PAGE EIGHT ASHLAND TIDINGS Monday, October 21, 1812. The latest and best in watches. The new Walthams and Elgins with winding indicator. Tells how long since you wound your watch. The new extra thin watches. The new tight and extra compact gold and filled cases. The small "Crown" watch for la dies at a low price. H.L.Whitect JEWELRY and KODAKS Classified Advertisements (Continued from Page Three.) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR RENT at half price, houses and rooms. Call on J. H. Bellan, 743 Oak St. 423i! FOR SALE Good second-hand sad dle, cheap for cash, inquire at 93 Bush St. FOR SALE A fin i i addle pony suitable for girl cf b;y. Call at 996 Oak or phor.i 2$.-R. 42-2t FOR" SALE Oneroubl j disc' plow and one side-hill ( lac plow. James Barrett, R. F. D. i, box 7i). Phone K01-F-5. i"2!i FOR "SALE Lotsoii iove.l ground near high school, with uulldins re strictions, insurance clause. Four summers' growth of peach, apple and pear trees. Reasonable prices, easy terms. Ten per cent discount until December 1. H. O. frobach. 42-6t "IMMUNITY FOR THE GANG" SUCH FOIL SLANDER IN THE MAIL-TRIBUNE. THIS COMES FROM MEDFORD TOO The Mail-Tribune Lays Itself Wide Ojen to the Charge of "Criminal Libel" Against the Dignity of the State. THE PACIFIC DAIRY SHOW. First Show at Union Stork Yards, Portland, to Be Held Nov. 18-23. The Undesirables. Pacific Homestead: Tba United States Department of Agriculture has taken steps to prevent the Mediter ranean fruit fly obtaining a hold In any part of the United States. Its latest move in this respect is to quar antine the country against the intro udction of certain fruits, seeds, veg etables and other plant products grown in the territory of Hawaii, where the pest now exists to a great extent. The quarantine order was issued on September IS and is still in effect and will probably remain so for some months. Many foreign lnBect pects are cost ing the United States billions of dol lars annually, and congress passed a strict plant quarantine law at its last session which will be of considerable aid in keeping out the undesirable bugs in future. From this time forth all plants brought to America, ac companied by unknown or dangerous insect pests, will be placed in quar antine just as other immigrants, un til the pests have been slaughtered. Ordinarily the United States returns undesirable immiganrts of the hu man family to their homes, but with the insect immigrants it will be dif ferent. They will be slaughtered by the wholesale. When the plants have been declared healthy and rid of all undesirables after serving the prop er time in quarantine, they will be permitted to nter the United States and become part and parcel of our plant citizens. This country has had enough out side pests of this sort and hereafter it will be mighty difficult for any new ones to find easy living among our fields and forests and orchards and gardens. The San Jose scale has spread trouble all over the continent from the Taclflc to the Atlantic. The cod ling moth is another mighty expens ive winged creature; and there is the gypsy moth, the boll weevil, the Ar gentine ant, the Hessian fly, the brown-tail moth, and others really too numerous to mention. The codling moth occasions a loss, in cost of sparying trees and injury to fruit, of $16,000,000 a year; the San Jose scale, similarly in loss of product and cost of treatment of the trees, $10,000,000; tne Hessian fly, the most important enemy of wheat. probably causes an annual loss of $50,000,000, and in some years this loss has reached the enormous total of $1000,000,000. The cost to this country of the cotton boll weevil amounts to about $25,000,000 a year. Horrors! Horrors! The Mail Tribune, full of peace and virtue the backer of TouVelle for county judge; he who is making a gumshoe campaign without slinging mud has fallen. Possibly Putnam was out of town when it happened, for cer tainly he never would have permit ted such vile slander criminal libel, if you please to have appeared in the Mail-Tribune. This is what it said: "Immunity for gang is giv en ," and how it happened that such foul slander slipped into that pious, metropolitan periodical is be yond comprehension. "Immunity for GANG is given." Whe-oh! Some body gram Put for criminal libel, for he printed it in big headline tyjie and published 'it to the world, "all against the peace and dignity of the stat',." TouVelle, Put ought to go to jail or it, and as you already have your hand iu, we sugg?st that you s V2ar to the complaint. He sure to i take it CRIMINAL libel, for then if you lose the COUNTY COURT will have to pay the costs. Don't forget t&e CRIMINAL, or too COSTS, for Put is as slippery aa an eel and may wig gle out. If you mako it CRIMINAL LIBEL and he does, what's the old