Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, May 17, 1915, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Monday, May 17, 'IMS
Jn the Social Realm
I'lcuxaut Hour Club.
The IMeasant Hour Club met at the
hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jlger on Neil creek Thursday, May
13. A genuine old-fashioned picnic
was planned, but on account of the
Inclemency of the weather it was held
in the house. Well-filled lunch bas
kets hgd not been forgotten and to
the contents of these were added a
goodly supply of Mrs. Jiger's culinary
dainties. The dinner was served a la
cafeteria, following which a short
business session was held. A most
Interesting reading, entitled "Foor
Jefro," was delivered by Mrs. J. D.
Ware in her most inimitable style.
The remainder of the day was spent
in social converse. Thanks of the
club are due to Messrs. Roberts, Car
penter, McCInren, Pierson, Ware and
Ball for furnishing transportation for
the members and their children.
About thirty were present.
A surprise party met at the home
of Mr. J. S. and Mrs. Lydla lioyd, on
East Main street, for the purpose of
celebrating the seighty-second year
of their mother and grandmother
and great-grandtnother's anniversary,
bringing full baskets of best eatables.
After a time of greeting and joking It
was announced that-all was -ready,
and all were seated at the tables.
After returning thanks for the bless
ing, all soon satisfied the inner man,
then departed for their respective
homes, having enjoyed a good time.
Those present were: G. W. Grow
and wife, Mrs. John Dosier and son,
Mrs. Andy Dosier and son, J. P. Wil
liams and wife and daughter, and
Woodmen to Talent.
About twenty-five Royal Neighbors
and Modern Woodmen of America
went from Ashland to Talent Thurs
day evening to take part in initiation
when fifteen members were taken
into the Talent lodge of the Modern
Woodmen. There were also about
twenty-five members of the Medford
Modern Woodmen present. Eight
young men of the Foresters' team of
the Central Point Woodmen came
down . to put on the degree team
work. After the close of the meet
ing the Royal Neighbor ladies of Tal
ent had a fine supper prepared and
served to those present, after which
dancing was indulged in to a late
Double Wedding.
A double wedding in which a
brother and sister who were former
residents of Ashland participated
took place near Riverside, Cal., on
Wednesday, May 12. Miss Veral
llensley became the wife of William
Demming Drew of Riverside and Linn
llensley was married to Miss Louise
Goodheart. A number of intimate
friends were present at the pretty
ceremony, which was performed at
the Hensley home near Riverside.
Both young couples will reside in
Klks' Dance.
The final of the series of Elks' In
formal dances which have been held
every fortnight during the winter
months was enjoyed last Thursday
by about forty couples in the Elks'
ballroom. This being the final affair,
a few extras were indulged in. Punch
and wafers were served and an eight
piece orchestra rendered music which
was exceptionally good. All of the
old favorite pieces were played and
enthusiastically received. At the
close of one of. the most delightful
evenings of the winter many regrets
were expressed over the fact that the
series was at an end.
Itirtliday Party.
Saturday, May 15, was Johnny
Rugers' sixth birthday. A party was
given at the Rugers home on Harga
dine street to celebrate the event.
After games and music the young
sters were served with dainty refresh
ments by the Misses Pearl and Har
riet Ruger. The invited guests were:
George Francis Baron, Elber Bush,
Auten Bush, Everett McGee, Cecil
Christensen, Robley Ellis, Foss Kra
mer, Freddie Merritt, Sanford Rose,
Robert Walters, Mervin Smith and
Carl Swedenburg.
3c, 5c
and 10c
For three
On Thursday.
May 20, every
5c article in the
house will be
offered at 3c
About twenty-five couples enjoyed
a jolly dance at Memorial hall Satur
day evening. Music was furnished
by a four-piece orchestra.
Moose' Dance.
A large and merry party of Moose
and their friends spent a most enjoy
able evening with dancing at the
Moose hall Saturday. -
Five Hundred Club. '
Mrs. C.,H. Veghte entertained the
Five Hundred 'Club at her Gresham
street home last Friday evening. A
most enjoyable evening was spent
with cards. A ' delightfully tasty
luncheon was served.
Central Point Daccalnureato.
Rev. R. W. Farquhar of the Con
gregational church delivered the bac
calaureate sermon for the. graduating
class at Central Point last night.
Rev. Johnson occupied the local Con
gregational pulpit.
Pleusant Party.
A pleasant party occurred at the
home of Miss Jessie Inlow last Friday
evening. Various games were pla "id
and enjoyed by all. ' Refreshments
were served. Those invited were
Laura Wenner, Edith Herrln. Zelda
lleer, Esther Siemsen, Isabel Barron,
Marjorle Gillette, Emma Earle, Max
ine Crombie, Mildred Dunlap, Gladys
Inlow. Robert Herrln, George Scott,
Ted Scott, Rilling Schuerman, Dom
ina Provost, Irving Porter, Leslie
lleer, Max Camps, Clyde and Dale
Young. Refreshments were served
by Mrs. Albert Sherard and Mrs. Ed
linptM I'mh1 Sale.
