Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 30, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Monday, Jane 30, 1013,
Classified Advertisements
(Continued train Paw Three.) ;
FOR SALE Fresh cow
Nice, 1307 Iowa St.
F. A. .Van
FOR SALE New bungalow, built
for a home; never rented. Mod
ern fixtures, some furniture. A
bargain if sold soon. B. E. Whit
more, 337 East Main. Phone 31.
FOR SALE A fine mountain stock
ranch well equipped with team and
farm implements, 40 head of cat
tle and some hogs. Will take a
nice home in Ashland as part pay
ment. Terms on the balance. In
quire 1167 East Main St. 10-tf
Dentil of Harry Roclio.
Harry Rocho, son of J. F. Roeho
of 115 Granite street, was found
dead, lying in a small pond 'on his
father's ranch near this city Satur
day evening about 8 o'clock.
The young man, who was about
34 years of age, was subject to epi
lepsy and is supposed to have been
stricken with one of the fits and
fallen into the water and drowned
without recovering consciousness, as
he was found in very shallow water.
He had gone to the farm intending
to return in the early afternoon, but
did not return and his father went
out to search for him, finding him as
stated above.
The funeral services were held at
Dodge's undertaking parlors this af
ternoon at 2 o'clock -and were con
ducted by Rev. W. T. Tan Scoy,
teacher of the class in the Methodist
Sunday school of which he was a
.member. The pallbearers were meru,
hers of the class. Interment was i.n
Mountain View cemetery.
He was an earnest and consistent
Sunday school worker and when he
left his former home -1n Colorado
about a year ago he was presented
with a beautiful certificate of appre
ciation from the officers' of the
school. He is spoken of by all who
kne whim as a young man of exem
plary habits and an earnest and con
sistent Christian.
Don't miss the June clearance
eale of millinery at Miss Hargrove's.
Phone Job orders to the Tidings.
Grants Pubs 7:00 a.m.
Gold Hill 7:43 a.m.
Central Point ......8:15 a.m.
Special will-stop at all points between Grants Pass and Ashland
going and returning.
Returning, leave Colestin 4:00 p.m., arriving home in time for
Fares for Round Trip
Grants Pass $2.05
Gold Hill 1.55
Corresponding low fares from
excursion by the B. P. O. E. July 20.
Excursion will be cancelled and all money
refunded In case of rain.
Bring your baskets and take the children. Lots of fun for all.
" JOHN M. SCOTT. General Passenger A iron t. Portland. Ore iron ' X
With the bountiful crops are
general good feeling, and I have opened up a well-equipped new office in
the Ashland Hotel building for the
and investment business.
I have property for sale at ridiculously low prices, because of pes
simistic owners. I have property in
Ashland or Rogue River property. -
in this communication, bur to those
Ashland Hotel Building,
i ' . """ .
Our Sister City Making Extensive
Preiaratlong for Monster "
The city of Medford is
monstej preparations for her Fourth
of July celebration. The program of
the day, is as follows:
9:30 a. m. Automobile race.
10:30 a. m. Motorcycle race.,
11 a. m. Baseball, Medford vs.
Montague, at baseball park. Novelty
contests on Main street.
' 2 p. m. More novelty contests on
'Main .. street. Harness ' races and
bucking contests at the fairgrounds.
The novelty contests will consist
of obstacle auto race, automobile egg
race, automobile slow race (on high
gear, slowest car winning), automo
bile balancing contest, tugs of war,
ladies' 50-yard dash, sack race,
three-legged race, mule leading con
test, novelty boxing contest, boys'
50-yard dash, pie-eating contest, ice
contest, greased pig contests, greased
pole' climbing, .potato race on ponies,
suspended bun-eating contest on roll
er skates, and other sports of "all
kinds, concluding with boys' loose
change scramble.
At 5 p. m. will be held a display
of daylight (aerial fireworks. This
-will be a great feature and werth
seeting. At 7:30 a band concert will
occur at the city park, in which
three of the bands will probably take
part. An hour later the electric pa
rade will start, for which wires have
already been strung along Main
street. This will be the big show
of the day. Then from 9:30 to bed
time the hours will be spent with a
grand Mardl Gras celebration, in
cluding dancing and a general good
time. There will be alJhby show in
conjunction, and Anderson-Cross
fight returns just for good measure.