dif? Jackson county collects some quarter-million dollars each year in taxes and she wi'l have plenty of coin she will have to pay tne bill. Sick 'em, Brother TOWOEYVELLE! Go after him; get his goat. Let us suggest: If it doesn't look strong enough the way he printed it, just take the words "Immunity for the gang" and place them in that other article printed in the same is sue headed, "Listen to the Truth." For instance: Where you say, in your "Listen to the Truth" tale, "I pledge .myself to give the people of Jackson county a business adminis tration," Btrike out all that part of the sentence after the words "I pledge myself," and add in their stead, "Immunity for the gang." That will make it good, strong "criminal libel" against the peace and dignity of the state, and you may be able to grab Put; if you fail, why, the county will have to pay the costs. Anyhow, what's the dif? Let 'er go. Put Has certainly strained the "dig nity," etc. The first show of the Pacific In ternational Dairy Show Association will be held in the Union Stock Yards, North Portland, November 18 to 23. These are the same dates as the Pacific Northwest Land Products Show at Portland and give the citi zens of California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington an opportunity to see one of the greatest gatherings of dairy stock and land products in the history .of this part of the west. At the dairy show only registered cattle will be allowed to compete for prizes, but grades or pure bloods can be included in the sale that is to be held in connection. CONCERNING MILLAGE TAX. Dr. Rebec Tells Why Voters Should Favor It. To the Editor of the Ashland Tid ings: May I use the columns of your pa per for a word on the so-called mill age tax bill in support of the state university and agricultural college? The friends of education throughout the state are anxious that the peo ple of Jackson county should not, through ' lack of information or awakened interest, fail, as regards this measure, of tallying up to their full record of general repressive ness. Perhaps, firEt of all, ifshnild be stated again and again that tais bill means no increase of financial bur dens to the taxpayer, the statement in the negative argument iu ilio Vot- ! srs' Pamphlet to the contrary not withstanding. The sole gain io tie schools involved will be in an alili'ty to lay stable lines of policy and an escape from being tossed every two year3 into the legislative arena, and there made the victims of partisan schemes and local quarrelc and log rollings. The point, however,- which I wish now especially to press is this: That through this measure the people of CONTROL ANY ONE? AN ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY Prof. C. Vance (direct from Eu rope), the world's most celebrated palmist, astrologist and clairvoyant, has arrived in this city and has opened offices in the Columbia Ho tel, in the Enders' Block, on East Main Street, opposite the Elks hall, room 1, where he can be consulted on all the affairs of life. Prof. Vance has no equal in the profes sion. He stands alone, the prince of clairvoyants, and is recognized by the press and public as the greatest master of the science of palmistry and astrology the world has ever produced. He guarantees to reveal every incident of your life, tell when, whom and where you will marry, tell you just what you are fitted for and how to obtain money you are in. need of. The happiness of your future life may depend upon the right solu tion and proper advice. The profes sor makes no mistakes, and all his predictions are true, and he may be relied upon. You may wish to know if it is advisable to make a change in business, in love and in marriage. WHOM SHALL I MAURY? HOW OFTEN SHALL I MARRY? SHALL I EVER BE DIVORCED? DOES AN OTHER SHARE THE LOVE THAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO ME? IF SO, WHO? IS MY DISEASE CURABLE? WHEN SHALL I I P! AVE HERE? AM I LIABLE TO ACCIDENT? SHOULD I INVENT -IY MONEY? IN WHAT SHALL 1 INVEST? HAVE I ANY ENEMIES? CAM I TRUST MY FRIENDS? IN WHAT TOWN OR STATE WOULD I BE MOST SUCCESSFUL? HOW CAN I SELL PROPERTY? HOW CAN I HAVE GOOD LUGK? HOW CAN I SUCCEED IN BUSINESS? HOW CAN I MAKE MY HOME HAPPY?