Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, November 07, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Thursday, Ootoler 7, 1912.
One cent per word, first insertion;
cent per word for each insertion
thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per
month. No advertisement inserted
for less than 25 cents. Classified
ads are cash with order expect to
parties having ledger accounts with
the office.
CHAIR DOCTOR R. II. Stanley, ex
pert furniture repairer and up-
holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid
and repaired, bed springs re
stretched, chairs wired, rubber
tires for baby buggies. 26 First
avenue, opposite First National
Bank. Phone 413-J.
WANTED Chickens at the Depot
Hotel. 43-7t
TANNERS Natural Science Est.,
10 Granite St. 38-tf
READ THIS Any time you want the
city carriage, see E. N. Smith, 124
Morton St. Phone 464-J.
WANTED Steady employment by a
strong, ambitious young man of
this city. Phone 268-J. 46-3t
WANTED Work on ranch by the
month, by young man. Call at
the Manx rooming house, Ashland.
VOICE CULTURE, tone placing, ar
tistic singing. Address Mr. Mac
Murray, East Side Inn. Phone
183. 2ibtf
LOST Thursday last, a pair ofgold
rimmed glasses in case. Return
to 236 North Mountain avenue for
reward. 46-2t
LOST A 12 size thin model watch,
6ilverine case, monogram J. G. M.
on back. Finder return to this
office for reward. 46-3t
FOREXC H AN GETen acresnYl
quina Bay, adjoining the town of
Yaquina. Several acres bottom
land, plenty of wood, running wa
ter, and sewer In house; eight
room bungalow; running stream
through place; splendid salt water
fishing, salmon, etc., in front of
place. Would like few acres with
house, or house and esveral lots
in Ashland. Address owner, O.
Middlekauff, Benton County Bank
Bldg., Corvallis, Ore. Cut this out
if interested, as this will be in
serted but once. 46-7t
FOR RENT Six-room house, fur
nished. Address 66 Second St. or
, phone 459-J. 46-2
FOR RENT 3,500 acres pasture
land six miles east of Ashland.
Apply Miss Mollie Songer, 35 Hel
man St.
FOR RENT Suite ot tnree fur
nished rooms for housekeeping.
All modern conveniences. 166
North Main St. 44"4t
FOR RENT A comfortable bedroom
wtih use of bath, also table board.
Mrs. Nathan Durkee, telephone
309-J, 64 Third St. 43-lmo.
SUITES, gas for cooking, electric
light, bath, toilet, fine view, cen
tral location, upstairs or down to
suit. Apply at millinery store op
posite East Side Inn. 27-tf
second-hand ' bicycles for sale
cheap. Bicycle repairing, prompt
service, good work, low prices. All
kinds of tires and supplies at cut
prices. Eastern Supply Co., 104
North Main. 77-tf
FOR SALE A Jersey cow giving
3 Vt to 4 gallons a day, to be fresh
November 15. See F. C. Homes,
Jr. 46-4t
FOR SALE Acreage located on the
Boulevard, near railroad. Call on
or address Mrs. C. W. McKlbben,
Route 1, Ashland. 82-tf
FOR SALE 3,000 shade trees, box-
elder, elm, ash, locust and several
kinds. Cheap if bought by the last
of November. James Purves, 186
Weightman St., Ashland. 46-2t
TIDINGS WANT ADS are little real
estate salesmen. A 50-cent want
ad will put you in touch with
somebody who wants the property
you have for sale. Try It.
FOR SALE Single Harness 7 and
up; with collar and names, 10.
Made In Ashland; our own make.
Don't- buy factory made harness.
Eastern Supply Co., 104 North
Main. ' 77-tt
FOR SALE Drakes, Harshbarger
blue ribbon strain of the new Stan
, dard Light Fawn and White In
dian Runner. White egg layers,
from 280 egg strain. F. W. Mc
Cracken, phone 813-F-3. 45-3t
FOR-SALE Two houses on Rock
and Nursery Sts. and a large lot
120x247 feet on Boulevard and
Sherman St. Make an early offer.
Address J. G. Chumos, 312 Fulton
St., station P, Seattle, Wash.
