YtHOTday, VotmkW IS, 1013 AftHLAND TIDIMto PAcne niKia CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertisement inserted for less than 25 cents. ' Classified ads are cash with order expect to parties having ledger accounts with the office. MISCELLANEOUS The Talent Tidings THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1013 Recent Scores of Talent Gun Club CHAIR DOCTOR R. II. Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid and repaired, bed springs re stretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies. 26 First avenue, opposite First National Bank. Phone 413-J WANTED Good porter at Oregon Hotel. 4 5-tf VANTED A girl for general house work. Inquire at the Tidings. 41-tf FOR CITY CARRIAGE Smith, 124 Morton-464-J. 3ee E. N. St. Phone 2-tf BILL POSTER Will rkennett, 116 Factory St. Bill posting and dis tributing. 64-tf WANTED Grain-led hogs, alive or dressed. Eagle Pork Packing House, North Main St. 45-8t WANTED Married man for general ranch work. Address X, Tidings office, with particulars. 46-4t FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres South Dakota land for Ashland property Address A. Z., care Tidings. 46-4t MONEY TO LOAN First mortgage. No a.eent. No commission. Ad dress Box 202, Ashland, Ore. 35-tf SINGER SEWING MAC HI N E 3 Rents, repairs, oil, needles, parts. 290 East Main St. Phone 144. 38-lCt AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Either in city or trips to any part of South ern Oregon. First-class service at reasonable rates. Floyd Dickey, phone 356-R. 42-lmo. A few of the members of the Tal ent Gun Club enjoyed a shoot Sunday forenoon. In the 15-bird event In the trophy contest Moses Crawford got 14 birds, G. W. Ager got 13, Marlon Tryer got 12, while Harry Gleim secured 10. In a special 10 bird event Mr. Crawford got 8 birds and Mr. Tryer got 10. Mr. Bryan's zealous support of the currency bill will not mane it any more acceptable to the bankers. FOR S.iLE Continued. LIr. and Mrs. Gleim Were Surprised Monday was the twenty-eighth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gleira. They were invited to the A. S. Ames home for tea, where they were surprised by about twenty of their friends in .honor of the event. The evening was spent with music and conversation and bountiful refreshments were served. The party-broke up in the wee sma' 'hours wishing the guests of honor many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ames proved themselves de lightful entertainers. TALENT NEWS ITEMS. range and heater to sell. Dr. F. H. JoMison, corner Bush and High Sts. 46-tf FOR SALE The Tidings has an ad vertising contract with the Port land Hotel whereby we have to take part in trade. Anyone going to Portland to stay for a day or longer can save 15 per cent on their hotel bill by applying to the Tidings. MUSIC AND ART. SINGING Vocal technique, tone placing, artistic Binging. Mr. Mac Murray, Director of Music, Pres byterian church. Phone 183. 30-tf PIANO Graduate teacher of piano, 10 years' experience. Beginners a specialty. Recitals. Elizabeth T. Goodman, 237 C St., corner C and First. 44-8t CALL on Mrs. L. B. Irish at 283 High St. for the Stewart spiral wire made-to-measure corset, also dressmaking and ladies' tailoring. Phone 341-L. 6-tf FOR RENT. TOR RENT A five-room house and bath. Inquire 147 Church St. 42-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE Corn in the crib at 1 cents per pound, at the Bagley ranch. Talent. 42-tf FOR" SALE A piano as good as new, for 200. Address G. N., care the Tidings, for information. 44-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE The furni ture and fixtures of a 17-room hotel. Inquire at Tidings office. . . ' 42-lmo. FOR -SALE Young horse, broke for riding or driving; also buggy and harness. 1064 Ashland St., phone 322-J. 47-4t SPLENDID eating ducks, tomato Pickles and preserves. Drop a postal or see me at market. M. Jackes, 375 Otis St. 46-tf FOR SALE A house of five rooms and bath on 50-foot lot by 150 deep. Will sell for $1,600 cash. Address Z, care Tidings. 31-tf FOR STLEGrain and-grass hay, Burbank potatoes and good cow pasture. Phone 802-F-5. Chas. E. Gray, three miles east of Ashland, on Boulevard road. 47-4t FOR SALE By owner, large lot with small house, on Meade St. Centrally located. Warranty deed and abstract. A bargain. Address Mark Hebron, Boise City, Okla. . 45-lmo. FOR-SALE Homestead relinquish ment, one mile to S. P. station, one to school; good spring; 18 acres plowed. 10 in wheat, 25 fenced: two-room house. See G. W. Trefren. 