Thursday, October 90, 1013 IHHUAMU TIDISUHs rAGB THra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS One cent per word, first Insertion; P.4 cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertisement inserted for less than 25 cents. . Classified ads are cash with order expect to parties having ledger accounts with the office. MISCELLANEOUS CHAIR DOCTOR K. H. Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid and repaired, bed springs re stretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies. 26 First avenue, opposite First National Bank. Phone 413-J. WANTED A girl tor general house work. Inquire at the Tidings. 41-tf FOR CITY. CARRIAGE see E. N. Smith, 124 Morton St. Phone 464-J. 2-tf WANTED Sewing by the day or by the piece. Mrs. Bomar, telephone 200-J. 44-4t BILL" POSTER Will 6tennett, 116 Factory St. Bill posting and dis tributing. 54-tT TANTED A position as housekeep er for widower with children. Ad dress Box 94, Talent, Ore. 44-3t MONEY TO LOAN First mortgage, No agent. No commission. Ad dress Box 2 0 2, Ashland, Ore. 35-tf SINGER SEWING MACHINES Rents, repairs, oil, needles, parts. 290 East Main St. Phone 144. 38-16t LOST Near Main and Fourth Sts recently, abstract on Ashland prop erty. Return to 525 East Main St. 41-6t .AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Either in city or trips to any part of South ern Oregon. First-class service at reasonable rates. Floyd Dickey, phone 356-R. 42-lmo. CALL on Mrs. L. B. Irish at 2$3 High St. for the Stewart spiral wire made-to-measure corset, also dressmaking and ladies' tailoring. Phone 341-L. 6-tf WANTED To buy, apples and pears, all winter varieties, by the pound, box, or on. the trr-e. Telephone 419-J or call at '575 Liberty St. W. E. Pierson. 40-lmo. )R. R. P. BRADFORD and wife, Chiropractors, graduates and post graduates of the "Carver Chiro practic College," Oklahoma City, Okla. Rooms, Freeberg building, 21 East Main St., Ashland, Ore. Consultation and examination free. J 'lours, 9 to 5. Sunday by appoint ment only. Phone Main 58. 37-tf V" PER-CENTLOANS on farms, or chard lands, city resident or busi ness property, to buy, build, im prove, extend or refund mortgages or other securities. Terms reason able. Special privileges. Corre spondence invited. Dept. L, 618 Commonwealth BIdg., Denver, Colo., or Dept. I, 749 Henry BIdg., Seattle, Wash. , 38-9t FOR RENT. VOR RENT A five-room house and bath. Inquire 147 Church St. 4 2-tf KOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, 166 North Main St. 43-4t FOR SALE. FOR SALE Household goods and furniture. Inquire at 286 B St. 42-4t ' FOR SALE Corn in the crib at 1 cents per pound, at the Bagley ranch, Talent. 42-tf . VOffSALE A piano as good" as new, for $200. Address G. N., care the Tidings, for information. 44-tf TOR SALE OR TRADE The furni ture and fixtures of a 17-room hotel. Inquire at Tidings office. 42-lmo. 'FOR SALE One of the most mod ern homes in Ashland. For par ticulars inquire at the Tidings of fice. 43-3t FOR SALE OR TRADE for wood, five dozen Black Minorca hens. A. C. Briggs, care Fruit Associa tion. 44-2t FOR SALE A house of five rooms and bath on 50-foot lot by 150 deep. Will sell for $1,600 cash. Address Z, bare Tidings. 31-tf TOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment, one mile to S. .P. station, one to school; good spring; 18 acres plowed, .10 in wheat, 25 fenced; two-room house. See G. W. Trefren. 43-8t THE PORTLAND HOTEL t Sixth, Seventh, Morrison PORTLAND, The most central location in the city, and nearest to the leading theaters and retail shops. You are assured of a most cordial welcome here. Every convenience is provided for our guests. The Grill and Dining Room are famed for their excel lence and for prompt, courteous service. Motors meet all incoming trains. Rates are moderate; European plan, $1.50 per day upward. G. J. Kaufman, Manager The Talent Tidings TALENT 8. P. TRAIN SCHEDULE. Northbound. No. 14 .... 8:12 a.m. Grants Pass motor 11:12 a.m. Grants Pass motor 8:10 p.m. No. 16 5:02 p.m. Southbound. Grants PasB motor 10:01 a.m. Grants Pass motor. '6:5C p.m. No. IS 4:25 p.m. Siam exports about worth of teak a year. 19,000,000 FOR BaLE Continued. FOR SALE $1,500 down, balance on easy payments, 5-roomed house with bath, on 1 acres of ground. Young orchard and strawberry patch. Address X, care Tidings. 