Thursday, March 80, 1014 ASHXAYD TIDINGS PAGE SKVEJ ', aUjeis UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK -IS THE- PIONEER BANK OF ASHLAND Security-Service mm Capital, surplus, undivided profits cinr AAA AA AND STOCKIIOLDLKS' LIABILITY OVtR $1 f i),UUu.UU DEPOSITORY OF GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BANK FUNDS I DR. W. EARL BLAKK DENTIST First National Bank Bid., Suite 9 and 10. Entrance First Ave. Itiones: Office, 100; Res., 230-J. DR. J. E. ENDELMAN DENTIST CfUaens Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Suite 3 & 4 ASHIiAND, ORE. LOCAL S. I TRIE CARD. M G. W. GREGG, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office: Payne Building. Phone 69. Residence: 216 Welgbtman Street. Residence phone 222-R. Office hours: 9 to 12a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Calls answered day or night. DRS. JARYI9 HOSLOL'GH, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEOXS, PAYNE BUILDING. Office Hours, 1 to 3 P. L DR. D. 51. B ROWER, GENERAL PRACTITIONER. - Residence, 216 Factory St. Phone 247-J. WW. SAWYER AND KAMMKHKR, The only Osteopathic Physicians in town. Women's and Children's Disease a Specialty. Pioneer Bldg. Ptones: Office. 208; Jtes., 242-R. ' Nortbtxiund. Leave No. 14 ." 8:00 a.m. Grants Pass motor .(main line depot) 9:30 a.m. Grants Pass motor (city depot) ..' : 9:40 a.m. Grants Pass motor (main, ' line depot) 3:40 p.m. Grants Pass motor (city depot) 3:50 p.m. No. 16 4:30 p.m. Sonthbound. Arrive. Grants Pass motor (city depot 9:00 a.m. Grants Pass motor (main-, line depot) 9:20 a.m. No. 13 11:35. a.m Grants Pass motor (city depot) 3:10 p.m. Grants Pass motor (main line depot) 3:20 p.m No. 15 4:50 p.m The Itork of Chritt J emu." No one when garden time comes will intentionally or maliciously per mit their chickens to destroy their own or their neighbors' gardens, and no neighbor feels like knocking a chicken over aid throwing it over the fence, though the law gives you that right. Massage, Electric Light Baths, Elec tricity. JULIA R. McQUILKIN, SUPERINTENDENT. PAYNE BLDG. Telephone 306-4. Every day excepting Sunday. Dr. It. P. Bradford and Wife. "KI-RO-PRAK-TORS" Chronic cases our specialty. Consultation and examination free. Hours 9 to 5. Sundays by appoint ment only. 21 E. Main, Freeberg Bldg. Phone 58. DU. G. R. UTTEIUIACU, D. C. Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. Acute and Chronic Diseases. Remove the cause. Nature cures. Rooms 55 and 5C, above Vaupels tore. Hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5: 7 to 9. Phone 68. 211 E. Main St. BEAVER REALTY COMPANY. A. M. Beaver, E. Yockey. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Exclianges a Specialty. ASHLAND, - - - - PRECOX Resident Agent for all makes Rebuilt Typewriters Expert Typewriter repairer. E. A. IIILLEARY P. O. Box 122, Ashland, Oregon Freckles February and March Bring Out I n nightly Spot How to Hemove Easily. Ttio nrran v.ifli tpndpr skill dreads February and March because they are likely to cover her lace wun iiflv fra-bloa. No mattor how thick her veil, the sun and winds have a strong tendency to make her freckle. Fortunately for her piece of mind tha rppput dimoverv of a new pre scription, othine double strength, makes it possible for even those most susceptible to freckles to keep their skin clear and r. hite. No matter how stubborn a case of freckled you have, the douole strength otniae snouiu re move them. Get an ounce from your drugshit and banish the freckles. Money back it it fails. ANGER IN A WOMAN'S BREAST mm tftmi i tma lump UK Tin no atwava POISONS escroM in .nu.rr inn KILLS OUICKLY IWILLGIVE$1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR NO KNIFE W PAIN No PAY Unta Cored No X-Ray or other ftwlndla. wmiim AWOIITE GUUM1EI AJ7 MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA . Mahogany Camp. No. 6565, M. W. A., meets the 2d and 4th Friday of each, month In Memorial Hall. F. G. McWilllams. V. C: G. H. Hed erg. Clerk. Visiting neighbors are eordially invited to meet with us- CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regular meeting! of the Chautau qua Park Club first nd,ftth'rdnlFrl Oaya ot each mouth at 2:80 p. m. Mrs E. J. van sam. . Mra. Jennie Faucett Greer, Sec. Civic Improvement Club. The regular meeting of the Ladles Civic Implement Club will be held on the swond and fourth Tuesday, of each month at 2:3,0 p. m.. at the Carnegie Library lecture room. uv TIIUK LUMP or SORE oo th Uf. FACE or bod loni CANCER. II lim hkt IrtlMlStati. 