Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, December 02, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Monday, Deceniler 2, 1912.
fln Oftecf Lesson
For Your Boy
Every father wants his boy and
girl to learn the lesson of ha
bitual saving.
Do you know, fathers, that one
of the best ways to teach your
children to save regularly Is to
have a savings account your
selves? Let that boy of bring your savings
deposit to the bank as "regular
as clockwork" and he will get
the habit himself he can't
help It.
Incidentally, a little nest egg will
be good for father, too.
Ashland, Oregon
Clif Payne makes tables.
R. A. Dozier went to Hornbrook
Friday forenoon.
We have a full car of drain tile.
Carson-Smith Lumber Co. 47-tf
E. J. Mahan transacted business
in Medford Friday.
Ladies' skates free tonight at
the Natatorium.
Attorney R. H. Burns went to Med
ford this morning on business.
Ia he an Elk? See that line of
gifts at Enders' for all "Bills."
The Tidings is for Bale at W. M.
Poley's Drug Store, 17 East Main St.
H. L. White came in from his mine
near Gold Hill to spend Thanksgiv
ing. Stamped goods? Well, I should
say so. They sell for a song at End
ers'. Miss Margaret Tomlin spent
Thanksgiving at the Three Oaks
Cleaarnce sale of hats In velvet,
felt and children's hats at Miss Har
grove's. 49-tf
J. G. Miller went to Medford Sat
urday in the interests of his broom
Fine diamonds at the lowest
possible prices at Arthur S. Thomp
on'8 jewelry store.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mulkey of
Medford spent Thanksgiving with
friends in this city.
Bread! Bread! Bread! Eat Buck
eye bread. The only bread, and full
weight. 180 Main street. 54-2t
You can get hats at reduced
prices at Miss Hargrove's, in felt,
velvet and children's hats. 49-tf
J. A. Nelson, who has been here
from Brownsville, Ore., for some
days, left for his home Thanksgiving
Velvet, felt and children's hats
at reduced prices at Miss Hargrove's.
Architect Stewart was up Friday
looking after the construction of the
memorial bridge in Chautauqua park,
of which he has charge.
Ask Orres the Tailor about the
free trousers. It will pay you.
J. E. Jackson of Grants Pass spent
Thanksgiving at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Yockey. Mr. Jackson
is a brother of Mrs. Yockey.
Protect yourself against loss by
fire, but see Clif Payne before you
take out a policy he can save you
money. tf
Ladies' skates free tonight at
the Natatorium.
Dr. Merrill has sold his auto to
J. K. McClaren, the sale having been
made through C. B. Lanikin.
Dolls! Dolls! Dolls. The most
complete line of beauties ever shown
at prices the cheapest. Enders' Big
L. E. Prickett of Lebanon is here
visiting his old friend, J. J. Morton,
having been here for Thanksgiving.
Mr. Prickett may locate in Ashland.
Strawberry, raspberry and black
berry plants in large and small quan
tities Apply at the Hotel Ashland
dining room. 50-tf
The motor was late Thanksgiving
morning. It went dead a short dis
tance from Grants Pass and had to
be hauled back there by an engine.
F. H. Carter, who has been here
for some time looking after business
matters, left Wednesday evening for
Eugene to spend Thanksgiving with
his sons.
The Grey Dress Form Shop at
Enders" will not le open all winter.
Place your orders now for a form
made over and exactly reproducing
your own figure. 54-2t
E. E. Calvin, general manager of
the Southern Pacific railway, passed
through Ashland Friday afternoon
on his way south, In his private car,
Los Angeles.
Ashland-Klamath Exchange will
buy all your empty sacks.
Daily Missoulan: Mrs. A. G. Mc
Carthy of Ashland, Ore., arrived in
Missoula yesterday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. John M. Lucey in their home
on South Third street.
Books! Books! Books! See our
line of Xmas books. Our prices are
right. Enders' Emporium.
