Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, March 12, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Thursday, March 12, 1911-
Ashland Tidings
Issued Mondays and Thursdays
Bert R. Greer, - Editor and Owner
B. W. Taleolt, - City Elitor
suusckiption rates! T"
One Tear $2.00
Hi Months 1.00
Three Months 50
Payable in Advance.
Advertising rates on application.
First-class job printing facilities.
Equipments second to none in the
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon,
Postoflice as second-class mail matter.
Ashland, Ore., Thursday, Mar. 12, '1 1
An ordinance for reflating the
speed, use, equipment, conducts,
and operation of vehicles on the
public streets and alleys within tho
corporate limits of the City of Ash
land, Jackson County, Oregon, de
fining tho term "vehicle," provid
ing a penalty for the violation of
this ordinance and regaling Ordi
nance 5tt0 aw amended by Ordi
nance No. 530, and all other
ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict herewith, and defining
the term "motor vehicle."
The people of the City of Ashland do
ordain as follows:
The term "vehicle" as itsed in this
ordinance shall include each and
every kind of mechanical "device,
other than a railway locomotive,
whether drawn, moved or propelled
hy motor, muscular or other power.
The term "motor vehicle" as used
in this ordinance shall include all
vehicles propelled or moved hy any
power other than muscular power,
and jockeying vehicles or running for
position is prohibited by this ordi
nance. Each vehicle, upon embark
ing and discharging its load, shall
Immediately move out and away from
the congested area, and the succeed
ing vehicles in consecutive order shall
follow the same proceedure.
13. Every vehicle shall be kept
upon the right half of the street, al
ley or other public way traveled,
when the view ahead is not clear for
at least fifty yards.
14. Every motor vehicle when
moving along tne streets, alleys,
i.. . i. . . - . . , . i , i : . . ; . u
111 nit; i ui (iui nic uiuiizy ui iiuo ' 1 . i
where the curvature of such street,
road, alley or passway prevents
public ways, shall not exceed twelve
miles per hour.
23. Upon all narrow ways, in,
parks, passes and defiles not other- I
wise herein provided for, all vehicles j
shall proceed in one direction only I
as the signboards and conspicuously I
displayed regulations upon such nar-j
row waj, in parks, passes and defiles
so located, shall then define. Thei
direction in which all vehicles shall
so proceed may be declared by the I
park commissioners of this city, with
respect to narrow passes and defiles
within any of the parks of the Cfty
of Ashland; and when declared shall
so conspicuously marked with
signs as to indicate the rules and
U HI Ml I " "mi m
WHEN yon think ol "First National," yon think o!
"banking.- Why not, when you think of "bank
ing," think ot "First National?" H We grant every ac
commodation consistent with a safe and conservative
yet progressive business policy.
First National Ham
! nuriilaflnnn i i vnirn iwl luinnln ntwl h a I
clear view for a distance of fifty ! u"""" " """" u" "a"
vards ahead, shall be held umler 30 tVave'-T . . ,
.n 1 n.,,1 chuii i Uninr.hi.. nil 24. No vehicle shall he moved,
curves give the signal
blasts or strokes
!.. ... liiY
lltT, ,UU WVHtl 0r,lIU.,lt, VI. i'" ..... , , ... , , . .U..
: .. I, o,..l ,,ir oil ..,,,..,,1 li'oi me same, wiiii line ream iu mo
, UI nn " 41 " '" " .... ,,, ,, J ,.,!, hl.
n iho , ht clinll Ipmi flnn v In I ll I'"""- "
w.i,!., nt ni,l ,.i,vv. and nnnn I Clos ; provided
i.,r i,oii i,n .n , person in a state
the outside of said curve.
ignal, with frequent rnn operated on the streets alleys
of horn hell wliis- ol l)ubll wa5'3 of thls i, v by any
er signalling 'device I J1 "nfl,)te or incapable to con-
Oldest - National Bank in Jackson County
Depository of the United States, State of Oregon, Coun
ty of Jackson and City of Ashland.
it is proposed to send a Jackson
ower other than muscular power, j ,-, ;
xcepting vehicles moved on railways, inmgy or
SECTION 3. , i pelleil hy
The laws, rules and regulations
governing travel with vehicles and
to he observed on the streets and
ollovu within tho e limits of
county representative to Washington tne .,tv. Hre nec.iH,.ed to he as speci-
to appear before the vivers and har
-tors committee and the board of
army engineers in behalf ot the con
struction of a harbor at Crescent
City, says George Putnam in the Mail
Army engineers, after exhaustive
surveys and examinations, have re
' ported favorably upon the construc
tion of a harbor at Crescent City at
an estimated cost of $1,800,000,
which will have an average depth of
twenty-four feet at low tide. They
have, however, refused to recom
mend its construction until assured
that such a harbor is essential to the
development ot the country served,
aad convinced that a considerable
area will be benefited thereby.
