Mood?. December S2, 1913 AJSHXAND TEDIXG8 FAQB FIV The Boy Vho WorKs And wants to be a man can realize bis ambition through a Savings Account. Not only may he accumu late a capital in this way, but he will add stability to his character, which will promote his success. We Invite you to open an account in our Savings De partmentone dollar is all you need to start with and your money will draw four per cent interest, too. GRANITE CITY SAVINGS BANK ASHLAND, ORE. 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Leona Smith, Neil, Elsie and Ida Larson will spend the holidays at the Larson ranch in the Dead Indian. See Rose Bros.' line of fancy Xmas candy boxes before buying. Dr. Bertha Sawyer went to Klam ath Falls the last of the week to tpend the holidays. Be a spug. Get him a pair of dippers. Brlggs. Edwin Dunn and the Misse3 Kin id returned Saturday noon from Bugene, where they had been attend ing the State University. Make Rose Bros.' your head quarters for fresh oysters. They will cost you less. Charles Greer was up from Med ford to spend Sunday with his broth er, B. R. Greer, and family. Buy him a hat or suit check at tenders' and let him pick it out after Xmas.' Thirty-two marines from Mare Island en route to Bremerton passed hrough Ashland Thursday. They were traveling in a special car. We sugest a bottle of pure Lo ganberry juice with your Christmas dinner. Twenty-five cents at Crow- ton's. The Tidings editors are indebted to P. L. Ashcraft of this city and to Lester & Lely of Talent for some fine "Winter Nelis pears. Our store will be open evenings wntil Christmas, to accommodate our fatrons and also those in the Grafa tool contest. Warner Mercantile Co "Blondy" Sayles and "Dutch" Par er were at Talent Friday reading meters for the California-Oregon Power Company. What could be more appropriate than a few records for your friend's Victrola? Get them at Rose Bros.' Ed Spencer arrived Friday night from Oakland, Cal., to spend the hol idays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Spencer, and other relatives in Ashland and vicinity. See the latest creations in dain ty little party dresses, no two alike, that we are offering for holiday spec ials at 112.50. Minkler's Cloak and Suit House. Mrs. J. M. Hughes and little daugh ter came down from Albany today to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Provost, and other relatives. -Special prices at Warner's on everything for Christmas to cah buyers. Miss Aileen Ambrose, who has been attending the Willamette Uni versity at Salem, has arrived in Ash land to spend her vaction with her sister, Mrs. C. W. Chattln. -Booth's, the quality guaranteed oysters, at Crowson's in pint and quart hermetically sealed cans never in bulk. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Davis and sons Vernon and Thomas left Friday" evening for Los Angeles to spend the holidays with relatives. -Extra fancy packed Newtown ap ples for sale. Inquire 303 North Main street or phone 304-J. 60-3t Mrs. E. M. Plumeth left Saturday evening for San Francisco to visit her daughter, Mrs. Dilkan, who for merly ran a millinery here. Mrs. H. Simons is maxing big re ductions on all millinery for Christ mas. Hat or plume makea a good Christmas present. 57-4t Mrs. E. V. Jones returned home from Washington and will be here for a few days with her sister, Mrs. T. L. Powell, on her way to Loa Angeles, where she will visit her son, Ray Helman. Notes, warrants, mortgages. land contracts, bonds and stocks bought and sold. F. E. Watson, room 8, Citizens' Bank Bldg. 35-tf The Christmas exercises of the Bible school of the House of Prayer will be held Thursday evening at 7:30. A splendid program has been arranged. c. v. ASHLAND MILLS for lowest prices on your flour and all kinds of mill feed, also empty sacks wanted. J. J. Morton, phone 49. -48-tt George Owen is driving a new Chalmers six, purchased from Ash craft Brothers. Mother or Daughter WOULD LIKE Parisian Ivory Toilet Articles Hand-Painted China Cut Glass Pictures for the home Xmas Stationery Father or Son WOULD LIKE Collar Bags Tobacco Jars Pocket Manicure Sets Bill Books Thermos Bottles Shaving Mirrors and Sets