The petitions of G. G. Eubanks for
city treasurer and Mrs. Elizabeth
Van Sant for park commissioner
from the First ward have been filed
with the city recorder.
Five years in the jewelry busi
ness in Ashland. This means just
five years of satisfaction to all that
dealt with us. Better join the crowd.
Arthur S. Thompson, 163 East Main.
P. O. Peterson of Algona, Iowa, is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. D.
Washburn, of this city. This is Mr.
Peterson's first visit to Ashland and I
he is much pleased with the country.
If it is a diamond necklace you
want, Arthur S. Thompson has the
latest. 163 East Main.
B. A. and Mrs. Marshall of West-
"ii At. .
j For Early Christmas
Gilts to be made should be under way now. Gift buying should begin
now. lit you wish, yon need only say, "Just lay that away tor me."
4 to ZVi
fancy work
inches wide, for all kinds of
, l'Jc to 30c.
45-inch Linen Tubing, 90-inch Linen
Sheeting, 36 and 4: inch Art Linens, 1.1,
IS and 22 inch Plain and Fancy Hucks,
Stamped Muck Towels, etc. Also Scarfs
and Squares made up.
Nothing more practical than gifts of
silks or dress goods to members of your
family. No better place to choose them
than at this store. Experienced anil
courteous salespeople to help you.
For knitting and crocheting. Fleischer's
Saxony, 4 and S fold Germantown, Shet
land Floss and Eiderdown Zephyr. Use
Fleischer's yarns.
Almost every conceivable article in in
fants' wear now on display. Often a token
to the infant in the family will bring more
happiness to fond parents than gifts to
OreflOIl themselves.
II anil Buns.
Gifts to wear are very practical gifts.
Things that womankind never get over
stocked on. Gloves she never gets too
many. She may exchange for a different
shade, perhaps. Handkerchiefs, Dags,
Waists, Sweaters, Suit or Coat, Silk Hos
iery, Bathrobe, Furs, Dainty Undermus
lins, Silk Petticoats, etc., and endless va
riety of things that appeal with particular
charm to women. You men trust to sug
gestions of our salespeople to help you.
The new styles are wonderfully charm
ing. The silks are rich and lustrous, the
styreB up to the minute, the workmanship
unsurpassed, the prices reasonable.
Rough-neck Sweaters $2.49 to $5.50. A
gift especially appreciated by a young lady
would be a good Sweater Coat.
Suits and Coats very reasonably priced
now for final clean-up. This department
offers the most for the money, for profit
taking season is past on these lines.
Shop Early and! Shop Mornings for Better Service
burg, Vt., were in the city Thursday )Iy suited fr entertaining and
Two Delightful Afternoons.
One of the prettiest parties of the
fall was the one given Friday after
noon by Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Briscoe,
Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Engle at the
latter's home on the Boulevard. The
weather was cold, but that only
made the house seem more cheery
and look more cosy, with its lovely
flowers and ferns on mantle, tables
and in every corner where they could
be used. The Engle home is special-
to everyone, and they generally
require a cash payment, small
or large.
What will you do
when your opportunity
comes? Are you pre
paring for it now?
Many very many are pre- jtj
lmrnig lur opim iuuji ui iuio
bank. Why don't you?
ij Citizens
I Banking & Trust
I Company
U ClltI $.j0,0OO.O0.
If Surplus $5,000.00.
"The Bank That Helps the People."
evening and Friday forenoon. They
were on a trip through the west and
expect to spend the winter at Los
Shirts and underwear made to
your order. Big line to choose from
at Orres' Tailoring and Cleaning
never held a jollier crowd of ladies
than Friday. One of the games that
caused much merriment was the fol
lowing: Each guest was given two
cards, one with a noun written on,
the other with a question on. These
were then exchanged with the "next
door neighbor" and this lady was
askerl tn iSncWPI thp ntloctinn rn ihn
C. B. Lanikin and F. H. Walker. ,, , tu
together with several others, went
to Griffins creek this morning to sur
vey out some land in which the for
mer is interested, Mr. Walker doing
the work.
