Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, November 19, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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jj n fic Social Realm I
The Baptist charity dinner Riven at
' the cafeteria today was well attended.
The dinner served was iar excellence,
tlelic ions chicken with all of the other
th'mps that so to make up a good din
ner beins served. It was for the ben
efit of an ased couple in this city.
Too mnrh credit cannot be given" to
the. Raf.'tist Ladies' Aid for this truly
charitable and Christian work.
Mrs. K. X. Smith, assisted by Mrs.
H. J. Boyd and Mrs. John Beaver, en
tertained Tuesday afternoon in honor
of Miss Maud Hawley, who recently
returned to Ashland after spending
a year in Kalispell, Mont. The time
was pleasantly passed with embroid
ery. Light refreshments were served.
The guests were Mesdames G. W. Ben"
frtict, Boy hale, (i. T. Salsbnry, Mark
Smith, Gormau, Frank Swingle, A.
l. Peachey. Shafer, G. C. McAllister.
Morgan, Xewton, C. O. Porter, O. V.
Iang, Vv. B. Holmes, O. L. Youug.
W. M. Barber. George Anderson, J.
X. Dennis, J. 8. Kspy, Leah Caldwell,
.lohn Patty, Beebe, Misses Hawley,
Nettie Morgan. Jessie Xewton, May
Ht-nedict, Blanche Salsbury.
heard, the door was thrown open and
they filed up to the second floor,
where there is a spacious room for
dancing. A fine electric piano was
used for music. Five hundred was
played by way of other amusement
and Mrs. V. Frulan and Mrs. J. Mc
Bae were fortunate in the game, for
vhich they received prizes of hand-paintc-d
china. Delicious refresh
ments were served and the guests
lingered until the wee strr.U hours of
the morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Poor, Mr. and
Mrs. J. McRae, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Foltz, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. D Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace, Mr.
and Mrs. R. S. Hale, Mr. anl Mr?..
W. Frulan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shutts, Misses
Fern Murphy, Ruth Hadley, and
Ruth Purkeypile from Medford were
Mesdames Albert, Johnson, George
Van Natta, J. S. Smith, J. W. Bruner,
W. H. Wenner, D. R. Mills and Wil
Ham Mathes were the hostesses who
entertained the Aid Society and Tea
cup Club at the home of Mrs. Albert
Johnson Wednesday afternoon. Re
freshments were served and Mrs
Reed gave a reading selection.
A jolly crowd wended their way
Saturday evening to the beautiful
newly bought home of Mr. and Mrs
Alex Livingston on Main street.
They gave the first knowledge to the
surprised by siuging a lusty chorus,
"We're Here Because We're Here"
and "We Won't Go Home Till Morn
ing." Mr. and Mis. Livingston wero
not bo easily overcome, however, and
pretty Boon a grand march was
The new conforming
pard on the
Ler !tt:
Made up Willi any size and any
; shape lens, right in our
,T own sbop.
H. L. Whited's Ocularium
Happy GntlierinK at Siskiyou School.
It was on a November Sunday af
ternoon that some forty people gath
ered at Siskiyou school house in Dis
trict 38 for an afternoon with the
stereopticon and music. Surely the
stickiest sort of mud and long miles
were no hindrance in the minds of
those from the other side cf the
district, for they walked there fam
ilies and men from the Siskiyou
camps came down the mountain, and
Steinman patrons toiled up the hills
in order to be there.
The pictures of British Amema
and of Alaska were eeautiful ones,
and the lantern from the county su
perintendent's office showed them
"magically" under Mr. Ussher's skill.
Even the babies gazed at them in
silent wonder.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Bennett talked
most entertainingly of the great
Alaskan land, for several years spent
there had given them funds of inter
esting experiences
Music given by Mr. DolIarhicV.i
fine victrola was interspersed
through the program and was such
a treat that we had more and more.
The sun was gone behind the hills
by the time every neighbor had
greeted every other neighbor and the
last ones had strolled away, leaving
the prim little school house again to
the forest quietness. ,
Parents, if yoa wlsn your chll
dren to receive individual instruction
you should arrange to' place them In
Mrs. Hardy'a private school.' Call be
tween 4 and 5 o'clock. . 37-tf
I IHH I I m -H 4"M i IHHW
I AshIand-Mecifo?cl
Attto Line
Beginning Saturday Morning, Nov. 21st
Operated by the Hall Taxi Co., Medford. Pbone 100
AndJ). D. Good & Son. Ashland, Phone 149
Faro one way between Medford and Ashland 50c
Fare one way between Medford and Phoenix 25c
Fare one way between Medford and Talent 30c
Fare one way between Ashland and Talent 25c
Fare one way between Ashland and Phoenix 30c
Fare one way between Phoenix and Talent ; 10c
No reduction for round trip.
