Monday, May 8, 1915 ASHLAND TIDINGS PACK THltyW Result-Getting Classified Columns THE ONE-ATTEMPT MAN OR WOMAN who, for example, publishes a Want ad once, and if It does not bring the result desired decides that "advertising does not pay," should study the practical results, In all lines ol endeavor, of perseverance. The law of "try again" is as potent In want advertising as in any other effort or enterprise. . Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word lor each insertloa thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per. month. No advertise ment inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. Talent T Miss Alice Vandersluis, Talent cor respondent, is authorized to repre sent the Tidings in all business rela tions in this field. Headquarters, Vandersluis & Burgan store. MISCELLANEOUS CHAIR DOCTOR R. H. Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid and repaired, betfspringa restretched, ' chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies. 26 First Ave., opposite First National Bank. Telephone 413-J. 20-tf AUTO LIVERY Floyd Dickey. Tel ephone 342-Y. 81- BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory St. Bill posting and dis tributing. 54-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT rirst class electric vacuum carpet cleaner. Minimum charge $1 oer family if not more than ona day. Card tables and chairs for rent. J. P. Dodge & Sons. 9 0-1 mo. FOR RENT Three newly furnished front rooms, Allen building. Call at real estate office, 63 North Main street. 83-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting- of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month-at 2:30 p. m., at the Carnegie Library lec ture room. CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. A. G. McCarthy, Pres.; Mrs. Jennie Faucett Greer, Sec. TO RT2NT Newly remodeled cottage of five, rooms, bath, pantry, cooler, range and shades. Large lot, choice fruit. Would sell on easy terms, Mrs. S.- L. Allen, 63 North Main street. 94-tf Pine Small City Acreage. FOR RENT OR SALE Good four- room house, fine barn and chicken yard, lots of good fruit, about two acres alfalfa, and free water right; close in. See Lodgosn & Whitmore 94-tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC AND ART. TEACHER OF PIANO Mrs. J. R. Robertson, 340 Almond street. Ad vance piano work and Burrowes kindergarten classes. 4 4-tf LOST Large moonstone tie pin, val ued highly as keepsake. Reward for return to Tidings office. 96-tf LOST Last Sunday, small black purse containing gold umbrella ring fastener and piece of pearl handle. Please return Tidings of fice. 97-2t FOR SALE "The Free" sewing ma chine. Good as new: Price $10 Call at the Park Hotel. 97-2t TOR SALE KimDall piano, 9165 Call 586 East Main street, phone 337-J. 84-tf LITHIA WATER DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR in demijohns or bottles, 15c gallon Geo. E. Yates, Phone 346-J. TALKXT AND VICINITY. idings. INVESTIGATE LMUa Water delivered at your door for 15c per gal on or two for 25c. Phone 294-L or 405-J. 93-lmo. FOU SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: Shetland Beaver. pony. A. M. 74-tf FOR SALE Fresh cow, saddle pony, four-room house on easy terms or will rent. 399 Mountain avenue. 94-lmo. HORSE for sale or trade, but not gentle. 64 California street, S. F. Starr. 97-2t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE House and lot, corner Pine and Nutley streets, Ashland, or will trade for cattle, sheep or hogs. Address Henry Kerby, Talent. 95-1 mo. WANTED WANTED Members for First Com pany, C. A. C, O. 1'. G. Between 18 and 45 years. Three years en listment. Free encampment trip June 15 to 28. Apply to Captain C. A. Malone. 94-lmo. CONTRACTING AND IllILDIXG FOR ' SALE OR EXCHANGE 120 acres for stock ranch, eight miles up the Rogue from Eagle Point. 96-3t Frank Jordan, General contracting, new and old work; cement walks, cemetery cop ings, brick, cement, wood work, lath ing and plastering, cobblestone, and &general building contracts. 88-4mo PROFESSIONAL. FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment. For particulars addresa R. F. B., care Tidings. . 18-tf FOR SALE Modern six-room bunga low, halt block from library, cheap for cash. 443 Allison street. 93-lmo. FOR SALE Five acres of Irrigated land on the Boulevard, one mile from P. O. A snap at $1,500. Mc Willlams & Edgington. 78-tf JOHN F. HART, M. D.. Physician and Surgeon. Office, Mllls-McCall Bldg. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 3. Phones: Office, 83; residence, 370-L. DR. ETHEL J. MARTIN, Octeopathic Physician, in charge of the practice of Drs. Sawyer and Kammerer, Pioneer Building. Office phone, 208. Hours, 9 to 5 and by appointment. MUST SELL my Ashland 6 -acre free irrigated bottom land, dairy, chicken and fruit ranch. A bar gain. M. Jacker, Ashland, Ore. 89-tf, FOR SALE At a bargain, 50-acre ranch, barn and outbuildings. Stock and implements. For par ticulars communicate with D. E. Combs, Talent, Ore. 70-tf FOR SALE On easy terms, five acres fruit land, unimproved. Easy terms. At southeast Ashland. Ap ply to any agent or W. M. Gies, Box 164, Sierra Madre. Cal. 97-lmo. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. 