120-rASE 00K Mot tnn aonUU of TWRMB ANY LUMP in WOMAN'S BREAST IS SURF. CERTAIN MATH IF aTBlfCTID OR CUT M rSwUsMaW tU rtatar CURES 1-10 DAYS MILLIONS DIE KVtRY VtAR ky W.IMnToo Loj., YOU mar rofoM to kW until TOO LATE 1 SWEAR WE HAVE CURED 1 0.OOO Pew cni st HAH MOOT If turn H it Address Old DR. fc KRS. CKAMLEY t CO. 40 yur "8REATEST CANCER SKCIAlltTt UVINQ" A O 3B VALtNLW 31 Ml IMRblbU, I.M. HINDU MAIL THIS to MiMOnO with CANCER BERmCLE C iVBlBLE5T0PYON WHAT DOTH JEHOVAH REQUIRE? Matthew 7:24-2 March 29. "What doth jUiovah require of thee, out to it justly and to love mnane, ana io wo; Aumbry with thy Godf-Uieah e.S. KSUS nought t impress uiion His hearers Unit it was uot suf tieiont to hoar that n Kingdom uf God was coining to briug blesHings to the world, and that u Kingdom class was being called to bi Messiah's Joint-heirs iu that Kingdom. Action would be- neressary ou tliiMr p'ai-fif they would attain this high priv- i liege whicli God bad granted thi'in. ; Jesus gave" an illustration, saying i that 1 host wlio heard His Message and obeyed it ' won Id be like a wise man who built. up on tho rock, where rain s would not. wash a way the foundation. T h e storms of life and the great crisis, death, are sure to come. A m I d s t these trials there will be calmness, security and con fidence for such as have accented the Lord's arrange tuunt and have walked to the best of their ability in .lesus' footsteps. "Other Foundation Can No Man Lay." On the other hand. Jesus intimated that many who heard His words and TiKt annreciation of them would fail to take the proper steps to uttnin the glorious Kingdom privileges which He presented. They would ni low custom, habit, love of pleasure. . . . . . i . . i ,i love or ease, tue Bpiru in me wunu. to hinder them, from making lull ue votion of themselves to God. Such did not build their faith upon the proper foundation Perhans some built upon the Law, and thought lo commend themselves to God bv their own endeavors, without thB Imputation of Christ's merit. Such would tx urea t It mistaken. Other foundation can no man lay than that which God has lald-.lesus Christ. His death is our redemption-price: and His nnnetiroDce i" tr'"ry our Advocate Is to make good our unintentional fihortcomi'uL's With all'sucft. the day of trial will aurely come; and their faith structure. holns without proper foundation, will sive wnv. Thev will suffer loss of nil tlmir bones. This, however, does not signify, as inauy once upKsed. Unit thev will uo to eternal torment. Kvl- dentlv nearlv all Christians, misled by the creeds of the Ihirk Ages, have read into Gods Word things wnicu if ooes not contain. . Compare St. Paul' Parable. The Apostle Paul ued a similar U-1 lustration. Those building uHn that foujidatioii with the gold, silver and: precious stones of Divine Truth de-; veloplng faith and character in liar-1 inony with the Divine requirements' v,1ll suffer no loss In the great trial day ; at the end of this Age. But others ; who build with the wood, hay ami stub- ble of human tradition and self com-1 nlacencv. will have their entire faith I structure consumed. 1 Corinthians! 3:10-ir. Nevertheless the AlKstIe tells us that j even these, it tney nave mini uion , Clinsl. wui ineuiwives in- nveu. jui b , as bv lire. Thev will ue wnai is term ed a tribulation class, described in Rev elation 7:14-17. The class building with gold, silver and precious stones, will be a Little Flock, a Iloyal Priesthood. But the class building upon the Kock without proier materials will 1hj the Great company, the antitype of the Levites. They will serve God through the priestly class. "The People Were Aetonished." No wonder the people were astonish ed at such dwtri'ues as Jesus set forth! Ills teaching had a posltlveness quit! different from, the speculations and ! wonderiiigs of the scribe and Phail rpcs. So It Is always with the Truth Wherever there" Is confusion and iuya- j tery. we may be sure Hint there Is er ror and ignorance- Hence tho neces slty tli:it all who preach Christ sliould huve the anointing, or ordination to preiH-h. which Gxl alone gives through the begetting of the Holy Spirit. Our Golden Text. The Prophet Micnh addressed otil Golden Text to the piniple of Israel, a ud therefore his message was given from the standpoint of the Ii w. Never- l'(TiniTmimiiimrtn1iTiTnrn & (T I MLUlllUMLlllli iUi JILLIUILLLIlI MMVa I Q2J i ! I I ,1 HSHLPND Storage and Transfer Co. C. V. BATF.8, Proprietor. . Two varehouaeo near Depot flood, of Tl? kind, .tored at r.son bio rates. - A General Transfer BhrIbnc. , Wood and Rck Spring. Coal NEAREST TO EVERYTHING Phono ni. m A6HLAKD. OM200S. "Savtd So Hre.' at by nnuri tx' rratirv- at ST. ; U lAHKtUi T1.H Inritrii and molt DODular hotel in the Cityi circulating ice vmier in every room. Eapecial attention to ladte travailing alone. ' . , . Excellent