Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, March 25, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Thursday, March 25, 1015
Classified Columns
who, for example, publishes a Want ad once, and If it does not bring
the result desired decides that "advertising does not pay," should study
the practical results, in all lines of endeavor, of perseverance. The law
of try again is as potent in want advertising as in any other effort
-or enterprise.
f Pih f .Rat.lS: .ne cent per word- f,r8t Insertion; cent per wort
- tor each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise
ment inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order
eicept to parties having ledger accounts with the office
CHAIR DOCTOR R. H. Stanley, ex
pert furniture repairer and up
holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid and
repaired, bedsprings restretched,
chairs wired, rubber tires for baby
buggies. 26 First Ave., opposite
FIrBt National Bank. Telephone
413-J. 20-tf
AUTO LIVERY Floyd Dickey. Tel
ephone 342-Y. 81-
REPAIRING Expert motorcycle re
pairing.' Percy Grisez, fire depart
ment. 45-tf
BILL POSTER Will Stennett. 116
Factory St. Bill posting and dis
tributing. 54-tf
regular meeting of the club will be
held on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month at 2:30
p. m., at the Carnegie Library lec
ture room.
TO TRADE Acre of ground with
' fruit and buildings, all in first
class condition, for close-in resi
dence. C. S. Johnson, 52 Roca
street. Phone 423-Y. 86-2t
TO EXCHANGE for Ashland resi
dence, small farm with full equip
ment, no incumbrance. Address
owner, Box 202, Ashland, Ore.
75-tf -
For Exchange.
Property in San Francisco earning
excellent interest on investment, for
a good farm in the Ashland country.
M. H. Hare, 603 First National Bank,
San Francisco. 84-lmo.
GIRL of 16 would like good position
of any kind. Address A. Friedl,
Gen. Del., Ashland, Ore. 86-2t
WANTED A good second-hand mo
torcycle on payments. Apply at
mechanical side of Tidings at 5
p. m.
board typewriter, Smith-Premier
preferred. Address Box R, care
Tidings. 86-3t
WANTED Rent or purchase five
passenger automobile, medium
weight; chassis must be in Al con
dition, body immaterial. Give full
description of car In first letter.
Address Tidings office.
FOR SALE Shetland pony. A. M.
Beaver. 74-tf
FOR SALE Cow and chickens. Ap
ply to the Beaver Realty Co. 62-tf
FOR SALE Two small horses. Ap
ply C. I. Homes, phone 14-F-2.
FOR SALE Kimball piano, ?165.
Call 586 East Main street, phone
337-J. 84-tf
FOR SALE A bargain, three good
dairy cows; also farm for rent on
Wagner creek. Martha Barnhart,
R. 1, Talent, Cre. 84-tf
FOR SALE, CHEAP Young, sound
team of mules, both asses, weight
2,050 pounds, with harness and
spring wagon.' Can be seen at foot
of Oak street, first house outside
city limits. 86-2t'
Robertson, 340 Almond street. Ad
vance piano work and Burrowes
kindergarten classes. ' 44-tf
Piano Lessons.
Piano playing, elementary har
mony, analysis, ear training, includ
ed; recitals. Mary Young, 224 North
Main street. 83-lmo.
Piano IiOBHons.
Mrs. M. A. Reed, 150 Sixth street.
DR. D. M. BROWER, General Prac
titioner. Residence, 216 Factory
street. Phone, 247-J.
DR. B. F0NTAIN3, Optometrist Op
tician. Glasses Scientifically Fit
ted. Lenses Duplicated. Citizens
Bank Building.
JOHN F. HART, . M. D., Physician
and Surgeon. Office, MIUs-McCall
Bldg. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 3.
Phones: Office, 83; residence,
DR. W. EARL BLAKE, Dentist; First
National Bank Building, Suite 9
and 10; entrance First avenue.