. , '46-5t
FOR SALE Lots on level ground
near high school, with building re
strictions, insurance clause. Four
summers' growth of peach, apple
. and pear trees. Reasonable prices,
easy terms. Ten per cent discount
until December 1. H. O. Frobach.
FOR SALE One team mules, 7 and
8 years old, weight 900 each, har
ness and 2-inch wagon, $186.
One 1,000-pound saddle mare and
saddle, $65. One good 3-inch
Weber wagon, $65. J. A. Schoen
thal, R. D. 1, box 42. Near Nor
mal, on Boulevard. 45-tf
Newly Famished Rooms
Centrally located. Well ventilated.
Gas and electricity. Everything new,
neat and clean. Reasonable prices.
In the County Court of Oregon for
Jackson County.
In the matter of the estate of Mar
tin Van Buren Soule, deceased.
Executor's final notice
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned executor of the estate
of Martin Van Buren Soule, de
ceased, has filed in the above enti
tled court his final account ot his
doings as such executor and the
court has fixed Wednesday, Dec,
4, 1912, at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, at the court room
of said court in the county court
bouse in Jacksonville, Jackson coun
ty, Oregon, as the time and place for
the hearing of said final account.
All persons interested are hereby
notified to make or file 'their objec
tions to said final account with said
court on or before said time, if any
they have. D. LEHNERS,
Executor of the Estate of Martin
Van Buren Soule, deceased.
Thurs. 45-5t
Hotel Manx
Powell Street at O'Farrell
Best located and most popular
hotel In the city. Headquarters
for Oregonians; commodious lob
by; running Ice water in each
room; metropolitan service. Bus
at train. A la carte service. Ideal
stopping place for ladies traveling
".Meet Me at the Man."
Beaver Realty Co.
Now is a good time to Invest In a
home in Ashland. Special bargains
may be obtained In both city and
country property. We will be pleased
to show you around and to extend
to you the courtesies of the town.
5-acre tracts just out of town, un
improved, . from $350 to $1,500.
5-acre tracts, improved, from $1,200
up to $5,000, and more, according to
improvements, location, etc.
10-acre tracts from $1,100 up,
near town.
Small dairy ranch, near town, for
sale cheap.
City lots $75 each and up.
Exchanges made on all kinds of
real estate. . Have places in Oregon,
California, Washington and Middle
West for Ashland property.
120 acres ott land In southwest
Texas, under ditch, no buildings, to
trade for Ashland home.
Wanted to list Good ranches,
large and small, to trade for Ashland
City property for sale; also farms,
large and small, improved and unim
proved. Easy terms. ,
For particulars inquire of
Beaver Realty Company
211 E. MAIN ST.
Phones: Pacific 68. Home 3-L.
"Rich, glossy, luxuriant facinating hail
sf youth.
Why should you not keep !t so continu
to have it-r plenty of soft youthful-lookinj
hair, to dress in the many styles most be
coming to you that keep you looking
young, attractive that please you anc
your admirers too.
Don't let the grey hairs 5n they'll mak(
you look old lose your charm and fresh
ness. Besides others notice them ot once
ind comment on themtoo.
SI. 00 and SOc at Drug Stores or direct upon receipt
if price and dealer's name. Send 10c for triai
tattle. Philo Hay Specialties Co., Newark. N. J,
Tidings one year $2.75 to old or new
subscribers. Regular price of Sunset
Magazine is $1.50 per year.
King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
Is insured for $2,500,000, while the
late King Humbert carried double
that amount.
A movement is on foot to elimi
nate the adulteration evil of the silk
trade by weighting.
Civil War VaUrtn'i Wife Pawn
ad Jewels to Pay Hit Debt.
l. c .
(Deferred from last issue.)
The Truth Seekers' class (Sprit-
ualist) held their regular Sunday
evening meeting November 3 at the
residence of E. C. Payne, 30 Granite
street. Dr. B. E. Smith led the
meeting, his subject, which was a
very interesting one, being, "Have
Ye Seen Him, of Whom 'Moses and
the Prophets Did Write'?" After
which Mrs. O. Young gave some very
interesting and beautiful spirit mes
sages. The attendance at these meet
ings are good, fifty being present at
this one. All are welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Burnette and
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Fawcett were
hosts and hostesses at a unique Hal
lowe'en party at the Fawcett home
on Fairview street Thursday even
ing. The house was decorated ap
propriate to the season in black cats,
witches, bats and cauld'ons, while
the guests, dressed in ghostly attire,
were received In grim silence by the
hostesses, robed in flowing black.
