Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, November 12, 1914, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    Thorsriay. November 12, 1914
For Sale
Homes with moderate bouses on
small tracts and lots. We can give
terms on all of them.
One acre of ground, part full-bearing
fruit and berries. About one
half in garden tract, and as fine gar
den land as exists. House of 8 rooms
and bath, woodshed. This is within a
15-minute walk from postofflce and
is adjacent to City Park. Price
. Five-room house with basement, 3
blocks from business street. Loca
tion ideal. Good barn and lots of
fruit and berries. Grounds 100x173
Price $2,500.
One and one-quarter acres of good
land, 4-room house and one smaller
house, barn and woodbouse. Price
Northbound. Leave
No. 14 7:60 a.m.1
Grants Pass motor (main
line depot) 9:30 a.m.
Grants Pass motor (city
depot) 9:40 a.m.
Grants Pass motor (main
line depot') 3:40 p.m.
Grants Pass motor (city
depot) 3:50 p.m.
No. 16 4:30 n.m.
' Southbound. Arrive.
Grants Pass motor (city
depot) 9:20 a.m.
Grants Pass motor (main
line depot) 9:30 a.m.
No. 13 11:35 a.m.
Grants Pass motor (city
depot) 3:10 p.m.
Grants Pass motor (main
line depot) 3:20 p.m.
No. 16 4:60 p.m.
Bateham, Hamilton and Thorn
ber Will Pick Winners at
Annual Spokane Show.
First National Bank Bldg., Suite 9
and 10. Entrance First Ave.
Phones: ' Office, 109; Res., 230-J.
Lot with 50-foot frontage on paved
street, 200 feet deep; house of 7
Tooms, bath, pantry and screened
porch; all furnishings. Price $2,500.
Surgery of the Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat a Specialty.
Fitting of Glasses.
Swedenburg Block, 299 E. Main St.,
Ashland, Oregon.
A 5-room house (bungalow), never
been occupied; strictly modern
throughout; lot about 45x90. Price
$2,400. .
Massage, Electric Light Baths, Elec
Payne Bldg. Telephone 306-J.
Every day excepting Sunday.
' An 8-room house on a 2-acre tract
within 5 blocks of business, about 2 M
blocks to Side school, about 5
blocks to High School; fruits, nuts
and berries, and fine garden ground;
good barn and some pasture. Price
At the prices, these properties are
good as investments.
If you are thinking aoout buying
a home in Ashland, it will be well for
you to come in and talk with us about
some of the properties listed below.
City Homes
No. 216 A nice home on Boule
vard. Lot "75x142. with six-room
house, modern. Price $4,500. One-
balf cash.
Ko 214 A five-room, modern
bungalow; two rooms upstairs, unfin
ished, can be added, making it i
seven-room house. Lot 100x160
This is a comparatively new house.
Price $3,500. This property is on
Palm avenue.
N0 84 a seven-room, two-story
bouse on Boulevard. All modern im
nrnvementR: barn: lot 66x160. Price
$3,500. $1,000 cash.
No. 5 A place of one acre, located
In west part of city; commands a nice
view of upper valley. All kinds of
fruit and berries. The improvements
on the place are old and in only fair
condition. They consist of six-room
house and barn. Price $1,700.
No. 167 On Granite street, house
of hIt rooms and woodshed. These
Improvements are old, but the loca
tion of this piece of land makes it a
fine investment. This lot is 85x247
and offers a fine location for a house,
Price $2,500.
No. 217 A five-room (exclusive
of reception hall, bath, etc.), strictly
modern house In first-class condition
only 1 blocks from Boulevard
Ham with earaee. Large lot. This
place is nicely located and Is one of
the nicest homes In Ashland. Price
$3,200. $1,000 cash.
Cunningham & Co
Residence, 216 Factory St.
Phone 247-J.
The committee of judges for the
seventh National Apple Show to be
held in Spokane the week of Novem
ber 16, has been annoupced as fol
lows: A. P. Bateham, former presi
dent of the Oregon Horticultural so
ciety, Benior judge; Charles Hamilton,
of North Yakima, chief inspector for
the North Pacific Fruit Distributors,
and V. S. Thornber, former bead of
the department of horticulture of the
Washington State College.
