Result-Getting Classified Columns TIIE ONE-ATTEMPT ftlAN OR WOMAN who, for example, publishes a Want ad once, and it It does not bring the result desired decides that "advertising does not pay," should study the practical results, in all lines of endeavor, ot perseverance. The law of "try again" is as potent in want ' advertising as in any other effort r enterprise. . . s . , Classified Rates: One cent per word, first-insertion; cent per wort lor each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise ment inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with ordei except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. Miss Alice VandersluU, Talent cor respondent, is authorized to repre sent the Tidings in all business rela tions in this field. Headquarters, Vandersluis & Burgan store. MISCELLANEOUS CHAIR DOCTOR R. H. Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpels beat, relald and , repaired, bedsprlngs restretched, , chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies. 26 First Ave., opposite First National Bank. Telephone 413-J. 20-tf AUTO LIVERY Floyd Dickey. Tel ephone 342-Y. 81- REPAIRING Expert motorcycle re - pairing. Percy Grlsez, fire depart ment. 45-tf BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory St. Bill posting and dis tributing. 64-lf LOST A gold-mounted brooch, on Granite or North Main. Finder please leave at postoffice. Reward. 72-tf FOR RENT Housekeeping and sin gle rooms, light an J clean, at the Park Hotel. Inquire Royal Bak ery. 72-tt TANNING D. C. Wilson does motlP proof tanning and taxidermy work. Leave orders at H. Hosier's cigar store. 73-3t BARBER First-class married bar ber wants steady job by May 1. Address O. B. Wheeler, Lock Box 645, Ricevllle, Iowa. 72-4t 6$ MONEY 6 MONEY 6ff MONEY . Loans may be obtained for any purpose on acceptable Real Estate se curity; liberal privileges; correspond ence solicited. A. C. AGENCY COMPANY, 758 Gas, Electric BIdg., Denver, Col. 72-8t MUSIC AND ART. TEACHER OF PIANO Mrs. J. R, Robertson, 340 Almond street. Ad vance piano work and - Burrowes kindergarten classes. 44-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE Cow and chickens. Ap ply to the Beaver Realty Co. 62-tf FOR SALE $150 Spauldlng surrey for 90. Inquire of J. B. Hunter, Phone 10-F-6. 69-tf FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment. For particulars address R F. B., care Tidings. 18-tf FOR SALE Big work horse, 1300 pounds, cheap it sold at once. In quire of W. M Hibbs, 172 C street, 73-4t TO TRADE Fine surrey, family farm mare and harness to trade ' for a Ford auto or for a piece of land. Call at Eastern Supply Co. Ashland. 62-tf LOST Sunday, January 31, a gold locket and chain, between 242 Granite street and M. E. church. Monogram A. It. H. on locket Leave at 242 Granite street and receive reward. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon., Practice limited to eye", ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Office 228 East Main St Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone 567, Medford, Ore. 21-tf THE CLASSIFIED ADV. THAT IS Important to Yon at All 13 APT TO BE Very Important You MIGHT overlook the classified ads for a month without missing a really valuable opportunity. And yet on any day of that month' there might be printed THE ONE ADVERTISE MENT which you could not afford to miss under any circumstances. FOR out of the complex world of "offer and quest" there 1b apt to come, on any day, a clear and unmistakable message for YOU. AND that message may be more important to you than any that has ever come to you by letter, by telephone, tele graph or messenger. IT may be a call to higher business op portunities. It may be a chance to buy or to rent property such as you alone can fully appreciate. It may be a business opening that would lead you to the. realization of your plans and purposes in life. It may be a . i .k. ...... lng for or sell something you have no use for. IT mftv be that, years asro. you "missed" imrticular classified advertise ment which wbuld have changed the course of your life, greatly for the better, or made you considerable money. IT . , ' may be that such an advertisement is printed today or that It will appear some day within the course ot a month or so. When it DOES appear, FIND IT. WA TCH THE Tidinns flflssified FOB THE Best That's Going FOR SALE One No. 10 Globe incu bator, 240 egg capacity. ' Hot ter system. Address Incubator, care Tidings. 70-tf FOR SALE Black raspberry plants, 35c dozen; also some O. A. C Barred Rock eggs,' 75c setting. J. L. Harner, 303 Oak street. 