Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, December 25, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ' ...
Thnreday. December 25, 191?
Boy Who
And wants to be a man can
realize his ambition through
a Savings Account.
Not only may he accumu
late a capital in this way,
but he will add stability to
hla character, which will
promote his success.
We Invite you to open an
account in our Savings De
partment one dollar is all
you need to start with and
your money will draw four
per cent interest, too.
A. F.
No. 23
-Special communication of Ashland
Lodge, No. 23, A. F. & A. M., Friday
evening, December 26, 1913, for
work on Second Degree.
Also, stated communication, Satur
day evening, December 27, St. John's
Day, for installation of oflcers.
Visiting brethren are cordially wel
come. H. L, WHITED, W. M.
Judge George W. Dunn went to
Jrants Pass Wednesday on business.
Rev. G. K. Berry left Wednesday
for Portland.
E. D. Briggs, Benton Bowers and
TL L. Burdic returned Monday night
from a business trip to San Fran
The Misses Dale left for Eugene
Tuesday night to spend the holidays.
Extra fancy packed Newtown ap
ples for sale. Inquire 303 North
Wain street or phone 3 04-J. 60-3t
Miss Rose Morris left Saturday
evening for Oakland to spend the
holidays with Miss Cora Ganiard.
T. S. Hutchings was over from Hilt
See our line of Xmas candies
befoi buying elsewhere. Rose Bros.
Arthur O'Neil was over from Horn
"brook Tuesday visiting his sister,
Mrs. Charles Logan. He sold a car
of timothy hay to Smith's livery while
Carl Hilty is again clerking in
M. E. Briees shoe store. Carl Is a
popular clerk and Mr. Briggs is for
tunate to secure him.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Grubb left
Tuesday evening for Turlock, Cal.,
to spend the holidays with the fam
ily of their son, C. P. Grubb.
Attorney Trefren went to Jackson-1
vllle Tuesday morning and on his
leturn that afternoon went to Greg
ory to join his wife and daughter at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoxsey for
Attorney J. H. liemery went to
Jacksonville on legal business on
Tuesday morning's train.
Notes, warrants, mortgages,
land contracts, bonds and stocks
bought and sold. F. E. Wataon,
room 8, Citizens' Bank Bldg. 35-tf
Rev. G. K. Berry, former pastor
of the Christian church, was in Ash
land Tuesday and preached at the
church Tuesday evening.
Attorney A. H. Davis transacted
business at Jacksonville on Tuesday.
' c. v. ASHLAND MILLS for lowest
prices on your flour and all kinds of
mill feed, also empty sacks wanted.
J. J. Morton, phone 49. 48-tf
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stoner left
Tuesday morning for Portland to
spen dthe holidays with friends.
Perry Ashcraft was up from Med
ford Tuesday on business.
The snowstorm Monday covered
the entire valley with a coat of sev
eral inches of the beautiful. There
are 11 Inches reported on the sum
mit, that amount of snow having fall
en as far south as Dunsmuir.
Harry White returned Tuesday
from near Rogue River, where he has
been for several weeks.
B. F. Helman of Aden, Cal., ar
rived Tuesday night and expects to
make Ashland his home hereafter.
Civil Engineer Chan Watson ar
rived from Montague Monday for the
A. C. Waterman and wife left
Thursday for a visit with relatives at
Aldred M. Beaver came down from
Portland Wednesday noon to spend
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Beaver.
Chester Tolman has returned from
Leland Stanford to spend the holidays.
Mrs. Joe Poor was called to Ari
zona the past week by the death of
her mother.
Miss Dlbell of Indiana is visiting
her aunt, Miss Lena Dibell, at 99
Granite street.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert R. Greer will
have aa Christmas guests Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Greer of Denver, Colo.
Mr. Greer arrived some weekB ago
and Mrs. Greer is expected Christmas
Nafatorium !
Tuesday evening, 7:30 25c.