131(1?., opposite postoffice, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 21-tf Harry Dyer of St. Cloud, Minn., arrived Monday afternoon and spent few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Burgan and other friends. Mr. Dyer has been visiting in California for few months and is now on his way home. Harry Gleim, Mr.s Froman, Mr. McCormick, Messrs. and Mesdames A. S. Ames, C. C. Ames, C. D. Burgan, Peter Vandersluis, Harry Dyer and Miss Lu Uo Ames attended The Bo hemian Girl in Ashland Wednesday evening. The Dramatic Club of the Ashland civic department presented "Frisco Fair" to a sood-sized audience Tues day evening, under the auspices of the Talent Community Club. Miss Florence Clark of Medford assisted by violin selections which were es-per-ially cood. All parts were taken well. In the near future another play will be presented. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Briscoe of north Talent visited relatives in Ash land Thursday. The Girl Hikers performed at the Savoy Theatre here Wednesday even ing. A large crowd gathered and were pleased with the performance. Charles Chapman was a visl'or to Ashland Wednesday evening. Fred Cook is the proud possessor of a new bicycle. Louis Brown made a business trip to Ashland Wednesday. Mrs. Ager and daughter Orfa Jane and Mrr. Louise Brown and daughter Betty spent Tuesday in Ashland. Will Gleim spent Thursday in Med ford, transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bruly and family are moving Into the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Jones. Mrs. Kennedy of Montana is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Wilson of Anderson Creek. Mrs. H. S. Meader of Medford Is gueBt of Dr. and Mrs. John Hart. Roy Kennedy of the Little Apple gate came in Thursday afternoon and reports bad storms on the mountains. Miss Ruth Buck of Wagner Creek spent Monday visiting friends here. Miss Cacklns of Medford made a business trip here Monday, Sunday the Kerby brothers of Wag ner Creel: lost a valuable horse. Frank Rose of Hornbrook spent Sunday with his family. Wilbur Beeson of Wagner Creek made a business trip to Ashland Thursday. I. S. Wilson and Son Joe of An derson Creek transacted business here Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Brown Is quite ill with la grippe. FOR SALE Sweil little bungalow home, large lot, near West Side school. Nice lawn, flowers, cher ries, apples and berries. One of the neatest homes in the city. At 341 Almond street. 94-lmo. ACTION OF SINGLE SPOONFUL SURPRISES MANY Ashland people who bought the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, "etc., known as Adler-i-ka are surprised at the INSTANT effect of a SINGLE SPOONFUL. This rem edy is so complete a bowel cleanser that it is used successfully In append icitis. Adler-l-ka acts on BOTH up per an J lower bowel ana SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. ONE MINUTE after yoti take it the gasses rumble and pass out. T. K. Bolton, druggist. Mrs. Goddard, Jr., of Wagner Creek, lias been ill for the past week with a bad cold and confined to her home. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Gutches have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Gutches of Williams Creek. Mr. limine of Ashland visited here on Thursday afternoon. The Kov. Adams, who has been the Metliudist church pastor here for the past six months, left Wednesday to take up his new charse at Myrtle Creek, ro. Rev. Adams was liked and resiu'ded by all, and all friends wish him happiness in his new charge. The Phoenix Presbyterian choir put on their Easter cantata Sunday evening at the Methodist church. A large congregation attended and It was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mr. l'inkerton of Wagner Creek was a business visitor here Thurs day. Mrs. McKay, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Carl Lehman, and in fant eon, left for Wilbur, Ore., Mrs. McKay's home. Mrs. Lehman will visit for a few weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patterson attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Thornton. Mr. Patterson s sister, in Asniand on Thursday. Harve of Medford was a busi ness visitor here Thursday. Kenneth King of Frederick Is ex pected home this week, after spend ing the past three weeks in Port land. Mrs. Sarah Firestone of Rogue River is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Lacy. Rev. Coffin of Medford preached at the Christian church Sunday. The Parent-Teacher Association met at the school house Tuesday even ing and discussed the relationship of the school and home. Some of the students of the Wright Music School furnished a very good musical pro gram. The association decided to unite with the school for a school pic- Inls Instead of having the usual pro gram. A committee of six was ap pointed to provide the lunch. The Parent-Teacher Association will continue to meet on the fourth Tuesday in every month. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott of Wag ner Creek spent Friday visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Davis of Wagner Creek transacted business here Frl day. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pace leave the Jackson county farm May 1 and will be at home in their bungalow, for merly occupied by Dr. Hart and fam ily. Mr. Horn of Bear Creek has trad ed his ranch here for one at Black Hills, N. D. The Horn family have lived here for over one year and have made many friends, who will regret their departure. The Enworth League enjoyed an Ice cream social Friday evening The advantages offered at the Tlest Equipped Business School between Portland and San Francisco. Best in Equipment. Best in Methods. Best in Instruction. Best in Results. For thorough instruction in practical subjects, attend the T MEDFORD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 31 N. Grape St. Phone 15-1. School ull Summer Day and Evening J j.t. j. j. j.-. jj... -- -- ---av j-a. a. a. j, sl --.9. .9. j- -t. , . t. j. --A J, J. it. if. if i A Interarban Autocar Co. Between Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Mrilford ami Central Point car leaves Ashland noi'tlilxtuml daily except Sunday ut 9:00 a. m., 1:45 p. m., 2:15 p. m., 4:30 p. m and C:45 p. in. Also at 12:10 a. in. Saturday night. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00 a. m., 12 noon, 4:00 p. in. 6:00 p. in. and 10:30 p. in. Lt'ave Medford for Aslilund daily except Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 1:15 p. in., 3:30 p. m. and 5:lu i. in. Also at ll.l, p. ni. on Satur day flight. On Sundays leave Medford at 8:00 a. in., 11:00 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. in. and 9:30 p. m. The Big Gray Car About fifty young people attended and a good musical program was ren dered. William Fox of Wagner Creek was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mrs. Goddard, Jr., and little son of Wagner Creek fepent Tuesday here on business. ' Mrs. Bentley had a telephone mes sage early Friday morning, calling her to the bedside of her mother, who is dangerously 111 in Ashland. Mrs. Harley and son of north Tal ent were visitors here Friday. Chester Knighten of Wagner Creek spent Friday at the Field meet. Mrs. Frank Rose and her sons left Tuesday to spend a month at the Nig ger Boy mine at Hornbrook. Mrs. Briscoe of north Talent trans acted business here Tuesday. Dr. Hart is to be In charge of the county hospital. It is to be a county hospital instead of a poor farm. DR. JOHN F. HART Physician and Surgeon TALENT, OREGON, The Commercial Club requests the names and addresses of parties who are considering coming to the coast his summer. We wish to send them literature and give them a good con ception of Oregon. 74-tf The Tidings la on sale at Poley'i drug store, 17 East Main street. LET US SERVE YOU All we ask is the opportunity of doing so. We feel assured that our endeavor to serve you will be a strong factor in per suading you to become a per manent patron of this bank. Our interests are mutual. I State Bank of Talent TALENT, OREGON. 4MMMMH4mMltIM Our strain of S. C. White Leghorn Day Old Chicks are large, strong and healthy. Grow quickly to hens and make heayy Winter Lave, Write now for special low prices. THE BIHN HATCHERY Capacity 200,000 Chicks a l x 7 Largest in th. World S.CWhite Leghorn Baby Chicks Send today (a postal card will do) and get our chicks for winter lay ing and excellent profits. Petaluma, Cal lill ilBE KylMEl FOR SALE A four-room house, close in. With cement sidewalks, Bewer, electric lights and city wa ter. $100 cash, balance $10 per month. Price $850. See McWIl llams & Edgington. 65-tf FOR SALE A homestead relinquish ment of 160 a?.res, two-rootui house, barn, chicken house,' with earden tools, plows, etc. Well wa tered and on Pacific Highway. Will trade for Ashland property. Address A. R., tare Tidings. 36-tf , Haaais, Manager and Preaiilrnt 250 KEARNY ST. Bet Sutter ud Buih I Ma. I. I I FOR SALE House and lot, comer . Church and Almond streets. Lot 100x160 feet, good variety fruit, fine family garden, nice lawn, large shade trees. Price $2,500. Inquire Mrs. R. Goodyear, 134 Church street. 97-lmo. FOR SALE BY OWNER Highly im proved and most desirable 8 acres in Ashland. Also beautiful 7-acre meadow, fruit and vegetables, no buildings; 3 acres clean meadow; 3 V4 acres meadow, fruit trees and berries. Above- is level fcnd free Irrigated. Twenty acres choice bot tom near Grants Pass, highly lm nrnvAd. Rich bottom dairy farm, t,Anr the coast, worth $7,500. Fine ly watered and Improved. Twenty acres unimproved, near coaBt city; ..n nii water transportation. Time and good terms on any ot this. Full information by address n. Rnt 144. Ashland. Ore. No agents or trlflers answered. 93-3mo. SAN FRANCISCO A modern, fire-proof, up-to-date Hotel, located in the center of everything and on direct line to the Exposition Ground, RATES Detached Bath Private Bath 11.00, M.50 tingle H.BO, 12.00 tingle H.S0, 12.00 double 12.00, 12.50 double I J0 Room of Sold Contort Ewry Cev C" TV: -J I - - - 1 q, n . L- uo. lulu HU ... , w vqM. n.w Jo. I i ot 16. From Ferry lak. Sutter St. cat, I mr4 of al Kaamr St.. walk halt a block North. Or Take a 'Unlversar Bus direct to Bote! . 'HSHLRND Storage and Transfer Co. C. F. DATES Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot. Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs CoaO, Phone 117. Office, 98 Oak 8treet, ASHLAND, OREGON. To the new Stephenson Building, 383 East Main street, just four doors east of our old location. We are ready for you in our bright new quarters with a complete stock of House Furnishings. New goods arriving daily. A TIMELY BUY Garden Tools and Garden Hose A MAY SPECIAL $10 Vacuum Clean er, for only $8.00 to P mm? LJ6