tagh rvro AsnxAxn rmrxcs Monday. May II, iqu Ashland Tidings SKMI-WrnKLY. KSTA1JI.IHKI IfcTG. MODERN -KTinEXCV." I farm than in the town; that my sue- '4MHIIIIHHHHHCmHMHilM M I tlf i Every perioi. erery year, ha its jon j-ei au-oora. .jiiency is . . tlc;an now. ew periodicals s 1 Tie Home Crce g ! ce&s depends not upon my location, Issued Mondays and Thursdays a m'w IV-rt I, ;rwr, B. V. TaJcttt, "alitor ami w ix-r i - - Ofy Editor i r: -nests :n .trre H (dreams, bat u-fca what I actuary do; ' rjooica J. riKHibt from Ue Editorial Pe S i not n'"0:l ,uti b'""- uoa pluck. I -.eaters feel their q - JI , believe 'th the keynote :e iisicEs they dwell oa tils ji"i;sri:nTiox iutes. o- yr $;.'- f";x Mon-is 1.--. Three Mon-h ? "" Payable in Advance. TELEPHONE 3f Advertising i 2 rsn-t-e'a- ;-c5 ; : it'.- 'Lez;o.-. cf it". word. 1 Xe- Vori tiy Tor the pat i they i.2ve ?rn ho'cinz an "E"i- - jtt'.y ei-out-os. r.very 2e tfcaVTfcat was the danr-ve that woo"" be :-.is i lui-iiie or a d?r:e by whkb'doae to the eotsntry stores. It was alio fr" i-y many ri-efchants tr-.; ;t c"M drain tie iife i-lood cut o: :- i believe in workinr when you work 'and in playing when yoa play, and loaniry ftiores sol finrt. ? in clvin? and denaniinz a square While the Jons tight for the -ar-;dea3 in every art of life." Wasticz el pest was wazisg there was always ton ID. C. Post, one ftoii argument in oppos'ioc. Capital and Surplus, $120,000.00 SHOUT PANTS" KA.KIJALL. ;z.e and e'irsr-ia work is little l-oti. ar?-;!i2. ?es-i":.c.r.:-r".'n-. The q'.'f r ari.es ii the T.ichsij'? "-" -C :-:-; r.ct create more raue in iotss or :yjre size. The 5ast boiletla cf the Xa" ai .-oe;a'on o' (ri.t Men -3--i;; ti-r result of an investii-atio-j inT'- t:.:s q je.-tioa. Or.e oi the j.:eit'ot.s i-ked "Art o;;r.ry ktor li'ifii : he i ri-.-e; ; : v.ne.-s 01 the :. .-'j':?e-r?'' Thi srd other - et eri to T-ho'".i!e d-t ' : -. ro.--ro2d.-: a a -J s.ii-all-c-ity ; is ir;-. t'.e y isles n:ana?er io; the h-ar a 'juirkjv enough, qtieft'oiii hro.i;ht otit no :-'-n-arriQri? the retailers that -he was hurting them. POstCi.'i ter. ro.-'y er c-cr ;ed at to the Cert;?a ... :t:ej cola pii.h i: iKl TA1.J7V. Ther have .';" near i'o',-: hi Xw Vo: k o'her -itn. OI:T:'-' 't-d ;! V.". V. raden. X-ne i; en were arr-'- I at the lan deinorirtra ioi. i:i N'-vv York for al!fvd distorhaiif-e of tin; jica' ". Allegations u-re nade that the po lire br:;a'!y utr'ifk the !i'-:.drt of tile rrod "Witil the bicod K'nntei). On'.y an -e v.itn-H.: could ::ay how far th-:e i-ou iilsints wre fair. The general inenion of the attitude and conduct of the police toward di:;tMih- an's is worts attention, however, ski a source of con.taiit conflict is great mvity tl'es. .rr.t r.-tholi. -:e:.t. V. :t thcr'; ai W:,nk',; I;.-.-(!erla:i'l. A "orlir.ien T. -ju'd at the ':!:"e th-y were ar"in' o i; e'hoa.-: was the more 1 1 yo is SCI:.' The .-on.;et: Mi"; the !ria sot a iitror.2 ai: t:rir If th-: r hoy at the are oi ten can't "or;? Hy. watch h:::;! Th"re :h:r: a".-nornial . o-.t hir:. :ve isstisct. -a-hich is ;.:inz of ciTiXza'ion. is ii him a- it o-:?ht to i.e. hue as "t-i::s cher:sh- ' r" :. i a - - -ose heiit -y is fol ate. Oa The nor.;; :::e joea.s o. tis ov,n s-a! elates. Th? hey ci" tea w! i set Iir.-t oi: eirLlii? lowing ideals too old for hi Irst National Bank Oldest National Eank in Jackson County 5- The tirr.fnt :;?r;e! ; o li.' ie wa.- new syste er.'):r.se. The er.u-r.t of the the fornier heavy e::; fene.-Ll lee'.in tha- the retuoved a buruea-o;:,e '.ax ir;ijio . '-y : e.-i chars:-, was '. ;i o tiT '' '.. i-"ri oi i ient. There i now a tendency to hold oiK-Kelf do"n. uv. to hold others down, t'j lertain firced nandard-i of production. The old-time workman ;u down to his hen h v. ith a cou fortably indeliiii'e idea of the amo'int of work that he -.vas voin? y turn out. He ii.-:li!;ed the fetter in; srasp o' tiije tables. He often 'Ojiped to piny by the wayside. If a neighbor a . dropped in, they be-.