Capital, according to those who
have spent considerable time and
money in the effort, cannot be inter
ested in the building of a railroad
for this valley to the coast unless
assured that such a harbor will be
constructed. Tho railroad, therefore,
depends upon the harbor and the
harbor, to a certain extent, upon the
A harbor at Crescent City and a
railroad connecting would be worth
millions of dollars to Jackson county.
In short, it would assure develop
ment ot natural resources now im
possible because of freight rates and
the long overland haul. A short road
to water, with the Panama canal
opened, would revolutionize condi
tions throughout this region. It
would make copper mining a possibil
ity by providing smelter sites as well
as transportation.
A few years ago the county sent
Will G. Steel to Washington in behalf
of Crater Lake. As a result nearly
three-quarters of a million dollars are
being expended there, all of which
will Indirectly benefit the commun
ity during future years.
A committee of the American Med
ical Association has just subintted to
the national body certain questions
at to whether physicians may prop
erly advertise their business, also to
what extent.
The strict rules of professional et-
fied in the following subdivisions
1. Vehicles proceeding in opposite
directions shall pass to the right, giv
ing one-half the street or alley to
2. Vehicles proceeding in the same
direction overtake each other by
passing to the left.
3. The overtaking vehicle shall
maintain its speed until clear of the
overtaken vehicle, and for such dis
tance thereafter as shall prevent dust
and mud throwing upon the over
taken vehicle.
4. The signal so to pass shall be
given by one blast or stroke of horn,
bell, whistle, gong or other signalling
5. Should the overtaken vehicle
then not give way, three such blasts
or signals shall be given, and on fail
ure to comply therewith the overtak
ing vehicle may at the next suitable
place safe to both vehicles go by
without further signal.
6. it shall be the duty of every
overtaken vehicle to turn to the
right, and give one-half of the street
or alley to the overtaking vehicle.
7. Vehicles approaching an Inter
secting street, alley or other public
way shall be under control so as to
permit the vehicle on the right of
the vehicle approaching to first cross
the intersecting street, alley or pub
lic way.
8. At all intersections the vehicle
approaching the intersection from the
right of any other vehicle approach
ing the Intersection shall have the
right of way. i
9. All vehicles approaching an
Intersection of a street, alley or other
public way, with the Intention of
turning thereat, shall. In turning to
the right, keep closely to the right,
and In turning to the left shall run
to and beyond the center of the inter
section; and shall also keep to the
right of lines or spots in the streets
or at tho Intersections placed therein
by the city as a notice to drivers oi
10. In all passing and overtaking
such assistance shall bo given by the
occupants of each vehicle respective
ly to the oilier as the circumstances
Rhall demand and either request, and
each ol them exercise due care and
caution to get clearance and avoid
accidents. Every person having con
trol or charge f any automobile,
motor vehicle, or motor vehicle, or
'motorcycle, whenever upon any pub
lic street or way, and approaching
any vehicle drawn by a horse or
horses, or any horse upon which any
person is riding, shall operate and
manage and control automobile,
motor vehicle or motorcycle in such
manner as to exercise every reason
able precaution to prevent the fright
ening of any such horse or horses
and to Insure the safety and protec-
Xo motor vehicle, wa-ion,
other vehicle, whether pro
uiotor power, steam power
or horse power, shall bo stopped near
er than twenty leet of any fire Hy
drant of said city, nor nearer than
twenty feet of the corner or apex of
the cement, sidewalk, which corner
is the south or southwesterly coiner
of lot " of block 3 of the City of
Ashland, Oregon, and situated on the
easterly side of Main street at or
near its intersection with the Plaza
and on the opposite side of Main
street from lot 5 of block 1 of said
city, upon which lot 3 is now located
the Plaza Grocery Store. It is fur
ther provided that all such vehicles
shall be stopped on the right hand
side of the street or alley within the
curb or walk, said right hand to be
determined from the way the vehicle
is moving or Is facing; and provided,
further, that no vehicle shall be
tli!t in all cases any
of intoxication is
deemed conclusively Incapable and I
25. No vehicle used upon the
streets, alleys or public ways of this
city shall be left standing unsecured:
and howsoever it may be moved, its
motive power shall be so seemed that
the same cannot operate or move the
vehicle without some action on the
part of the owner or operator so to
do; neither shall any horse or horses
be left standing in any of the said
streets, alleys or public ways, alone
and unsecured by tieing or otherwise.
