UNITED STATES -IS PIONEER BANK Security-Service WArl 1 AL, MJKrLUS, UNDIVIDED AND STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY OVER lD,VvV.UV DEPOSITORY OF GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BANK FUNDS DR. W. EARL BLAKE DENTIST First National Bank Bid., Suite 9 and 10. Entrance First Ave. Phones: Office, 109; Res., 488-R. DR. J. E. EXDELMAN DENTIST Citizens Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Suite a & 4 ASHLAND, ORE. DR. P. II. JOHNSON, DENTIST, Beaver Bldg., East Main and First Sts., Ashland, Oregon, rhones: Office 178, Res. 850-Y. DR. J. 8. PARSON, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence, Main Sf.reet Phone 242 J. O. W. GREGG, M. I). Physician and Surgeon Office: 1 and 2 Citizens Banking and Trust Co. building. Phone 69. Residence: 93 Bush Street. Resi dence phone 230 R. Office hours: 9 to 12a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Calls answered day or night. JULIAN P. JOHNSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Specialist in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office: Upstairs Corner Main and Granite streets. Entrance from Granite street. A. J. FAWCETT, M. D. Homeopathic PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, Payne Bldg., adjoining Cit izens and Trust Co. Bldg. Residence, 9 Granite street. Massage, Electric Light Baths, Elec tricity. With Dr. Fawcett, Payne Building. JULIA R. McQUILKIN, SUPERINTENDENT. Telephone 306-J. Every day excepting Sunday. P. A. KORMANN, PH. D., All kinds of Analytical Work, includ ing Assaying. Accuracy guar anteed. Laboratory with Hygienol Chemical company. ASHLAND, OREGON. W. F. Bowen, Phone 232-J. E. O. Smith, Phone 200-J. BOWEN & SMITH ARCHITECTS. Rooms 7 and 8, Citizens Banking & Trust Co. Building. Phone 1C4. MISS THORNE Graduate Nurse 04 THIRD STREET PHONE 300-J. MRS. II. F. CHAMBERLAIN Graduate Nurse 279 Liberty Street PHONE 419-J. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Mahogany Camp, No. 6565, M. W. A., meets the 2d and 4th Friday of each month in Memorial Hall. M. S. K. Clark. V. C; G. H. Hedberg, Clerk. Visiting neighbors are cor- niany Invited to meet wuu u niTrn-riT nrtTC niATB. . - Regular meetings of the Chautau qua Park Club second and fourth Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m. MRS. F. R. MERRILL. Pres. . MRS. JENNIE FAUCETT, Sec. v ..... riiiTi. The regular meeting of the Ladies Civic Improvement Club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of An nl. ' n ni n . (ha C TY1 tu montn at z:ou p. iu- at w nerclal Club rooms. SUNSET MAGAZINE and Ashland Tidings one year $2.75 to old or new subscribers. Regular price of Sunset Magazine is $1.50 per year. Star Laundry and French Dry meaning Company. Phone o. NATIONAL BANK THE - OF ASHLAND PROFITS (HHP AAA A A Notice. On and after January 1, 1913, all packages must be sent by parcel post and must be mailed at the postoffice and not handed to the carriers or dropped in boxes. Ordinary postage stamps must NOT be used. Distinct ive parcel post ttamps must be used on all fourth class matter beginning January 1, 1913, and such matter bearing ordinary postage stamps will be treated as "held for postage." Parcels will be mailable only at post offices. All parcels MUST bear the return card of the sender, otherwise they will not be accepted for mail ing. JOHN R. CASEY, Postmaster, Ashland, Ore. Wise Willie. Uncle John Willie, if you could have your way, who w.ould you rath er be than anybody else? Small Willie Just me if I could always have my way. Chicago News. Star Launary and French Dry Cleaning Company. Phone 64. For Paint and Wall Pa per, or work In these lines, see Win. O. Dick erson. Residence phone 494-R. Store phone 172. We can save you money MEM GUREI TO STAY CURED Maybe yon hive been treated and only helped tempor arily or not at all. Haa your trouble till the tipper hand of touT Lk not dea- fair. Consult me ree and let me tell yon whether you ever can be cured. If I take your case I CURE yon. 1 will J attention to your owe so that yon will So away cured and aratjtfiiL I havA treated thoatandt. I have cared thousands. lrft me cure you. Iam the only physician in Portland treating ail menu of men exclusively "606 99 NOW IMPROVED AND MODIFIED FOR BLOOD POISON Tt Is now two yearn iinrethe Introduction of the New irmitn HemtMly for Blood llRordm, and during that time I have ad ministered this preparation in several thou sand cane. I have given this remedy a (vera tent, and I can say without fear of contradiction mat it is trie jrreatpni nmcovcry of the aue and the lil ST REMEDY ON EARTH for Blood Poinon, reardleiM of the stage of the ailment or the symptoms present. Don't believe doctors who tell you otherwise. I introduoe It Directly Into the Blood by the Intravenous Method. My equip, ment for the administering of this remedy is the finest on the Count, and I give yon the