-an to talk ,oo!i- wbidi the retailer eh he had to pay lies, ii in- aay s wor : a;a not snow :t to r.r,rv hi ciwnmer the other fcaud. the boy o" ten "a ho n.erely likes to ;.-ay ta-; a:.r tur;h'r in theydirt is net old eno r-h aue. At emerge 1 of the hidiet are. He -O.o-!d Depository of the United States, State of Oregon, Coun ty of Jackson and City of Ashland. hat ;eriod he tho i'd ron: the unorganized for his have a desire to excel his own Kate? in the pursuit that their ;..:nd.s are ie;t able to appreciate. Every American :oy o-iht to be . t -. . ' . . . I l. . . ; I . . t.J f CT n " L.r I,-- I . , I- l.orcnf? , r. 1 . . . . "-;-'. i'. '-i'lie in iriuieT.v it,-- - " te. (,:eni(.n.s j.,, as important w as a quarter nere. nsii a o-nlar " -"u iiit.. iu s::iwii imi-d- tj.e there, a dollar M:.jevhere else. .'. - aood deal o; es hi;: valaahle facts, the order un der eitranecis a-ithoiity. Thf; Iju'iI 1 field teaches hit;) aienri-HH of thought. and order under his ow n individual i self-control. In liiany litrhts the lat- It i.4 ( l.'ihi.e "c-jiioiny on $7. ."iM! a 1 tliat. only by the luo cijii a cori'ii-Hsnian iv. yci'i-. if their ;,ay advanci'd tln-y i.iay be able to Washington once in a v.hile. Vli- iort.ier. Make it "Ashland the Beautiful." th-j t;. :e it v.as charged up to the conaurj.er. No doubt ihere w-:e r.raay eirt uinstarice;- uader "A policei.ians lot i riot a happy;"''. l " - ne ''onsojea nun- , ,he lon.. r,ln ,h(. rilan;e may. w." The Mreet cro vd is unfriend- j U !y 'nin':il''- thzt J-"e i prove a roo-1 thinrj for the express! ly. Evej if he iK merely trying to j "n"s,laI 'lifHculties to surmount. -companies. lnder the old re.-iuie' arre:t a msn as a "si-ople drunk" he i -N-""'' weI!-condu-ted newspaier they could not have ossibiy consid-! fels the hostile atmosphere. .have a certain hour at whirh every ' ered themselves popular. Xow they: After a policerran Retn thre-r oriJ,a'-''' 'mist Po to :res.-;. The factory are advertising their clair-s and rates, four tic SB on the hhin he do- not ' employe has a normal standard pro- The moment a corporation shows it feel quite that benevolent interest in I Auction. The -;ood business :azn con- self anxiocg to please and get l.uti-; tujairmin; creature that might !,' st'lt-" hi- ;ia:.r table hourly. It all . ness, thst l.ior.ent it has laid the: Bogei-ted by pure philanthropy. Po- invoheg nervous strain. Iut it i a foundation for popular favor. "et : n-,ry likel'ar' of t''" r.ieat industrial advance,; Retail merchants, cf course, must I Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Fancy Waists VAUPEL'S T5he QUALITY STORE Butterick Patterns SHOES GENTS FURNISHINGS which larger co'iforts oi li'e and' realize more work is re foe in; secured. licetnen occai- ion ally other neo ;!. The ter;;itation is ' atron; to hand o:it a monitory rap ' ""ore play-time with his fctir.-k. Thi fjuite iwnifoly may foe more emphatic than would : mans views on the currency law be called 'or by the code or rules. !w j! i,nd-r-:o very l onsiderable re Police r.ork ' reates contempt for ; vision after he has been turned down the underworld oi drunks, vagrants 1 for a -0 y; ,ne fe.jt,ri reserve bank, and thieves. The incessant conflict j with turbulance and disorder may et ; ' " too much on a man'H nerves. AIko politics lands many coarse and cruel men in a policeman's uniform. roins to be done : by mail orders sent to stores near: home. They must by advertising; keep their -;oods before the outlying farmers or their territory, or their rival around the corner -a ill get it. ; We Give 5 Cash Coupons With Every Cash Purchase SUMMER FOOTWEAR Hut perfection can be excepted in REPUBLICAN VOTERS SHOULD BEWARE ;; Mexican War of 1HI7. On April IK. 1S47. the battle ol C'erro Gordo was fo-r-ht in the 5'exi an war. and a: this battle the "Mexi can commander, Santa Antonio de Lopez, was p it to enth a precipitated , iaht that he lost his cork ez in addition to losin-; the battle. The no task. It i:: one thin! to gather i in a soiiiriiiins fi'-hter. w ho in able I to deliver some u;'Iy blows, arid may! Party Should Be ReDfeSented .''o"1" Ie "'hi;h formerly belon-d to is ... n ... tnf Mexic-n :;enerol is in the state have a nin in his pocket. It another tiling to stand outside and ' criticise. j In these '. W. V. liots the police' perhaps failed to diHtiniruish are-' on National Committee By a Republican museum at the state capital in Spring- field. 