24-tf SEE THIS before- you buy: EaU Ashland residence property In young bearing orchard. Reason able prices and terms. Would consider good outside properly in exchange. Owner, 64 California St. 33-lmo. FOR SALE The Tidings 'has an ad vertising contract w'th the Port land Hotel whereby we have to take part In trade.. Anyone going to Portland to &tay for a day or longer can save 15 per cent on their hotel bl'U by applying to the Tidings. FOR SALE Real bargains, for cash. Work "horse, about 1,200 lbs.; worlr. mule," about 1,300 lbs.; 2 aet'j double work harness; 2 sets Single buggy harness; 1 cowboy saddle; 1 buckboard(with tongue) ; 1 Hercules stump puller (good as new); 1 light wagon (springs un der bed); feed bags, hobbles and collars. J. F. Roc ho, 115 Granite St. . 31-tf FOR SALE Or will exchange for Oakland, Cal., property New mod ern six-room house on lot 75 by 100 feet, barn or garage, wood and gas stoves, including between six and seven cords of oak and pine wood. Will sell with or without furniture, including piano. Call at 73 Union St., city. Leaving town. $1,000 down and balance at 5 per cent. 39-7t MUSIC AND ART. SINGING Vocal technique, tone placing, artistic singing. Mr. Mac Murray, Director of Music, Pres byterian church. Phone 183. 30-tf PIANO Graduate teacher of piano, 10 years experience. Beginners a specialty. Recitals. Elizabeth T. Goodman, 237 C St., corner C and First. 44-8t DR. JOHN F. HART Physician and Surgeon TALENT, OREGON, MM a. I Own Your Home i The Certificates of Deposit issued by this bank will start yonr home building. ! Make up your ' mind how much you can spare from your Income anj invest that sum regularly in these Certificates. With the swift passage or time you will soon get together enough for your first payment on a homo. "Well begun is half done." Begin NOW. I State Bank oi Talent TALENT, OREGON. and Yamhill Streets OREGON THURSDAV, OCTOBER 30, 1913 COUNTY COURT REPORT Marriage Licenses. Gilbert E. Saltmarsh and Maude ' Drennan. Felix Y. Allen and Adelia Diggings. Lester Stevens and Hazel Klngery. Ernest Clement and Joswphino Se quin. John Crouse Banks and Ruth Hol lo way. Fletcher F. Dodge and Virena Wil-! son. A. L. good. Clyde Flynn a&d Mary E. Liven- R. Dean and Vera Esther Lowe, Circuit Court, C. V. Kock vs. H. G. Kock. Suit tor divorce. Order of default. I. J. Lumber Co. vs. Trail Lumber Co. Order releasing attachment. Old Mill Ditch & Irrigating Co. vs. Barbara Estell. Order releasing money in hands of county treasurer. Thomas Turpin vs. John L. Mur phy et al. ' Order for publication of summons. D. R. Pulaski vs. Emma J. Pulaski. Suit for divorce. Default order. The State of Oregon ex rel. Grace tClme vs. H. S. Kime. Order requir- ifig defendant to appear and show cause why he should not be held in contempt of court. E. T. Staples vs. Arabella Siemsen. Transcript from justice's court, Ash land district. J. G. Shebley vs. A. G. Rose. Man date of supreme court filed. George Butz vs. A. J. Spring. Suit for an accounting, injunction and other relief. Complaint filed. In junction bond. Summons. George Cllne vs. J. O. Rigg. Suit for strict foreclosure of contract. Complaint filed. Summons. New Cases. The State of Oregon vs. A. C. Brockman. Criminal complaint. Transcript from justice's court, Ash land district. Ernest White vs. Clark-Henery Co. Action for damages. Complaint filed. George W. Walters vs. Sam Rosen berg. Action for damages. Com plaint filed. Summons. Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Sally Ann Bissell, deceased. Order ap pointing appraisers. In the matter of the estate of A. J. Randall, deceased. Order making allowance for the widow. In the matter of the estate of John B. Mattis, deceased. Inventory of after-discovery property filed. In the matter of the estate of Isaac Wright, deceased. First semi-annual account filed. In the matter of the estate of John D. McArdle, deceased. Administra tor's first report filed. In the matter of the estate of Charles Bland, deceased. Order di recting administrator to make deed upon receipt of $4,000. In the matter of the estate of David Mayham, deceased. Order ap pointing administrator. In the matter of the estate and guardianship of Rita Tiffin, a minor. First report of guardian filed. Order approving same. In the matter of the estate of L. P. Black,' deceased. Order directing ex ecutrix to make deed to certain prop erty. In the matter of the estate of Wil liam uurtis Kltto, deceased. Order of final settlement. CHANCE FOR TIDING.? READERS. Coupon Worth 25c If Presented at McNair Bros.' Store. In order to test the Tidings' great circulation and its superior advertis ing value, we havemade arrange ments with McNair Bros., the popu lar druggists, to