The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist
church will hold a food' sale at
Ilplmes Bros. on Saturday, the 22nd.
Take a
with you
German Breakfast.
Miss Kennard entertained her second-year
German classes at a charac
teristic German breakfast during the
recitation period at the high school
Friday morning. Besides enjoying
the dainty German dishes the class
will no doubt gain a latsing remem
brance from the German names
which were learned. Conversation
was carried on as far as possible in
About forty members of Olive Re-
bekah Lodge No. 28 of Medford re
sponded to the invitation of the Ash
land Rebekah lodge to be present at
their initiation and banquet Tuesday
evening, and assist in the degree
team work. The Medford degree
team initiated two candidates into
the Ashland lodge. After the initia
tion a short program was given, after
which dancing was enjoyed, and at
the close of the evening a banquet
was served.
l"l)Or Granite Club.
Although the weather was some'
what inclement, the majority of the
members of the Upper Granite Street
Embroidery Club met at the pleasant
home of Mrs. Whittle on Nutley
street. The calling committee, to
serve the balance of the year, was
appointed. It consists of Mesdames
Greive, Stevens and Smith. Quite an
amount of work was accomplished
and a general good time was enjoyed
by all.
On Friday, May
21, every 21,
every 10c article
in the house
will be offered
at 5c each.
Eastern Star.
Mrs. Nellie McGowan, grand wor
thy matron of the Order of the East
ern Star, will make an official visit
to the local chapter tomorrow even
ing. After the business meeting an
informal reception ' for the visiting
dignitary will be held.
Juniors and Sophomores.
The members of the upper sopho
more and lower junior classes from
the high school were entertained at
the Chappejl home on the Boulevard
Saturday evening. Several hours
were spent with games and dancing
and a dainty luncheon was served.
The teachers of the West Side
school and'' Mrs. Fred Engle enter
tained with a "shower" for Miss Beu
lah Caldwell and Miss Ethelyn Hur
ley, brides-elect, on Thursday even
ing from 4 till 9, at the West Side
school. A daintily appointed sunner
was served and the time passed
quickly with conversation and music.
- - i:tv 1
u.' .7.1 '
? -v ktf J
n 1
1 - m- '
A Paramount Drama by one of
Paramount Feature at 10c and 15c.
On Saturday,
May 22, every
15c article will
be offered at 10c
each. n
Supply yourself with all the J
little things that are so
Your dollar will go farther
at this sale, than any op
portunity ever before; off
ered in Ashland.
Do you want to win the
$150.00 Columbia Grafo
nola? Here is the chance
to win it in three days.
There is not one of
your friends, who
would not be will-
m m
mg to buy an art
icle on each of the
Auto Owners, Attention!
Electrical apparatus overhauled
and repaired by an expert.
Storage batteries cleaned, repaired
and charged. Magnetos overhauled.
A. C. and D. C. dynamos rewound and
repaired. Prices reasonable and all
work guaranteed. Service day or
Storage batteries, magnetos, start
ing and lighting systems Bold and In
stalled for autos and motorcycles.
Cancer of the stomach resulted in
the death of Frank Chamberlain on
a homestead in Harney county. Mrs.
Chamberlain was a nurse here about
two years ago but left for Salem,
from whence she went to Lowen, in
Harney county, with her husband.
Mr. Chamberlain was burled on the
homestead and Mrs. Chamberlain will
return to Salem, where she will make
her home with her mother and
daughter. .
Tidings wants ads
Medford Boy Says
No Matrimony
The following advertisement
placed in a St. Faul matrimonial pa
per has caused A. F. Allder, a Med
ford school teacher, considerable em
garrassment: ,
"Attractive, bide eyes, light hair,
American, pianist, college education,
age 22; fine bearing, exquisite build,
athletic, has money. Not ordinary,
different from most others, you
know. Lady of intelligence desired.
City or country life. You will never
regret having made this gentleman's
acquaintanceship. Here's a chance.
Can you win? Address A. F. Allder,
Medford. Ore."
According to Allder he did not in
sert the advertisement and he blames
some practical Joker. He has received
a number of replies, but refuses to
make any of them public.
"I couldn't get married," said All
der, "even It I wanted to. I couldn't
afford it."
High School Will
Lose Miss Nissley
Miss Maude E. N'lssley, assistant
principal and head of the English de
partment of Ashland high school, will
not apply for the position in Ashland
next fall. Miss Nissley expects to
leave for Everett, Wash., after school
is out and will remain in that city
next September, having accepted a
position there. Miss Nissley has beeu
a member of the faculty of the high
school for two years and her absence
will be greatly felt.