Passengers between stations will be charged fare from last sta
tion left by auto.
Time between Medford and Ashland, 34-minute Bervice.
ComHttiit chnuffours. Easy riding. Eight and twelve passen
ger autos. Good comfortable robes. '
Seven round trips dally except Sundays.
No regular schedule on Sundays.
Medford stations Hotel Medford, Hotel Nash and Medford
Ashland stations Crowson's Confectionery, Oregon and Ashland
Talent station It. T. Luke's Confectionery.
Phoenix station Phoenix Mercantile Co. '
Northbound Leaving Time
Ashland 7:30 a. in. Talent 7:45 a. tn. Phoenix 7:52 a. m. ',
Ashland :30 u. in. Talent 9:45 a. m. Phoenix 9:52 a. m. '
Ashland 1:00 p. ni. Talent 2:05 p. m. Phoenix 2:12 p. m
Ashland 4:30 p. ui. Talent 4:45 p. m. Phoenix 4:52 p. m. !
Ashland 7:00 p. m. Tulent 7:15 p. m. Phoenix 7:22 p. m.
Ashland 9:00 p. in. Talent 9:15 p. m. Phoenix 9:22 p. m.
Ashlund 11:45 p. in. Talent 12:00 p. ru. Phoenix 12:07 p. m. !
Southbound Leaving Time
Medford X:30 a. ui.
Medford 10:30 a. m.
Medford 1 :00 p. ni.
Medford 3:30 p. in.
Medford 6:00 p. in.
Medford 8:00 p. m.
Medford 11:00 p. m.
Phoenix 8:4 2 a. m.
Phoenix 10:42 p. m.
Phoenix 1:12 p. m.
Phoenix 3:42 p. m.
Phoenix 6:12 p. ra.
Thoenlx 8:12 p. m.
Phoenix 11:12 p. ra.
Taleut ' 8:49 a. m.
Talent 10:49 a. m.
Talent 1:19 p. ra.
Talent 3:49
Talent ll:19
6:19 p. m.
8:19 p. m.
p. m. T
The Pleasant Hour Club met with
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Biegel last Friday
evening, the ladies having invited
each of their husbands to attend.
About forty-five were present. A pro
gram pf music and readings was given
and the hostess, with the aid of a com
mittee, served delicious refreshments.
Everyone reported a pleasant evening
The gentlemen wished that they
might be the guests of their wives a
little oftener at such occasions.
Study Club.
On Thursday of last week the
Union Missionary Study Club held a
most profitable meeting at the home
of Mrs. W. W. Caldwell. Ilrs. Har
ris of the Congregational church read
a very able paper entitled "Play,"
drawing a marked contrast between
the amusements and occupations of
our grandmothers and the recrea
tions of today's girls showing the
effect of both on the life and char
acter of the individual. "What is
the matter with our Sunday school?"
was a topic discussed, and the ladieB
present were not slow to express
their opinion nor to present their
theory as to righting the matter;
the lack of material as to teachers
and especially the lack of competent
teachers; the want of discipline and
tact is the problem that confronts
the Sunday school teacher of today.
The parents should say "Come to
Sunday school," instead of "Go to
Sunday school," and part of the prob
lem would be solved.
Professor Briscoe then presented
his Ideas as to playgrounds. Having
taken a special course in this foplc
this summer, he was eminently qual
ified to tell of the good and of the
need of a playground. . "
A playground to be a success nust
have a competent leader and some
one who is responsible to a munici
pal committee, in order that right
and fairness are practiced; that
strangers are welcomed and loyalty
Is taught, , '
All ages need rest and rec;ealJftr,
the children need lplaygroutids,fl;rtie
older cnes need a dance pavilion, and
the still older ones' need a change of
scene and occupation.
It was also pointed out that these
places of amusement should be under
the direction of the municipal gov
ernment with a tactful and compe
tent superintendent.
This paper presented the idea of
such places being started in this city
where grounds are so convenient" and
ample, and where with little expense
children and big boys and girls can
congregate and with a competent in
structor be trained. In this climate
such a place would be occupied at
least nine months in the year.
The club Is under very great obli
gations to Professor Briscoe for tne
presentation of this paper, and we
certainly have something along a
new line to think about.
Adjourned to meet December. 3
with Mrs. Douglass.