43-8t FOR SALE Eighty acres, 5-room house, barn, etc., 1 miles from town; 20 acres cultivation. $45 per acre. Also 20 acres, house, barn, etc, $1,500. J. C. Mason, Talent, Ore. 45-5t FOR SALE $1,500 down, balance on easv Dayments. 5 -roomed house with bath, on 1 acres of e-round. Young orchard and strawberry natch. Address X, care Tidings. 24-tf You're really dry in run ttrana ,,7, Slicker Not dresay " near" water proof, but a roomy, comfort-sivinic service coat that will protect you through thick aod ihia in the wet lot weather. $3.00 3.3 We print plainly oa ever label SATISFACTION ' GUARANTEED and w man II g .ftm byAa" A. J. Towef Co. lfjzSSit muk BOSTON 1 yrur,Vto Catalog- Tower Canadian WBRW " Limit). Toronto 2. Peter Vandersluis went to Medford Tuesday on business. The work on the new brick block is progressing as well as can be ex pected. There have been several de lays because of the non-arrival of the mill work and it is doubtful If it will be ready f6r occupancy before the holidays. G. L. Coleman of Medford has leased the N. L. High blacksmith and woodworking shop and will do a general blacksmith and automobile repair business. N. L. High has moved his family to Ashland on account of his son go ing to the Ashland high school. F. T. Guyer has returned from a trip to California and will be in Tal ent for the present. Mrs. Wolters is having a new floor put In the postoffice building. John Henderson of Medford has accepted a position with J. G. Baker in his blacksmith shop. J. G. Raker was kicked on the wrist by a horse which he was shoe ing Monday evening, incapacitating him for heavy work for a few days. Mr. Houser, who was here from teacher, but one of the most pro-1 McMinnville looking after his ranch gressive boosters for the state or Ore-1 property, returned home Tuesday. Mr. Lowe Visits Eastern Oregon LaGrande Observer: D. M. Lowe of Ashland, Ore., passed through the city this morning on his way to El gin; where he expects to find a num ber of hia former scholars and friends. Mr. Lowe is not now a No Substitutes RETURN to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak b ing Powder There is no sub stitute for ROYAL Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. Uavsmnuosca "There is more in Mars than we can imagine," says an astronomer. Doubtless; and probably much less than some imagine. Viewed from slightly different as pects, an incident or situation may be both comical and tragical, humor ous and pitiable. DR. JOHN F. HART . Physician and Surgeon TALENT, OREGON, 'M"l"l I til I . ! A Check THE Best Receipt FOR SALE CHEAP Team formerly owned by W. W. Dann. Suitable for driving, riding or light hauling. Gentle and dependable. Have also A check is the best recejpt you can have, especially if you write on the check what it is for. Open an account at this bank and pay your accounts with checks and you have a re ceipt for everything. State Bank ol Talent I TALENJ, OREGON. gon. He is going to the Chicago land show in the capacity of state commissioner. Not only that, but he has some 3,000 pounds of products grown on his farm that will vie with the best products displayed there for first money, and he wants to be on the ground to see the blue ribbon come his way. In all he will have 281 entries, and it is safe to assert that if he could take most of the first prizes at the Portland show last year he will hardly run second at Chicago, for the produces of the Rogue River Valley have an international reputa tion. Mr. Lowe is a civil engineer by profession and farmer by choice. He is owner of a 100-acre pear or chard and is successful by reason of being in close touch with the agri cultural school. But all of this is of minor . importance to ' the scheme which Mr. Lowe has for the year 1915. It is hia purpose to boost the state during the Panama-Pacific ex position by a display of the products of Oregon. He is going to ask the legislature for an appropriation of $5,000, which will enable all farmers and producers of the state to make an exhibit at the gateway of Oregon, his own city of Ashland. Further more, he purposes to induce travelers to the fair to have their railroad tick ets routed through Oregon. Ashland being the first city which the travel er from the far east will see on com ing into the state, a first impression after- traveling over some hundred miles of mountain waste in northern California, will prove of Incalculable value in inducing prospective settlers to make Oregon a favored spot. "I want you to say for me," said he "that I have nothing to sell, not even an acre of ground, and I am doing all this for the real benefit of the state I