rttsonably priced grill. Meet your friends at the Manx. EuropuPUaROT $1.80 p, i TakeearfcmaMarCaafrStean. ktmmmimnt. Chmttlt W. Ktller lhelss no Jew ever fulfilled the U"i except Jesus, be cause all except Him were fallen and Imperfect. lit nlone vns "holy harmless, undented and separate rromj tduncrs." , i During Messiah' Millennial King dom. this same Ijiv olven to lsraei through Moses will Ik given to the whole world of mankind through Mes siah. The requirements will be to do July, to love klndnc. to walk hum bly with God. Tli( reason why Mes siah's ministration of this I.nw will be a success, while Motes', ministration was a failure so far us bringing any one to perfection was concerned. Is that Messiah' Klmtdoin will be fully prepared nnd tuthorlr.ed to forgive sin ners and to help them back to tho lin age nnd likeness of God. originally rep resented in Father Adam. The right to thus Torgivc sin and lift the tinner oat of degradation, belong to Messluh, by virtue uf UIh acriflv. - There Are fiigk-Friced Lands a- There Are Reasonable-Priced Lands LEARN TO. DISCRIMINATE KNOCKED UKIHKU THAN (JILKOY'S KITE that business that you at the top of this space is a bunch of EVERYDAY ARGUMENTS that have been used ever since you can remember. Like many other arguments, they are THREADBARE, they have served their time, but like a pair of old, easy shoes, we hang onto them, because we are USED TO THEM, and have always been led to be lieve that they are words from a WISE HEAD. Here is one that you hear on every side, "Land is too high." Now you have? heard that ever since you were big enough to know land from water, and yet right in the face of this (land's t6o high) argument you know and every one knows that land has continued to advance, and you know and every one knows that laud will f 1 . .......... . . -w- i . iitijt rrii mi continue to advance. Then why this ETERN AL OKI, "band's too nigii" i iiaii i , that's all. We've heard it so many, many times that it is just as natural to howl it out as it is to say "Please pass the Gutter" when you want butter. There are different reasons for this false cry. One of the principal reasons is that we have many men WITHOUT laud who WANT land. On their arrival in a . new community the first move they make is to begin this cry of "Your land's too - liio-h." Vow he knows nothing of our land, but he's always ready with the cry. Now ,i there is just as much sense in a ten-year-old boy stepping into an insurance agency and telling the agent that his rate is too high, as for a stranger to step into a ter ritory for the first time and begin telling us our land is too high. l - Yes, but you say, why, even the OLD RESIDENTS say it; and you're right. Why, even some of the women, who really would hardly know good soil from a ledge of sandstone, talk of the land being too high. It's like the MEASLES sim ply an EPIDEMIC. Y'es, you're right about the old-timers; a majority of them are sure laud is too high. They have had this opinion ever since the FIRST man in this valley put me FIRST price on his tract of land. Facts have proven their mistake, but they still hold to the old cry. They agree right on the spot with the newcomer, who drops in and lets it be known that laud is too high. The old-timer knows also just what RILL JONES was able to do on his place. Well, we know just about what RILL JONES did. He did VERY LITTLE, and we still have numbers of Kill Joneses left. Bill has raised grain on the same land for 40 years, and never gave it a GOOD plowing "during the whole time. He simply TICKLED the top of the ground, and left the rest to the Almighty. There are dozens of reasons why land should increase. We will mention only omv Fifty years ago the man with the cradle. Now we let machinery do the work. Rra'ins did that, and brains is nponsihle for the increase of crops per acre. A few years ago the educated farmer was looked upon as a joke. All that is past now, and the educated farmer is the boy who is showing the old-time farmer how to do things. And this is only in its infancy. Drains has always won out, and it will win "out in this case. , Land will be made to produce MAN Y TIMES what we have been used to, and it will be brought about by the EDUCATED FARMER. There will be no guesswork with hiin. lie will ABSOLUTELY" know what to do and when to do it. He will be able to explain intelligently WHY he did it. So now why not look the situation SQUARELY IN THE FACE, quit crying "Laud 'h too high," and get in while laud is reasonable! YOU WILL NEVER SEE LAND ANY CHEAPER. The world do move. CUNNINGHAM CO. Real Estatc-Loans-Invcstmcnls-Insurancc '240 EAST MAIN ASHLAND, OREGON TELEPHONE 63