Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, May 27, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Result-Getting Classified Columns
- who, for example, publishes a Want ad once,' and If It does not bring
the result desired decides that "advertising does aot pay," should study
the practical results, in all lines of endeavor, of perseverance. The law
of "try again" is as potent in want advertising as in any other effort
or enterprise.
Classified Rates: One cent per word," first Insertion; cent per word
for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise
ment inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash, with ordei
except to parties having ledger accounts with the office.
CHAIR DOCTOR R. H. Stanley, ex
pert furniture repairer and up
holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid and
repaired, bedsprings restretched,
chairs wired, rubber tires for baby
buggies. 26 First Ave., opposite
First National Bank. Telephone
4 13-J. 20-tf
AUTO LIVERY Floyd Dickey. Tel
ephone 342-Y. 81-.
BILL POSTER Will Stennett. 116
. Factory St. Bill posting and dis
tributing. 54-tt
regular meeting of the club will be
held on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month at 2:30
p. m., at the Carnegie Library lec
ture room.
lar meetings first and third Fri
days of each month at 2:30 p. m.
Mrs. A. G. McCarthy, Pres.; Mrs.
Jennie Faucctt Greer, Sec.
The mint makes it and under the
GAGE COMPANY you can secure it
at f)'t for any legal purpose on ap
proved real estate. Terms easy. Tell
us your wants and we will co-operate
with you.
513 Denham, Bldg., Denver, Colo.
FOR SALE Hay $12 a ton. Talent
Orchard Co. 104-2 1
FOR SALE Coal-oil heater, ham
mock, two sitting room chairs and
a tea table. Inquire at 148 Laurel
street 103-tf
FOR SALE Second hand bicycle in
good repair, carbide lamp and mud
guards, $12. Phone 456-J, at 135
Nutley street. 104-2t
FOR SALE Modern six-room bun
galow; good neighborhood; fine
vegetable garden and fruit. Re
cently bought for $2,000. Must
leave. Will sell for $1,800; terms.
Owner, Box 535, Ashland, Ore.
In demijohns or bottles, 15c gallon.
Geo. E. Yates, Phone 346-J.
Standard legal blank forms of
every kind may' be procured at the
Tidings office In any quantity.
Important to You at AH
Very Important
You MIGHT overlook the classified
ads for a month without missing a
really valuable opportunity. And yet
on any day of that month there might
MENT which you could not afford to
miss under any circumstances.
out of the complex world of "offer
and quest" there is apt to come, on
any day, a clear and unmistakable
message for YOU.
that message may be more important
to you than any that has ever come
to you by letter, by telephone, tele
graph or messenger.
may be a call to higher business op
portunities. It may be a chance to
buy or to rent property such as you
alone can fully appreciate. It may
be a business opening that would lead
you to the realization of your plans
and purposes in life. It may be a
chance to buy Just what you are look
ing for or sell something you have no
use for.
FOR SALE Homestead relinquish
ment. For particulars address R
F. B., care Tidings. 18-tf '
FOR SALE One-acre tracts on Pa
cific highway addition, on long
time and easy payments. See Mc
Williams & Edgington, 73 Oak
street. 100-tf
MUST SELL' my Ashland 6 -acre
free irrigated bottom land, dairy,
chicken and fruit ranch. A bar
gain. . M. Jacker, Ashland, Ore.
FOR SALE At a bargain, 50-acre
ranch, barn and outbuildings.
Stock and implements. For par-
tlculars communicate with D. E.
Combs, Talent, Ore. 70-tf .
NEED CASH Anxious to sell Ash
land choice residence lots, sightly
block, cherry tract. Particulars for
postal. N. J. Reasoner, Palisade,
Colo. 102-10t
FOR SALE By owner, large lot with
small house, centrally . located in
AshlansJ, Ore. Warrantee deed and
abstract. Price $450. Address
Mark Hebron, Boise City. Okla
homa. 103-8t
FOR SALE 2 acres suitable for a
chicken park; good soil and city
water; will sell all or a part at a
price to interest you. S. F. Starr,
6 4 California street, Ashland, Ore.
good improved irrigated land in
crop; buildings on place; young
apple orchard; hog lots fenced
with woven wire. C. C. Montgom
ery, Redmond, Ore. 104-8t
Belleview and Vicinity
FOR SALE A four-room house,
close in. With cement sidewalks,
sewer, electric lights and city wa-
ter. $100 cash, balance $10 per
month. Price $850. See McWil
llams & Edgington. 65-tf ,
FOR SALE A homestead relinquish
ment of 160 a'lres, two-rootnen
house, barn, chicken house, wite
garden tools, plows, etc. Well wa
tered and on Pacific Highway.
Will trade for Ashland property.