Genuine German Remedy in the Right Way. You come to my office, receive the treatment, go alwut your work aa usual and In 10 days time all symptoms disappear. Why should yon continue taking poisonous and other Injurious drugs Into your stomach for years when you can come to me and be cored WEAK MEN iss;csff:i last found a sure cure. Animal Serum (lymph compound) is the remedy that has never disappointed my patients. It a not a medicine, out extracted cslls from young, vigorous animals, used by me to ret mild and vitalise the human organs, Resrardlewi of Aire Don't persist in old-fashioned treat ments, that always fail. Come and receive a Certain Cure. AUTOGENOUS VACCINES promptly eradicate chronic urethral, pros tate ana bladder diseases and rheumatism. If you have a chronical case you think incur able, come and be cured at my Rink. My Fee are Low and prompt Resulle Guar anteed. disorders of men. Including Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Wludder. Kid ney and Prostatic disorders. My treatment for Varlnoee Veins and Hydrocele is a I wo. lutely painless, does not detain you from vour work or home, and a permanent cure is effect ed in one treatment, CONSULTATION irAVJtl mM wm. M SJW Bhould nnelfwt thia ww opportunity to get my B expert opinion about his trouble. My office la open all day from ft a. m. to 8 p. m.. and Sundays from 10 to 12 only. Ailing men out of town who cannot call, write for self examination blank, C.K. HOLSMAN.M.D. 221 Morrison St., cor. First PORTLAND, OREGON BILL IS UNDER FIRE Medford Rat Law to Be Enjoined in Federal Court if Rail roads Can Do It- Portland. Dec. 16. Charging that the" so-called "Medford rate bill," enacted Into law by the voters of ! Oregon at the general election of November 5, Is not only unconstitu tional but discriminatory as well anJ a fraud upon its face and- upon the people, railroad attorneys in the United States district court today ar gued strenuously in their efforts to show cause why the court should is sue a temporary injunction against the enforcement of the law. Attorney General Crawford held that the rates fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission are in nowiBe Interfered with or altered, and fur ther that Interstate commerce is not affected by the bill. That the petition which resulted i nhaving the rate hill put on the ballot was circulated by jobbers of Baker and Medford to a selfish end, was charged by O. C. Spencer, attor ney for the O.-W. R. & N. Co. V. M. Hart, representing the Hill railroad interests, attacked the new law merely on the point of its con stitutionality. He said that rate men for the railroad companies have been trying to fix up schedules in keeping with the provisions of the new law but that they have had little success because of its ambiguity. Special Offer. Send 50 cents in stamps and re ceive Sunset the Pacific Monthly for four months, beginning with the Jan uary issue, and receive, free, the beautiful Christmas number contain ing 16 full-page pictures in color. This number alone is well worth the 50 cents. .In addition, we will send you, without charge, the famous Sun set Indian poster. Send your order to Fred Lockley, Northwest Manager, Sunset Maga zine, 304 Wells-Fargo building, Port land, Ore. 56-tf Kxcess Itagguge. "When I go on a trip I never know what I ought to take with me." "Oh, I do; it's quite simple. I take all my dresses and leave behind my husband." La Vie Parisienne. Old papers for sale at the Tidings Write Ideas for Moving Picture Plays NATIONAL AUTHORS' INSTITUTE The Difference Between Cheating in ! Public and Cheating in Private. F. P. Dunne, writing the "Inter preter's House" in the December American Magazine, says in part: "What we have to do is to make 1 people feel that political dishonesty ' is 'as disgraceful as private dlshon-! esty; to force upon men who regard, themselves as leaders of human progress. the conviction that they', must play the game fairly, and that I bribe-giving and bribe-taking are as shameful as forging notes, or cheat- t lng at cards, or pulling a horse in a ' race. Of course, there is no compari son between the crimes. A man who would slip an ace up his sleeve or bribe a jockey to put a horse in a pocket is a gentlemanly sportsman compared with the man who will sow corruption throush the whole body of a community in order to gain an unfair advantage in the game of poli tics. Yet decent people who will shun a black-leg of the race course or the card table will not hesitate to take their dinner publicly in the com pany of a man who is avowedly cor rupt in his relations with the govern ment. "A card sharp is kicked out of the game. One lapse condemns him for ever. We have known of a brave and (we think) honest man who was pur sued to his grave by the mere rumor that he cheated at cards. Yet a man may cheat at the far greater game of politics, he m?y sell his hand to