George W. McXabb is again able
to work at his trade as a mason and
plasterer after a three week's' lay
off caused by getting too close to the
business end of a mule. Mc says he
won't do it again. '
Twenty per cent reduction on all
mill'nery at Mrs. H. Simons'. Call
bright woman read this: The noun
was "dog" and the question was,
"How do you like the new presi
dent?" and the answer was:
"I'm very fond of Woodrow,
Tho' he makes some people sad.
I think he will make a better presi
dent Than the dog gone one we had."
Another read: The noun was
"dog." The question was, "What is
the population of Ashland?" and the
early and take advantage of this sale, j "Ten thousand strong does Ashland
Mrs. F. E. Conway and little son
went to Yreka Wednesday evening
to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. Con
way. In addition to it being a holt
day it was also the anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Conway's marriage.
We are giving exceptionally
good values in watches this week.
Many designs to choose from. See
our window display. With every
watch we give a Simmons fob. R. J.
Smith, Jeweler. 5 4-2t
Elder F. S. Bunch of Roseburg,
who has been conducting revival
meetings at Medford for some time,
visited his brother, Elder T. C.
Bunch, on Saturday and occupied the
pulpit of the Adventist church at the
morning services.
Get a pyrographic outfit and
burn your Xmas boxes. We have
Xmas goods to burn. Enders & Son.
According to the Mansfield (Ohio)
News, Mt. Shasta and Crater Lake
are being exploited among other
western wonders in a travelogue ad
vertising points of interest to en
thuse eastern Knights Templar for
the trip to Denver and the west in
We have connected up with the
Western Union and put In a line of
genuine watch material. Never be
fore have we been in the position to
give you such fine service in watch
repairing. Come in and get prices.
R. J. Smith, Jeweler. 54-2t
Professor Vaclar P. Nienietz, spec
ialist of horticulture, department of
agriculture, Russia, is spending a
few days inspecting the orchards of
the Rogue river valley.
Yet Medford claims that they are on
But they surely must have counted
their dog,
For they can't see through their
booze and fog."
After these "verses" were read ta
bles were brought in and a delicious
two-course luncheon served. The ta
bles were specially pretty, each one
centered with roses, with beautiful
place cards in water colors.
The following ladies were guest3:
t Cut Glass
! Hand Painted
t China I
Fostoria Star Cut Glass, Etc. I
Mesdames Winter, "Vaupel, Jackson,
Carter, William Dodge, J. P. Dodge,
Sanderson, Ella Mills, Boslough,
Hunt, Butler, F. D. Wagner, E. H.
Wagner, Johnson, Simpson, Poor,
Wolf, Mulit, Grant, Burdic, Calkins,
Garrett, G. S. Thornton, J. E. Thorn
ton, Yeo, Churchman, Mathes, Mc
Coy, Tilton, Wheeler, Sherwin, Mo
wat, G. V. Miller, Casey, Myers,
Homes, Campbell, Kinney, Bolton,
Billings,. Eubanks, Tozer, McWil
lianis, Gregg, Bartges, Atkinson.
Badger, . Whittle, Pickens, Seager,
De Peatt, Greer, Saunders, Dunlap,
Marske, Palnierlee, C. L. Miller, Gri
sez, Barber, Stone, Sanford, Barne
burg, Frobach, Everton, Bowers,
Ware, .Thompson, Miss Mathes.
Mesdames Shepard, Moore, Briscoe
and Engle entertained again Satur
day afternoon. The games were
Mother Goose rhymes and a penny
contest. The. following ladies were
the guests: Mesdames Davenhill,
Swedenhurg, D. R. Mills, Young,
Louis Dodge, L. A. Neil, R. P. Neil,
Lilly. Beebe, S. S. Mitchell, Rondeau,
McGee, J. M. Wagner, Peil, Grainger,
Vining, Minkler, Newcome, L. L.
