Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, January 08, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Thursday, ivauuj' 8, !St4
Boy Who
And wants to be a man can
realize his ambition through
a Savings Account.
Not only may he accumu
late a capital in this way,
but he will add stability to
his character, which will
promote his success.
We invite you to open an
account in our Savings De
partment one dollar is all
you. need to start with and
your money will draw four
per cent interest, too.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ward of Gen
va, Ohio, arrived in Ashland last
week to visit Mrs. Ward's aunts, Mrs
Seaman, 313 Granite, and C. M
Bovee, 315 Granite. They expect to
remain in Ashland three months.
D. B. Provost, who has been 111 at f fS
the Park Hotel for some weeks, has
been removed to the home of his
nephew, J. H. Provost, where he is
being cared for. Mr. Provost is one
of the old-timers of Ashland, having
owned the brick kiln near the normal
school for many years. His many
friends hope for hiB speedy recovery.
Five-room modern oungalow,
sleeping porch, built-in plumbing,
et. $300 down, $25 per month.
Phone owner, 210-J. 64-tf
L. L. Angle was a Medford busi
ness visitor Tuesday.
Stereoscopic views of your home
or business place at Marble's. 65-2t
C. D. and Mrs. Burgan of Talent
were Ashland visitors Tuesday after
Mrs. J. S. Parsons went to Port
land Monday to visit friends.
Mrs. A. C. Nininer and daughter
left Monday for Santa Ana, Cal., to
visit friends for some time.
Mrs. Greig and little son Humbolt
are in the city from Portland to visit
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hum-
bolt Pracht. Humbolt II Is some
what indisposed and is being benefit
ed by Ashland's fine water and moun
tain air.
G. F. Billings went to Jacksonville
Tuesday morning on business.
Rev. W. N. D. McCullough went to
Medford Tuesday morning on busi
Chester Roberts is again behind
the counter at Curt Roberts' restau
rant after a layoff of several months
H'lHtt on account of illness.
Marble's, the up-to-date profes
sional photographer. 65-2t
J. R. Uhlan has the distinction of
being the first Ashland citizen to re
ceive a 5 0-pound package by parcel
A hotly contested homestead case
Is before Commissioner Canon at
Nyal'B Tooth Paste in tubes, 25c.
Try ONE tube. If it pleases, tell
your friends. If it does not, we re
turn the purchase price to you. No
IFS or ANDS about it.
MttH I M
J Li o
Figs, Cascara and Senna.
If you need a laxative we can rec
ommend this because we know it is
giving satisfaction.
Poley's Drug Store
Toley & Elhart, Druggists.
j That we are giving 25 discount
on Men's Clothing, Suits, Over
coats, Etc., Etc.
Enders Takes
Eastern Trip
H. G. Enders left Tuesday evening
for an extended trip through the
middle west, south and southwest.
He expects to be gone until near
spring. Mr. Enders went from here
to Sacramento and will then go to
Cheyenne, Wyoming, stopping briefly
at Salt Lake. He was formerly in
business at Cheyenne and will spend
several days there, going thence to
Denver, where he will also visit old
acquaintances. At Omega, Kansas,
where he went into business thirty
years ago and continued for a period
of five years, he will make a stop of
perhaps a week before going to Kan
sas City to join his wife, who has
It is that of Grainger vs. J for some time been visiting her folks
This sale is on our regular high-grade
stocK, not cheap stuff bought especially
for a big hurrah sale. We do not put aside our choicest
patterns and fabrics, but give you the choice of all except J
staple blacks and blues. This sale is for the purpose of f
clearing out our Fall and Winter Suits, and we will
ave You Money
Mrs. B. C. Tabor was operated Mahan. The land involved is two
upon Tuesday morning at the Granite and one-halt miles south of Ashland.
City Hospital. The operation has so A year ago Mahan contested Grain
far been entirely satisfactory. ger's right to the homestead and won
r.lar Rh returned to Stanford the contest. Now Grainger is con
University last Friday after spending testing Mahan's right to the claim.
the holidays with his parents. General J. B. Lauck, special rep-
A. M. Beaver was at Jacksonville resentatlve of the San Francisco pas
yesterday on business. senger department in charge of the
r. r, th British Columbia excursion, wishes to
business M nday.
Mrs. O. H. Sneed, who has been
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hicks, left Mon
day evening for Portland, where she
will meet Mr. Sneed and accompany
him to Seattle for a visit of indefinite
Messrs. Hodgson and Whitmore
have installed a new stand for their
window dispplay which will be a de
cided improvement.
B. E. Whitmore has been at Mon
tague the past few days looking after
business matters.
J. A. Lemery went to Jacksonville
n business Tuesday morning.
Notes, warrants, mortgages,
land contracts, bonds and stocks
bought and sold. F. E. Watson
room 8. Citizens' Bank Bldg. 35-tf
Mrs. W. H. Flagg, who has been
critically ill at the Granite City Hos
pltal, is reported improving.
E. E. Bagley went to Rogue River
on business Tuesday.
C. E. Wells, a relative of W. H
Andrews, who was here some months
ago and who is spending the winter
at San Fernando, Cal., is in the city
on his way to Portland. He is much
Impressed with Ashland and says It
Is the best place he has struck yet
express his thanks to the people of
Ashland for the magnificent way in
which they entertained the members
of his party during their stop in
Ashland yesterday.
George W. Trefren, assignee ofj
the B. F. Mix drug store, declared a
dividend of 3.V4 per "cent the first of
the year. This is the second divi
dend. As soon as the Hunter build
ing at the corner of Fourth and A
streets is remodeled the store will be
moved to that location.