After being led through all the
witchery famous in legend the guests
unmasked, first having guessed at
the identity of each other. The ones
successful in guessing were rewarded
with appropriate prizes. Dainty re
freshments chosen from a witches'
menu were served. The guests de
parted at a late hour, pronouncing
this one of the most enjoyable par
ties of the season.
The Fortnightly Whist Club was
entertained at bridge Friday evening
at the home of Mrs. Alexander Duff
Graham on Almond street, this being
the first of a series of evening parties
to be given this winter by the club.
The usual three tables were increased
to six, the gentlemen being present.
The favors were flowers, which also
served to distinguish partners for the
opening hands. The customary prize,
a pair of silk stockings, was given
to the gentleman making the highest
score. On this evening the ladies'
prize, being a handsome bunch of
chrysanthemums, was won by Mrs.
Page. The receiving rooms were fes
tooned with ivy and massed with
chrysanthemums, and the delicacy of
the refreshments and perfect appoint
ment of the table further marked
the exquisite taste and distinction of
the hostess, Mrs. Graham, giving a
rare pleasure to her discriminating
guests. Mrs. Graham was ably as
sisted by . Mesdames Davis, Page and
Summers. The following were
present: Messrs. and Mesdames E.
D. Briggs, Arthur Br'ggs, Davis, Gra
ham, Johnson, Peil, Ira Shoudy,
Saunders and Summers; Mesdames
Bagley, Burnette, Wall and Page;
Messrs. Edwards and Paul Williams.
Another Hallowe'en Frolic.
One of the Jolllest Hallowe'en do
ings was the party given by Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Hunt at their home at the
head of Beach street Friday evening
in honor of their son, William. The
house was beautifully decorated and
there were the usual Hallowe'en
games and amusements. Mrs. J. II.
Kennedy acted as fortune teller for
the occasion and Miss Mary Orr as
witch. Mrs. Kennedy also added to
the pleasure of the occasion by sev
eral fine musical selections. Bob
bing for apples and other Hallowe'en
games were In order, Mr. Hunt takr
ing the honors In the apple bobbing
contest, he getting a ducking as well
as an apple. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Petlnger, Miss Mary Orr
and Mrs. John Kennedy, in addition
to the following youngsters: Claude
Triplett, Louise Triplett, , Arthur
Triplett, Bryant Triplett, Frank
Walker, Rachel Hurst, Merrill Mel
linger, James ( McAllister, Kathryn
Pettlnger, Clark Pettinger, Riley
Pett'nger, John Kennedy, Vincent
Kennedy, Alphonsus Kennedy and
Cecelia Kennedy.
V "S
A Pleasant Reception.
Saturday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Edwards on Laurel street a
pleasant reception was tendered Mrs.
Bunker by her Sunday school class
and neighbors. She is about to
moe to San Juan, Cal., to reside.
She had long been teacher of the
Bethany class in the Methodist Sun
day school and this reception was
planned by the members of that
cla s. The afternoon was spent in
social converse and dainty refresh
ments were served. Those attending
were Mesdames Bunker, Eliason,
Woods, Shirley. Billings, Ball, Albert
Johnson,' Marquam, Hatch, Pracht,
Spimller, Rathburn, Charters, Wright
an I Hathaway.
Junior liuracas Kutci'tuin.
Witches and choice spirits of dark
ness held high carnival at the Bap
tils church Friday evening when the
Junior Baraca class entertained the
members of Miss Gault's class.
There were prizes given for the best
disguised ghost, the best jaek-o'-lan-tenis
and the best eaters. The even
ing was a jolly one from start to
finish. The ghosts present were
Mi.-.,es Eula Browning, Aura Brown
in,', Bertha Smith, May Smith,
Clamlie Triplett, Maydew Triplett,
Florence Mastiers, Harriet Trask,
Irene Erickson, Esther McElane,
Beruice Meyer and Iveren Keller, and
Messrs. Bob Keller, Marion Wilson,
Haiiie Holmes, Frank Hibb, Willie
Dean, Paul Wilson, Merla Walters,
Harmon Cress, Meredith Beaver, Carl
Culef, Harold Mastier and Ray John
son. The older persons present were the
teachers of the classes, Mrs. Gault
and Ralph Iladfield, and also Mrs.