73-2t FOR SALE On corner Fifth and C streets, house with two lots; small barn; yard fenced, and garden spot. Inquire 62 Fourth street 69-lmo. FOR SALE Setting eggs, and orders booked for baby chicks from my trap-nested thoroughbred Rhode Island Red hens.. G. W. Benedict, Ashland. - , 64-tf FOR SALE Reliable gas stove, suit able for bathroom or small bed' room; in good condition, with pipe and connection. Can be seen a The Tidings. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good eight-room house,' close in, for sale cheap, or will exchange for Port land property. See owner, 168 Lincoln street. 6 7-1 mo." FOR SALE At a bargain, 50-acre ranch, barn and outbuildings, Stock and implements. For par ticulars communicate with D. E, Combs, Talent, Ore. 70-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Five-horsepower Harley Davidson motorcycle in A 1 condition, tandem, Presto tank and light. Bargain for cash or will trade on good milch cow. 632 Walnut street. 73-3t FOR SALE By owner, large lot with small house; centrally located in Ashland, Ore, on Meade street Warrantee deed and abstract Prico $450. Address Mark Hebron, Boise City, Oklahoma. 6 8-8t FOR SALE A four-room house, close in. With cement sidewalks, sewer, electric lights and city wa ter. Fifty dollars caBh, balance $10 per month. Price $850. See McWilllams & Edglngton. 65-tf FOR SALE Completely furnished bungalow. Five rooms, bath, Bleep lng porch, largo cellar, lawn and flowers; fruit trees. Part payment and balance liko rent, if desired. J. K. Choato, Jr, 139 Wimer street. Phon3 210-R. 18-lmo F0RSALEA homestead relinquish ment ot 160 aires, two-roomed house, barn, chicken house, with garden tools, plows, etc. well wa tered and on Pacific Highway Will trade for Ashland property. Address A. R., care Tidings. 36-tf THOROUGHBRED S. C. Rhode Isl and Reds. Even red plumage; true Red type. Especially bred for winter laying. Eggs $1 per setting, $5 per hundred. Utility eetrs 50c per setting. Mrs. W. D, Booth, 996 Oak street, phone . 291-R. 70-lmo. . If you want to buy or sell any thing, try Tidings want ads. They 4o the work. 1 1m 1 S? TafeM Tidings TALENT NEWS ITEMS. 208 PACE ANNUAL Rwdr Early In Jaaaarr -MalUd FREE to Anyon, Anywhara. Shows SeaU, Poultry, BaoawdStocltSappUae. Spray ud FartiliMn. TheCHA&H.LIIXTCO. Saul Uli tettUmi ANNUAL C. S. JOHNSON Carpenter and Contractor CHARGES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Pbone 423-Y 52 Roca SL Horn Treatment. Cured hundred. Detail lor tamp. Stammer No More itt$001 41t Bpter Block, Desk 6, Seattle, Waah. 1 Miss Emma Crawford returned this week from northern California, where she made a brief business trip. Ed Robison has bought the Case automobile which belonged to Clay Patterson. Mr. Patterson ! has or dered a new Cadillac eight Orlle Powers was an Ashland vis itor last Wednesday. Mrs. John Robison entertained the Tuesday Afternoon Study Club this week. Mrs. C. W. Holdrldge will be hostess next week. Misses Marjory Adamson and Con stance Ames visited Ashland Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. J. Spltzer and daughter, Mrs. Stagg, and two sons visited Ashland Wednesday. James Murray accompanied Dud Stedman to Ayer's Spur, Ore., Thurs day to inspect some granite quaries there. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Powers and family entertained friends from Ash. land Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wakeman vis ited the P. Vandersulis home Wed nesday evenlngr Mrs. J. E. Foss and Mrs. E. E. Fobs were Medford visitors Thursday. Last Friday evening unknown per sons tried to break Into the Vander bIuIb and Burgan store,' but were un successful in doing bo. Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds of the Little Applegate visited Talent and relatives in Medford last week. Jay Withrow was a business visitor in Ashland Thursday. Wednesday afternoon two young ladies of Medford, driving a Ford car, met with an accident near Frederick The car skidded and went down the embankment. The car was disabled quite badly, but the young ladles es caped injury. The Epworth League of Talent Is planning to give a play about the thirteenth of February. Invitations have been i ssued by Mrs. C. W. Holdrldge to twelve play mates of Wayne Holdrldge to a party to be given Saturday In honor of her son's birthday. If the weather is un favorable the children will play their games in the packing house. . Marion Tryer sold his Interest in the Talent Hardware Company to E E. Cook,' who is now the sole owner Mr. McCurdy, Sr., of Medford, is spending a few days at the C. C. Mc Curdy ranch. . J. F. Strand of North Talent was a business visitor here Wednesday. John Breiner is having a vacation owing to the rain. Dan Combs of Wagner creek was a visitor here Tuesday. He will not be able to complete his new house until spring. Robert Purvis of Wagner creek was a business visitor here Tuesday Lyle Briener of Wagner creek transacted business here Tuesday. William Dunn is 80 far recovered from