Address A. R.. care Tidings. 36-tf
FOR SALE This is a snap. 7
acres, two houses, barn and some
fruit; part in corporation of Tal
ent; $2,000. 40-acre wood lot five
miles from Talent; good road runs
- through tract; 1,000 cords of wood
, on it; price $200. See J 9. Craw
ford at Talent. 104-2t
proved and most desirable 8 acres
in Ashiand. Also beautiful 7-acre
meadow, fruit and vegetables, no
buildings; 3 acres clean meadow;
3',s acres meadow, fruit trees and
berries. Above is level and free
Irrigated. Twenty acres choice bot
tom near Grants Pass, highly im
proved. Rich bottom dairy farm,
near the coast, worth $7,500. Fine
ly watered and improved. Twenty
acres .unimproved, near coast city;
rail and water transportation.
Time and good terms on any of
this. Full information by address
ing Box 144. Ashland, Ore. No
agents or triflers answered.
i 93-3mo.
A class of nine pupils, six boys and
three girls, will graduate form the
eighth grade at Belleview this year.
This is the largest class that has ever
graduated from this school. The
graduation exercises will be held Fri
day, May 2 8. The graduates are:
Merritt Randies, Ceclle Moore, Wal
ter MIksch, Capitola Beagle, Marcus
Kelts, Delpha Beagle, Charles Sny
der, Gates King and Harry Moore.
Saturday will be given up to a Belle
view community picnic to be held
at the' ncrmaT grounds. The men of
the district who are too busy to cone
and stay all day are very cordially
invited to come to dinner in their
work clothes. Of course a well-filled
basket is understood as the principal
requirement for a picnic. This means
everybody in Belleview district.
Come and make a big day of it.
An informal dance was held at the
Moose hall, last Thursday evening by
some of the Belleview young people.
Arthur Weber and Guy Randies were
the hosts. About fifteen couples en
joyed the evening.
Mrs. Ed Gowland has returned
from Newport, where she spent sev
eral days attending the session of the
Grand Lodge of Rebekahs of Oregon.
J. E. Miller is over in California
working on the Pacific highway.
Robert Gibson has been on the sick
list for about seven or eight days.
G. M. Lowe was up to his ranch
last Saturday with his autotruck for
a load of wood. He was accompanied
by A. J. Biegel.
Miss Irene Hibbs has been spend
ing a day or so at the home of her
brother, M. I. Hibbs and family.
Mrs. G. W. Dunn has been spend
ing some time at the home of Mrs.
J. K. Van Sant on Oak street.
The "newlyweds," Mr. and Mrs.
John H. King, were charivaried last
Friday evening by a large crowd of
both young and old people. The par
ty met at the M. I. Hibbs residence
and about eight o'clock started for
the King residence. When the party
arrived the young couple were no
where to be found, so the larger of
the party went In and made them
selves at home. The rest started for
the Boulevard to meet Clarence
Crowson, who was sent to the Ken
yon home to see if the wanted couple
were there. When he returned they
had not yet been found, but very soon
a noise that sounded as if all the cow
bells were ringing gave the signal
that the "newlyweds" had been
found by S. A. Peters and
Frank Rush. Those who were there
are: Mrs. Elsie Titus (captain), Mr.
and Mrs. M. I. Hibbs, Gladys and Leo
Kenyon, Ceclle, Mabel and Marguer
ita Moore, Frank Rush, Frank and
Irene Hibbs, Blanche Salsbury, Kath
erlne Coder, Geraldine Titus, Victor
and Ruth York, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Crowson, Charles R. Moore, Elsie
Crowson, Roberta Leonard, Mlneva
Bailey, May Hadfield, Freda Butter
field, S. A. Peters, Mrs. C. A. Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Vallandlgham, Dr. Ut-
terback, W. C. Gibson and E. E, Ken
i yon.
Last Wednesday occurred the wed
ding of Miss Essie Moore and Sailor
H. Bailey of Klamath Falls.
Miss Jessie Telford of Klamath
Falls spent several days at the F. C.
Homes, Sr., home last week.
- ------- w ww WWW WW WW WWWWWWWW W V W w W WWmW
Bcflips Monday, May 31, and prepares lor Jane Examination
I The Summer School begins May 31, and continues
J during June, July and August, with classes from 8:00
I a. m. to 12 m. Commercial and Shorthand subjects.
. inrcc Months for $25.
X For full information, Call, Phone 15-L, or write. 31 N. Grape Street
Interurban Autocar Co.
I Between Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Medford ami Central Point car leaves
iiommoimu uaiiy except Sunday at 9:00 a. m., 12:43 p m.,
2:15 p. m.. 4:30 p. in and 6:45 p. m. Also at 12:10 a. m. Saturday
night. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00 a. in., 12 noon, 4:00 p. m. 6:00
p. m. and 10:30 p. in.