Thursday evening, for beginners 23c
Saturday afternoon, children. . . 15c
Saturday evening, special music 25c
For private skating and basket
ball parties apply to A. L. Lamb,
343 Mountain Avenue, Ashland.
Miss Esther Whlted will entertain
some of her young lady friends
ChriBtmas afternoon.
E. F. Walcott has been helping out
with the holiday rush at the Mitchell
and Whittle store.
Frank Par6low Is down from Port
land to spend the holidays with rela
tives and friends.
Miss Edith McCune, who is teach
ing in the city schools at Eugene, is
home for the holidays.
"Blondy" Sayles has discarded one
of his crutches and hopes to be able
to throw away the other in a short
time. The injuries received some
weeks ago in a collision between his
motorcycle and "Slim" Allison's mo
tor car are now all healed except
those to one knee. It was feared that
the leg might be stiff, but fortunate
ly such will not be the case.
Mrs. E. J. Reld left Sunday for
Alameda, California, to spend the
winter with her son Fred.
jO0Wy ' 'Not tht ony limt ux with you well. Y"""ffi
YSV Sry S" cn f mwi' "wy timtt fvjN. -fl rijfr
una 17UU1 v-ijum-
0C mas-time prompts
us to express our Appre
ciation to the commu
nitv collectively and to
eacn of our friends in
dividually for any part
they have plavjd in mak
ing this a most prosper
ous year for usf
MaDecember 25th be
numbered amongjour
YULETIDE memories
as theHappiest Christmas
of them all, is the wish of
The Citizens Banking and Trust Co.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Shinn returned
Tuesday noon from a trip to Port
land, Seattle and Bellingham, Wash.
They had been absent several weeks.
J. W. Easterling returned Tuesday
noon from a two weeks' trip to the
Willamette Valley and The Dalles.
J. J. Morton has been at Klamath
county the past week buying raw
material for the Ashland Mill.
Mrs. Frank Nelson is in Granite
City Hospital recuperating from an
operation which she underwent last
E. R. Wick, who is working for a
telephone company in Portland, ar
rived in the city Tuesday noon to
spend the holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wick.
Miss V. McFarland, a registered
nurse from Portland, came Sunday
to spend the holidays with her fath
er, Mr. A. E. McFarland.
Don Whitney has gone to Klamath
Falls for a duck hunt before assum
ing his new job of engineer on the
Weed branch.
Miss Myrtle Hunt, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Dodge,
for several weeks, returned to her
home in Portland Monday.
John Pearson arrived Wednesday
morning from San Francisco to spend
the holidays with his father, John
Pearson, on the Boulevard road.
Mrs. J. W. Leland, a daughter of Mr.
Pearson, of Dunsmuir, will also spend
the holiday season with her father.
D. H. Jackson was up from Med-
ford Tuesday afternoon transacting
Ad Helms has returned from a
month's stay at El Centro, In the
Imperial Valley of Southern Califor
nia, and reports having built two
machine shops,, one laundry and two
cottages on his property there.
Rev. Dr. Brower and Rev. John M
Beaver were at Talent Sunday and
conducted memorial services for the
late L. N. Judd, who rlike them
selves was a minister of the gospel
though not actively in the service.
The improvements on the Turner
building at the corner of Fourth and
A streets are progressing quite rapid
ly, and the building will be ready
for occupancy early in the year.
Eugene will pave 79 blocks of
street next year.
A ten-pound baby girl was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hamaker in Ash
land Tuesday of this week. Mrs
Hamaker was formerly Miss Bessie
Moore, a daughter of Attorney and
Mrs. W. J. Moore of this city.
Drake Brothers, formerly with the
Vienna Bakery, announce through
our advertising columns that they
have purchased the Royal bakery and
cafe. Read their Christmas announce
Crowson's was rushed so with or
ders that candy makers were com
pelled to work till 2 o'clock Wednes
day morning 'to make candy to sup
ply the trade. Win says advertising
pays when your goods are right and
you treat the public Tight.