Messrs. Emil Brophy, P. B. Fuller,
C. A. Malone and Ben Bowers went
fishing to Rogue river Sunday. " Mes
dames Malone, Fuller and Brophy
entertained Mrs. T. J. Fuson of Med
ford during their husbands' absence.
Sugar producing countries of the
world are exporting 13 billion
pounds ' of it to other lands each
to Colestin i
JULY 6th
Medford 8:30 a.m.
Talent '8:50 a.m.
ABhland 9:20 a.m.
Medford $1.10 J
Ashland 70 X
other points. Watch for the big T
coming better roads, better business, -a
purpose of taking care of real estate
16 different states to exchange for
I will . not peddle the sacrifice offers
who mean business I will furnish de
0pp. Oddfellows BIdg.
Items of Interest Regarding Matters
. in Various Parts of the
Portland, June 24. That would
be settlers coming to Oregon have,
in many instances, been victimized
by unscrupulous land speculators and
that the state as a whole has been
injured by their operations, is a
statement made at the annual con
vention of Oregon bankers recently
held at Corvallis, and the attending
delegates expressed a determination
to co-operate with the commercial
bodies throughout the state in an ef
fort to put greedy real estate men
out of business. The plan does not
contemplate the entire elimination
of land-selling agencies, but does pro
pose to .annihilate the sharks who
have been speculating in good Ore
gon soil, taking it out of production
and holding it for an unreasonable
increase in price. It was decided to
form an appraisement committee in
each community to pass on the prices
of lands, the committee to consist of
two members of the local commercial
body and one banker, and intending
purchasers will be advised to pur
chase no real estate from any dealer
until the value of same has been
passed upon by the appraisers and
the price asked decided to be a reas
onable one. It was stated as a fact
that much of the agricultural land in
Oregon is held at too high a figure.
There is doubtless plenty of good
land which can be obtained at a fair
price, but the newcomer, usually un
familiar with local values and con
ditions, seldom hears of that land.
The committee will see that he gets
a square deal.
Oregon is likely to become the cen
ter of a great fishing industry with
in the near future if the investiga
tions of the government confirm the
report of extensive halibut banks off
the coast of Lincoln county. A large
number of launches are now being
fitted out at Newport, on Yaquina
bay, for the purpose of exploiting
these recently discovered banks, and
those which hafe already started op
erations are returning to port with
capacity loads Of splendid fish. The
extent of the banks is stated to be
sufficient to supply the Pacific north
west with fish for years to come. .
Under a ioint aereempnt nf tho
Southern Pacific and Santa Fe rail
roads it is announced that a new
railroad will be built along the
Oregon coast, construction to" begin
at the present northern t
the Northwestern Pacific linn t
Sherwood. Cal. The road will ho
built up the coast to Myrtle Point, in
oos county, and will then proceed
up the valley of the R HP" 11 0 rival
connecting with the Southern Paciffc
mnln linn A . Tl
"""" ""c t vraius rass. it is stat
ed that work will begin this present
To the Pacific northwest
honor of providing a man to 'head
me American Association of Nurs
erymen for the comintr vear Tho
convention of the association held in
ortiand last week was the first meet
ing of the organization ever held
west or the Rocky mounta
at its final business session Friilav
morning J. B. Pilkington of Portland
was unanimously elected president.
The 1914 meeting will h hoM tn
Cleveland, Ohio, and at that time a
strong effort will be made to bring
the association to San Francisco for
its meeting in 1915.
"Last Days of Pumpelly." .
Colonel "Bill" Harina reports this
from the ringside:
Yale, in a tight ball game this
spring, was about to get trimmed.
The outlook was indigo. Defeat
seemed inevitable, when suddenly,
out of the mass, Right Fielder Pum
pelly rammed a double over short
and saved the day.
As the bat cracked and the win
ning run counted, a Princeton stu
dent toppled in a heap, and this lone
wall sobbed from his pallid lips
across the field: ,
"That guy again! And-back in
November they told me that those
were the last days of Pompelly."