Mastiers, Mr. Gault, Miss May Ilad
field and Miss Minerva Bailey.
The Abofs Entertain.
The Abofs entertained their boy
friends at a Hallowe'en party and
dance last Thursday evening at 130
Oak street, chaperoned by Mesdames
H. L. Whited and Lulu B. Cair and
Miss Eleanor Greer. The house was
decorated with cornstalks, pumpkins,
jack-o'-lanterns and other Insignia of
the night. A Hallowe'en lunch was
served, consisting of pumpkin pie,
cider and similar delicacies. The
guest list included Misses Margaret
Patterson, Esther Whited, Josephine
Saunders, Olive Thorne, Lucile Bar
ber, Marion Hodgson, Claire John
son, Vivian Greer, Margaret, Sleman
tel, Ruth Turner, Allie Shinn, Mil
dred Drake, Alleen Allman and An-
lega Bomar, and Messrs. Harold Mer
rill, Kenneth McWilliams, Neil Shinn,
Lynn Mowat, Harold Huntley, R. L.
Burdic, Eugene Moody, Jan Mowat,
Billie Briggs, Harold Patterson, Del
bert Jones, Cedric Myer, Wilfred
Carr, Edmund Dews, Bob Spencer,
Johnny Enders, Walter Phillips,
Kennett Allman and Bill Holmes.
Carters Entertain.
There was a pleasant gathering at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Car
ter on the Boulevard on Sunday, No
vember 2, a dinner party in honor
of the 77th. birthday anniversary of
D. R. Mills. The guests were Mr.
and Mrs. D. R. Mills, Mrs. Ellen II.
Wagner, Mrs. Sarah E. Johnson, Mrs.
R. M. Barclay and Mrs. Ellen M.
Mr. and Mrs. Mills have resided
in Ashland for twenty-five years.
Mr. Mills is president of the United
States National Bank and has acted
in that capacity for many years past.
With his influence and his purse he
has aided in every effort for the bet
terment of Ashland during the last
quarter of a century.
"Why count tne passing of the years?
'Tis not th e hours, we're told,
But what we've done of good or ill
That makes us young or old."
Based in the above philosophy,
Mr. Mills is still a young man, and
his many friends In Ashland Join in
wishing him happy returns of the
day for years to come.
Entertained u la Hallowe'en.
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Kramer
were host and hostess at a very pleas
ant Hallowe'en party at thir home,
332 Hargadine street, Wednesday
evening. The house was decorated
in orange with jack-o'-lanterns and
black cats. The evening was spent
with music, guessing games and other
amusements. One stunt was the giv
ing of a pumpkin to each guest with
instructions to carve a face thereon.
Roosevelt and Wilson predominated
as choice of subjects. Vocal solos
were rendered by Miss Cambers.'Miss
Hamlin and Dr. Tilton. Mrs. Tilton
was accompaniest for her husband,
while Miss Ruby Palmer accompanied
Misses Cambers and Hamlin. Despite
the fact that there was a dentist and
a doctor present there was neither
tooth pulling or dissecting done.
There was, however, some knowledge
of anatomy required. Each person
was given a portion of a black cat
and was compelled to find the per
son holding the matching portion,
the two persons being partners for
the delicious lunch which wag served
1 MM
Cooking under modem methocjs and con
veniences is made so attractive the whole
family is becoming interested.
"These biscuits are delicious; this cake is
excellent," says the father. " I made them,"
says the daughter, and both father and
daughter beam with pleasure.
Royal Baking Powder has made home
baking a success, a pleasure and a profit, and
the best cooking today the world over is
done with its aid.
at the close of the ' games. The
guests were: Mr. Metcalf, division
superintendent, Mr. Wester, division
engineer, and Mr. Kirklaud, chief
dispatcher, all of the Southern Pa
cific railway and stationed at Duns
muir; Messrs. and Mesdames J. W.