J. S. Espy has sold a half interest
In the Valley Bar'oer Shop on East
Main street to W. L. Rogers. Mr.
Espy recently purchased it from N.
G. Bates after be had owned it a
short time. Mr. Rogers comes from
Walla Walla, Washington. Both are
genial and accommodating young
men and experienced in their profes
sion and will undoubtedly do well in
this centrally located establishment.
Jack Peebler was down from his
Green Springs ranch today, making
the trip on horseback.
Where did you get your pictures
taken? At Marble's, of course,
where you get first-class work. 65-2t
Mrs. F. E. Busbnell of Junction
City, Ore., is here to spend the re
mainder of the year with her daugh
ter, Mrs. W. B. Beebe.
O. F. Calif of Portland, who has
at Amsterdam. Missouri. After "do
ing" Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. End
ers will go to Amsterdam for a stay
of some length, after which they will
visit some of her relatives in Hunts
ville, Missouri. Leaving there, they
will make sightseeing tours of St.
Louis, Chattanooga, Tennesse, and
Atlanta, Georgia. They will enjoy
the Florida sunshine at St. Augus
tine and Port Christian and go
thence to New Orleans. Leaving
New Orleans for the west, they will
visit relatives at Houston, Texas, and
spend considerable time thereafter at
I O.. T"W T a 4nnnlaa a T A Qotl
Sail jiegu, uyjo nuovo uu -
Francisco before returning home.
T I Ian piT c,e i1"' A i o to
T i . Ct.pTHtS
Hi I Whttle
. China Painting.
Mrs. A. E. Hill of Medford will be
in Ashland on Friday, January 16,
at 111 Laurel street, to meet anyone
who wishes to take lessons In china
painting. Phone 223-J for particu
lars. It
A Few Pairs Large Sizes in Shoes
Go M Any Old Price
4 I I
lHt'frH0i'M'-4l 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 It I f
t h Owens of Klamath Falls,
brother of our George W. Owens, was owned the Peterson property on up
Ashland Monday to put his boy
into the Polytechnic school.
per Beach street for the past year or
more, has arrived with his family
and will occupy the property. Mr.
Calif is one of the leading furniture
dealers of Portland. Ashland seems
to have a singular attraction for
Portland furniture dealers, Mr. Jen
nings of the Gold Medal fruit farm
being also a leading furniture man
Will be a good year, but you of Portland.
Prof. H. G. Uiimore nas Deen sui-
ferlng from a disabled foot the past
The Ministerial Association held
Park Commission Organizes.
The park commission has organ
ized for the year 1914 by electing the
following officers:
President H. E. Badger.
Vice-President George Tavener.
Secretary F. E. Watson.
has opened an employment office at
383 East Main street. Those want
ing help or those wanting work call
on him. Also selling real estate.
List your property with them. Small
commission. We have some fine
farms. 65-2t
must maKe it so.
A Grateful Beneficiary.
The undersigned desires to express
a sense of appreciation ' for the
prompt manner in which that great
fraternal organization, the Modern
Woodmen of America, paid the
$1,000 benefit certificate held by her
late husband, George W. Rhodes, of
Talent, who was formerly a member
of Mahogany Camp, No. 6565, of
Ashland, Ore., and whose officials
rendered every possible courtesy con
nected with the payment of said cer
tificate. MRS. O. W. RHODES.
It Is hardly reasonable to predict
that the coming year will be the best
ne you have known unless you are
willing to make It so.
"Success" la strictly a home prod-
not. The market has never been
ri..nfil the Drlce la "HARD WORK
NESS." The price remains always
tfce same.
Pay the price thlB coming year.
Have a bank account and save your
Money, and you will count 1914
Big Year in your history.
Banking ond Trust
Its monthly meeting in the M. k..
church Monday forenoon. A paper
by Rev. Douglass, followed by discus
sion, formed the larger part of the
Frank Jordan and his crew began
work Monday morning on the addi
tions which are to be made to the
basement of the Elks Temple. The
work of flooring it with cement and
putting in steel celling was completed
about two weeks ago but the Order
has since voted to put in the shower
and tub baths and dressing rooms,
etc., that were in the original plans.
This will put the basement in shaps
for the gymnasium features which It
is hoped may soon be added and will
make It an ideal place for the activi
ties of the Boys' Vocational Club
which the Elks lodge Is about to
start under the Big Brother Move
ment with Prof. Vinlng In charge. ,
DANFORD'S Electrical Shop
wishes to announce that
they are now located In
their new quarters In the Odd
Fellows Building on the Pla
zaopposite Hotel Ashland.
The most complete stock of
Electrical Goods In the city.
The inly
Ssad jushnoirt if IPreis
Danf ord's:
We ever make is to give our patrons the benefit
of every saving we make in buying from the
wholesaler. We have been content with large
sales and small profits and our prices have been
kept at bedrock. Our aim has been to scale
down the high cost of living and we are proud of
the success that has attended our efforts. We
4 give below some of our regular prices that we
have been selling at right along:
Campbell Soup
Carnation Milk
Eagle Milk
Cream of Wheat
I lb. Cocoa
Salmon, Blood Red
Sugar Corn
10 c
5 and 10 c
25 c
25 c
10 c
per pkg. 10 c
" " 10 c
Vermicelli per pkg. 10 c
Ralston Bran 15 c
Flour, very best $1.50
Shredded Whole Wheat 12c
Ashland Can Peaches 12 l-2c
4 lbs. Red Mexican Beans Cc ib.
Swift. Cloanser ' 8Jc
Laundry Soap 8 for 25c
Last but not least, 5 discount from above list
Corner of Main and Gresham