- WHERE AND WHEN CAN I GET A GOOD POSITION? HOW CAN i MARRY THE ONE I CHOOSE? HOW CAN I MAKE ANYONE LOVE ME? HOW CAN I SKATING VITH BAND MUSIC Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Naf atorium Rink Open other evenings and Saturday afternoons for beginners Skates Free for Ladies TIESDAY EVENING, OCT. 22 We cater only to the best people The hall can be:rented for private parties by seeing the manager. A. G. ERIKSON, Manager A. E. KELLOGG. Nominee for County Coroner Jackson County. of FAY CANON HURT. Lamp Explodes in Face of Son of Medfoid Mayor. Oregon are afforded an opportunity to settle their problems of higher ed ucation, not merely conveniently and temporarily, but on lasting and ra tionally large lines. The bill pro vides for one governing board for both our main higher institutions, and there is nothing to preclude a later bringing of the state normal school under the same unified con trol. Governor West has given per sonal guarantee that he will appoint a board of fit and strong men. Such a board can take up and solve all the questions of division of work. duplication of courses, economy of The professor tells all of these things and many more. He Is ever ready to help those with small capi tal to find a quick and sure invest ment. If your business is unsuccess ful, if your health is not good, or if you are in trouble of any kind, you should see this truly gifted medium at once. He has helped thousands on the road to success, and he can and will help you. He not only tells you what your life has been and will be, but also how to better your con ditlon in every possible way. Thou sands of people are failures today simply because they do not see these You Can Have This At a Bargain A five-acre orchard home about one-half mile beyond city limits. Comfortable home, electric light land bath; fine well and spring; wa iter piped into the house; telephone. R. F. D. route. 200 chickens, horse and spring wagon. $2,500.00. It's good for more than that. I-ot us show you. BILLINGS AGENCY ESTAB. 1833 ' 41 E. Main St. Phone 211-J. Paid Auvei usement. ltKAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Would AboliKh Own Job. Salem, Ore., Oct. 18. State Land Agent Rhinehart is today playing the rather paradoxical role of a man holding a public office desiring him self discharged. In a strong letter to the governor, Rhinehart declares the office has fulfilled its mission and should now be abolished as an encumbrance on the state. The of fice was established to settle a squab ble in regard to the land throughout the state, and checking over securi ties for the irreducible school fund. The position pays well and is one of the most desirable in the state. management, or even of ultimate things for themselves, or are not fol consolidation, it sucn snouia seem lowlng the rlgnt trade or-profession tu w, aim necessary tning, in a Prof. Vance has made a ,lfe gtudy Qf spiru superior to mere local taction, these things, and he is now prepared or the pull and tug of the ambitions to show you now to make a thorough 01 uie several institutions. 11, rur Fay Canon, aged 26 years, son of Mayor W. H. Canon of Medford, em ployed by the Clark-Henery Con struction Company at Silverton, near Salem, was injured by an explosion of a light Friday afternoon at about 4 o'clock. Mayor Canon, in re sponse to a telegram, left on No. 16 for his son's side. The exact nature of the accident is not known by friends in this city. According to the meager details ob tainable, Canon was preparing to light the light, which is supposed to have been on an auto or bicycle, when it exploded, striking him in the face. The chief danger lies In the possible loss of eyesight, which the telephone message stated was not dangerous. Boys are believed to have tampered with the light before the injured man tried to light it. It was the intention of Mayor Canon when he left Medford Friday night to take Fay to a Portland hos pital for treatment at once. Canon was well known in this city, where he has many friends thermore, the board will, as has been urged, for 'nstance, by the late K. S. Miller, engage as secretary, or some other capacity, an expert who will represent not one institution, or one set of educational interests, but the educational good of the state gener ally, and who, keeping in touch with success of your life. His fee is rea sonable and within the reach of the caller, no matter who, and if he does not make you a reading that is su perior to any you have ever had, he will positively refuse to accept any fee whatever. Notice! All diseases diagnosed astronomically and clairvoyantly. educational movements throughout Come, all you sick people, and I will uie country, ana inaeea tne world, tell you exactly what sickness vou can furnish the board accurate and have, und win in tn v organized data, there is no reason and when you can De cured why its procedures should not be office hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p m. scientifically progressive and states- Sunday, 1 to 4 p. m. Lady in attend- manlike, as well as merely right- nm. Th mention rnm na The Tidings for artistic printing. J. A. LEMERY ASIILAXI), OREGON. Prohibition Candidate for Pros ecuting Attorney I am a progressive of the most pro gressive type as understood in the present national and state platforms. I stand for the strict