26. No vehicle shall be operated
with an excessive smoking exhaust
upon any street, alley or public way
in this city.
27. Ambulances, vhile being op
erated as such, and vehicles for the
use of doctors, physicians and sur
geons, shall, while operated upon
their respective businesses, if urgent.
be exempted from the provisipns of
this ordinance as ti speed and traffic
stopped numeoiaieiy in uom o. ' regulations, where preference for
entrance leading into any fire station r,ght of way can be g,ven tnem with
nor nearer man tec ut. . due regard to the safetv of the pub-
side of said entrance. ,jic; pi.0Vided. that each ot the same
1G. No vehicle shall be turned at . shall bear a red cross.
any point on any of the streets and
alleys of the city except at the inter
sections of such streets and alleys,
the centers of which may be Buitably
designated and marked by the city,
and in no event shall a vehicle he
turned at a point where it is neces
sary to back the vehicle in making
the turn, nor shall any vehicle be
backed up and stopped at the curb
or sidewalk except while loading or
unloading the vehicle, nor shall any
vehicle of any kind whatever be
28. Patrol wagons, public convey
ances, fire patrols and fire engineB,
and fire apparatus shall in all cases,
with due regard for the safety of the
public, have right of way, all provis
ions of this ordinance to the contrary
notwithstanding, but this shall not
be visible one hundred (100) feet
distant therefrom: provided, further,!
that any vehicle standing on any
street, alley or public place one hour
after sunset and one hour before sun
rise, shall expose one light, and in
motor vehicles shall expose the red
light behind and at least one white
light In, front; provided, further, that
no motor vehicle shall be left stand
ing on any street, alley or public way
with the engine running. Provided,
further, that no vehicle other than a
motor vehicle shall be permitted to
coast on any street, alley or public
way in this city.
Any person violating any of the
provisions of this ordinance and who
shall be convicted thereof, or who
shall plead guilty to any complaint
for the violation thereof, shall be
punished by a fine not exceeding
Twenty ($20.00) Dollars and costs of
prosecution; or if such fine be not!
paid, then by imprisonment in the
city jail for not exceeding ten (10)
days; for the second offence he shall i
v. . . : . i v.. - : . . .1 : n '
iiuiiiBiieu uy u nut) iiui t?Ai;euiiiK
Thirty ($30.00) Dollars and costs of
prosecution; or if such fine be not
paid, then by imprisonment in the
city jail for not exceeding fifteen
(15) days; and for a third or any
subsequent offence he shall be pun
ished by a fine' not exceeding Fifty
($50.00) Dollars and costs of prose
cution, or by imprisonment in the
iind especially those certain City Or
dinances Nos. I'.'iS, fi:!9 and 53'J'-,
are hereby expressly repealed.
This ordinance shall take effe r.
and be in full force upon the expira
tion of ten days from and after it
adoption by the Common Council ot
the City of Ashland and its approval
by the Mayor.
The foregoing ordinance was
adopted at a regular meeting of Un
common Council of the City of Ash
land, Oregon, under a suspension ot
the rules, two-thirds voting in favor
thereof, on the 3rd day of March,
1 HI 4. by a vote of five in favor there
of and none against the same.
To all of which I hereby certify.
City Recorder.
I hereby approve the foregoing or
dinance this 3rd day of March, 1911.
Mayor of Ashland, Oregon.
protect the driver of any such vehi- c't' Jail not exceeding twenty-five
cles from consequences in the arbi-1 day8. or b' oth 8Urh linfi and Im
trarv exercise of this right or for in- prisonment, in the discretion of the
juries wilfully or negligently inflict-! Clty Kworder, or such other officer
Pd I as may hereafter be by charter
The boy upon whom the Russian
Jews were acused of perpetrating"
ritual murder turned out not to he
dead, but that would not be consid
ered an important detail in that
29. In all localities where an au-
backed and stopped on either side of . thorized officer, marshal, constable
Main street from its intersection with or policeman, conspicuously display
Water street to its intersection with j jns ni8 Blari and tnen and there dis
the Plaza. ; charging the duties of regulating and
17. It shall he. unlawful for any j directing traffic in hi3 locality, shall
and all owuers amPoperators of auto- signal any vehicle to take a direction
amendment or ordinance vested with
judicial powers In and for the City
of Ashland, Oregon.