111. j ' Oeneral Pant.-i Antnr.in Inst hi leff i The Republicans of Oregon are en- in the defense oi Vera Cruz, against! FOK OLD AND YOUNG Sorosis and Utz & Dunn MAKES New Colonials in tan leather, black suede and gun metal. Pumps in satin, velvet, suede, nu buck, canvas, pat. & dull leather. R folly enough between men who lose! titled to hae a Republican named as ' tfe French in December. 183$. and it! KeU-control from emotional excite ment and the ordinary street rou'h. the Xational Republican Committee- i said he buried it in the cemetery J man from this State. C. V. Ackerson, 'at Santa Paula, after bavin; an elab-; But the fact remains that the police- i who claims to be a Republican, is a ; orate burial ceremony and an exten-i man saveB the rest of us from the 1 candidate. He registered aa a Progres- sive funeral o-?tion pronounced. The! repulsive job of self-defense. Were it not for him, every one else would have to be rolling in the "-utter, de fending his own right quiet. AXTI. PltOHII'.ITIOMST FK'HTIXG MADDEN. The report is being circulated along Front Btreet that If Frank Madden is elected county commissioner the rounty employes will be so poorly paid that they won't be able to buy a glass of beer, says Robert Ruhl in the Medford Sun. As a result that imposing thor oughfare with its attaches and sympa thizers are lining up to a man for Joe Smith of Rogue River. While we are not supporting Mr. Madden because of his personal views Bive January 8, 1!H. Then signed petl- old school histories give an account' tion of Ir. W. Coe to be Progressive of the old cork leg, but there are few i National Committee-man. Then can-! indeed w ho kuo-v v. here it is now. ! to peace and ! celled his registration as a Progres- ! Bive and registered as a Republican Considerable interest and not a lit- i and immediately filed his candidacy tie satisfaction has been felt at the' for membership on Republican Nation- j report from Ores-on that a millionaire ! al Committee. Has been an Intimate r w ho scorched throu-rh the streets of and convenient understudy of the Pro- j the city at the rate of fL"ty miles an Cressive National Committeeman and hour was sentenced to five days' la seems now to be in combination witnjbor on the municipal rockpile. him In an attempt to shanghai the ) a lot of people would be glad to Republican organization. His eandi-, hear of other such cases. Not that dacy Is being actively backed by par- j they have any particular aversion to ties hostile to the Republican party either millionaires or automobiles, and having personal Interest and prl- kiit that the matter of reekle?s driv ing is frequently considered all too Button Oxfords Our High Shoes in button and lace IN Patent Leather, Kid and Gun Metal In Your Size are beauties. In patent, plain toe, kid top, cloth top, kid, gunmetal, lace and nubnek. i - You will find our stock the largest and most complete in the city. Prices range from 52.00 to $4.00. ate personal grudges to serve. His erratic and excitable temperament has frequently led hira to flood the col umns of the press w ith violent attacks upon the Republican party fcod vicious personal abuse of prominent Republi can. .ffiH llf.t.n r.c r9 th. . ... - .u stale argument appeals 10 us as one oi me best yet presented for his nomination next Friday. It means that the policy of hiring eleven fruit Inspectors at 16 per day when the service could be secured at slightly over half that amount will be continued if Mr. Madden Is elected. It means that making a political machine out of county employes will not be continued. It means that making the taxpay ers of the county pay more for their service than a private corporation would pay doing the same