offer one of their best selling medicines at half price to anyone who will cut out the fol lowing coupon and present at their store: S COUJON $ This coupon entitles the hold- S 4 er to one 50c package of Dr. $ S Howard's specific for the cure $ S of constipation and dyspepsia at $ S half price, 25c. We will refund 8 $ the money to any dissatisfied $ S customer. McNAIR BROS. 3 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. If you cannot call at their store, cut out the coupon and mall it with '25 cents, and a 50-cent box of the specific will be sent you by mail, charges paid- Do not put It off. "One today is worth two tomorrow." Adv. TALENT NEWS ITEMS. The work on the new brick block jis progressing rapidly these days and the building will be a decided addi- tion to the village. The Bagley Canning Company has finished running tomatoes and peaches and has started in on the apple run. They will also run a large amount of cider. They expect to keep busy until about the first of December. Mrs. C. W. Holdrldge and daughter Luclle are home from their trip to Iowa, having arrived Tuesday morn ing, coming via Sacramento. They were gone nearly ten weeks and spent most of their time in and around Sac City, their former home. They report weather cold and stormy when they left there and are glad to get back to the balmy atmosphere of the Rogue River Valley. Peter. Vandersluis and Marion Tryer made a trip to the Suncrest orchard Tuesday to see the big ranch. The rush there is practically over for the present. The horse driven by Alice Vander sluis and Margaret Ames got away while they were unhltcntng him at 1 Ashland Monday morning and demor alized the thills of the buggy before he was caught. The Talent young people who are attending school in Ashland are re joicing over the promise of the change back to the old motor sched ule. They will then be able to go to school by train Instead of by driving. Work on J. N. Pace's new house Is progressing rapidly. It has been rented by Dr. Hart, who will occupy it when completed. C. A. Johnson, formerly from Plainfield, Wis., arrived in Talent Tuesday afternoon to look up the matter of a creamery here. Mr. Johnson is a creamery man of experi ence and comes at the invitation of several of the leading citizens to see what can be done to establish a creamery in Talent. Mrs. E. E. Cook of Talent has pre sented the Talent free reading room with a fine new phonograph. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines. If you want to contribute directly to the occurrence of capillary bron chitis and pneumonia, use cough medicines that contain codine, mor phine, heroin and other sedatives when you have a cough or cold. An expectorant like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what is needed. That cleans out the culture beJs or breeding places for the germs of pneumonia and other germ diseases That Is why pneumonia never results from a cold when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It has world-wide reputation for its cures. It contains no morphine - or other sedative. For sale by all dealers. Worth the Trouble. "You go hunting every year?" "Yes." ( "What kind of game do you pre fer?" "Oh, I never shoot anything. But's kind of pleasant to come home and have my family make a fuss oyer me because I get back alive." Washing' ton Star. They Make You Peel Good. The pleasant purgative effect pro duced by Chamberlain's Tablets and the healthy condition of body and mind which they create make one feel joyful. For sale by all dealers. An Instance, "Dou you believe that colors can influence people?" "Certainly. If you don't believe It, look at a man when he's blue." IpAMCER ll IN WOMAN'S BREAST wjU.WAYS BEGINS a SMALL LUMP LIKE THIS and ALWAYS POISONS DEEP GLANDS IN THE ARMPIT AND KILLS QUICKLY I WILL GIVE $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I TREAT BEFORE it Poisons Bona orDeep Glands NO KNIFE or PAIN lo Pay Until Cursdj No X Ray or other iwlndlo. An bland plant makes the cure ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE; Any TUMOR, LUMP or Sore on th. lip, faea or body long U Cncer It Navtr Palm until tage. 120-PAGE BOOK not (reo; tcaUiooaiul of tliotnatvls cured at homo WIHTK TO HO MB ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST la CANCER. We rofuaa thousands Dying, Cimt Too Lot. We have cured 10,000 in 20 yra. Address DR. & MRS. OR. CHAMLEY & CO. 436 VALENCIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL LIMY MAIL Oils to some one with CANCER 6" i 5 I Teachers