Mulit, Blake, McKee, William Patter
son, Nims, Parson, Ogg, Van Sant,
S. E. Miller, Fox, Smith, Root, Poley,
Losher, Blalock, Pracht, S. Provost,
II. Provost, Lanikin, Mattern, Mc
Nair, Briggs, Perozzi, G. II. Billings,
R. Billings, Day, Payne, Schwimley,
Milam, Burns, Bush, Dennis, Nor
wood, Cunningham, Lennart, Bagley,
Graham, H. Sayles, Willison, Fish,
Pohland, Hodgson, Wick, Cornelius,
Hargadine, Loomis, Merrill , S. Pat
terson, Walker, Shook, Thompson,
Seimantle, Brown, Newland, Beach,
Veight. Turner, William Mitchell, i
Misses Kaiser, Anderson and Watson
that was beautiful. The figures were
intricate and the steps perfect, and
showed great care and thorough
The entire program showed excel
lent work and was a credit to both
Miss Hopper and Miss Shaffer, the
Di'iimutic Rending.
The Ashland people took genuine
pleasure in listening to Madame
Labadie in the reading of Ibsen's
"Doll House," Friday evening at the
Natatorium. Madame Labadie has
a delightful personality and a voice
of unusual sweetness and flexibility.
Her interpretation of "The Doll's
House" brought out all the underly
ing strength of Nora, whose life had
been that of a dependent and pam
pered woman.
This entertainment was given un
der the auspices of First Company,
C. A. C.
Twenty per cent reduction on all
millinery at Mrs. H. Simons'. Call
early and take advantage of this sale
Phone No. 39 when in need of Job
printing. Work and prices are right.
A new cigarette machine made in
Switzerland makes 000 cigarettes a
Hotel Ashland
Hot and cold water in every room
E'ght acres within 3 miles of Ash
land; some bearing orchard and
some younger trees, good varieties
and fine growth; 5-room modern
house, hard finished, hot and cold
water, bath, toilet. Everything con
venient and in good shape, ready to
drop into.
41 K. Main St. Phone 2II-J.
There's nothing better
for Christmas presents
. .....
At lU'lleview.
The Thanksgiving entertainment
at the Ilellevlew school was enjoyed
by a large number of parents and
friends of the children taking part.
The recitations were nicely rendered
and appropriate for the occasion.
The history of the early colonists
was carried out in pantomime, the
governors, prominent characters and
Indians being well given. Miss Shaf
fer's little row of children, with false
faces representing pumpkins, was
amusing, also their afternoon tea
party and Thanksgiving reception.
During a short intermission Mrs.
Card, president of the Sunshine So
ciety, was asked to tell the farmers
how they could best assist this wor
thy charity. The children, through
a kindly suggestion of Mrs. A. E.
Wright, had collected apples, pota-
i toes, pumpkins, beans, etc., in quite
a large quantity for the poor. After
the close of the entertainment Mr.
Floyd Moore delivered them to the
Sunshine Society for distribution.
Another opportunity will be given
near the Christmas holidays.
The program was Interspersed
with music. Mr. and Mrs. Paine de
lighted the audience with music on
the organ and violin. The children
also gave selections.
The program closed with a flower
drill given by Miss Hopper's pupils
A January Bargain Sale
Wishing to close out completely the en
tire remainder of our Fall and Winter Suits,
Coats and Dresses, we offer for December:
40 ladies' new Fall tailor suits that
ordinarily sell for $20 o r
to $35, your choice ... tbl.jU
15 ladies' tailor suits, values A 71
to $20, your choice jm J
20 new Fall $20 coats, aa
your choice iD.UU
20 new Fall coats, values toft 71
$15, your choice J f
20 new Fall porjre dresse?, 7
values to $12.50, choice ... f J)U
These garments come from the
best makers and have the style,
quality and fit.
In addition to these extraordinary
low prices we allow a 5 per cent cash
discount, and do the fitting and al
tering free of charge.