All members of the committee are
thoroughly familiur with the apple in
dustry of the northwest and the varie
ties that will be entered in competi
tion. A new departure In judging will
be put In practice this year. All rib
bons will be up, If possible, after the
second day of the show, and for the
first time in the history of the show
the score cards as made up by the
Judges will be tacked up with , the
competing exhibits for public exam
ination. This feature of the work, it
is believed by the trustees of the show,
will add materially to the educational
value of the competitions, and exhib
itors as well as the general public will
be given an opportunity of seeing
where the blue ribbon winners excelled.
Whin Totality Oocurt Nature Takoe en
an Awesome Aspect.
A total eclipse of the sun is a won
derful sight. Where the eclipse is but
partial the disk of the moon will
creep across the face of the sun little
by little, but will never completely ob
scure the orb. But where "totality
occurs the sun at a given moment will
be entirely obliterated and the inhabi
tants of the regions across which the
black band will stretch will perceive the
most wonderful phenomenon known to
astronomers the display of the "coro
na" of the sun.
Great waves of incandescent gas
hundreds of thousands of miles long,
reaching out from the sun Into the
ether, will be perceived. The country
side will take on a sinister, night gray
color, and tints of nature will pale and
deaden ns ut twilight, the temperature
will diminish sensibly, the birds, be
fieylng night has come, will cease their
song and seek their nests. A person
who has never seen this strange mani
festation of nature cannot form any
Idea of lis awesome aspect
This eclipse is a recurring phonom
enon. At the end of every period of
eighteen years and eleven days the
moon comes between the earth and
the sun at just such an angle that the
sun's light is completely shut off from
a portion of the world and partially
shut off from n much larger part-
New Yurk World.
Result-Getting Classified Columns
who, for example, publishes a Want ad once, and if it does not bring
the result desired decides that "advertising does not pay," should study
the practical results, in all lines of endeavor, of perseverance. The law
of "try again" is as potent in want advertising as in any other effort
or enterprise.
Classified Rates: One cent per word, first insertion; cent per word
for each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise
ment inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order
except to parties having ledger accounts with the office.
CHAIR DOCTOR R. H. Stanley, ex
pert furniture repairer and up
holsterer. Carpets beat, relald and
repaired, bedsprings restretched,
(hairs wired, rubber tires for baby
buggies. 26 First Ave., opposite
First National Bank. Telephone
4 13-J. 20-tf
Christlon Science Practitioner.
105 First Ave. Phone 71.
in charge of the practice of Drs. saw
yer and Kammerer.
Pioneer Building.
Office phone 208.
Hours 9 to 5 and by appointment.
Agricultural Schools of North
west Plan Work' at .National
Apple Show.
N. Florence Clark
Violinist and Teacher.
Recular meetings of the Chautau
qua Park Club first and second Fri
days of each month at 2:30 p. m.
Mrs. A. G. Mccartny, ires.
Mrs. Jennie Faucett Greer, Sec.
The regular meetings of the Ladies'
Civic Improvement Club will be held
on the second and fourth Tuesdays
of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the
Carnegie Library lecture room.
The four northwestern agricultural
colleges will have extensive exhibits
at the seventh National Apple Show
which will be held iu Spokane Novem
ber 16 to 21.
Reservations have been made by
the horticultural departments of
Washington State College, University
of Idaho, Oregon Agricultural College
and University of Montana.
Manager Gordon C. Corbuley has
extended special privileges to these
schools, and their exhibits will be lo
cated at the left of the main entrance
to the big show. . They will uttlize
over 3,000 square feet of space with
graphic illustrations of the horticul
tural work done by their respective
Each school will have special repre
sentatives on the ground to explain
exhibits and answer questions of the
growers. Many of the men In charge
will take part in the discussions of
the fruit products congress, furnishing
lectures and special talks on different
orchard problems.
The Time It Would Take an Expert to
Count Them Singly.
.1 wonder If we realize when we talk
of a billion dollurs what an enormous
sum of money it means?