The place to find them, Polcy's Drug Store Foley & Elhart, Druggists. HHniHHIIIimMMmMMMMMMlMIHMMtlllMIMMMHHMMMM' Prized will be given to the ten standing highest in the Grafanola contest. Use the green tags and be a winner. Lint of prizes in our win dow. Warner Mercantile Co. J. Roy Burnette went to Medford Friday morning and his family left on No. 16 that evening for their new home in Anacortes, Wash., he joining them at Medford and making the journey with them. There should be music in every home Xmas morning. See Rose Brothers. Edison and Victor from 15 to 1200 the hornless kind. Landlord Wolf of the Depot hotel has some beautiful Mexican poinset tas at the hotel. They make a beau tiful Christmas decoration with their brilliant red flowers and their hand some green foliage. Special values on the new de tachable handle umbrellas for Christ mas gifts at Minkler's. Mrs. George W. Trefren and Miss Dorothy left Friday night to visit Mrs. Trefren's daughter, Mrs. Hox sey, at Gregory. Mr. Trefren will probably go up with them to spend Christmas. December clearing sale on coats and suits, $5, $10 and $15. Mink ler's Cloak and Suit House. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Schneider and son of Humboldt, Iowa, who have Kaav. peiti a . V. a VjtfnA nf Ilia See Enders Xmas specials ini , " crotner, r. tr. sennbtaer, lor a lew days, left this noon for Los Molinos, Cal., to spend the holidays with a sister of Mrs. C. G. Schneider. The best line of Xmas slippers for men and women at Enders'. There is a great and growing In terest shown in the services and work of the House of Prayer. Fifth and Main streets. Both young and old are filled with zeal and earnestly endeavoring to forward the spirit of the church, which stands for the unity of Christ's people. Those Gordon silk hose in Christmas boxes, the kind you get at i Minkler's. The armory is the scene of almost HER Store Store Open Evenings Until Christmas 1 HER STORE? YES; but it is now the shopping plaee for the man who is looking for the most aeeeptable giit lor her: Umbrella HOSIERY COATS HANDBAG SILKS WAISTS LINENS SUITS Handkr'fs. AN EASY SOLUTION: Boy a glove or merchandise bond and let her select what she wants. books. , Miss Nellie Beaver is home for the holidays from Eugene, where she has been pursuing musical studies. See our line of Xmas candies before buying elsewhere. Rose Bros. Be a spug. Get her a pair of slippers. Briggs. E. E. Bagley went to Rogue River and Grants Pass Friday on business. See Santa Claus at Enders' this week. The revival meetings recently closed in the First Baptist church in Medford resulted in adding over fifty people to the membership of said church. For your Xmas dinner, fresh oysters, ice cream and sherbet. Rose Bros. Elder G. K. Berry, former pastor of the Christian church, will preach here Tuesday evening, December 23. His host of friends in this community are urged to be present and give him a good hearing. Yv NfV (Bui ont f 'I manV' man9 ,,mt viVI Vr MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Sg? Good For $. In merchandise Cbis Bond Entitles to merchandise to amount above stated when eoun tcrsigned by 3. R. VtlcOee or bis clerk. Price Changes on Suits and Coats jj Afford practical Christmas givers an opportunity to give good garments at little cost: - About one dozen of oar best Fall Salts $14.75 to $19.75 :, About eighteen o! our best Fall Coats $9.75 to $25.09 Abont one dozen Children's Coats $3.85 to SMS SAVE THE COUPONS THEY ARE VALUABLE. !' ' Either merchandise or silverware premiums. Gilts in Boxes Gloves, handkerchlets, waists, scarfs, neck wear, garters, belts, hosiery, barettes, etc. Waists, Boxed Nothing more attract ive man one oi oar I pretty waists neatly I packed In a holly box. t illllMMtHIIMMMIHIIMIIMIIIIIIIMIMtMtttMftHTtMtMtHHHIM ff-HE SPIRIT OF this 1913th Christ-Cmas-time prompts us to express our Appre ciation to the commu nis collectively and to each of our friends in dividual for any part they have played in mak ing this a most prosper ous year fril0 MaxPeccmber 25th be numbered amongur YULETIDE memories as theHappicst Christmas ofthcmall,isthcwishof The Citizens Banking