PAGK ElflHT ASITLAND TIDINGS. Monday, December 21, 1014 Ml i: 1, ill is i 1 r ; it v It 5 MylldDreliysiC idDppiii JLL JLL , Qi And the lowest prices ever named on ladies' and children's ready-to-wear garments, hosiery, un derwear, gloves, ribbons, fancy goods, etc. A tew more dozen of those ladies' 75c black silk hose on sale a 48c at the big closing out sale at MINKLER'S CLOAK AS30 SUIT H0U.SE, ASiHLAWD ley Ftonr Ktow? CARLOAD IS GOING RAPIDLY AT $5.90, $6.10, $6.50 per Bbl $1.50, $1.55, $1.65 per Sk THIS SHIPMENT WILL BE GONE BEFORE TltE END OF THE WEEK This is a great saving over what you have been pay ing, and is cheaper than we can sell it after we store r 'it. Leave your orders so we can deliver it to you at 2 4 v. n . . A 11 F tlm AkAtrA rr i I no Qpa minsl . anI amr - good cook will have no difficulty in getting good re ; ; suits from the same. i! PLAZA OROCERY Opposite Plaza Phone 78 it t Bounteous Shower for Miss Sanford The holiday season is the social time. Get that suit cleaned at Paul serud & Barrett's. A pair of Fownes gloves for Christ, mas. Get them at the Ashland Trad ing Co. Mrs. James J. McNair gave a de lightful affair last Thursday evening In honor of Miss Ethlynde. Sanford. About forty of Miss Sanford's friends, including the Alpha Chis, were pres ent, and the silvery peals of laugh ter above the soft sounds of music and animated conversation were elo quent proof of the good time all were having. Later in the evening Misa Sanford was decoyed from the rooms upon some pretext and the lights turned low. Swiftly from its hiding place a lovely Christmas tree, glistening with silver and fe3tooned w.lth tiny elec tric lights, was placed before the blaze of the big fireplace, ,The beau were tied to the tree, and when Miss Sanford returned her surprise was tiful gifts which each had brought complete. Miss Sanford was lovely in a gown of pastel blue and brown fur, and all were delighted with the charming naivette of the little "Christmas bride" as she presided over her well- laden tree. Delicious reiresnments were served and the happy evening came to a close. Christmas Service. A Christmas morning service will be held at the Congregational church on Christmas morning at 10:30. Special Christmas music will be pro vided and a cordial invitation is ex tended to all. To give ABhland a start, do your part. Cafeteria special, good coffee. 2t See Santa Claus at Enders'. Last moment shoppers will find everything in the Yule Tide at iiispn s The Busy Store . ; 1 Tern dl Udl Udl UeU UcU U- ' UtrU Uci 2 fa) BUY HERE, ' Practical Inexpensive hrishn In Great Variety its Hair Brushes sgnyTSE $1 to $5. Ideal Brushes, 85o to $1. Parisian Ivory, $1.25 to (0.00. THERMOS BOTTLE New model, separable type, corrugated seam less cas. riots, $1.50; qnartB, 12.50; cups. $1.00, $1.25. Why not Rive a Thermos Bottle. We've a complete Thermo line. Serving Trays of hand-embroidered Chinese, mounted in mahogany frames, $2 to $5. Christmas Post Cards, - - lc Up Engraved Greeting Cards, 5c and 10c Kodaks for Christmas Many there Are who would wish for nothing better as a Rift at Christmas than a Kodak. We have the superb Ansco line. $2 to $00. Bill BooksBlack & Tan Leather Single, Two and Three Fold. Prices 6o'o, 1.00 up to 2.50. Common sense Purses COo to $1 Stationery &CorrcspondenceCards Invites renewing correspondence that per haps has lagged. Gold. Initialed GOo. Holi day Boxes 25c to 6.00. A Ilnnd Mirror makes a pleasing gift. In Ebony, Rosewood or Parisian Ivory. Prices range to $5.00. . A Fountain Pen What more pleasing gift It reflects good taste on the part of the giver and makes a most appropriate gift. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, regular Safety and- Self filling Types $2.50 and tip. Exchangeable until suited Hand Bags In the newest shapes and mouDtinKs. The leather too is dependable. $2.50 to $5 00. Any man will appreciate a Safety Razor. We have them all the best makes of course, and at their lowest prices. Gillette Pocket, Bull Dog and Aristocrat, Auto Strop, Durham Duplex $!. Gem Junior, Ever-Ready and Ender'B, each $1.00. New Photographer Wyoming Mayor The Hartville (Wyo.) Uplift men tions the following in regard to Mr. DeSchenka, who left there for Salem some time a.go, and who has now opened up the Camps Studio: "C. A. DeSchenka and da.ighter, Daisy, de parted Wednesday evening for Salem, Ore..." where Mr. DeSchenka expects to locate. Mrs. DeSchenka and fam ily will Join him after the holidays The people of Hartville feel that they have lost a valuable citizen in Mr DeSchenka. He was prominent in the politics of the town and had served as mayor and city clerk. He also edited the Hartville Uplift until it came under the . present manage ment. His many friends wish him every success in his new location." Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our thanks to those friends and neighbors that so considerately and kindly gave their aid and sympathy during the sickness and after the death of Mrs. Louise Parslow. MRS. MINNIE PARSLOW, FRANK PARSLOW. Newest Fiction "Eyes of the World," $1.35 Harold Bell Wright t "Hidden Children," $1.40 Robert W. Chambers "The Auction Block," $1 .35 Rex Beach "Polly Anna" $1.25 Eleanor II. Porter "The Wall of Partition" $1.35. Florence Barclay . f DOfnAnro) ro) The Store O) We give Green Stamps Shop at Enders', I)U. II. FONTAINE, OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN. Glasses Scientifically Fitted. Lenses Duplicated. Located at R. J. Smith's Jewelry store, Elks Temple, Ashland, Ore. Classified Advertisements (Continued from Page Seven.) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE One dozen Rhode Island Red laying pullets. Mrs. W. D. Booth, 996 Oak street, phone 291-R. 60-2t FOR SALE one extra fine flve-gal-lon milch cow, gentle for women and children. Will be fresh n a few days. Second calf. Inquire 203 Mountain avenue. Ashland. 60-2t FOR I SALE Richmond Chase up right piano, norse and harness, household and kitchen furniture. hogs, chickens, etc. First house east of Normal. F. T. Branch; phone 9-F-4. 60-3t I HAVE two Rouud Oak coal stoves, will burn e'ther coal or Wood; one No. 18 and one No. 16. As 1 only .need one, will sell either for half price. . Call at Dr. Carson's place, corner Beach and Ashland streets. . . v -: . - o-3t For Christmas Shopping High Grade Toys Make the Children Happy From Our Toy Department. 15- piece Tool Kit (real tools) $3.50 16- plece Tool Kit (real tools) $5.00 Pocket Knives 25c, 35c, 50c Tango Twlrlers 15c Gravity Jim 30c Cows, Dogs, Elephants, Cats, Horses, Mules .10c to 50c Hook and Ladders (Iron) t ........35c to $1.25 Fire Engines (Beauty, with rubber tires) $1.95 Cannons that really shoot .' 35c Loaded Dray (a real winner) . . $1.75 DOLLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Campbell Kids (those funny faces) .v. . . . 60c Dolls that really sleep .All popular prices Cut Glass Fruit Bowls $2.25 up Pickle Dishes $1.00 up Spoon Trays .'. $1.95 up Silver Jewel Boxes up to... $5. 00 Silver Mesh Bags.. $1.25 to $6.50 New Air Plants. . . .75c and $1.35 Boys' Books Apperton's Boys' Library. The Substitute The Outcast Warrior On the Frontier Little Smoke OUR SPECIALS 05c ' Hoys' Hooks by Barbour. The Halfback Behind tho Lin . . Four Afloat AND MANY OTHERS FOR 35c Indian Stories by Edward S. Ellis. The Land of Mystery The Cabin In the Clearing The Ranger The Lost Trail The White Mustang BIG VALUES FOR 35c iirls' Hooks Galore. Prices from 35c to 65c Children's Hooks Cloth Animal Books.. 5c to 25c Paper Fairy Books... 10c to 25c HOOKS FOR, EVERYBODY. Beautiful Waists Just received five dozen new ones. Crepe de Chine. . . . $3.00 to $6.00 Beautiful Silks. ... $2.50 to $7.50 Lace Waists to $8.60 Neat Voiles.. $1.25 to $3.60 Kid Gloves Short Kid Gloves, black, white and tan $1.00 to '$2.00 Cape Gloves ,.$1.25 to $1.50 Long (16-button) White Kid Gloves .' $2.75 Ruii Neck Sweaters In Oxford, Maroon, Cardinal, Blue and Heather Color. Men's, all sizes. . . . 75c to $8.50 Boys', wool $1.25 to $3.50 Children's, wool..'. 85c to $1.50 We can secure you any "freak" design you may want. Painted China Plates 95c up Cups and Saucers. 95c up Spoon Trays $1.55 up Fruit Dishes $1.75 up Morocco Hand Bags. ... $1.60 up Christmas Books Whether the recipient of your gift be a man, a woman, a boy, a girl or even the baby, you will find books to suit in our Book De partment at any price you wish to pay from a few cents to many dollars. BEST FICTION FOR GIFTS. By Our Best Writers. Regularly sold from $1 to $1.25. OUR SPECIALS. . 65c The Squaw Man The Souls of Men Ben Hur DaybreaK The Spoilers Their Yesterdays The Reason Why The Music Master The Clansman Three Weeks The Common Law The Silver Horde Quo Vadis To M. L. G. Beverly of Graustark The Mask Dozens of others by Holmes, McCutcheon, Caine and Cooper. ' LADIES' WOOL SWEATERS Ruffnecks, all colors, $3 to $8.50 Angoras, real new, $5.50 to $8. , . Knitted Caps to match. LADIES' SUPPERS Heavy Felt Romeo Slippers, rib bon trimmed,' ' colors lavender and wine $1.65 Light Felt Romeo Slippers, fur trimmed, colors black and brown ' .$1.16 Light Felt Romeo Slippers, plain, colors brown and red.... $1.00 Reposo Bedroom Slippers, padded sole, ecru, colors red, navy blue and hrown. .$1.10, $1.40, $1.60 Men's Slippers. All kinds of tan, vicl kid and felt . slippers, which make hand some presents. Prices 65c, $1.25 $1.35, $1.75, $1.95., Children's Slippers. Girls Red Romeoa. . 85c and 95c Boys' Boot 311ppers. .$1.10, $1.25 Buy useful glftB. Open nights yntll Christmas. TJT CL 17 J? "WHERE YOU DO BETTER." Tp-. 'v'.c Jto s'-