Collier's Weekly.
Too Suggestive.
, Rastus was ill and the physician
was visiting him.
"What yo' fink Is de mattah wif
me, doctah?" he asked.
"O, nothing much," said the doc
tor. "Only a slight case of chicken
pox." Rastus grew nervous. "I clare,
doctah," he said earnestly, "I hain't
been nowhar whar I could ketch
dat!" Ladies Home Journal.
The Irate Intruder Look here,
you've been In there half an hour
ana never said a Word.
The Man in the Telephone Booth
i am speaking to my wifej sir.
Sketch. II
(Continued from Page One.)
depot, and are grandsons of M. F.
Cyester of the Diamond C fruit
The far-famed Professor Mucken
fus came to grief in his attempted
aerial flight and when over Main
street dropped to the pavement with
a "dull sickening thud," straw intes
tines sticking out of his nose and
ears. The stunt caused considerable
curiosity and much mirth.
The drill hall of the new armory
was closed up Saturday night and
none of the profane were permitted
to enter its sacred precincts Satur
day, while a bevy of Shriners worked
like bees all day getting it ready for
the qeremonial sessions. In the
smaller rooms Clarence E. Land and
Hum Pracht were busily engaged
most of the day preparing to feed
the famishing travelers during' the
evening. Judging from the remarks
of Shrinersmpon leaving thj hall it
was a sight to attract especial atten
tion even from those accustomed to
the splendors of the orient.
As to what transpired behind the
guarded doors of the armory in the
dark and mystic hours of the night
Saturday night the profane sons of
the desert can only guess. However,
so far as heard from there has been
no work for the undertaker resulting
from the walk over hot . sands,
though some of the candidates wore
a Weary Willie expression Sunday.
The following is a list of those ini
tiated into the mysteries of Shrine- j
dom at the meeting:
Charles D. Burgan, Talent; F. Roy
Davis, Ashland; Dr. Julian P. John
son, Ashland; Robert Lee Collins,
Roseburg; James, Walter Porter,
Ashland; Christian C. Weisenburger,
Ashland; Martin W. Waggoner, Med
ford; John C. Mann, Medford; Frank
Hanson, Medford; O. F. Carson, Ash
land; Willard Veghte, Ashland; Hal
bert Deuel, Medford. Three mem
bers were also added to Hillah Tem
ple, Dr. E. H. Porter, Medford;
Charles E. Gates, Medford, and John
O. Isaacson, Central Point, by affilia
tion. Ladies Entertain Royally.
A Tidings representative dropped
into the Masonic Temple this morn
ing and remarked to "Alex" that it
looked as if there had been some
thing doing there also. He replied:
"The women were crazier than the
men. You ought to give their initia
tion a bigger writeup than that of
the Shriners; they initiated more."
This only confirmed the suspicions
arousel by the noise of gales of mer
riment which floated out through the
closed doors of the Masonic Temple
and permeated the Commercial Club
rooms where the Producers' Develop
ment League was holding its meet
ing. There were about 150 ladies pres
ent Saturday evening at the reception
given the ladies of visiting Shrin
ers. A large class was "initiated"
into their pseudo organization. Just
what the stunts were which were
pulled off is not being divulged to
mere man nor to the ladies outside
the favored circle, but the fame of
Buster Brown and Tige and of the
"Pajama Patrol" has leaked out.
These are said to have called forth
the merriment which became audi
ble outside the hall.
There was card playing during the
evening, and a banquet which the
ladtes declare made the Shriners'
feed look like a hoboes' lunch. Every
visiting lady declared that her hus
band would find it impossible to
leave her at home in the future
when he came to Ashland to attend
a ceremonial of Hillah Temple.
The Shipbuilder's Prophecy.