Phones: Office, ,109; residence,
230-J. '
DR. ETHEL J. MARTIN, Octeopathic
Physician, in charge of the practice
of Drs. Sawyer and Kammerer,
Pioneer Building. Office phone,
208. Hours, 9 to 5 and by ap
pointment. -
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Office 228 East Main St.
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone
667, Medford, Ore. 21-tf
FOR RENT Eight-room house and
barn, close In. Modern improve
ments. Phone 411-R. 86-2t '
FOR RENT Three newly furnished
front rooms, .Allen building. Call
at real estate office, 63 North Main
street. 83-tf
FOR RENT Two acres of irrigated
garden land In city, and on paved
street. See McWilliams & Edging
ton. 78-tf
FOR SALE Eight horsepower mo
torcycle In good condition. C. C.
Cole, 698 Ashland street, phone
419-Y. . 86-3t
LITHIA WATER, delivered, 20 cents
per gallon. E. L. Rasor, phone
414-R. 86-tf
FOR SALE Eight horsepower mo
torcycle in good condition. C. C.
Cole, 698 Ashland street, phone
419-G. 85-3t
FOR SALE A bargain in bees, East
Main street road, one and one-half
miles from -postoff ice. G. W. Ken
nard, phono 13-F-14. 85-3t
FOR SALE New Oiegon Improved
strawberry plants. J. C. Divet, 70
Nutley street. Phone 294-Y.
FOR SALE Reliable gas stove, suit
able for bathroom or small bed
- room; in good condition, with pipe
and connection. Can be seen ai
The Tidings. tf
FOR SALE At a bargain, a $65
range, six hole, No. 7, with warm
ing oven and reservoir. Has been
used about four months. G. W.
Hoxie, 438 N. Main street. 81-tf
Poultry, Pigeons, Birds, Etc.
FOR SALE Thorcughbred Red and
Yellow Carneaux, Sims Maltese,
Homers, and Maltese hen pigeons.
172 Skidnore street. 82-lmo.
FOR SALF Setting eggs, and orders
booked for baby thicks from my
trap-nested thoroughbred Rhode
Island Red hens. G. W. Benedict,
Ashland. 64-tf
FOR SALE Homestead relinquish
ment. For particulars address R
F. B., care Tidings. 18-tf
FOR SALE Five acres of irrigated
land on the Boulevard, one mile
from P. O. A snap at $1,500. Mc & Edgington. 78-tf
FOR SALE At a bargain, 50-acre
ranch, barn and outbuildings.
Stock and implements. For par
ticulars communicate with D. E.
Combs, Talent, Ore. 70-tt
FOR SALE A snap If taken within
the next 30 days, corner lot, house
anu outbuildings on Fairview
street. Will Fell at a great sacri
fice. Terms. Inquire 38GB street.
8 1-1 mo.
FOR SALE Owner offers finest
acreage home in Ashland, with or
without buildings or trees; free Ir
rigation. Also highly improved
20 acres near Grants Pass. Box
144, Ashland, Ore. 85-lmo.
FOR SALE A four-room house,
close in. With cement sidewalks,
sewer, electric lights and city wa
ter. Fifty dollars cash, balance
$10 per month. Price $850. See
McWilliams & Edgington. 65-tf
FOR SALE A homestead relinquish
ment of 160 aires, two-rootnev,
house, barn, chicken house, wtit
garden tools, plows, etc. Well wa
tered and on Pacific Highway
Will trade for Ashland property.
Address A. R.. care Tidings. 36-U
For Sale.
Best home ranch in Ashalnd. Two
and one-half acres heavy bearing
fruit, good condition. Income $1,000.
Ned modern eight-room house, screen
sleeping and back porches, wood and
packing sheds, stable. Beautiful
shady lawn. Fine location. Call and
85-lmo. 715 North Main.
FOR SALE Twenty acres of the fin
est fruit land in the city limits of
Ashland; 12 ocres in trees more
than four years old, mostly peach
es; city water. This is an excel
lent buy, with the finest view In
the valley. If you have the cash
to handle this will make you an
attractive proposition. Communi
cate with G. W. B., 1027H Grand
View street, Los Angeles, Cal.