We nil know how rapidly an expert
counter of coins will manipulate them.
You can scarcely follow the motion of
his fingers as he shifts the coins from
one pile to another and counts them.
The treasury experts will count 4.000
sliver dollars In an hour and keep It
up all day long, but that is their limit.
Working eight hours a day. then, un
expert counter of coins will count 32.
000 silver dollars in a day. but how
long will it take him at that rate to
count $1,000,000? Thirty-one days.
But that is only the beginning of the
measurements of great figures, for if
this snmo man were to go on counting
silver dollurs at the same rate of speed
for ten years he would find thnt he had
only counted 100.000,000 of them and
thnt to count $1,000,000,000 would re
quire 102 years of steady work at the
rate of eight hours a day during every
working day of every one of the 102
years. -O. I. Austin. Former Chief of
Bureau of Statistics.
AUTO LIVEHY Floyd Dickey. Tel-
ephone 342-Y. 81-
REPAIRING Expert motorcycle re
pairing. Percy Grisez, fire depart
ment 45-tf
BILL POSTED Will Stennett, 116
Factory St Bill posting and dis
tributing. 54-tf
FOR RENT Furnished rooms with
or without board. Mrs. M. B.
Riley, 131 North Main. 45-6t
TO EXCHANGE for Ashland proper
ty, 19-roem rooming house in Gold
Hill, Ore. Cunningham & Co.
DEN PLOWING see E. N. Smith,
124 Morton St Phone 464-J. 2tf
FOR RENT Four-room house, close
in, partly furnished, $7.50 a month.
Inquire McWilliams & Edglngton.
LOST On Boulevard in June, light
gray short jacket belonglgn to
suit. Leave at Ashland Trading
Co. Reward. Mrs. C. G. Rush.
FOR SALE Good milch cow. C. V.
Bowling, 227 Oberlln. 48-4t
FOR'SALE Dry "cord woodr$4T75
per cord. Phone 423-Y. 48-2t
FOR SALE Seven-horse gas engine
traction wood saw. Call at Ashland
fire department. 36-tt
FOR SALE Homestead relinquish
ment For particulars address R.
F. B., care Tidings. 18-tf
FOR" RENT Five-room house and
large lot for $6 a month. P. A.
Van Nice, 1307 Iowa. 4S-4t
FOR SALE A good supply of bed
linens, practically new, at a sacri
fice. Inquire R yal Cafe. 48-2t
FOR SALE Light wagon, cart, har
ness, bicycle, 30-30 rifle and heif
er. M. Nyby, 296 Maple street.
FOR SALE Twenty yearling calves
and one 3-year-old Holstein bull.
Can be seen at Kerby Bros.' Wag
ner creek ranch, or address Talent.
FOR RENT Five-rooin bungalow on
Palm avenue; water and lights;
large lot, with, privilege of using
adjoining lots as garden or for
chicken park. Call or address 214
C street, city. 39-tf
WANTED Wauhing and mending,
nursing by practical nurse having
hospital experience. Can give good
reference. Also room for rent,
reasonable. Inquire 72 Fifth street
or 637 B street 47-lmo.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and thrqat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. . Office 228 East Main St.
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone
567, Medford, Ore. 21-tf
I have a customer who will pur
chase improved business property on
the Plaza or East Main) street
He wants it for an Investment and
the price must be so that it will pay
a reasonable net interest rate.
I want the listing direct from the
owner and shall expect to make a
commission on the transaction.
At the Tidings Office.
L- O. YanWegen
6-Passenger Carter Car
Phone: Office 103; Residence 350-J
Fire Chief, phone 66.
$ Chief of Police,-phone 88.
Residence, phone 123.
' 2-6 Bells
Cor. Main and Wimer streets.
$ 2-8 Bells
g City Hall.
x 3-5 Bells.
Cor. Granite and Nutley streets.
4-0 Bella
Cor. Main and Gresham streets.
e ft-3 Bella
Cor. Iowa and Falrvlew streets.
$ 6-4 Bella
Cor. Fourth and A streets.
7-3 Bell
Cor. Sixth and C streets.