his operation that he is expected to be brought to his home Monday Mr. and Mrs. E. Briscoe of North Talent were business visitors here Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Wolgamott of Wagner creek and daughter Velma spent Saturday here visiting friends D. Studman of Ayer's Spur visited in Phoenix and Talent Wednesday while here calling on relatives, . Mrs. Mary Works left Wednesday for an extended visit with her sister Mrs.' Frank Smith, of Glendale, Ore Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dougherty and son Howard of the Suncrest orchard were visitors here Wednesday. Mrs. Henry King of Frederick at tended the meeting of the Commun lty Club held at the Talent school house on Wednesday. Mrs. Alex Armstrong visited her daughter, who is attending school in Medford, Tuesday. The Clark-Henery Construction Company is laying tile on the high way. ' William Barlow and daughter vis ited Medford Tuesday. R. Tilford, general tnanager of the Clark-Henery company, Is here from Eugene, looking after the company's buslneBS interests here. T. Brows of Medford was a visitor here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Leonard arrived last week from Sa bula, Iowa, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Thomas ot the Talent Orchard Company. Mr. and Mrs. Manning expert to reside In the home formerly occupied by the Lester fam y. The Epworth League enjoyed a social last Friday evening. A large crowd attended and everyone bad a fine time. Miss Winifred Lester of Ashland was the guest of Miss Ona Maxon Sunday. Chester Knlghten of Wagner creek was a business visitor here Friday. Frank Ames, James Mae and J. Mays of Anderson creek were busi ness visitors here last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Pellett are the proud parents of a baby girl, born February 5. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Webster ot North Talent were visitors here Friday. A. S. Ames took a big crowd of people to Ashland Friday evening In tne big car to attend the Vining Theatre. Mr. Ames intends to do this every Friday evening.' The Community Club held its reg ular meeting at the Talent school house Wednesday Mrs. West and Mrs. Furry of Ash land are business visitors here this week. Mrs. Lilly Jeffery of Bear creek was a Medford visitor Wednesday. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Jay Ter rill entertained the missionary so ciety or the M. E. church. A very Interesting program was given and dainty refreshments were served. The two rooms of the town hall have been redecorated. One will be used by the Community Club and the other by the town council. Thursday evening at the Talent school house the Jubilee Quartet en tertained a large audience and was especially fine. Friday evening they intended to give a concert at Phoe nix, but on account of the train be- 1 1 . . . ., ; nig mey uua 10 aisappoint me Phoenix people. Mrs. Emmet Beeson visited friends in Ashland Friday. Mrs. J. H. Withrow and little daughter Vera of Anderson creek are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. T Brown. C. W. Jones was a" visitor here Saturday. Ted Seaman is on the sick list. Mrs. Elizabeth T. Carpenter, aged 74 years and 24 days, passed away January 31 at the Jackson county rarm. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church In Phoenix February 2 at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Bailey officiating. The Inter ment was in the Phoenix cemetery Mrs. Carpenter Is survived by one son, Steve, who mourns her loss. STOVEPIPE HATS LATEST FOR WOMEN H. BAUMAN 1. 1. VANOILDER MEDFORD "TktSehwIaf Mater Mctaaaa, ( 31 N. Grape, Medford, Ore. BUSINE&S, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH DEPARTMENTS if you want a good position bo one of our 1015 Of a du a torn. MEDFORD ASHLAND EITHER WAY Car leaves Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix Day trips at 9:20 a. m., 12:45 p. m., 3:30 p. m., 6:45 p. m., daily ex. Sunday. Saturday night leaves at 12:16 a. m. Sunday trips at 11:00 a. m., 6:00 p. m., 10:30 p. m. 'y Car leaves Medford for Ashland at 8:20 a. m., 11:30 a. m 2:30 p m., 5:15 p. m. dally except Sunday. Loaves at 11:15 Saturday nights' Sunday leaves at 10:00 a. m., 5:00 p. m. nd 9:30 p. m. Ashland waiting rooms at Hotel Oregon, Ashland Hotel, East Side) Pharmacy, Poley's Drug Store and Rose Bros. Confectionery. TAKE BIG GRAY INTERURBAN CAR THE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR COMPANY A BIT OF ADVICE. First, Don't Delay; Second, 'Don't Experiment. RSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co. C. F. BATES Proprietor. If you suffer from backache, head aches or dizzy spells; if you rest poor ly and are languid In the morning; If the kidney secretions are irregu lar and unnatural In appearance, do not delay. In such cases the kidneys often need help. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially, prepared for kidney trouble. Theyi are recommended by thousands. Can ABhland residents desire more con vincing proof of their effectiveness! than the statement of an Ashland cit izen who has used them and willingly testifies to their worth? Mrs. M. J. Wilbourn, 190 B street, Ashland, Ore., sayB: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and have found them bo good that I willingly recom mend them. I keep a supply in the house all the time. Whenever my back and kidneys bother me I have Doan's Kidney Pills on hand and they quickly drive the trouble away. 1 never knew of another remedy that gave such good results. I think all kidney sufferers would do well to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Wilbourn had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Two warehouses near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs Coal. Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, ASHLAND, OREGON. Boxing! We teach you by Correspondence. Detail (or atamp. National School of Training, 411 Kpler Block, Desk 6, Seattle, Wash C. E. FR0MAN 0. C. HIGH Carpenters Wo Build Homes and Fix Thin TRY US. PHONE 372 R-4 TALENT Just as if, with the high cost of liv ing outrunning the advance in our incomes as if the latter were hitched to a post, we didn't already have troubles enough, the milliners, al ways remarkable for their heartless cruelty, propose now, according to latest advice from fashion centers, to pile Pelion on Ossa, to boost the price of our wife's hats and put another crimp in our already emaciated pock etbook. And our wife hears the news not only without perturbation, but even with something approaching exulta tion. She should worry! And that iBn't the worst of it. Not only are we, brothers in misfortune, to be called upon to dig deeper, but what we buy is going to hurt us when we look at It. Woman is going to wear a stove pipe hat! That's risht, old chap, our wife Is to don a topper that'll make her look like a ward politician or a Broadway swell. Of course, if we are firm, we may be able to curb the extravagance of the wife of our bosom by refusing to purchase the tall, shiny Ud for her. But moBt of us have learned that It doesn't pay to try to be firm with our loving helpmeet. She beats us to It. it. And it's dollars to the hole in a doughnut that ever if, in the present Instance, we really are firm and actu ally do refuse to get her a tile that will make her look like a cab driver, she'll find a way to circumvent us. She'll shake the mothballs out of our own precious stovepipe hat, the one we wear only to funorals and similar festivities, and will drape a cerise ribbon around It end be In style. . And then vhat'U we do? It's no use, brother. We're licked even before the belt sounds for the first round. But it's mighty hard to grin when one looks at some of the bats that women wear nowadays, especially when we remember that we are paying for them. FILM EXCHANGE TO BE LOCATED IN ItOSEIU 110 You have something you do nol need. Somebody else needs It and has . what you want. Twenty-five cents puts your proposition before two thousand people through the "For Trade" column of the Tidings. The Tidings Is on sale at Poley's drug store, 17 East Main street Ro3eburg Dally News: George Maple and wife, who have been v!b itlng in Portland and other northern cities, returned to the city last even ing. While away Mr. Maple com pleted' arrangements whereby a film exchange for the Fathe company will be located in this city. This will mean that thp of Roseburg will appear in every film exchange maga zine in the country. The play-houses as far south as Ashland will be sup plied by the exchange located here and will be the means of saving con siderable time and money for them. Mr. Maple will spend a few days of each month on the road In the Inter ests of the Pathe people and will act as their local representative. DR. JOHN F. HART Physician and Surgeon TALENT, OREGON,' Standard legal blank forms ot every kind may be procured at the Tidings office in any quantity. Daily Telegram and Semi-Weekly Tidings both one year for $3. Good till February 1. LET US SERVE YOU i All we ask is the opportunity ' ot doing so. We feel assured ' that our endeavor to serve you ' will be a strong factor in per- ' suadlng you to become a per- manent patron of this bank. X Our interests are mutual. i Slate Bank ol Talent I t v TALENT, OREGON. MMMMMIIIIMt Mj Fine Harness, Saddles, Robes, Whips, Etc. A complete stock of harneBS and supplies at low prices. New shoes and bicycles at cut prices. Repairing In Harness, Shoes and Bicycles We can fix it. Low prices. Strictly cash. No accounts. Eastern Supply Company OPPOSITE ELKS BUILDING