Belleview and Vicinity
Victor Flint returned to Ashland
last week after an absence of four
months, which he has spent in Par
ker, S. D., and Nashua, Iowa. ,
Harry and Eleanor Moore spent
Sunday at the Dunn home, helping
Master Horace celebrate his seventh
T. D. Chapman and G. E. Mllner
have changed the feeding grounds of
the cattle they have kept in the
small tract ef brush next the school
There were about twenty present
at the Endeavor meeting last Sunday
evening. There were several out
from town.
Sunday was the first day of spring
and it certainly looked like it. The
wild flowers are beginning to bios-
Bom, and the fruit is also blossoming.
Marvin Hibbs of Ashland is moving
ionto the Allnian orchard.
The field meet was postponed a
week on account of so much sickness
in school.. Rut they have gotten back
onto their feet and are practicing
'every Minute rossible. .
lar meetings first and third Fri
days of each month at 2:30 p. m.
Mrs. A. G. McCarthy, Pres.; Mrs.
Jennie Faucett Greer, Sec.
Lnnni - mov Ka AhtnUoj .
- j ujj uuiaiucu lur all
purpose on acceptable Real Estate se
curity: llbnrm nrltrlloiroo-
.. . .uBub, vuiioojuuu'
ence solicited.
758 Gas, Electric Bldg., Denver, Col.
Three Men in a Boat.
Searching adventure in probably
the smallest craft ever used for a
similar purpose on the Pacific coast,
Syd Wilson, Frank Harris and Dave
Poste of Coos Bay, Ore., have arrived
in San Francisco Bay and are now at
anchor off Sausalito. The tiny craft
Is espied the Barnacle. After taking
In the Panama-Pacific International
Exposition it is the intention of the
trio to point the nose of their vessel
southward and continue their Journey
around to the east coast.
The Barnacle and its crew made
the trip from Coos Bay in three and
a half days, encountering some un
usually rough weather In the vicinity
of Point Arena and Cape Mendocino.
The Barnacle, which is thirty-seven
feet long, was constructed by the
three young men. She Is ketch rigged
and carries a 24-horsepower auxiliary
engine. The latter is used only when
the boat is In a tight place. A com
plete electric plant furnishes the
crew with light and heat.
Wilson is a miner, Poste a news
paper man and Harris a sailor. Ar
rangements have been made for them
to anchor off the Oregon building at
the exposition, near the battleship
Oregon. Upon leaving San Francisco
the three men intend to head down
the California coast, touching at
every port, and then to Mexico and
TIburon islands, where they will at
tempt to do some gold mining. At
San Diego they will take on food sup
plies enough to last two years. This
is the time that they figure It will
take to make their trip to the east
The boat came Into Sausalito at
night and anchored near the revenue
cutter McCullough. The next day the
report was spread in Sausalito that
the cuHer had captured Chinese
smugglers and had seized the craft
The three have been busy since deny
ing the rumor.
Livestock Bulletins Free.
Corvallis, Ore., March 18. Live
stock management is the subject dis
cussed In four bulletins recently pre
pared by the Animal Husbandry De
partmen tof the Oregon Agricultural
College. Heretofore most bulletins
published have dealt with some one
special feeding problem. These bul
letins, however, are a summary of
the experimental knowledge along
the lines of breeding, feeding and
care of horses, cattle, hogs and sheep.
They supply the data so often asked
for by the stockmen of the state.
There is a bulletin on each class
of stock, namely, horses, beef cattle,
hogs and sheep. Some of the main
points covered in each bulletin are
Most economical methods of feeding;
breeding to get best results; equip
ment necessary; artificial impregna
tion; bogus pedigrees;- raising pure
bred stock and their use. These bul
letins are free and people interested
In any one of them or all should
write to the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, Corvallis, Ore., for them.