an opponent, or throw away the nuuiifcci imim iui it uriue, aim ue j none the worse off in the opinion of the public. He can't live down a peek at his neighbor's hand, but he cannot only live down but he can thrive on bribing a judge." Oregon Fruit Rate is Ordered Re duced. Washington. Dec. 18. The Inter state Commerce Commission held un reasonable existing rates on fruits and vegetables from Louisiana and Texas points; on apples and other deciduous fruits from Oregon, Utah and Idaho, and on citurs and decidu ous fruits, canned goods and vege tables from California points to Crawford, Neb., and other middle west destinations. The commission ordered an aver age of approximately 20 per cent re duction in rates, the reduced rates to come in effect about two years from February 1 next. VOT T CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND JL J"U EARN $25.00 OR MORE WEEKLY We WiH Show You How! If you have ideas if you can think we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession, posi tively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is wanted. The demand photo plays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "moving heaven and earth" in' their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are offering $100 and more for single scenarios or written ideas. Nearly all the bijr film companies, the buyers of photo plays, are located in or near New York City. Be ing right on the spot and knowing at all times just what sort of dots are wanted by the producers, our Sales! )e partment has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. Wo have received many letters from the big film manufacturers, such as Vitagraph, Edison, Esssanay, Lubin, Solax, Imp, Ilex, lleliance, Champion, Comet, Melics, Etc., urging us to send photo plays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of success. We are selling photo plays written by people who "never before wrote a line (or publication." Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea every week and will write it out as directed by us and it sells for only $25, a low figure, YOU WILL EARN $100 MONTHLY FOR SPARE TIME WORK. FRHK Send youi name and address at once free copy of our illustrated book, "Ml rlUTUKE l'LAYWIUTING. Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now and learn just what this new profession may mean for you and your future. First National Bank Oldest National Bank in Jackson County Efficient Service Courteous Treatment I. ride IispMars on Honeymoon. San Francisco, Dec, 18. With the ocean beach and the bay shore pa trolled, the police launch nosing about the bay, and posses scouring the parks and outlying districts, the search for Mrs. Bessie L. Hunter, nee Cooper, the six-day bride of Joseph Hunter of Portland, who disappeared yesterday after sending a message hinting suicide, is still on here today, with but slight hope of finding the missing wife alive. This is the note received by Hun ter: "Dear Joe: Oh, 1 don't know how to begin this terrible little letter. When you receive it, or before you can do anything, 1 probably will be dead. You will never know how mis erable I am. 1 could never make you a happy wife because I cannot stand married life. God pity yon if you love me very much! I do pity you, but it would be impossible for you to be more miserable or unhappy than I am. Am leaving you this way be cause I think it better. You will perhaps go to Salt Lake and our friends in Portland never need know this, as they would if I waited till we went back. It is all a terrible mistake, and it would be impossible to contjnue. Please forgive me and forget. Your heartbroken UeBsie. "P. S. Send niy effects to moth er." ' " Neat note paper, letter heads and envelopes printed for the ladies or gentlemen, with their names or in itials thereon in any color desired, for Christmas presents. Come in and see samples and leave orders early. tf SUNSET MAGAZINE and Ashland Tidings one year $2.75 to old or new subscribers. Regular price of Sunset Magazine is $1.50 per year. for MOV- 1543 Broadway NEW YORK CITY maasmtssESBBmBmBaaat: (Yesrent City, Special facilities for tourist parties at the Bay Hotel pnd annex. Crescent City. Hot and cold wat.r, bath. .... I rooms en suite. 22-tf TowersFishBrand Pommel Sucker I -V Keeps both rider and saddle perfectly dru, Made for rough wear and long service in ihe wet! est weather. Satisfaction Guaranteed TOWERS Look forThis Mark or Excellence $3.50 EVERYWHERE A. J. Tower to. BOSTON. Tower Canadian Itu TORONTO. 1IOI SK OF COMFORT Hotel Manx Powell Street at O'Furrcll SAN FRANCISCO Best located and most popular hotel in the city. Headquarters for Oregonians; commodious lob by; running Ice water In each room; metropolitan service. Bus at train. A la carte service. Ideal stopping place for ladies traveling alone. Management, CHESTER W. KELLEY. "Meet Me at the Manx." 1Ti'ilfflMIIV,""l"VVWM QSES3EA