Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, October 17, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Thursday. October 17, 1012.
Idle Dollars
Quickly Fly Away
So don't let YOUR dollars re
;main Idle. .
Put them where you can't get
at them so easily deposit
them in a savings account at
this bank.
Interest paid.
Do it today!
Ashland, Oregon
A. F.
A. M.
No. 23
There will be a special meeting of
Ashland lodge No. 23, A. F. and A.
M., Friday evening, October 18, for
work in Entered Apprentice degree.
F. S. ENGLK, W. M.
Mrs. A. H. Peachey returned Tues
day from Jacksonville, where she
spent a couple of days visiting
Barber shop for sale, rent or trade.
Inquire at Ashland Feed Store. 40-tf
Benton Bowers left Tuesday after
noon for the Willamette valley to
look after his real estate interests.
He expects to return Saturday or
Sunday next.
Please phone your news items to
the Tidings, No. 39.
Miss Face of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
arrived in this city Tuesday to visit
at the home of her friend, Mrs. H. L.
Insure against fire. ' Clif Payne
can save you about 40 per cent, tf
Miss Carrie Jones, neice. of H. J.
JBoyd of Alida street, left Tuesday
for Visalia, Cal., to visit her mother.
Miss Carrie will bje missed by a host
of friends.
Those new basketball shoes are
strictly right. Call and see the line
at Enders' Big Store.
"John P. Pierson of San Francisco
-who has been visiting ihs father,
John Pierson, left on No. 15 Tues
day for Ms home.
Bftre Ribbon bread, six loaves for
' i5c, at Ashland Bakery. 40-2t
The lecture course for the coming
winter will in all probability be held
in the Elks Temple, is the report of
ilev. W. A. Schwimley, who is one
of the committee having this matter
in charge.
Cement at the Ashland Feed Store,
:S0c sack. Ten-cent refund for sack
returned. 40-St
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Weaver of the
Clayton orchards returned Tuesday
evening from an extended trip
through the east, having visited Buf
falo, Syracuse, Waterville and other
:New York points and Boston and
other New England points.
Now is the time to buy your win
ter underwear. For garments of
.any description for any of the family
see Enders' Big Store.
You Want a High Rating
and the way to secure It 13 to de
velop yofar resources.
.Every dollar you lay up in this
strong bank increases your financial
strength, and helps you develop a
"borrowing power.
Every successful person has occa
', slon5 to borrow at some tWe. Has
your rating been established bo that
you will be ready for your opportun
ity? ' .
I Citizens
Banking & Trust
; Company
"The Imrik that - helps the people.'
, Mr. Cranney of Salt Lake, general
agent of the Universal Metallic Tie
Company, was in the city yesterday
visiting with A. W..Silsby.
Clif .Payne makes handkerchief
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnston of
Douglas, Neb., who have been visit
ing their daughter, Mrs. J. A.
Schoenthal, on the Boulevard, for
some time, left yesterday for their
home. Mrs. Schoenthal accompanied
them as fir as Hilt.
The International Tailoring line
shown at Enders' Big Store Isstrict
ly right.
Dr. Wood of Rogue River came up
Tuesady and performed several oper
ations at the Granite City hospital,
including a minor operation upon
Dr. Swedenburg's face. The opera
tion was not a serious one and Dr.
Swedenburg is about as usual, wear
ing a patch under one eye.
1 For dry block or stove wood, any
amount, phone 420-J. Prompt de
livery. 40-tf
C. Calef was a visitor at Eugene
the first of the week.
W. W. Dann leaves today to join
'Mrs. Dann and children for a visit
in Minneapolis and Sault Ste. Marie,
Remember that the Tidings want
ads bring results.
Roy Hosley has the frame up for
a five-room bungalow on Third
street. The residence will be fin
ished in fir and will cost in the
neighborhood of $1,700. B. C. Hub
bard is in charge of the carpenter
La Follette's Weekly Magazine
and the Tidings one year for $2.50.
H. C. Meacham, who has been in
Corning, Cal., the past year, has sold
his ranch at Corning and will return
to his old home in Ottawa; Kan., af
ter visiting his father and mother,
who reside at Long Beach, Cal. Mr.
Meecham is here to dry to dispose of
his residence property on Woolen
Orres, the clothes doctor. Pohne
141. He calls.
Mrs. James Culver and daughter,
Miss Belle Culver, of Spokane,
stopped off Monday on their way to
California points and spent the day
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Tostevtn. Miss Culver is assistant
society editor of the Spokesman-Review".
L. K. Shepherd, local piano tuner,
solicits patronage for fall tunings
and piano repair work. Adlress 65S
Boulevard. Phone 326-J. 39-4t
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Buhrow of
Laurel, Iowa, who have been visit
ing Mrs. Buhrow's brother, F. P.
Schnieder, of Bellview, returned to
their home in Iowa last Monday af
ter spending two months visiting in
Ka wm) TIimu uhi'M I'm volubly im.
pressed with Ashland and may come
again to Sunny Southern Oregon.
The Tidings is for sale at W. M.
Poley's Drug Store, 17 East Main St.
