Monday, January 4, 1915 ASHLAND TTDIXGft. PA OR FIVE "Fire Burns Down, and Fire Insurance BUILDS IP." One follows the other quickly when you hold a Policy In such companies as this office represents. No matter how much or how little Fire Insurance you need, from $1,000 to 1100,000, let us place It. Do it now; tomorrow may be too late. BILLINGS AGENCY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. LOCAL AND PERSONAL J .Mamie Holmes went to Portland Robert Vining has departed for last Monday to spend a few days with San Francisco, from whence he will friends and relatives. Miss Mildred Applegate left Sun day afternoon for Rogue River, where she is teaching school. Miss Ruth Walter of Portland is spending a few days at the Otto Win ter home on the Boulevard. Southern Pacific Agent Kramer left Sunday for Dunsmuir, where he will remain until Tuesday attending to official business. Misses Ruth Shoudy and Josephine Saunders returned Sunday to Port land, where they are attending Reed College. sail for Alaska as soon as shipping opens up in the spring. Professor Vining will leave the first of next month of New York city, where he will remain until (ate summer. Miss Olive Fancher has arrived from Havelock, N. D., to attend high school. She will make her home with her cousin, Mrs. H. S. Palmer iee. When Miss Fancher left Dakota the thermometer stood 34 degrees below zero. Mrs. T. W. Acklin has returned from a visit of six weeks with her parents at Julesburg and with Mr. Acklin'a nnrents at Fort Morgan. Mrs. Kate E. Horn and daughter Colorado. Sne Bay8 the climate of the Rockies does not compare with sunny southern Oregon, and she Is happy to return. Continued low water necessitates and Mrs. M. F. Gary and son, both of Hornbrook, are spending a few days in the city. After an absence of four days the city auto street car has reappeared in economv of current by the city light Its old haunts. The car has been , t . tv, .. ,,,! f completely overhauled. of street lights for intermittent perl- Commercial Club meeting tonight. Wait for Enders' big sale. James King of Hilt, Cal., spent Sunday with the Neils. Better school shoes at Enders'. Herbert Alfo'd was an Ashland visitor Saturday. Stump puller, good as new, a bar gain. 115 Granite street. tf E. R. Grieve spent New Year's day on his farm near Hornbrook. Miss Edna Stennett visited friends during the past week. Watch for Enders' big semi-annual clearance sale. It will pay you. George Howard and Leland Noel of Medford were New Year's visitors. Mr. and Mrs. George Tyson are spending the holiday week in San Francisco. Will Stevens of Eugene spent the Christmas holidays with his brother, Tom Hill. Miss Elizabeth Wagner returned to her school at Myrtle Creek Sunday on No. 16. ""Mrs. William Meyer returned Sun day from SanFrancisco, where she spent New Year's. Mrs. H. E. Robison of Lodi, Cal., Is visiting at the home of her son, Fire Chief Robison. William Meyer spent a couple of days in Portland last week attend ing to business matters. Hercules stump puller, a bargain; work and driving harness, bargains. 115 Granite street. tf. The general agent of the Southern Pacific passed through Sunday even ing en route to Portland. Try Enders' line first. Claire Beebe left for Stanford Sun day morning, where he is taking a course In mining engineering. Ruth Turner went to Gold Hill on Sunday to resume her teaching du ties in the schools of that town. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Edwards left last Tuesday for southern California, where they will spend the winter. J. S. Bailey took a trip over to his mine twelve miles out of Hilt last Thursday, returning New Year's day. Fifty cents invested in a Tidings "For Sale" ad often sells a $5,000 property. Did you ever try it? Crit Tolman is visiting at the An derson home on Main street. He has been attending the Colorado School of Mines. Ball Band rubbers and boots wear longer. Buy them at Enders'. Ashland residents, who spent New Year's in San Francisco, report an unusual amount of enthusiasm in the New Year's merrymaking. Due, no doubt, to the opening of the San Francisco exposition. miss fc-dna Wells, who has been 0d8. Users of the city current may employed in the county clerk's office help toward keeping the streets at Klamath Falls, is spending the lighted by economizing as much as holidays with friends and relatives possible both on lights and heating. The 1915 automobile licenses are Wagner, Bertha Kincaid yellow with black figures. Several here. Carrol and Amy Stannard returned to Eu gene Sunday. They are all students at the state university. Chronic kickers who croak about "these here new-faugled electric lights " not being bright enough are silenced after two evenings by can dlelight. Engineer E. H. Bush of the South ern Pacific spent a ten days' Christ- Watch (or Oraie Week ASK YOUR GROCER Miss Edna Neil Married in Frisco Ashland autoists are sporting the new and gaudy numerals. The city and county officials will allow a reasonable length of time for auto mobile owners to secure their license before enforcing the law. H. L. Whited had a tooth on ex hibition in the window of his store which we are informed was once the property of an Americanus mastodon. Miss Edna Neil of this city and Gerald Arthur Torrence of Hilt, Cal.,' stole a march on their friends last week and slipped off to San Fran cisco, where they were quietly mar ried. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs,. Leander Neil and has a large circle of friends in the younger social set of which she is a leader, and In the recorder'3 office, where she has been employed for the past three years. The groom is well known and liked by Ashland people. The newly married couple will be at home to their friends at Hilt, Cal., after February 1, Mr. Torrence being employed in the office of the Hilt Lumber Company at that place. mas layoff with his family here, re- This dainty little animal which once turning to Hornbrook last Saturday evening. Miss Naomi Scott left Sunday evening for Dallas, Ore., where she will attend school, staying at the home of her sister, Mrs. O. L. Mar tin. Donald Walker returned to Port- roamed the wilds of Douglas county only measured about twenty-five feet long and twelve feet high. Mr. Crews was the finder of the gigantic masticator. Watch for Enders' big semi-annual. L. H. Bushorr will leave this even ing for Pawnee, Okla., after several land Sunday evening after spending months' visit with his parents. Mr. the holidays with his parents. He is and Mrs. Bushorr will leave the last attending the North Pacific Dental of January for Galena, Kan., to re- College. Chan atson, civil enginer, now employed on the Pacific highway at Hornbrook and the state line, spent a fevr days last week with his father, C. B. Watson. Robert Ellis, who has been em ployed as switchman in the local S. P. yards, has traded with an Oakland man and will leave for that city in the near future. vJcitizenskJ W BANK 10 FASH LAN The Old Year And The New Ilosinews prudence sanc tions the advancement of your financial intrits. Blot out the delays of the old year and start the new year with a firm rcsolu tion to make prompt dc poxitA in the Rank. Your account Is cordial . ly Invited. side. They were attracted to Ash land by the development of the min eral springs, but the delays incident to getting the work started have dis appointed them to such an extent they have decided to enter business in the Kansas town. Lance Briscoe, son of Superintend ent Briscoe, left Sunday for Portland to take the state medical examina tion. The candidate for admission to practice must pass an examination on One-half price on ladles' hats at sixteen subjects, Tuesday and Thurs Enders'. 'Only a few left. dav of this week. Mr. Briscoe is a Verl Bamthouse returned Friday graduate of a Kentucky medical col from northern California, where he has been on a hunting trip. He at tended the firemen's ball in Duns muir on Christmas night. Jack Peebler and wife spent Satur- lege and has spent two years in hos pital work. The good wishes of a host of friends go with him. About 5,000 pounds of food sup plies were shipped from Ashland on day and Sunday in town. Jack re- last Wednesday for Portland, where ports but little snow on the mountain and the road from his Green Springs ranch to be in fair shape. School shoes at Enders. Mrs. J. E. Barrett and son Edmond returned for the Christmas vacation from Happy Camp, where she has been teaching school. Edmond will enter bight school here. A . A. Latbrop and wife of Helena, Mont., are in Ashland looking for a location. He is a mining man and is very familiar with all past mining activity in the Ashland district. The Tidings is on sale at Poley's drug store, 17 East Main street. they will be' loaded on the Belgian relief ship. The supplies came from points throughout the valley. All cash contributions were converted Into supplies. Flour, canned goods and dried fruit formed the biggest part of the shipment, but almost everything under the sun was includ ed. The Ashland Commercial Club had charge of the collection. Get Enders prices first. You won't need to send off. Carrol Wagner, who Is spending the Christmas holidays with his par ents, and Hugh Dosier of the Emt grant creek district spent four days last week in prusult of bear on the Ashley Russell, a former student B0Utn tork of Emigrant creek. The at the local hight school and now a resident of Portland, stopped off over Sunday night on his way home from Yreka, where he has been visiting. Miss Martha Gilchrist, who has been spending the holidays with the Goods and Merrills, returned Sunday to Roseburg, where she will resume her duties in the Roseburg high school. Buy better shoes at Enders. Ashland students of the Oregon boys report that tracks were plentl ful but bear scarce. However, if Carrol does not carry back a bear skin rug to adorn the floor of his fraternity at the state university, he will have numerous souvenirs to dis tribute among the admirers of his prowess, as a jackrabbit, a bluejay and a porcupine fell before his un erring aim. Mrs. Charles W. Chattln, daughter Wllma and son Charles left last Tues Agricultural College who returned to day for a visit with friends and rela their studies Sunday are: Walter tive sin southern California. Carpenter, Eugene Carpenter, Angle 4on SAVINGS DEPOSITS, Neil, Marion Hodgson, Edwin Dunn, Robert Throne, Earl Fraley, Dana Frame and Kenneth McWUllams Warner's Rustproof corsets at Enders. Frances Hamlin writes from Hon olulu that the Ashland contingent of teachers will visit an active volcano on one of the large islands during the holidays. The trip is a Christmas present from the bishop who has charge of both the boys' and girls' schools. Phoenix pure silk hose at Enders. - At the recent state convention of teachers at Eugene, strong resolu tlons were adopted favoring Rids for Contract for Handling Stock yards. Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the Southern Pa cific for contract for handling the Southern Pacific stockyards at Ash land for 1915. For information call Ion local agent. G. N. KRAMER, 2t Local Agent S. P. Carson-Smith Lumber Co. Reorganized The Carson-Smith Lumber Co. has been reorganized and incorporated under the name of the Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. Mr. Fowler, who was formerly identified with the com pany, and who is now engaged in the shingle mill business in British Co lumbia, has taken stock with the new company. Mr. Slingerland and Mr. Carson will retain their interests. Have Your Car Overhauled and Painted Now is a good time to have your automobile overhauled and painted. We guarantee all repairs and can give your car a factory coat of paint. WE EMPLOY EXPERTS We can equip your Ford with a Gray & Da vis starting and lighting system. AsMand Garage Agency Rco and Cote Classified Advertisements (Continued from Page Seven.) Among the Churches. In the neighborhood of four hun dred members of the Methodist curch and their friends sat down to one of the banquets for which the ladies of that church are famous, in the Moose hall on New Year's day. The tables were piled with gootf things too numerous to mention. During the afternoon a program was given, both musical and other num bers serving to make it highly enjoy able. The Baptist church New Year's dinner was enjoyed by over one hun dred in the church rooms. Talks and music by prominent members were enjoyed between courses. New Year's services In the church es were well attended. Rev. Hawthorne and wife, from Ireland, were recent visitors at the home of Rev. Van Fossen. Mr. Haw thorne has accepted a postorate at Paisley, Ore. The Epworth League held a sun rise prayer meeting at the league rooms New Year's morning. The sacred concert which packed i the Methodist church to overflowing on Sunday, December 27, and which was voted the most finished ever ren dered In Ashland,' will be repeated at Talent on next Friday evening. Rev. Mr. Blackstone of the Baptist church spoke In the Baptist church at Medford last Sunday evening. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 20 HARD-WORKING men desire po sitions in the country at reason able wages. Address Portland Commons, 195 Burnside street, Portland, Ore. 63-4t WANTED A good wood range wtlh hot water reservoir attached in exchange for a $30 gas range prac tically good 3 new. Address Box A, the Tidings. 64-lt WANTED To borrow, $1,4 00 on ten lots, with modern bunnalow. will pay Address A. per cent for one year. R. W.. Tidings. 64-2t FOR SALE Registered Swiss-Jersey cow, fresh. Call at 45 California street. 64-2t FOR SALE c r trade for chickens, one covered spring wagon in good con dition. Call at 97 Pine street. 64-2t FOR SALE Swell little bungalow home, large lot, near West Side school. Nice lawn, flowers, cher ries, apples and berries. One of the neatest homes in the city. At 341 Almond street. 54-lmo. WANTED To borrow, $4,000 on $12,000 security. Will pay $25 a month, monthly, for the loan for three years. W. R. A., Tidings office. 64-3t FOR SALE3etting ei?gs, and order booked for baby chicks from my trap-nested thoroughbred Rhode Island Red hens. G. W. Benedict, 219 Mountain avenue, phone 251-L. 64-lmo. Notice of Annual Stockholders' MeeU ing. Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Ashland Fruit and Produce Asso ciation will be held in the city hall, Ashland, Ore., on Saturday, January 2, 1915, at 2 p. m. Matters of great Importance will be considered and a good attendance Is desired. By order of the board of direct ors. J. B. HUNTER, 3t Secretary. BOXING We teach you by Correspondence. Details for stamp. Apples Wanted. We want sound Newtown apples for cider purposes. Let us know how many you have. Bagley Canning Co., Talent, Ore. 2t The Tidings is on sale at Poley's drug store, 17 East Main street. National School of Training, 411 Epler Block, Desk 6, Seattle, Wash. CLEANLINESS, PERSONAL ATTENTION AND COURTESY COMBINED TO MAKE THE Eagle Meat Market Popular Inspect our market, and your confidence will be behind the pleasure of eating our meats. The knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary workshop will aid your digestion. 84N.Main L. SCHWEIN i P Mi m hi km Notice. A meeting will be held at the library building January 12, 1915. The object of this meeting is to de termine the advisability of establish ing a benevolent home for unfortun- more ate or homeless women and children. normal schools in Oregon. Thlis agi- We have no desire to suggest any- tatlon, too, came from localities other thing that will burden the people, than southern Oregon, so that it can not be imputed a selfish motive, was Involved in the way of favoring cer tain territory, This incident Is men tioned particularly for the edification of those to whom the wish is father to the thought that the normal school question la a dead letter. but a way to do the most lasting good with our charity. We hope the peo ple of Ashland will come out to this meeting and hear our planB. MRS. II. B. SOBER. The Tidings is on sale at Poley'i drug store, 17 East Mala street. M1 Gofop Oet of Business We are now Invoicing the stock and negotiating with parties with a view of disposing of the business at the earliest possible moment. In the meantime remember there Is a nice clean assortment of mer chandise here, all on sale at the makers' cost. Ladles' and Children's ready-to-wear hosiery, underwear, gloves, ribbons, laces, notions and fancy goods. You can more than save the middleman's profit on anything we have that you want. Mulder's Cloak and Suit House ".J 1'- 'ttlMWNfl