class of work will not be continued. In short, it means that If Mr. Mad den Is elected to the county court bis personal force and aggressiveness coupled with his thorough btntlnut principles will remilt In a rigidly eco nomical administration of affairs. Our Front street friends are no fools. They have their ears pretty close to the ground and they know a hard-headed business man when they see him. Padded payrolls mean more beer, and strict business payrolls mean less beer. Hut who pays for this brer, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer? You do. It Is a grave abuse for parties who are not Republican to register as such. It is a graver abuse for outsiders to attempt the capture of a political par ty to gratify a personal grudge and to promote party discord. It is an abuse against which fair-minded men of all parties will rise Id protest Wa lightly. Wholesale murder by automobiles is really serious business, and the j moral responsibility of thus endanger-! ing li.'e should be as great as when a man uses firearms recklessly. But ' the latter has inevitably received the I severer punishment. ' She w ho walks through life with an j I even temper and a gentle patience, i patient with herself, patient with oth- j ers, patient with difficulties and crosses, has an everyday greatness A good word for a bad one is worth much in the home and costs little. Make it "Ashland the Beautiful.' can never have a reunited party by beyo"d that w1hU;h ,9 won ,n batt,eS . ,, .i,i-i . , v. . j. I or cuuuiea catiieaiais. FWu;ni iv iui uvui ywiwiiu UVII1WUD and men who are political reformers simply for the saka of office. Haying been a Republican only twenty-four hours whea he announced bis candi dacy for the highest honorary position In the gift of the party, la some Indi cation of what Mr. Ackernoo'i motive was In registering aa a Republican. As Hon. Ralph E. Williams la the only Republican who Is a candidate for Republican National Committeeman, we feet warranted In urging all loyal Republicans In the state to give him their earnMt and enthusiastic support, CHAR. B. MOORES, (Chairman of Republican State Cen tral Committee.) M. B. McFAUU (""resident Lincoln RepuLMcan Club.) McKINI.KT MITCHELL, ("resident of Portland Republican Club.) C. M. IDI.F.MAV. (President MultertK.r P.r,,..tu. Club ) The Kami Hoy's Creed "ood! In every school bouse In Prince Edward county. Virginia, a placard containing a creed for the American country boy and dedicated to the Boys' Corn Club of Vlrgina has been posted. It reads "I believe that the country which God made is more beautiful than the city which man made; that life out of doors and In touch with the earth Is the natural life of man. I believe that work with nature is more inspir ing than work with the most intricute machinery. "I believe that the dignity of la bor depends not on what you do, but how you do it: that opportunity comes to a boy on the farm as often as to the boy In the city: that life Is larger and freer and happier on the THE STAPLES REALTY AND AUTO AGENCY Select Your Residence Property And buy your choice of land now before the inevitable jump in prices. My clients are continually raising prices or withdrawing offers, but I have a few SNAPS left. Don't think that because I sell the STANLEY STEAM AUTOS that I can't find you a bargain in land. That's why I can do it. If you want money, land, a home, an automobile, timber lands, remember that a man in the real estate business is a good, one to interview. I am one of them. Would any of the following interest you ? 22 acres, alfaKa ranch, close to town, op perpetual stream. Splendid building site. $4,500. Easiest kind of terms. t An 80-acre alfalfa and grain farm well improved, nicely located, offered for a short time at $12,000. Ought to and no doubt will bring $1G,000 within a year. A cottage on paved street leased for a year at $15 to responsible tenant, $1,200. A raountain rancli, well improved, on Williams creek, to trade for Ashland property. Hotel Ashland Bldg. Ashland. Oregon