but one brunch of our business, we are able to keep our expense of letting them to the consumer from 40 to W per cent under other concerns. Wc are giving this saving to our custom ers in the slinpe of bet ter vnjues. KoyulClub is the best cofiiTee on the mnrVct. ut 5c to 15c a pound left. Tripling i ; jijisiw f " i Lang & Company Royal Club food Products. Portland. mm Morris-Lindsay. Two Ashland young people. Miss Nina Morris and Mr. Sam Lindsay, were married at San Diego at 9 o'clock on the morning of May 24. The ceremony took place at the resi dence of Rev. Crabtree. Miss Morris left Ashland about two weeks ago for the southern California city. She Is a graduate of the class of 1912 of the Ashland high school and a highly popular young lady among Ashland young folks. The groom attended school here several years ago. lie Is employed by the Pacific Telephone Company" In San Diego. The couple will make their home at the Thorbln apartments In San Diego. The good wishes of many Ashland friends are extended to them. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many kind friends of the Eastern Star lodge and the musicians who were so kind dur ing our last bereavement in the loss of our beloved mother, Mrs. Mary A. Barclay. MRS. ELL B. MILLS. BYRON HALL BARCLAY. Marsh Goodwin, a former Ashland boy now residing In Eugene, gradu ates from the University of Oregon this month. Godwin Is the only graduate In the school of political science. Superintendent Briscoe of the local schools has been carrying advanced work through the unlvers tty extension service and gets a de gree from the school of education. ! Drummer Sample SALE At Wholesale Prices Of, Cotton Towels Linen Towels Turkish Towels Table Cloths Lunch Cloths Linen Scarfs Emby. Guest Towels Bed Spreads Bath Rugs, etc., "etc. All next week commencing Tuesday, Junel SEE OUR WINDOWS FERGUSON'S The Bargain Store, Where it Pays to pay Cash ' H.4.Mt4.HM.4.4.4,4.4,l,4,J,l.J.4.tttt l-M-Httnill ... i