Dear Old Asliluml.
Mrs. Mary E. Wood writes from
Alameda, Cal., to have her Tidings
forwarded there where she is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Burke. She
will remain there some time. She
says California is all right In a way,
but not to compare to "dear old Ash
land." And so It appears to most of
those who go away from here expect
ing to find more pleasant surround
ings. Experience away for a time
only more firmly convinces us of
what all know, that Ashland Is hard
to boat, even in the most exploited
tourist regions.
w.t h mat DEVELOP.
(From the Northwest Hotel News,
Ashland, resting as it does at the
extreme southern point of the state,
at a division point of the Southern
Pacific Railway, and at the base of
the Siskiyou mountains, on the Pa
cific hi'-iiw ay, surrounded by mineral
springs of untold wealth and medici
nal virtue, with a climate not equaled
In the state, in the midst of orchards
superior to those found anywhere
north or California, with all this and
more, is about to wake from its leth
argy and start the ball going which
is destined io make it the peer of
any watering place in America. There
is everything in her favor, her citi
zens not being in the way now since
they have been awakened. To take
advantage of the new lithia and other
mineral springs now being piped Into
the city, a large health sanatorium
must be built followed by a tourist
hotel of large size and attractiveness.
The persistent boosting of the news
papers of Ashland together with a
few live citizens is going to trans
form Ashland. Watch her develop.
200 votes in the exposition contest
with each new Tidings classified ad-vertim-iiH'iit
during March. If the
advertisement amounts to $1, 500
extra votes. Must le paid in advance
to get the extra votes.
The Commercial Club requests the
names and addresses of parties who
are considering coming to the coast
this summer. We wish to send them
literature and give them a good con
ception of Oregon. 74-tf
Standard legal blank forms of
every kind may be procured at the
Tidings office in any quantity.
LH'iSmlKraBotu nptrfmaot
mr an Mad In aw latxmlanr anil
adipUd la lha Parifn Nthw anj
ara Iraa lo nana. Qua aiuabia cau
Joiua will ba ami haa oa faqu-a).
UaaMniaUUlir taaada. HaoLwiita.
Tha CW K Uuy Cav SaaMla
W. G Gordon and Florence T. Gor
don, Plaintiffs,
L. M. Lyon and Cora E. Lyon, his
wife, et al., Defendants.
By virtue of an Execution, Decree
and an Order of Sale duly issued out
and under the seal of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, in and
for the County of Jackson, on the
2oth day of March, 1915, in a certain
cause therein, wherein W. G. Gordon
and Florence T. Gordon recovered a
judgment against L. M. Lyon and
Cora E. Lyon, his wife, on the 13th
day of Varch, 1915, for the sum of
Three Thousand Four Hundred and
Eight and 00-100 ($3,408.00) Dol
lars with Interest thereon from said
llith day of March, 1915, at the rate
of 11 per cent per annum', and Three
Hundred ($300.00) Dollars attor
ney s fee, and the further sum of Six
teen ($16.00) Dollars costs, which
judgment was enrolled and docketed
in the Clerk's office of said Court In
said County on the 20th day of
March, 1915, and is of record in Vol
ume 22 of the Circuit Court Journal
at page 445 thereof.
I am commanded by said Execution
to make sale of the hereinafter de
scribed real property to satisfy the
judgment In favor of the plaintiffs
and against the defendants, I will
therefore on Saturday, the 24th day
of April, 1915, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. at the front door of the
Court House in Jacksonville, Jackson
Need Attention in February nnd
M.irch or Face May Stay Covered.
Now is the tlmn to takn minrlnl enre
of the complexion If you wish it to
look well the rest or the year. The
February and Mnrrh urlmlu tuivn a
strong tendency to bring out freckles
mat may stay all summer unless re
moved. Now is the tlmn to usn othlne
double strength.