Leave Medford for Ashland dally except Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m.,
1:1a p. m., 3:30 p. m. and 5:13 p. m. Also at 11.15 p. m. on Satur
day night. On Sundays leave Medford at 8:00 a. m., 11:00 a m,
2:00 p. ni., 5:00 p. m. and 9:30 p. m.
may be that, years ago, you "missed
some particular classified advertise
ment which would have changed the
course of your life, greatly for the
better, or made you considerable
may be that such an advertisement Is
printed today or that it will appear
some day within the course of a
month or bo.
When it DOES appear, F ND IT.
Tidings Classified
Best That's Going
If you want to buy or sell any
thing, try TldingE want ads. They
do the work.
Robertson, 340 Almond street. Ad
vance piano work and Durrowes
kindergarten classes. 44-tf
Lyric Theatre will receive pupils in
violin and piano at their residence
studio, 167 Kargadine. Phone
355-J. ' 104-tf
FOR SALE Shetland pony. - A. M,
Beaver. 74-tt
FOR SALE Eight good dairy cows,
four of them fresh. Address Geo.
Irwin, R. F. D. 1, Talent. 104-2t
Frank Jordan,
General contracting, new and old
work; cement walks, cemetery cop
ings, brick, cement, wood work, lath
ing and plastering, cobblestone, and
general building contracts. 88-4mo
house, 16 furnished rooms, located
at 215 Fourth street. J. M, Slack,
proprietor, A6hland, Ore, 104-5t
ranch nine miles from Ashland.
$3,000. Lucy A. Dogue, across Oak
street bridge, In Walte bungalow.
What do you want? . A Tidingi
rant ad tells it to more than two
thousand people in a day. Twenty
five cents does the business.
Storage and Transfer Co.
O. F. BATES Proprietor.
Two ' warehouses near Depot.
Goods of all kinds stored at reason
able rates.
A General Transfer naslness.
Wood and Rock Springs Coal.
Phone 117.
Office. 99 Oak Street,
ashland, Oregon.
JOHN F. HART, M. D., Physician
and Surgeon. Office, Mills-McCall
Bldg. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 3.
Phones: Office, 83; residence,
DR. ETHEL J. MARTIN. Octeopathic
Physician, in charge of the practice
of Drs. Sawyer and Kammerer,
Pioneer Building. Office phone,
208. Hours, 9 to 5 and by appointment.
Pacific Coast Good
Roads Congress
The following invitation from the
mayor of San Francisco to all who
are interested In good roads may be
of Interest to many local people who
are interested in road work and may
wish to have their visit to the ex
position coincide with the road's con
vention: "Pursuant to a resolution unani-.
mously adopted by the board of su
pervisors of the city and county of
San Francisco, April 5, 1915, Mayor
James Rolph, Jr., cordially invites
your attendance at the Pacific Coast
Good Roads Congress to be held at
San Franolsco September 13, 1915.
"This official invitation is extend
ed to the governors of the states of
California, Oregon and Washington,
mayors of the cities therein, boards
of supervisors, state and county high
way officials and civic and commer
cial organizations of these three
states. It is requested that official
and prompt action be taken for the
appointment of delegates and repre
sentatives to participate in this con
gress. "In order that names of delegates
may be printed and credentials Is
sued, an early reply to George E.
Boos, executive secretary, 1220 Flood
building, San Francisco, will be ap
preciated. "San, Francisco will appreciate
your acceptance, and will welcome
the opportunity of extending the cor
dial greetings of the exposition city.
"Very truly,
"Secretary to the Mayor."
Note: . The date of this convention
has been changed to September 13 to
conform to the dates of Jjie Pan
American Road Congress. Joint ses
sions will be arranged, giving the tri
state delegates all the advantages of
a great national congress.
The Big Gray Car
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup
plied. Oculist and aurist for S. P.
R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg.,
opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore.
Phone 567. " 21-tf
Tidings Want Ads
are little real estate salesmen who
visit 2,500 prospective buyers twice
every week. Where is the ilg real
estate salesman who does as much?
And it does it all for the small sum
of one cent a word. In writing your
ad you should give a full and fair
description of the property offered,
so that the reader can estimate read
ily whether the property will suit his
desires. It Is not the province of ad
vertising to make the sale, but rather
to find the customer, create the desire
and put tb9 buyer directly in touch
with the seller. Somebody wants
your property. The little want ad
may not find him the first time, but
keep it going. It will surely do the
business if diligently pursued. Put
the little ad to work and keep it
working for a month, two or three
months. When It brings about a sale
you will find the commission It costs
is relatively small practically noth
ing. Try It.