enforcement of all criminal laws, and will not evade my dnty in suppressing blind pigs, road houses and all other places of vice; and while strictly enforcing the law, I will faithfully guard the Interests of the taxpayers, that no unnecessary burdens be placed upon them. I have practiced law seven years, having been a resident of Jackson county five years. Paid Advertisement. --Jf-", .t. , -- -- -9- -- -- f 1 ,- ---- aF " F TV 4 4 4 V P 4 F TV V r F TrTTTT TtTtTTTtTTttTTTTtT 1 9 i offered the coming week at about the prices of second-hand stoves. Warning to Hunters. All hunters or parties shooting quail are hereby forbidden to enter on lands owned by the undersigned All persons violating this notice will be prosecuted. 41-3t FRED YORK minded and open-minded. The act ual shaping of this particular phase of the matter is, of course, a subject for discussion, but the possibilities in it ought to help make clear that in this millage bill the people of Ore gon nave uetore them not only a chance for peace and economy in their higher educational affairs, but tion, mother's maiden Credited With 3,000 Lives. London, Octo. 15. "She brought into the world 3,000 lives," reads the epitaph on the gravestone of Mar garet Hawtree, a midwife, who died in 1734, which has just been discov ered in St. Paul churchyard, Dep- ford. For Your Pressing Needs. Bring your barrel and we will fill it with clear, sweet cider for 12 cents a gallon. Get your own vine gar stock now. Bagley Canning Co. Talent, Ore. 40-4t Old Man Afraid of His Horse. Old Man Afraid of His Horse was a hot old Indian, but he had to have blankets in the cold weather, so do you. Get them at the Ashland Trad ing Co. Off the Track. You will be off the track if you don't go to the Ashland Trading Co for your outing flannel. 7c, 10c and 12c yard. Scale receipts at Tidings office also of an open door to higher educa tional futures worthy of an ambi tious, courageous, ultra-democratic commonwealth. Very truly yours, GEORGE REBEC. Medford, October 18. just at the head of the stairs, ar so arranged that you meet no strangers. Perfect sat'sfaction by mail. Send $1, day and date of birth, for mail reading. Special: Prof. Vance is the only medium in the country who positive ly tella your full name, age, occupa- name, street and. number of your house, where you live; and he will tell it free of charge to all who come prepared to take a reading. Capital turnished for business enterprises, partners found, property bought and sold, etc Adv. 42-tf London's Musical Training. Jack London, when on a recent visit to New York, was introduced to musician in one of the popular Broadway cafes. "I am a musician in a Bmall way," said London. "My musical talent was once the means of saving my life." The musician was at once very much interested. "How was that?" he asked. "There was a great flood In the town of my boyhood," explained Lon don. "When ten water struck our house my father got on a bed and floated with the stream until he was rescued." "And you?" queried tho musician "Well," smiled London, "I accom panied him on the piano." ACTIVE UNIVERSAL Record Season at Crater Lake Closed The season at Crater Lake ended last week when Crater Lake Inn closed for the winter, and Alfred L. Parkhurst, manager of the Crater Lake Company, returned from the lake. Although the season was shorter than usual this year, more tourists visited the lake in 1912 than in any previous season. Superinten dent W. F. Arant of Crater Lake Na tional Park reports that over 5,000 tourists registered at park headquar ters. Extensive improvements are planned fos the park next year. It is expected that the government will commence construction of additional roads early In the spring, and the Crater Lake Company is said to be planning work on a big hotel build ing on the rim of the lake. Ashland Feed Store for seed wheat, barley 'and Vetch. 40-St Orres, the clothes doctor. 141. He calls. Phone 2 of these Ranges are worth $40.00, now. .$29.00 3 of these Ranges are worth $45.00, now $31.50 3 of these Ranges are woj'th $50.00, now $35.00 2 of these Ranges are worth $52.50, now $37.50 We also have 8 Heating Stoves for wood and coal, that will be bacrificed to give3 more room. Five of these are Universals. Three of them are Howard Down Drafts. Call at once, as these Heaters will not last long. We also have about 60 pieces grey granite ware that we are going to close out at about half price. Preserving Kettles, Lipped Sauce Pans, Dish Pans, Wash Basins, Dippers, Collanders, Cook Pots. We have just received a big lot of Game Traps, direct from the manufacturer. Fur prices are very high and still advancing. This is the time to trap. We can and will save you money on what traps you need. The Low Priced Hardware Man Phone 146 375 East Main