Tills Drescrlntlnn fnr (ho remnvnl
of freckles was written by a promi
nent physician and is usually so suc
cessful that it is sold by druggist;
under guarantee to refund the money
If It falls. Get an ounce nf nlhliie
double strength, and even a few ap
plications' should show a wonderful
Improvement, some of the smaller
freckles even vanishing entirely.
asks the Business Man. What is YOUR answer?
I Medford Commercial College
ana your answer will satisfy Mr. Business Man.
m"The School of Modern Mefhods"
31 N. Grape St. Medford, Oregon Phone 15-L.
Car leaves Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix
Day trips at 9:20 a. m.. 12:45 p. m., 3:30 p. m., 6:45 p. m., daily
ex. Sunday. Saturday night leaves at 12:15 a. m. Sunday trios at
11:00 a. m., 6:00 p. m., 10:30 p. m.
Car leaves Medford for Ashland at 8:20 a. m., 11:30 a. m., 2:30 p m
5:15 p. m. daily except Sunday. Leaves at 11:15 Si turday nights'
Sunday leaves at 10:00 a. m., 5:00 p. m. and 9:30 p. m.
Ashland waiting rooms at Hotel Oregon, Ashland Hotel, East Side
Pharmacy, Poley's Drug Store and Rose Bros.' Confectionery.
County, Oregon, offer for sale and
will sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, subject to
redemption as is by law provided, all
the right, title and Interest that the
above named defendants had on the
7th day of December, 1912, in and to
the following described real property
situated in Jackson County, Oregon,
Beginning at the Northeast corner
of Charles F. Jones' Donation Land
Claim No. 46, in Township 37 South
of Range 1 West of W. M. in Jackson
County, Oregon, thence South 9.024
chains, thence South 51 degrees 21
minutes West 34.153 chains; thence
North 40 degrees 28 minutes West
along the center of the County road
3.248 chains; thence South 61 de
grees 21 minutes West 30 feet to the
East line of the right-of-way of the
Oregon & California R. R. Co.;
thence North 35 degrees and 08 min
utes West along said right-of-way
3.967 chains to the Sonthwest corner
of the land conveyed to Fannie Belk
nap, thence North 51 degrees 16 min
utes East along the South line of said
Belknap land 39.808 chains to the
place of beginning, containing 27.23
acres of land, more or less.
All of said property will be sold
at said time and place In the manner
provided by law for sale of real prop
erty under Execution Foreclosure to
satisfy the said judgment In favor of
the plaintiffs and against the defend
ants. W. II. SIN'C.LER, Sheriff.
By E. W. Wilson, Deputy.
Painful Coughs and Bronchitis
Promptly Relieved
with 2 ounces Schiffmann's Concen
trated Expectorant. Besides, guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or
your money returned by McNair
Bros., Druggists.
We Build Homes and Fix Things
Physician and Surgeon
. All we ask is the opportunity
of doing so. We feel assured
that our endeavor to serve you
will be a strong factor in per-
suadlng you to become a per
manent patron of this bank.
Our Interests are mutual.
I State Bank of Talent I
Wall Paper Wall Paper
At Swenson & McRae's Furniture Store
See display in window. 10,000 roll sat 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30c
the roll. Paper hanger at the store hangs paper for 25c the roll. X
HARRY SIMPSON. Painter and Paperhanger
Store Phone 75. R0g. Phone 316-R.
Mill Street, Near City Park
Phone 152
Parte Garag'e
Storage and Transfer Co.
C F. BATES Proprietor.
Two warehouses near Denot
Goods of all kinds stored at reason
able rates.
A General Transfer Business.
Wood and Rock Springs Coal.
Phone 117.
Office, 99 Oak Street,
We personally conduct Repair and Lathe
work and DO THE WORK.
Our Repair facilities are unexcelled, our
system complete.
Our stock of Auto Supplies is right up to
the minute.
Michelin tires in stock. Other makes on
short notice.
12 h. p. Traction Engine for sale.
flST Our Vulcanizing Department will please you.
f3 i hi Jm