intend to hold all the land I own and increase it if. I can. On my re turn trip from Elgin I would like to meet your Commercial Club, for have a number of interesting things to tell them He will stop at Leland a few days en route. Lyle Thurber has returned from a stay of several months in California. Mrs. V. H. Way has returned from Clareniont, Minn., and will make Tal ent her future home, though she and her sister. Miss Dayton, contemplate spending at least a portion of the winter in California. H. V. McFadden and family have gone to Portland to make their fu ture home. Mr. McFadden will work at his trade of plumber. J. J. Pellett takes Mr. McFadden's place as man ager of the Dr. McFadden orchard and ranch. T. E. Scantlin is storing his apples in the warehouse of the Talent Or chard Company. John Prader is installing a bath room in his residence on Wagner creek, the Talent Hardware Company furnishing the outfit. niiiiH THE PORTLAND HOTEL Sixth, Seventh, Morrison and Yamhill Streets PORTLAND, OREGON T The most central location in the city, and nearest to the leading theaters and retail shops. You are assured of a most cordial welcome here. Every convenience is provided for our guests. . f The Grill and Dining Room are famed for their excel lence and for prompt, courteous service. Motors meet all incoming trains. Rates are moderate; European plan, $1.50 per day upward. G, J. Kaufman, Manager Iespondency Due to Indigestion It is not at all surprising that per sons who have indigestion become discouraged and despondent. Here are a few words of hope and cheer for them by Mrs. Blanche Bowers Indiana, Pa.: "For years my diges tion was so poor that I could only eat the lightest foods. I tried every thing that I heard of to get relief but not until about a year ago when I saw Chamberlain's Tablets adver tised and got a bottle of them, did I find the right treatment. I soon began to improve, and since taking a few bottles of them my digestion is fine." For sale by all dealers. TALENT S. P. TRAIN SCHEDULE. Northbound. No. 14 8:12 a.m. Grants Pass motor 0:05 a.m Grants Pass motor 4:06 p.m No. 16 5:02 p.m Southbound. Grants Pass motor 8:58 a.m Grants Pass motor 2:50 p.m No. 15 4:25 p.m A sensible trite remark is prefer able to a silly original one. Scale receipts at Tidings office. NOTICE H. L. Coleman has purchased the blacksmith shop of N. L. High at Talent and is prepared to do up-to- date blacksmlthlng and horseshoeing H. L. COLEMAN. The PORTLAND EVENING TELE. GRAM and Ashland Tidings one year, $5.00.. HSHLWND Storage and Transfer Co. C. F. BATES, Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at rtasona ile rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs Coal Phone 117. Of five 99 Oak Street. ASHLAND. OREGON. ff By their convAj!$ t stant use of it kJK I en testify to the value of I k ' t MM MM - aaBBBBk - Ft .l 4 oalt It restore natural color to ftrey linir. It eradicates I i dandruff. It ttopi falling hair. suits always follow its use. fjii'i 50c and SI at all Sood druMista. 3V I. n I i in. , . " ..uiiiia kuu tyy. iuu your dealer a name to Pbilo Hay specialties jo., Newark, N. J. a" a.ii iHipiin a; in IPi mmnai1;l';"i "V """)Jw i mm it I'M; m wis Ask your dealer about tha ne PRESENTS for boys and girls thnt go with Olympic" Wheat Hearts and Olympic" Pancake Flour Jiint the dnndieot, catch iest, roost interesting "new" novelties imagina ble, especially imported from Uermnny, Portland Mills Co. i Flouring U': P-..U-? .'ill . , - .- The Wagner Creek Nursery TALENT, OREGON Has just received a large import of BULBS Write for their prices. Also Trees, Shrubs and Roses. Order now. fcSH rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'a; i Low Round Trip Fares .Or 3. J.jMcNair, East Side Pharmacy. - ----------- w m m..:.m. -a. i " a a i FT TTT TTTTtTTTTT TTV ' Talent Hotel: John Hearing PROPRIETOR. l Good Clean Rooms i AND Appetizing Meals NEAR DEPOT. TALENT, : OREGON J TO- Medford and Return ACCOUNT- Giants vs. White Sox Baseball Game November 17 VIA THE SUNSET OGDEN ftSHASTA I ROUTES "THE EXPOSITION LINE 1015" Tickets will be sold from all points Roseburg to Ashland inclusive Nov. 16 and 17 good for return until Nov. 19 Medford will he the only point in Oregon outside of Portland where the Big Leaguers will play. Your only chance to see Major League Players in action. Don't miss it. Call on nearest S. P. Agent for fares, train schedules, etc. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. APPLE DAY NOVEMBER 18TII. i ata AAalAstsaaV JiafcaaVJ aTTTTTTT'FTTTTl Read the Ashland Tidings it you want the latest news. 1