frAGB SIX n T7 itE Now is the B oys I School Days will soon be here and we've made special pre paration for the school boy. I18S m M Buys a Knicker suit with two pair of trousers, full linen lined, guar anteed all wool, size 6 to 17, col ors dark brown, tan and grey, mild mottled greys, all new weaves and fabrics. Our regular line $2.50 to $8.00 p jUV "The National Boys' Suit" School Shoes! For Girls C and E Shoes Broad toes and low heels, button eunmetal with dull tons Jiroad too and low heel, button isroaa too and low heel, button, vici kid and patent tip inese 6hoes are sold at the following prices: Sizes 5 to 8, at $1.25 and $1.50. " 8 to 11, at 1.50 and 1.75. " 11$ to 2, at 1.75 and 2.00. Boys' Shoes Gunmetal and Box Calf, button and lace, latest patterns and all solid leather. We went to draw your attention to the tact that these shoes and solid leather 6oles. Sues 9 to 13 at - $1.75 Sizes 2 to Fiiwr grades in welt soles H. G. Enders Son "WHEItE YOU Headquarters for School Sopplies, Tablets, Pencils, Erasers It vhml Time to Plan for Your Boy and Girl. Do Until the Last Moment. Do It Now. Boys I I New Telescope Hats All Colors I -I C 10 1.DU I 1 High School Suits Long' Trousers $10.00 to $15.00 School Shoes! For Boys Cheap and Everlasting patent, cloth and kid tops have sole leather counters Sizes 13 to 2 at - $2.00 5 at $2.25 at $2.50, $2.75 and $3.25 DO BKTTEIt." ASHLAND Day Serviceable Shoes For Boys and Youths Misses and Children Shoes that are built on nature's last, with wide toe and low heel. Practical School Shoes that are con structed to withstand the wear and tear of the average Boy or Girl. IN ALL LEATHERS Prices from $1.00 to $3.25 All Shoes Guaranteed Brig'g's &, SSiiim Exclusive Shoe Store. Teachers For Several new names have been added to the list of instructors for the coming term, due to the resignation of some of last year's teachers. Below is the new roll and the different assignments of the teachers: , HIGH SCHOOL. F. E. Moore, principal, physics. Giles M. Ruch, Science. Otto Klura, Manual Training. Cordelia Coffee, Household Sci ence. Madge Eubanks, Domestic Art. Laura McCormick, Mathematics. Maude Nissley, English. L. T. Hodge, Commercial. EAST SCHOOL. G. V. Milam, seventh grade. Bessie Dunham, fourth grade. Nellie B. Ross, sixth grade. Effle Alverson, third grade. Margaret Powers, sixth grade. Myrtle Johnson, second' grade. Bertha Eliason, fifth grade. Loralne Johnson, first grade. Myrtle M. Muir, first grade.' WEST SCHOOL. Gertrude Engle, History. Ila Myers, Arithmetic. Gussie Updegraff, Grammar. Alice Thompson, Bookkeeping. Jeannette Creekpaum, Reading. Headquarters for Text BooKs and School Supplies You can get your entire school equipment of us, from Text Books to Pencils and Paper. East Side Pharmacy J. J. McNAIR. TTDrHOS to .ID "1 TXT Coming Year. Wilmette Hasslnger, Latin and Teachers' Training. Charlotte Kennard, German and English. Delmar Harmon, History and Man ual Training. Anna B. Harris, Music and Draw ing. Beulah Caldwell, fifth grade. Carrie Morehouse, fourth grade. Ethelyn Hurley, third grade. Evangeline Poley, second grade. Silva Brown, first grade. STQ)tl JL1 y The Bargain Store HEADQUARTERS For School Supplies and School Furnishings for Girls and loys Try Our Play Proof Hosiery For School Wear 15c Values now - 12k Misses' Fine Ribbed, Boys' Heavy Ribbed, splendid value, special 12 21 Pair Children's Knit Waists ;iize4to 12 years, taped -houlders, good button and supporters attachment, special 15c Boys' Hals, Caps, Pants, Shirts and Blouse Waists can be had for less here. Boys' Knickerbocker Pants all sizes, in plain colors and good mixtures 39c to 98c Boys' new line of hats, just arrived, all nobby styles and extra good values 50c to 98c Extra Specials - School Handkerchiefs Colored Border, - - lc Good grade white, - - 2c Embroidered corner, - 5c All linen, - - - - 5c Dair Ribbons 20c grade, all silk, all col ors, extra wide, special 15C yard 35c grade, good assortment f fancien, special 24C yard it Monday, August 31, 1014 7A Not Wait 20c Values, now - 15c Roys' and Girls extra qual ity, as good a9 most 25c grade elsewhere, surt to satisfy 15C pair Dress Ginghams Every mother knows the quality of our special ging ham, new line just received on sale ,10C yard Boys' blouse waists, age G to 14 years, good quality and well made of ginghams, percales and galateas 25c to 49c Boys suspenders 15c to 25c Boys' everalls. 44c to 85c Boys' underwear in sepa rate and union suits 25c to 50c . School Supplies Rubber erasers, good pen cils, pen holders lc Pencil tablets, - . 5C Ink tablets, - - - 5c Spelling tablets, - . 5C Composition books, - 5c Note books, - - - 5c Book straps, - - - 5c Black Ink, - - - . 5C Folding lunch box, - 10c