E. G. Owen came over from Hilt
Wednesday to spend Christmas with
his family.
G. M. Lawrence went to Medford
today to buy a Christmas turkey, the
local demand having been larger than
anticipated and the supply exhausted
Superintendent Metcalf and Messrs.
Wester, Corrigan, Wiley and Smith,
all officials of the Shasta division,
came up with the supply car Tuesday
Mr. Metcalf, in speaking of the resig
nation of General Superintendent
Davis, and possible changes caused
thereby, expressed the hope that It
would make no changes in the Shasta
division, a wish which is heartily
echoed by his many friends in Ash
R. L. Vining of Fairbanks,. Alaska,
who Is spending the winter In Seat
tle, came down a few days ago to
spend the holidays with his mother,
Mrs. Mary II. Vining, his sister, Mrs
Grainger, and hla brother, Prof. J
Irving Vining. Mr. Vining reports
Fairbanks inhabitants much encour
aged over the prospects of a rail
road. He came out an the last boat
which came down the Yukon this
fall. He is in the wholesale grocery
business and has the Orpheum cir
cuit theatre In that city.
Recorder's Office
Looks Like Bank I
The additional counter in the re-'
corder's office in t,he city hall Is now !
as nearly complete as is possible until
the marble slab, etched glass and
scroll work arrive. The extension ,
has been made by F. H. Fitch and is
a fine piece of work. The office now i
looks like an up-to-date bank. One
taxpayer was heard to remark that
this was appropriate as people leave
considerable of their money there in
the way of taxes, special assessments
and water and light payments. It
will bo some time before Recorder
Gillette's private office is ready for
occupancy as the new vault, which
was constructed of concrete. Is very
slow to dry at this season of the
year. Charley says he hopes to be
able to
celebrate next Christmas
A Merry Christmas
To every friend and patron
of our store.
Oregon Teachers in Session.
Salem, Ore., Dec. 2 4. Members of
the western division of the Oregon
State Teachers' Association rallied
here in force Monday for what prom
ised to be one of the largest and most
profitable of the annual meetings i A
held hv lha nrpgnNfltinn TW T IT
Ackerman of the Oregon State Nor
mal School is presiding over the gen
eral sessions, which will continue
three days.
D. Terozzl returned Wednesday
noon from a business trip to Tort-
Great Family Combination Offer
We do not know of any Family Weekly that we can more heart
ily reconuvnd to our readers than The Youth's Companion. It
gives us pleasure, therefore, to announce that we have arranged
with the publishers to make the following offer:
Both Papei
For I Year
To tuke advantage of this club rate send all subscriptions to this
11 !! HI t
Northbound. Leave
No. 14 8:00 a.m.
Grants Pass motor (main
line depot) 9:30 a.m.
Grants Pass motor (city
depot) 9:40 a.m.
Grants Pass motor (main
line depot) 3:40 p.m.
Grants Pass motor (city
depot) 3:50 p.m.
No. 16 4:30 p.m.
' Southbound. Arrive.
Grants Pass motor (city
depot ) 9:00 a.m.
Grants Pass motor (main
line depot) 9:20 a.m.
No. 13 11:35 a.m.
Grants Pass motor (city
depot) 3:10 p.m.
Grants Pass motor (main
line depot) 3:20 p.m.
No. 15 4:50 p.m.
Fuller Paulserud wish to
thanK the public for their lib
eral patronage during the year
and wish them a Merry Christ
mas and Happy New Year.
TfUl Ft?
InJ Is
Desires to thank its many
patrons, as the year draws to
a close, for their very liberal
patronage and to wish the
Ashland Public Generally a
Merry Christmas
Happy Heo Yoar
Our fight for a square deal
has been strenuous but suc
cessful. We are duly grate
ful for the hearty support ac
corded us and cordially soli
cit a continuance of same.
nn n
Whito House Corner
rvn : z-l
East Main Street
SO i