Thursday! yovember 19, 1914
Chautauqua Ladies
Have Big Bazaar
The ladies of the Chautauqua Park
Club are holding a bazaar a tn
Chautauqua hall today, Friday anJ
Saturday. A look inside the building
was enough to convince one of the
attractive things that could be ob
tained at this affair. Here can be
found ideal Christmas presents, made
by local people and sold by the ladles
of the club on a commission basis
This both benefits the makers of the
articles as well as the park club.
Everyone should take advantage of
the opportunity and take a look In
the bazaar. It is free. Don't buy un
less you pee something that you liko
Besides things for sale there is a fine
exhibit of paintings, hand-painted
china, fancy work, embossed leathei'
work, etc., enough of all for the ar
tistic mind to find delight in for a
long time. Some of the exhibitors
are: The Camera Club.
Stevenson, Mrs. Swlgart, Nellie
Ewan and Orra Patrick. Tea is
served each day. A big afternon tea
occurred today, at which a largo
number of ladies wero present. Bet
ter attend for one afternoon.
Also Friday Matinee and Night, 3:45 a 7:30
Boyd & Ogle's Trained Animal Show
The horse with the
human brain
frSW feMi.V. r, : -'
1 . f mm
Ttui maul wonder i 'ft,
fut kinjf of hb race
tb workl hn ever
known. Patience.
kvc Btul kindrte.vo
have tmnsforoittl
the Jxrse into the
marvel of ttwe' $e.
A committee of citi
zens are invited to
be on the stage dur
ing this great ani
mal's performance to
see that no assist
ance whatever is
given in the work.
Educated Goats, Trained Bears and Ponies, Performing
Dogs, BucRing Mules, and Funny Clowns.
Blay "Lights of London"
"Million Dollar Mystery" Saturday Night
m TREY O' HEARTS, Sunday and Monday Nights
i . , - .. , , i
Miss Calkins Is giving a course
In story-telling and gymnasium for
the children of our city. All are in
vited. Classes are held Saturday at
1:30 p. m. at the East Side school;
Saturday, 3 p. m., West Side school.
Anyone wishing instruction in public
speaking and physical training, phone
9-P-2. 39-tf
The Tidings la on sale at" Poley'a
drug store, 17 East Main street '
Political Announcement
There seems to be doubt in the
minds of some of the voters of Ash
land as to the length of time Ralph
M. Hedges, who is a candidate for
City Recorder, has been a resident.
He desires to say that he arrived
here in August, 1910; bought an
eleven-acre fruit ranch and built a
home on Walker avenue. Has moved
into the city and is now a resident
of the first ward. Needs your votes
and respectfully asks your support
at the city election on December 15.
(Paid Adv.)
Miss Porter
Home or Day Work.
Mrs. Joseph Morcom
203 Second Street.
Does Anything In the
Carpenter line
Phone 423-Y 52 Roca St.
Lilies, Hyacinths, Narcissus, Iris,
Tulips, Allium, Sparaxis,
Crocus, Etc.
Lwo Gram Seed, Superior Mixed.
FlorlKj and Seedftinan. r
Cor. N. Main and Granite streets
I I M tti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M n u 1 1 1 M
i Bagley's Apple Juice j
A healthful household beverage, pasteurized and put up In
Kn n i tfl r v rurm hv npv nrrtnoua Ahunlnfalv r . i 4
X ,- Mum p i cdci vaiivra. A
i, iear, pure juice rrom sound, clean apples. Buy It by the case or T
T. can. Always sweet and fresh. A drink for all the family any
oionia in. me year.
Bagley's Apple;Butter
Z Has purity, flavor and price to recommend It for your use as a
T convenient, tasty table delicacy.
Pul Up by Bagley Canning Co.
Ull t I H. 1 1 1 1 III ut
mi minimi IIMIIinniinillUll
i Twilight Sanitarium I
i n i i x n? f i .......
uwviea w raimess Lniiabirlh
According to tho Freiburg Frauenkllnlk
Quietly and Delightfully Located on the OutsHirti of Glendale.
Large sleeping porch for convalescent and waiting
patients who desire it. Steam heat, electric light
every modern convenience. Trained nurses and
physicians in constant attendance. Open for in
spection at all times.
For Further Information
f Geo. C Knott, M. D., Glendale, Ore. I
Cleanliness. Personal Attention
and Courtesy
Eagle Meat Martlet
Inspect our market and your confidence will be be
hind the pleasure of eating our meats. Tho knowl
edge ot cleanliness and a sanitary workshop will aid '
your digestion. . .... 8. & H. Green Trading Stamps
84 N.
Pbone 107
' ' ItruNhf ., i i .... 15o Horse Rl&nVets 05o
Everything lor the horse. avr Green Trading Stamps ZSr::;::::::::::; Z &".::&
Eastern Supply Cto.