FACE EIGHT Thursday, November 12, 1014 ASHLAND TIDINGS. i var . n j - -v. r: am i MOM WATCHWORD 1EM I re?? Highest Quality Best Facilities MUCH OF the great success of this store is due to the constant effort put forth to attend your needs quickly to make deliveries promptly. Thorn who have favored uswitK their patronega, will tell you that we try. and are always careful, to avoid disappointing them. Get in touch with us today for your dinner order. You will not be disappointed in the quality oi the goods we send, and our Prices Are Right PLAZA GROCERY WEAVER & SAMS, Opposite Plaza Telephone 78 Horticultural Society eets Iucember aval Safeguarding the Money Ashland Record, 11th. In curbstone discussions of the ' The commissioners shall enter Into special election to be held next Tuesday for the purpose of validat ing the mineral springs bond issue the old question as to whether the money from the bond issue is prop erly safeguarded has come up again. By referring to the charter amend ment voted June tventy-third an amendment which created the board of three commissioners who are to handle the money we find that the safeguarding of the money is provid ed for in the following sections: Section 5. There are hereby ap propriated the proceeds which may no contract or issue any voucher In excess of the sum hereby appropri ated for the construction of an aux iliary water system, and no contract or other obligation, together with the total of all contracts and obligations previously entered into, shall exceed the amount of funds herein appropri ated for the purpose, it being the in tent hereof to keep the expenditures made by said commission entirely within the said appropriation, and any contracts entered into or any voucher issued therefor in excess of said appropriation shall not be a The annual meeting of the Oregon State Horticultural Society will be held at Medford December 3, 3 and 4. ThiB is the first meeting of this society ever held in southern Ore gon, and all members are urged to attend. The Medford Commercial Club Is planning to entertain the visitors royally, an auto trip through the orchard district being planned. Fine speakers will be present, as some will be drawn from the O. A. C. Also prominent men who are well informed along the lines to be devel oped will be asked to speak, and, in fact, a large number have already signified their willingness to attend and to make an address. Classified Advertisements $ (Continued from Page Seven.) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED TO BUY An organ, In first-class condition. Address 137 Almond or phone 700-R. 49-2t FOR SALE $100 set Encyclopedia Britannica, 30 volumes, sheepskin, for $30. Also $50 concert violin for $25. Phone 414-R. 49-2t FOR RENT New modern bungalow, three acres of alfalfa, some fruit. Well located. V. O. N. Smith, at Citizens Bank. 49-3t J AUTO WANTED in exchange for two lots in Oakland, Cal. Phone 353-L. 49-3t j MMtHMiimHHmwniiwMiiirwmwmtHmwinitiM I PALMER'S $27.00 SUITS AT N.ever before so early in tKe seas6ri'hav& we offered all Ladies' Suits at such re- dieulous prices. NEW UP-TO-DATE MODELS, . ALL RE DUCED. With the season just commencing you can't AFFORD TO MISS THESE BARGAINS. ' All $25.00 Ladies' Suits at $16.45 All $22.50 Ladies' Suits at S 1 4.95 All $20.00 Ladies' Suits at............. $13.75 All $18.00 Ladies' Suits at $12.45 All $16.50 and $15.00 Ladies' Suits at $ 1 1 . 1 5 Gosl Prices and Below ! Every Suit Must Go! J Regular $6.00 I KLOSFIT PETTICOAT I 'Petticoats at $4 WANTED Girl for housework, fam ily of two. Phone 175. 4$-3t be realized from the sale of the .charge against said, runa or tne city 1175.000 bond issue voted by theiof Ashland, but may be recovered people of Ashland for the purposes J upon the bond of said commissioners of constructing, installing and main taining said auxiliary water plant and which Bhall be used for such pur poses only; the said proceeds shall be deposited by the said treasurer in a specific fund, separate and apart from other city funds; and said funds shall be paid out by said city treas urer only upon special itemized vouchers of the said Springs Water Commission, which vouchers shall be Issued under the seal of said commis sion, signed by the chairman aud sec retary thereof, and shall show for what Issued, to whom issued and amount paid for each item thereon enumerated; and the said vouchers shall not be paid until countersigned by the payee in such manner that the voucher shall stand for a receipt from said payee to the treasurer for the amount so paid. Section 6. All contracts entered Into by the Springs Water Commis sion for material, construction, labor, supplies and for every other purpose In carrying out the object of its crea tion