What do you want? . A -Tidings
want ad tells it to more than two
thousand people In a day.N Twenty
five cents does the business.
Three Big Contests Planned by Na
tional Apple Show.
Fortunate maids and matrons who
are able to make delicious apple pies
are being eagerly sought by the trus
tees of the seventh National Apple
Show which will be held In Spokane
the week of November 16.
A considerable sum of money is of
fered us prizes for the best apple pies
exhibited at the show. This year
there are three apple pie contests
open to housewives, high school stu
dents and a special for women outside
of Spokane county.
In each of the three classes there
will be three lots, with first prize of
$5 for the winner, $2.50 for second,
$1.50 for third and fl for fourth hon
ors. The lots include tne nest apple
pie made from fresh apples; the best
pie made from canned apples and the
best pie made from dried apples.
In each entry the recipe must ac
company and be a part of the exhibit,
and the prize winning recipes will be
published In the Apple Annual which
the show will Issue for distribution
throughout the United States and
Canada. Every baker of a prize pie
will be given credit for her prowess
in this publication.
Wind and the Sun.
Wind does not always go down with
the sun. but niny blow from high to
low. after sunset If wind starts to
fill .up a low pressure nreu before sun
set it is liable to keep pouring in until
it Is filled and equilibrium restored.
If wind stops exactly ut Instant of sun
set one may rest assured that the area
of barometrical depression Is filled. If
wind blows from sea to lund by day it
may atop at sunset and reverse direc
tion., If it does the cause is Hint at
sunrise the sun's radiant energy heats
the land more than it does the water.
The land warms the air. Increases Its
rarity, and It rises, producing a lower
pressure area, and cooler air from over
the ocean rushes In to fill it. After
sunset land cools in less time than the
water, and the direction of How Is re
versed. But this niny not always oc
cur. ..Local causes, ns fog. saturation
of air, electrical conditions and others
may prevent New York Journal.
TO EXCHANGE for improved or
close in Ashland property, five
good residence lots In city of
40.000. Good value at $2,000
each. Will trade one or all. Lo
cated in best residence district, sur
rounded by fine homes; paved; on
beautiful elevation; on street car
line. Inquire of Bert R. Greer,
Tidings office.
TO TRADE for improved or close in
Ashland property, 80 acres of good
farm land adjoining town of 1,000.
Produced 4 8 bushels of oats to the
acre last year and now planted to
oats. All tillable. Price $10,000.
Incumbrance $2,100, due in six
years. See Bert R. Greer at the
Tidings office.
FOR TRADE or improved or close
In Ashland property, 284 lots in
growing town of 1,000 1n Okla
homa oil field. Clear and selling
at $100 each. Not a vacant house
in the town. Good for quick cash
by man who knows how to handle
town lots. Inquire of Bert R.
Greer at the Tidings office.
For Sale
Good seven-room furnished house,
close in, on paved street. Pavlug
and sidewalk paid for. Can arrange
for half cash payment if desired. Am
offering this property for one-third
less than value as my business re
quires me in other places. Will sell
now for $1,900. Address C. J. B.,
at Tidings office. Will cost you noth
ing to investigate. 45-8t ,
Sometimes Happens So.
The Tamily had gone off for their
holiday in a taxi. Twenty minutes
Inter the taxi snorted back up tbe
"Forgotten the tickets?' cried a
"No," said the irate householder.
"but my wife's Just remembered that
she's left a kettle boiling on the gns
He dived Into the house and came
back the next moment with a ghastly
calm on bis face.
"All right now?" said the neighbor
"Bight! I'd forgotten thnt I'd turn
ed the gas off at the meter, and now
we've two hours and a half to wait for
the next train." Glasgow Dispatch.
SINGING vocal technique, tone
placing, artistic singing. Mr. Mac
Murray, Director of MubIc, Pres
byterian church. 137 Oak St. 30-tf
PIANO Mrs. J. R.
340 Almond street. Ad
vance piano work and Burrowes
kindergarten classes. 4 4-tf
FOR SALE Horse and "buggy,
llroke single or double. New har
ness an J buggy. $100 cash. Call
424 North Main. Phone 436-J.
4 8-tf
FOR SALE Reliable gas stove, suit
able for bathroom or small bed
room; in good condition, with pipe
and connection. Can he seen at
The Tidings. tf
Phone news Items to the Tidings.