Support Ashland Normal Grants Pass Courier: The teach ers of southern Oregon are unanim ous In their demand for the re-opening of the Ashland normal school, and Monday afternoon adopted the following resolutions: "Whereas, The Josephine and Jack son county teachers' institute has an nually declared in most unmistak able tons for the re-opening of the Southern Oregon State Normal School; and "Whereas, The legislature has by practically a unanimous vote rpconi mended to the people at the coming election in November, 1914, a mill age bill whereby the appropriation is taken out of the legislature, and therefore out of politics; "Be it resolved, That the Josephine and Jackson county teachers' insti tute give said bill its hearty support until the measure is finally adopted into law, and that a special commit tee of five be appointed to draft i suitable address setting forth to the citizens ot Oregon why said meas ure should be carried." The following resolution was also adopted and wired to Portland to the Congress of Mothers in session there: "Be it hereby resolved by the teachers of Josephine and Jackson counties, in institute assembled at Grants Pass, That we extend greet ings to the Congress of Mothers as sembled In Portland. "Be it further resolved. That we recognize In the work of these worn en a great benefit to humanity to which we lend our endorsement and support. "Be it further resolved,' That we ask their support of the measure now pending before the people of Ore gon providing for the state's support of the Southern Oregon Normal School." Oatmeal and rice will be substl tuted for pie and charlotte russe as desserts by the Harvard Dining Asso elation, as being better brain food. Guaranteed to Stop Itching at Once Eczema, Hash, Tetter, Dandruff Disap pear by Using Remarkable ZEfflO. Buy a 25o Bottle Today and Prove It. That itching that drives you nearlj wua, mat Keeps yoa awaKe in ngonj all night long, that scalp Itching, wll vanlHh instantly by using the new remedy ZISMO. It Is guaranteed. ZEMO will surprise you as It has thousands of others by its results on "3 a. iii. Not a AVink of Sleep Vet. If I Only Uad ZUMO fur that Terrible Itching" fiery eczema, sores, rash, tetter, blotches, tnllamed or Irritated skin, pimples, rawness lifter shaving, oil skin nUllctluns, sores, blotches, and ltclilnir ;alp. It cures dundrulT completely, since dundrti.i' ,: nothlnir but eczoma ot the sculp. ZKMO Is wonderfully refreshing to the skin. It Is a clean, antiseptic so lution, not a paste, cream or ointment. The llrst application gives blessed re lief. ZEMO hus been imitated, but positively never equalled. 'It Is Impossible for me to do Jus tice In recommending ZK.MO, because words cannot express Its wonderful achievements." It. A. Stierlln, Supt. Klcetrotype Dept., Sanders Engraving Co., St. Louis, Mo, Your druggtot will sell you a 25o Bcalcd bottle of ZKMO, and will guar antee It, or It will be sent direct on receipt of price by K. W. Hobo Medi cine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Sold and guaranteed In Ashland by E. Side Pharmacy, J. J. McNair, Prop. MOT CffiAP On Easy Terms FOR 'QUICK SALE ! A splendid five-room bungalow, nearly new, in fine neighborhood. Thoroughly modern, built-in china closets, book cases, etc. Lot 40x90. Some cash. Balance monthly. See GREER, at the TIDINGS OFFICE. pH Jess Batten Rod rWmoCo POWTUJO OREGON Pill In the Coupon In your packuae of GOLDEN ROD OATS and mail it to us for this valuable FREE BOOKLET A Famous Athlete Says:- "While many a small fel low Is successful In athletics, that fellow would be still more successful If he were a six footer and weighed isr to 1JU pounds. "Nothing helps the growth of bone and muscle mora than good oats the kind containing the maximum nourishment. I've always found that to be GOLDEN ROD OATS ' Here's the reason : Oregon oats weigh 30 to 4(5 pounds a bushel, and other oats weigh only 37 to 32 pounds per bushel all of which means that exactly that . much more meat and the nutritive qualities of meat are found In Golden Rod Oats. They are more quick ly and more easily prepared, too. At your grocer. Golden Rod Milling Company Portland, Oregon HSHLWND Storage and Transfer Co. C. P. BATES, Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reasona ble rates. A General Transfer Businesa. Wood and Rock Springs Coal Phone 117. Of five 99 Oak Street. ASHLAND. OREGON John Hearing 1 PROPRIETOR. I Good Clean Rooms ! and : ; Appetizing Meals ; NEAR DEPOT. TALEHT, : OREGON f iii 1 , ,. , QUMROOttUKQL f