shall be made in writing under the seal of the commission, signed by the chairman and secretary there of in four duplicates, one of which shall be filed with the city treasurer, one with the city council, one re tained by the commission and one by the contractor; and no work un der said contract shall be proceeded -with until the said duplicate con tracts have ben so filed. Section 7. The council may exact a good and sufficient bond to be en tered into by the commissioners in such sum as in the judgment of the rouncll may be necessary, condi tioned upon the faithful performance of the commissioners' dutieB accord ing to the tenor of this amendment, and that they will honestly and promptly account for all funds pass ing into their hands, provided the expenses of said bonds shall be paid out of the funds herein appropriated. FOR SALE Thor ughbred Indian Runner ducks. G. W. Kennard, R. F. Box 109. Phone 13-F-J4. 49-3t-Thur. FOR SALE Eight-room house with two lots. Strictly modern. Good location. Splendid bargain.' Fur nished or unfurnished. Inquire 108 Fifth and C streets. 49-lmo. . Just received 25 new 6.00 Klosfits and they all go in at $4.95 for a short time. ALL COLORS. SEE OUR WINDOWS Buy your Xmas Gifts NOW A few Ifcr&t-jftvofCcrsefe to Close No. 252, front lace (stout figure), regular $5.00, at $2.95 No. 594, back lace, regular $3.00, at , $1.95 No. 545, back lace, regular $2.00, at $1.35 Nos. 580 and 508, back lace, regular $1.50, at 98c Nos. 539, 501 and 5001, front and back lace, regular $1, at 74c ALL GOOD SIZES ! Watch Our Windows A rare opportunity to save many dollars on your winter wearing apparel by buying now Where you Do Better Mrs. Sam Hodges of Gold Hill is visiting at the home of Mrs. William Myer on High street. by proper civil procedure, All contracts shall be made in the name of the "ity o' Ashland and all contractors shall be required to fur nish good and sufficient surety bonds, conditioned upon the faithful performance of their contracts. Payments to contractors may be made from time to time as the work progresses on the estimates, but at no time shall such payments exceed the work actually performed, and In no case shall more than 85 per cent of the contract price be paid until the work is fully completed and ac cepted. Section 8. During the construc tion of said plant the said Springs ... ... J . V. o 1 1 flla urWh Vl Q T) aicl VUIIIIUIOD1UII DlJCtlt Alio T. l ll l ; city council on the first Tuesday of each month thereof an itemized j statement of all expenditures made j by the commission during the pre-1 ceding month, showing for what the I expenditure was made, and each item thereof, the total amount and to whom paid, which itemized state ment shall be published by the com mission for the information of the public; and when the construction of said plant Is completed the Springs Water Commission shall make a de tailed statement of all amounts ex pended In said construction and of all properties acquired for said pur pose, for the information of the council and the public, and such statement shall be spread upon the permanent records of the city; and thereafter monthly reports shall be made. The above sections would appear to properly provide for the safe guarding of the money from the bond Issue and the Record is of opinion that they do. They are part of the charter of the City of Ashland and their various provisions are therefore as susceptible of enforcement as are any other provisions of our charter or ordinances. 6 MONEY 6ff MONEY W Loans may be obtained for any purpose on acceptable real estate se curity; liberal privileges; corre spondence solicited. A. C. AGENCY COMPANY," 758 Gas-Electric Bldg., Denver,. Colo. 440 Phelan Bldg., San Francisco. 49-4t-Thurs. Hot chicken tamales, the kind that are good to eat, at Rose Bros.' 45-tf Hedges wants to be recorder. 49-tf Get your freBh home-made can dies at Rose Bros 45-tf The Tidings is on sale at Poley's drug store, 17 East Main street. The chairman of the springs com mission was handed a fine box of apples Tuesday containing a card which read: "Solace of a springs commissioner's woes; to be taken when woes do most oppress. A. B. Schofield." We are glad to have tliis splendid acknowledgment, for we are told by some that on November 17 we will be handed a lemon. We hope not, for we were just handed a very sour one on the November 3rd election. Bring your garments to be dyed to Ones' shop. Phone 64. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 5 of Jackson county, state of Oregon, that a special school meeting of said dis trict will be held at city hall on the 16th day of November, 1914, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, for the fol lowing objects: To raise a mill tax for the maintenance of the public schools for the ensuing year. Dated this uth day of November, 1914. i Attest: H. F. POHLAND, District Clerk. G. G. EUBANKS. Chairman Eoa-d of Directors. 