L. T. Hodge, professor of the com
mercial department, expects to take
up a position as teacher in The Dalies
Business College this summer, but
will return to Ashland next fall.
W. A. Freeburg returned Saturday
morning on No. 14 from San Fran
cisco, bringing with him his wife,
who has been visiting in Los Angeles.
Mrs. Freeburg has been in 111 health
but is considerably improved. Mr.
Allder graduated from the Medford i and Mrs. Freeburg visited, the fair
high school two years ago and was
prominent in athletic circles. He is
well known in this city.
Salem By will of William W.
Brown, wealthy cattleman from Bend,
Willamette University gets $500,000
for boys' industrial school and home
for aged ministers.
Portland Odd Fellows have bought
site and will erect $150,000 building.
and are enthusiastic over its beau
ties. They were on the second train
which got through the washout dis
trict and arrived in Ashland five
hours late. x
Multnomah county will employ
2,000 men on permanent highways.
Salem Drager Fruit Company will
build $15,000 plant with capacity to
pack 2,500 boxes prunes per day.
Announcement Open class to be
j held Wednesday nights, commencing
May 19, at the Episcopal parish
house, Second near Main street. In
,struction on standard ballroom danc
, Ing and the latest usable combtna
j Hons begins promptly at 8 o'clock.
I All are invited. Single admission 35c,
couples 50c. Mrs. Shirley Keene,
teacher. It
Get it at our store, nc' when
you come buck, bring your
filmt to ui (or the tnott
prompt quality developing
and printing service.
We carry the best of every
thing (or photography.
KODAKS, fA.OO to f D3.00.
BROWNIKS, 1.00 to $12.00.
Fresh film, paper and general
supplies, always in stock.
H. L. Whited
Sunshine Hale.
The Sunshine Society will give a
food sale next Saturday, commencing
at 9:30, at Simpson's store and the
Ashland Trading Company. The pro
ceeds from the sale will be used for
the purpose of sending a motherless
girl back to her home In Oklahoma.
The society invites donations of
cooked foods for the sale and asks
your patronage. .. .
The Fourth StreetMinnion
solicits your 'cast-off , clothing for
needy boys and girls, men and wom
en. We especially need clothes and
shoes for boys who come to our Mis
sion Sunday school barefooted and
sometimes bareheaded. We will
place your gifts where they will do
the most good. Leave bundles at 300
East Main street.
The Tidings ts or sale at Poley's
drug store, 17 EaBt Main street.
if you will only call
their attention to it.
Now as to the votes:
1,000 Votes with each 3c
2,000 Votes with each 5c
5,000 Votes with each 10c
100.000 Votes with each
Trading BooK sold.
See our Big Bargain
Window on Thurs
day. s
Remember our Week End
Sales on Garden Hose and
Lawn Mowers, with extra
votes on the Grafonola.
The Lew Priced Hardware Man
Phone 146 tf 375 Main
Mary Pickford Cap
The craze of the age are here
in black and white check, tan,
red and navy blue.
75c values.
Ladies Knit Union Suits
A good garment. Comes In low
neck and knee length, in um
brella style and lace trimmed.
Good value for 35c.
Our special.
Wash Skirts
10 dozen Ladles' Skirts, made
of good quality Rlppelette, a
time and labor saving material
that wears well. A
75c garment.
This is a mighty good
place to know about in
times like these. You don't
have to wait for special
sales. Our cash prices are
always much less than
credit prices elsewhere.
Thus we save you. I! you
have cash make it earn
money for you by trading
here. Look over our spec
ials for this week.
Extra Special
Extra special in Bleached Bath
Towels. Good size and extra
heavy. The best we ever saw
for 15c seller.
Special ......
. 10c
Figured Wash Goods
New summer wash goods in
floral designs of fine mercerized
flaxon and rice cloth. The most
aesirauie rabric for
wear. A 20c value.
Boys' Blouse Waists
15 dozen Boys' Blouse Waists,
ages 6 to 14 years. Light col
ors; with plain or military
coiar. a 20c value,
Bungalow Aprons
Made of good quality cloth, ex
tra long and a 60c
Our special .
'.Colgate'. Talcum Powder Colgate's Valosua . ' Colgate's Mechanic's Paste
' 15c " .' 5i : ioc :
s Colgate Tooth Paste,.. - Colgate's Toilet Soap Colgate's Week-end' Package
1Qc 8c 25c '
Colgate's Shaving Soap 'FERGUSONS Pa,m 3 tor
f Bring In your Dish Tickets this week. In accordance with the law
we cease tne premiums on May 22.
1 "" ' IIITIIII Illlllllllt