McCoy, F. G. Swedenburg, 11. J. Mc
Nair, Clark Bush, Elmo Neil, James
McNair, G. II. Yeo, C. F. Tilton, John
A. Harvey, Cassius Miller, P. B. Ful
ler and Sam McNair; Mesdames C.
W. Jackson, II. C. Sparr and C. W.
Chattin; Misses Floy Cai:ibe-s, Fran
ces Hamlin and Ruby Palmer.
Epwortli Hallowe'en Party.
Friday evening Epworth Leaguers
and their friends to the number of
over one hundred sought admission
to the Methodist church, having been
invited thither to attend a Hallow
e'en party, by the fourth depart
ment. All the doors and windows
were securely locked, however, and
it seemed to some that a mistake had
been made. Horrible sounds soon
began to issue from the basement
and ghostly figures arrived and dis
appeared through the cordwood en
trance. The guests were directed by
receiving' spooks' to follow a rope,
which led through the dark and cav
ernous recesseB of the basement,
lighted only by fitful gleams from a
huge and horrible jack-o'-lantern.
After ascending the stairway and
laying aside wraps in the room above,
each guest, whether a disembodied
spirit or a person of flesh and blood,
was required to sign a register and
Do you need Drainage or Irrigating Tile?
Increase (he yield of your land 25 to 50 per cent.
Jacksonville Brick and Tile Co.
Your Druggist
If you are suffering from Ecezoma,
Psoriasis or any other kind of skin
troublo, drop into our store for lnntnnt
relief. We will guarantee you to stop
tlmt itch In two seconds.
,'VVe huve sold other remedied for skin
troubles, but none that we could recom
mend as highly as this, a mild wash of
Oil of Wintergreen Thymol and a few
other Ingredients that luivo wrouuht
such wonderful cures till over tlie coun
try. Thin compound Is known ns P.D.D.
Prescription for Eczema and It will cool
McNair Bros., Druggists
Land for Sale !
74-acre tract, good house and barn, 2 miles from Talent, on
rural mail route; telephone in house; 4 mile from school; bearing
trees; 8 acres In alfalfa. Do not have to sell, but if a person ia
looking for an all-round place this is hard to beat for the price,
91-acre tract, part of which is In the town limits of Talent, and
an Ideal place to cut Into town lots or acre tracts and larger tracts.
All good land and mostly under irrigation. This is a good chance
for the right man. Will be glad to show Interested parties over,
this proposition any time. , Talent is the town that is doln' It
Large or small tracts, close In or well out; fruit, farms, dairy,
alfalfa or, Id fact, any kind of lands. If interested call on or
, PIIOXE NO. 371-U-5, Ashland.
assume a black-cat badge. The
league and green rooms were deco
rated with corn and pumpkins, black
cats, kettles and witches galore.
Some of the latter wore very clever
costumes and looked very much like
the lady who rides the broomstick
and consorts with bats and black fe
lines. In one corner of the room a
pretty palmist delved deep into the
mysteries of the scores of hands pre
sented for Inspection. From another
corner issued sweet, seductive strains
from the league violins. There were
numerous stunts, such as bobbing
for apples in a tub of water, stab
bing a pumpkin on which numerous
fortunes were pasted, throwing ap
ples through a horseshoe, etc. Each,
guest was given a slip of paper which
appeared perfectly blank, but which
when immersed in the witches' brew
showed a funny fortune written
thereon. A comparison of these for
tunes showed that each girl held a
duplicate of one in the possession of
a boy, which afforded a means of
pairing off. Pumpkin pie was next
served in generous quantities, the
witches and spooks appearing to have
just as hearty appetites for material
refreshments as other people.
O. H. B.
Cause of Insomnia.
The most common cause of insom
nia Is disorders of the stomach and
constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets
correct these disorders and enable
you to Blefep. For sale by Foley's
Drug Store.
Stops That Itch
nnd heal the Itchy, burning- ekln a
nothing else can.
A trial will prove it.
Of course all other druggists have
D.D.D. Prescription go to them If you
can't come to us but don't accept some
blg-prollt substitute.
But If you come to our store, we are
so certain of what D.D.H. will do for you
that we offer you a full size bottle on
this guarantee: If you do not tlnd thnC
It takes a way the Itch AT ONCE It
costs you not a cent.