and Trust Co. THE PROGRESSIVE BANK nightly basketball practice. A large number of the militia boys are striv ing to make their team and the Poly technic boys are also practicing in the armory. Perry Ashcraft and El mer ABhcraft of Medford are practic ing with the militia boys. The Grafonola contest will close at 6 o'clock Wednesday evening. The prizes will be given on Saturday. I'se the green tags. Rash In the votes. Warner Mercantile Co. Quality ice cream and sherbets at Crowson's. We make our own. Mrs. H. Wardlip, wife of Professor Wardlip, instructor in manual train ing in the Grants Pas3 schools, came up the last of the week to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crows, on Granite street. Mr. Wardlip will attend the State Teach ers' Association during his vacation What is nicer than a pair of slippers for her or him? Nothing! Briggs. Grants Pass public library will open to the public early in January, County Clerk Gardner has com piled figures on the fishing and hunting licenses for the year as fol lows: Money for hunting licenses collected. $2,873; for fishing. $2 547; for combinations, 11,010; and non-residents. $131. The total for the year Is $6,588. Meet your friends at Enders'. Books! Books! Books! at Enders', The Ashland Garage has rented the paint shop on C street formerly- occupied by Porter & Sowerby and is fitting it up to do automobile paint ing. They have secured an expert auto painter and will be able to turn out a first-class factory - finish Job or do work in cheaper finish. The garage has been recently enlarged and rearranged to enable them to handle their increasing repair busi ness. , A nice rug for her. Special prices at Enders' this week. Take Bad Boys to Portland Home. As the result of entering the Med ford candy factory and stealing a goodly supply of sweets, Julius Wat- tenberg and Walter York, ringlead ers of a BQuad of would-be bad boys of that city, were sent to the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society at Portland. The boys have been up before Dis trict Attorney Kelly several times and at the time of the stealing were out on probation. They entered the Medford candy factory a week ago last Sunday through a window and got away with a shoe box full of chocolates. Later they entered the Washington Bchool and raided pigeon nests in the attic. They were taken to Portland by Charles Gay. HMIHHMMMUtMMMtHMMHIHMI An electric fan has been specially designed for drawing outside air into a room in cold weather and passing it around a steam or hot water radi ator to be warmed. What Do You Know Abont the Company yon are insured in ? BEFORE A FIRE, one policy looks as good as another. AFTER A FIRE, some Insurance pol icies look better than the rest. THE BEST Is what you want; cheap insurance is cheap stuff. Billings Agency Real Estate and Insurance Phone 211 41 E. Main 11 UCTI0NEERING of Reat Estate Hi and Live Stock. Will be glad to call sales at any time. Ifl. A. ALLEN, 237 BStreet Great Family Combination Offer We do not know of any Family Weekly that we can more heart ily recommend to our readers than The Youth's Companion. It gives us pleasure, therefore, to announce that we have arranged with the publishers to make the following offer: I THE YOUTH'S COMPANION THE ASHLAND TIDINGS Regular Price $2 $2 Both Papers For I er $3' SO i To take advantage of this club rate send all subscriptions to this office. I MM 1 1 IMIMI I MIMIIMIIM I ! MMMH Ml I II I ! It If Mt Paint Your Automobile ij A good coat of paint and varnish is very necessary to your car. It protects expensive parts from the elements. IT SAVES YOU MONEY. It pleases the eye. "We have an expert automobile painter who will give your car a complete new factory coat at a reasonable charge. If you wish a cheaper job you can get that "We have moved into a new, comfortable machine shop and are ready to give your car expert attention. Remember, all our work is GUARANTEED GOOD work, and EXPERT work is the cheapest for you. See us we can save you money. &&UmneL damage O. G. BUTTERFIELD, Manager rnOXE 493. 53 SECOND STREET. ASHLAXD. MIIMIIMI IHIHIIIHHIIMMMIIIIIIIH Tidings Want Advs. Bring Results ri