Victoria Times:' The astonishing
prediction of the British shipbuilder
wno lorecasts tnat in a iew years
the leviathans of the deep will be
half a mile long and will register
200,000 tons is not so shattering to
the imagination in this age of won
ders as it might have been in a past
era. The breathless story of scien
tific achievement during the last tew
years is replete with marvels that in
an earlier day would have been wild
er than the wildest dreams ever con
It Is still possible to see treading,
as it were, the well-defined paths of
the Atlantic old vessels of 8,000
tons which in their day were the
largest afloat; while again on the
24th day of the present month a
titan registering 50,000 tons the
Imperator will make her maiden
Voyage across thcherring pond. It
Is ever so. The Brobdignagians of
today are the Liliputians of tomor
row, and there is no logical reason
why in a few years' time this same
Imperator which now dazzles the
senses with its size and magnificence
should not he . utterly eclipsed by
even more gigantic successors. While
to the greatest of humanity all
achivement is necessarily finite
man's imagination can penetrate the
cloaked dawn and dissipate the mists'
WW ;
o nouse rurmsners
I Deputy County Coroner
that mask the future, and it he has
the courage and faith to follow, then
all . things are possible. The sight
of a great vessel crossing the Atlan
tic with almost as much regularity
in time as the stars in their courses
cannot but recall to mind the time
when imagination and faith guided
the hands that charted the salted
vasts for the puny caravels of Spain.
. A new fuel for internal combin
ation engines, invented in South
Africa, is made from paraffin.
Princton reports some college boys
paying their way by earning money
as bootblacks.
We will place in our window 144 pieces Enamelware, there
being 12 each of the following:
12 14 fit Rlnslno- Pans
" HUU. I
12 4 qt. Lipped Preserving' Kettles
12 3 qt. Berlin Sauce Pans.
12 5 qt. Pudding Pans.
12 4 qt. Lipped Sauce Pans.
12 8 in. Open Chambers.
12 2 qt. Coffee Pots.
12 2 qt. Round Covered Pails.
12 1 qt. Milk Kettles.
12 10x6 Seamless Bread
12 6 qt. Milk Pans.
12 3 qt. Berlin Kettles.
And with each purchase we will give four votes for one, or 100
votes. If you do not want to use these yourself, give them to some
friend who is trying for the Colombia Grafonola, and' you will make
him happy.
On Wednesday, July 2
We will have in our window
16 Wash Boilers, mostly copper.
7 Galvanized Tubs
12 Galvanized and Tin Pails
These goods were injured in shipping and we are going to offer
them at about HALF PRICE an opportunity to get a good boiler
at $1. During this sale we will give 400 votes for each dollar
On Thursday, July 3d
We will offer FIFTY PAIRS "NORSHAP" highest grade SCIS
SORS and SHEARS at about HALF PRICE, the following sizes:
5 pairs 6 Inch, worth 75c, will go at. 40c
8 pairs 6 inch, worth 85c, will go at 45a
15 pairs 7 inch, worth $1.00, will go at. 55c
20 pairs 7V4 inch, worth 1.10, will go at 60c
32 pairs 8 inch, worth 1.20, will go at 65c
11 pairs 8 Inch, worth 1.30, will go at. , 70c
3 pairs S inch, worth 1. 40, will go at r 75c
2 pairs 10 inch, worth 1.50, will go at 80c
REMEMBER: The above sizes are all we have and this price
is good this day only. Do not come in the next day and expect the
price to be the same, as it will POSITIVELY be higher.
Do not miss this wonderful bargain in Scissors!
During the scissor sale we will give four votes with each penny
purchase. Here is a fine opportunity to secure votes in an easy
manner, and get the BIGGEST BARGAIN in scissors and shears
ever offered in Ashland.
' Now, lads and lassies, secure votes by having your friends take
advantage of these bargain days. We consider the goods we are
offering these three days the BEST VALUES we have ever placed
before the people since we have been in business
Here is the
The Low Priced
Phone 146
r m
w- - m
Lady Assistant
J At, least 100 species of oysters are
known to scientists.
Wiveat Seventy!
"many people at ieventy
'attribute their g-ood
rhealth to SCOTT'S
EMULSION because its
concentrated nourish
ment creates cermanent
body-power, and because
litis devoid of drugs or stimulants.
Scott ft Bowne, Bloomfield. V. J. . 13-22
These goods were bought
to sell for 40c, 50c, 60c.
We want to clean them
up in one day and you can
take your ehoice at
, Get the
most votes
and the
Is yours.
Hardware Man
375 East Main