This Will Be Shown At the National
Apple Show.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor
"Apples contain as great food values
as meat"
"Health's best way eat an apple
every day."
"School children should eat more
apples and less glucose."
These and other facts will be
brought out clearly and emphasized
at the seventh National Apple Show
to be held at Spokane tbe week of
November 16, as a part of the educa
tional side of tbe show. .
Father of the Dreadnought.
To the Into Admiral Cunlbertl. mem
ber of tbe Italian nnval engineering
staff. Is due the credit of having sug
gested the modem Dreadnought It
was he. also, who suggested tbe mod
ern type of scout, and he was one f
the first to study the question of tlio
application of liquid fuel to marine
boilers, it was tils Influence which led
to the adoption of this fuel in the Ital
ian torpedo bout service.
A drug store, in small town with
good territory. A splendid opportunity.
' $1,500 will handle a good business,
centrally located.
Making Sure of Her Sleep.
"I knew you were coming tonight to
call on my sister," snld dear little
"How did you know?" Inquired Mr.
Nor ergo. V
"Because sis has been asleep all tbe
Cunningham & Co.
Young Mnn-So Miss Ethel Is your
eldest sister. Who comes after he
Hninll Brother Nobody ain't come yet
but pa says tbe first fellow that comes
can have her.
5 $2
Strictly in Advance
Southern Oregon's Big TwIce-a-Week
Love in itself Is not Joy; It Is always
service, and It may be a sacrifice; It
means tiring, not receiving asking,
npt answering. . ,
Uha Ashland Tidings
phone nsws Items to the Tidings.
FAT HOtiS FOR SALE Why pay 3i
cents for bacon when you can buy
a fat hog and make it yourself at
lesB than half the cost? P. A. Van
Nice. 1307 Iowa. 48-2t
FOR SALE One Macy sectional
bookcase, two (jressers, one daven
port, and other pieces of good second-hand
furniture. 349 Moun
tain avenue. Phone 4 0.1-R. 46-4t
FOR SALE 240 acres. Willow Creek
Valley, four miles from Ager. Two
creeks run through place. Would
make a fine ranch. Write Box 62.
Hornbrook, Cat, for particulars.
HORNS Pullets and cockerels for
sale at 35 cents each at 104 Lau
rel street, as long as they last.
Have about forty to start with.
FOR SALE Swell little bungalow
home, large lot, near West Side
school. Nice lawn, flowers, cher
ries, apples and berries. One of
. the neatest homes in the city. At
341 Almond street. 4 4-1 mo.
FOR SALE A homestead relinquish
ment of 160 aires, two-roomed
house, barn, chicken house, with
garden tools, plows, etc. Well wa
tered and on Pacific Highway.
Will trade for Ashland property.
Address A. It, care Tidings. 36-tf
East Ashltind lots and acreage In
bearing orchard ami alfalfa. Near
high school. At a sacrifice for im
mediate sale. S, F. Starr, owner,
64 California street, Ashland, Ore.
4 8-St
can x sell you homes like paying
rent. Small payment down, $10 or
more a month. In choice locations.
Stock ranches for snle on which we
could take some Ashland property.
For special bargains see Beaver
Realty Company, 211 East Main
street. 30-1
r'OU SALE The Tidings has an ad
vertising contract with the Port
land Hotel whereby we have to
take part In trade. Anyone going
to Portland to stay for a day or
longer can save 15 per cent on
their hotel bill by applying to tbe
FOR SALE For "improved AHhlatxi
property to $7,000 or $8,000. bal
ance terms to salt, 140-acre dairy
and hog farm, Willamette Valley.
Oregon; 90 acres ctiltlvaiton; Hir
ing stream; new buildings; mac
adam roads. Price $14,000. Ad
dress owner, R. K. D. No. 1, Box,
No. 8, Sublimity, Ore. 4 8-1 mo.
One of tbe finest bouses In the
city. Two blocks from Boulevard.