All ordinances and parts of ordi
nances in conflict with this ordinance,
mobiles, autocycles, autotrucks, ex
cept the city fire truck, motorcycles
or to stop or otherwise to proceed for
the safety of the public, it shall be
cepi Hie vny nie mien, luuwujura tne Saiety or tne ptlDIlC, It Sliall De IVnrlr flnna DpAmnllv
and any other similar vehicle to use j the duty of the driver or operator of "00 "Of uOOc ITOIUpuy
and operate the same on any paved
street of the City of Ashland unless
such owners or operators elp and
use thereon a muffler sufficient to
muffle and deaden the sound of the
exhaust from the motor of such vehi
cle. IS. The driver or custodian of a
vehicle shall be deemed to be the
such vehicle to obey said direction.
and to comply with the orders of
said authorized officer in that behalf.
30. Should any pedestrian or
other object, through want or care
or other cause, come In contact with
a moving vehicle in the streets, al
leys or public ways of this city, it
shall be the duty of the driver of
Rough Dry nt Reasonable Prices. New Machinery.
J. N. NISBET, Mgr.
Office and Laundry 31 Water St. TELEPHONE 165
iotiet have heretofore cut out ndver
Using by physicians, other than mere!" fJ LLV,5
professional cards. It would Beem;horHes a,,,,ear frightened the person
that the present tradition prevents a j In control of such motor vehicle shall
Physlean from giving the public facts! reduce its speed, and If requested by
signal or otnerwise ny tne ariver oi
such horse or horses, shall not pro-
'ceed farther towards such animal un-
ihat it would like to know.
Whun ft utrnnvor rnina (ntn it tnu-ti '
he would like to find out how long'
physicians have been practicing, In
what diseases they make specialties
or have had special experience, what
medical education and hospitnl or
other professional training they have
had. It would well seem that some
enlargement of the typical physi
cian's advertising might be possible,
without descending to the evils of
so-called medical advertising. A lit
tle well-written publicity minht tend
to check the tendency to waste
money on untrained men and useless
or harmful drugs.
As President Wilson seems to
catch cold easily, be should beware
how he gets overheated shoveling the
now paths at the White House.
John D. Rockefeller may shovel his
own snow, but a bank clerk could
not do It without suffering some bo-
ial obloquy.
less such movement be necessary to
avoid accident or Injury, or until
such animal appears to be under the
control of its rider or driver.
11. In passing railroad or motor
cars operated on railroad tracks in
this city, vehicles shall be so operated
upon that side of said motor or rail
road car with due care and caution
that the safety of passengers board
ing or alighting from such motor or
railroad car shall be fully protected,
and for that pin pose said vehicle
shall be brought tt a stop, if neces
sary, but upon the other or left side
of said motor or railroad car, should
there be a clear passage, said vehicle
shall be permitted to so increase Its
speed for the necessary distance to
negotiate a safe clearance between
said motor or railroad car and said
vehicle bo deslrlnp; to pass, and tho
rate of speed requisite and necessary
so to do shall not he deemed to be
an excessive rate of speed, having
duo regard to the speed of said rail
road or motor car.
12. In parades, at theatres and nil
other occasions and places where
j traffic is congested, vehicles shall be
operated with due care and caution,
responsible party and liable to theiKlu;n vehicle to stop and to ascertain
the name of the person or the object
and to render such aid and assistance
as may be required; and in case of
collision or other accident to render
like assistance to the colliding vehi
cle or the vehicle struck, as the case
may be, and to the occupants there
of, as may be necessary, and taking
the name ot the vehicle, Its number,
and the time, the nlace aud other
data concerning the accident or
event, with the names of the wit
nesses present, nnd likewise giving
his own name and number for identi
fication. Each and all of said in
formation, however, shall not bo con
strued or determined as fixing liabil
ity in either case for fault or negli
gence of either party, but shall be c
means of identification of the facts
and circumstances only; and neither
party to a collision or a consequence
resulting from mistakes in judgment
or arising from accident, shall move
away from the place of its occurrence
without complying with this section,
and if this complying with this sec
tion, however, is not done, it :h:tll
he a violation of this ordinance, airJ
punished accordingly as herein pro
vided, and shall be construed i.s evi
dence of fault.
Every motor vehicle shall be pro
vided with adequate lra'u. snl'li-i
dent to control the vehicle at all
T Insurance
jp Company
Only Company "Exclusively Oregon"
Best for Orcgonians
Horn Office, Corbett Building. Fifth and Urnlion, Portland
-A. I- Mill. C.l A. B. Cornell,
penalty as provided in this ordinance
for violation thereof.
19. No races or contests for speed
shall be held upon any street, alley
or public way in this city, without the
permission of the authorities of the
city having jurisdiction of said street,
alley or public way, and unless the
same is fully and efficiently patroled
for the entire distance over which
said race or contest for speed is to
be held.