Fire Chief, phone 66.
Q Chief of Police, phone 83.
$ . Residence, phone 123.
2-6 Delia
Cor, Main and Wlmer streets. 4
t 2-8 Dolls 4
4 City Hall. 4
8-5 Dells. t
Cor. Granite and Nutley streets. 4
4-6 Dells 4
t Cor. Main and Gresham streets.
5-3 Dells
4- Cor, Iowa and Falrvlew streets, 4
0-4 Dells 4
Cor.. Fourth and A streets. 4
i 7-3 Dells 4
4 Cor. Sixth and O streets. 4
Mr. Sqiieegoe.
The queer little character who lias
recently been appearing in advertis
ing under the name of Mr. Squeegee,
j seated on top of a Diamond Squcegpe
Tread Tire with an umbrella over his
! head to protect him from the rain,
has attracted a great ileal of atten
tion and has caused many people to
wonder where such a name as Squee
gee could have originated.
Store owners have long been ac
customed to clean their windows with
the edge of a thin piece of rubber, In
serted In a zinc holder, and in some
manner or other this utensil became
known as a squeegee, although the
word seems to have no particular sig
nificance. When Diamond Tires were made
and It became necessary to provide a
name for the tread the word "Squee
gee" appeared to express the idea of
the tire makers exactly. The tread
consists of five bars of rubber which
circumscribe the tread, the three in
the center being continuous and the
two on the outside broken at regular
intervals, all bound together by cross
bars. The non-skid which this tread
gives results from a squeegee-like
working of these five bars.
When the car begins to skid the
outside bar wipes away the mud and
slime much as a squeegee takes the
water from a wet window, and per
mits the other bars to grip tight to
the pavement. In fact, the principle
is exactly that of a squeegee and the
i tread has been well named. Mr.
Squeegee was originated to typify the
, Squeegee tread in advertising and to
I tell car owners about the virtues
i which his tread holds out for them,
especially in wet weather. Whenever
he speaks it is raining, for he always
has his umbrella up whenever he Is
Physician and Surgeon
All we ask Is the opportunity
of doing so. We feel assured
that our endeavor to serve you
will be a strong factor In per-
suading you to become a per-
manent patron of this bank.
Our interests are mutual.
State Bank of Talent!
"To be a great breeder of livestock
takes brains," asid Dr. C. II. Ecklos
of the University of Missouri, In one
of his addresses to Oregon Agricul
tural College farmers' week students.
"In the past the great breeders have
not had the support they deserve.
Today the prospects of the young man
starting in this business with tho
tenacity of purpose to stay wth It are
very bright. I think If he stays with
It ten or twenty years It will become
a great pleasure to him.
"It seems to me the breeder of Ilol
stein cattle especially Is today in a
position to be envied. I want to tell
you whati I have done In the way of
breeding Holsteln cattle. About thir
teen years ago I went out and bought
four cows for $600. Ono was sold
because we did not like her, so that
all the cows we now have came from
tho other three. We have sold $5,600
worth of blooded stock from tho herd.
In addition to that we still have 38
head of females on hand. It will not
undertake to say exactly what they
are worth, but $7,C00,which Is $200
each, is an estimate.
"The only thing that the HolBteln
breeder seems to be afraid of In our
state Is that he will sell something
that he doesn't want to sell. In other
words, he la afraid to put a price upon
an animal for fear he will sell her
and thus lose her."
The Tidings is on sale at Poley's
Irtig store, 17 East Main street.
Do colds settle on your chest or in your
bronchial tubes? Do coughs bang ou, or
are you subject to throat troubles?
Such troubles should have immediate
treatment with the strengthening powers
of Scott's Emulsion to guard against
consumption which so easily follows.
Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver
oil which peculiarly strengthens the res
piratory tract and improves the quality of
the blood; the glycerine in it soothes ami
heals the tender membranes of the throat.
Scott's is prescribed by the best special
ists. You am g'-'t it nt any drug store.
Scott & Bowne, Iffuonifit'Ul. N.J.
Phone job orders to tho Tidings.
N.&M. Home Laundry
able Prices. New Mac-tilnerj.
Good Work Done Promptly
AT THE . . .'
Rough Dry at Reasonable Prices. New Machinery.
J. N. NISBET, Mgr.
Office and Laundry 31 Water St. TELEPHONE 165
Mill Street, Near City Park
Phone 152
sClJ"S J&S rnlmmKmrt
Parte Garag'e
We personally conduct Repair and Lathe
work and DO THE WORK.
Our Repair facilities are unexcelled, our
system complete.
Our stock of Auto Supplies is right up to
the minute. .
Michelin tires in stock. Other makes on
short notice. .
AST Our Vulcanizing Department will please you.