55 fm IcA 1L)1 I I I I 1 II II It J ... t B .1 I IH I a line & iiNiVfWJr 3 Br- a 1 I European Wars Block Fruit Sales The rush season with the Ashland Fruit and Produce Association is now practically over and those connected with the association are devoting their time to getting the remaining apples out of the way. Manager Brlggs states that the season just closing has been a fairly good one In spite of many conditions princi pal among them being the European war. The crop of early fruits and ber Sona League Has Meetingi The Southern Oregon Natural At tractions League, familiarly known as the Sona League, held a meeting Tuesday evening at the Commercial Club rooms. Among the officers of the league present were: Will O. Steel president, W. E. Newcombe sec retary, C. E. Gates and Ben Sheldon of Medford, W. P. Quinlan of Grants rass, B. R. Greer and C. B. Watson the Ashland Commercial Club's directors. The purpose of this league rles wbb extremely Bhoi t but the mar- g t0 advance in every way possible ket price was good the fruits bring- the advertisement, publicity, lin ing a better rlce than last year. provement and development of the The apple crop has not been at an . natural attractions of Jackson, Jose- satlBfactory from a financial stand point. The crop was an exception ally large one but the markets that have In the past consumed the Ore gon apple crop were almost totally destroyed thin year. In the eastern states where many Oregon apples found their way In the paHt, the Can adian apple growers this year have poured their crop, 'n Europe the market is almost practically annihil ated. In Berlin, Hamburg, Amster dam and Brussels, In the past, public markets have been maintained where the Oregon crop found its way and where each year many boxes of our apples were sold at auction. This season there has been no sale of ap ples at all In those cities and the re sult will be that- much of the crop will either remain unsold or will go at almost the pries of culls. Try our bare ' and roof paint. Carton-Smith Lumber Co. 49-2t phine and Klamath counties and to attract attention to Southern Oregon as the greatest tourist and health re sort on this continent. The meeting last evening developed much interest ing discussion along these lines cal culated to result In greater activity by the league as well as to stimulate the co-operation and assistance of other organizations In the improve ment and development of our won derful natural scenic attractions. mil if Siiiiii u 5J Begins Friday, Nov. 1 3th, ends Friday, Nov. 20th WINTER IS HERE Why not discard that old Heating Stove and buy a Univer sal Hot Blast and save enough fuel in two seasons to pay the "difference" ? . Or if you use wood, buy a Flash Univer sal or a Charm Universal and use your BIG STICKS will take KNOTS, STUMPS and BACK LOGS. - The Universal neither tires your pati ence nor your purse. RANGES ASH BOX. RESOLUTE UNIVERSAL To Whom It May Concern, Notice Is hereby given that Mrs. R. E. Wolford 'has left my bed and board and I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. 49-lt , E. E. WOLFORD. If In need of paint or oils figure with ua. It pays. Carson-Smith Lumber C. 49-tf . Tubular Separators A new shipment just in. Less than a year ago, we took hold of this lino of Cream Separators. We have had re markable success and we find the ranchers going more and more to the "sure thing" proposition of dairy cows, pigs, chickens, and dropping the fruit. lfyouwant;a regular monthly in come, a fewjeows, a "SHARPLES TUBULAR" you have a regular in come selling the cream and the ill" '3u v ST We have all the new patterns in the Universal, and when you are consider ing a range, we desire to show you these elegant cookers and bakers. SPECIAL PRICES winsome UHIYERSAl $16.50, $35.00, $22.50, $40.00, $25.00, $45.00, $50.00 and $55.00. skim milk can go to the pigs and chix. The Tubular "A gives you the full compliment of cream, operates easier and can be cleaned in one-fourth the time of other separator. REMEMBER, Besides Our Low Prices, We Give Slips 10 In Cash Slips, your choloe of any $1.00 article $20 In Cash Slips, your choice of any $2.50 article fl5 In Cash SIIds your choloe of any $1.60 article $25 In Cash Slips, a $3.60 3 piece alum, cooking set ' . v 1 $35 In Cash Blips, a $5.00 4-plece alum, oookingset v; We are not paying big money to an outside corporation for the use of trading stamps, but giving direct to you, much better values, for the amount of your purchases. R THE' LOW-PRICED HARDWARE HAN IIU , Phone 146 ' 375 East Main Street i!, if.