20. Every Aehicle shall be run at
a rate of speed at no time greater
than is reasonable and proper, hav
ing regard to the safety of the pub
lic, the traffic, and the use of the
street, alley or public way then being
21. Vehicles shall not be permit-;
ted to travel or move two or more
abreast in any of the public streets,
ways or alleys of this city, nor to
stop therein in such position, nor
shall any Biich vehicle be stopped
overlapping one another or each oth
er in such a way that other vehicles
will be needlessly inconvenienced by
such overlapping.
. 22. The rate of speed for all mo
tor vehicles and bicycles used run or
operated upon the streets, alleys and
public ways of this city shall he a
reasonable speed, up to and not ex
ceeding fifteen miles an hour, but
any speed In excess of fifteen miles
an hour upon such street, alley or
public way shall be an unreasonable
speed and is prohibited by this ordi
nance. Provided, further, that tho
city authorities shall erect and main
tain In conspicuous locations, signs
of sufficient size to be easily read
able by persons passing the same, lit
the following designated places: At
the intersection of north boundary
line of said city with tho railroad
right-of-way, which sign shall bear
tho words "Slow down to fifteen
miles," with an arrow pointing
southeasterly along North Main
street; at the Intersection of the
Roulevard with the east boundary
line of the city a like sign shall be
erected and maintained by the city,
bearing tho words. "Slow down to
fifteen miles," with an arrow point
ing northwesterly along said Roule
vard; at the Intersection of East
Main street with the east boundary
line of the city a like sign shall be
erected nnd maintained by the city
authorities, bearing the words, "Slow
down to fifteen miles," with an ar
row pointing westerly along said East
Main street; and at the intersection
times, and a suitable and :ideitate
bell, horn, whistle or ott.M signal
ling device, and shall, during the
period from one hour after s-iuset to
one hour before sunrise, display at
least two white lights in lamps on
the front nnd one red light on the
rear of such vehicle. Said roar Ian p
shall show a white light across the
rear of the vehicle.
The W'hlte rays of such rear lamp
shall shine upon the numbor plate
carried on the rear of such vehicle,
as provided for by the laws of the
state of Oregon, as shown by Chapter
174, Laws of 1911. The llg'ii. of
the . front lamps shall be visible at
least 200 feet In the direction In
which the vehicle Is proceeding, pro
vided that motorcycles shall each be
required to display but one lighted
lamp, such lamp to be placed on the
front of the vehicle, so thnt It shall
be visible 100 feet In the dlrect'nn
In which the vehicle Is proceeding,
and show a red light to the rear.
There shall be displayed on the (ace
of the lamps showing white lights the I
registration number required by I
1 -Si
Many towns are getting tired ot
the street loafers and "mashers" who
think that anything in skirts is a.
"chippie" who comes down town to
admire them.
From the way President Wilson
suffers from bad colds it would seen
that a dozen handkerchiefs would !
about the most suitable gift admirini:
friends could make him.
N.&M, Home Laundry
Are YouUaking the Risk?
Can you afford (o lose
Your Business House or Home?
A good fire policy protects credit
and may be the financial soul
of your business.
A few dollars Invested today may
save you a thousand tonight..
Write, phone or call on' !
Billings Agency
Real Estate and Insurance
Phone 211
41 K. Mam
or Pnk Htrcrt with NVvHtln tret an-! Chapter 174, Oregon Lawa of 1911
0mI Ifnapw.
DMrirt Manager.
other like sign shall he erectod and
maintained, bcnrlng the words. "Slow
down to fifteen miles," and an arrow
pointing southerly along said Oak
It Is further provided that the rate
ot speed for vehicles, Including all
wagons, buggies and carriages, driv
en, drawn or propelled along the
streets, alleys and public ways of this
city by muscular power, and the
speed of all horsobackmon, riding
along any of said streets, alleys or
In figures not less than one inch In
height, and placed thereon In such
manner so thnt when the lamp Is
lighted the number may be read at a
distance of at least fifty feet by a
person possessing proper eyesight,
and all automobiles shall consplcu
oulsy display .number plates as pro
vided In Chapter 174, Oregon Laws,
1911; provldod, that vehicles pro
pelled or drawn by muscular power
ball be required to display but one
lighted lamp so placed that It shall
We personally conduct Repair and Lathe
work and DO THE WORK.
Our Repair facilities are unexcelled, our
system complete.
Our stock of Auto Supplies is right up to
the minute.
Shipment of Michelin tires just arrived.
Prices reduced Feb. 9. Call and see them.
UST Steel gasoline tanks and wooden barrels for sale.
-sy ,4 . mm inr i T