Miss Lillian Hilty has just re
turned from Hood River and Port
land. She was one of the represent
atives of the Congregational church
in this city at the annual state con
vention held in Hood River and has
been absent from this city about 'two
Mrs. T. K. Anderson of Gottville,
Cal.', is visiting at the. home of Mrs.
August Schuerman.
Men's and ladies' high grade tail-
oringat Orres Tailoring and Clean
ing Shop.
W. H. Warren of Seattle, district
foreman of equipment for the West
ern, Union Telegraph Company, was
in the city Tuesday inspecting the
improvements recently made in the
equipment here. , He went to Med-
ford on the afternoon motor, and af
ter a brief stop there proceeded to
Portland on No. 14. He experssed
himself as well pleased with the
work done here.
comfortable, unbreakable, rustproof,
ventilatlve, hygienic. Acknowledged
by leading physicians and physical
culturists. The most HEALTHFUL
corset worn. 369 Hargadine street.
Phone 263-R. 65-lmo.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson,
who have been spending some time
here, accompanied by their son and
daughter, left the first of the week
for their home in St. Louis. Mr.
Robertson is proprietor of the Square
Deal orchards on the north side of
Bear creek and his oldest son has
been in charge of the orchard for the
past year.
H. Hum returned from the R. R.
mine near Gottsville, Cal., recently.
Mr., Hum has been there the past
two weeks superintending the work
on the double R mine and reports
that ,the U. S. government and, the
miners have, just completed a ' fine
wagon road from Gottville up Lum
Gray creek, connecting with the rod
from Hilt.' This makes a good wag
on road from Hilt clear to the Klam
ath river, . . , 1V . ,
Place and Tally Cards, Post
Cards, Dinner Favors,
Napkins; etc., etc.
Poley's Drug Store
Angeline Hawkins Sherwin. moth
er of Eugene A. Sherwin, died Wed
nesday morning, October 16, A. D.
1912, aged nearly 86 years. Funeral
was held at her son's residence to
day. Interment in'Ashland cemetery.
Those silk petticoats you buy at
Enders' are surely swell and my, how
Mrs. E. H. Bush expects to leave
the last of the week, for Portland,
where Mr. Bush has preceded her
and where they expect to make their
future home. Mr. Bush expects to
retire from railroad work and may
go into business in Portland.
The finest line of ladies' and chil
dren's hose in the city at Enders' Big
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Miller of Port
land, Ore., visited Miss Ulela Oats,
teacher in the West school, Tuesday.
They were returning from Darling
ton, Wis., where they had gone a
month ago on their wedding trip.
Mrs. Miller is a sister of Miss Oats.
Tidings one year $2.75 to old or new
subscribers. Regular price of Sunset
Magazine is $1.50 per year.
Mrs. Anna Nelson of Oakland, Cal.,
arrived in the city Tuesday, called
here by the illness of her father,
Barney Miller.
County Clerk Coleman was in Ash
land on business Wednesday.
Leonard Underwood of Portland,
special agent of the U. S. land office,
is in the city today on business.
Enders, the ' home of Michael,
Sterns & Co. clothing, for the man
or boy who cares,
Mrs, H, J, Carter apd. little daugh
ter left Wednesday evening for Mon
tasano, Wash,, to bring Mrs. L, A,
ubei'g, mother of Mis. Carter, ti
Ashland to spend the winter. They
expect to be absent about ten days.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T.
M. Lynch is quite sick at their home
on Liberty st-eet.
Dr. and Mrs. Forbes of Talent were
in the city Wednesday afternoon.
L. L. Mulit had one of his front
teeth broken Tuesday by a stray
birdshot while out hunting with O.
Winter. His escape from the rest of
the shotgun charge was very narrow.
Mrs. F. G. Allard and children left
Wednesday for a visit at Dunsmuir,
The most complete line of ladies'
coats and suits in the valley are be
ing shown at Enders' Big Store
C. E. Cavenaugh, formerly of
Weed, has been made night foreman
of the repair gang at the Southern
Pacific shops and has moved his fam
ily to this city, renting the reisdence
at 2 82 B street. v
R. Borton of Hilt, Cal., was trans
acting business in Ashalnd Wednes
day. John Huntley, the timberman, is
in Neilsville, Wis., on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cowden of
Butte Falls, for many years residents
of the Rogue river .valley, left Wed
nesday for TopeSa, Kan., where they
will make their future home. Before
going they visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Carlton of this
Mrs. M. ECottrell of Ft. Klamath
was in the city; yesterday, visiting
her sltser, Mrs. A. J. Standley. Mrs.
Cottrell was on her way to Eugene to
visit relatives and friends. .
A fine line of blazers, both flannel
and sweaters, are being displayed at
Endera' Emporium. Popular prices.
H. G. McKracken, chief boiler In
spector for the Southern Pacific, was
in the city Wednesday on official bus
iness. G F Parsley left Wednesday for a
visit with friends in Hornbrook
.', Miss Maude McAllister left Wed
nesday afternoon for Corpus Chris-
tie, Texas, where she will spend the
winter with her slater.
Myron Grover of Hilts, Cal., was
doing business In Ashland yesterday.
Dr. j, W. Coachman of Asheville,
N. C, wuo has been visiting his son.
Dr. J. J. f'oachman, left Wednesday
evening for. his home. Dr. J.. J.
Coachman, who has been here since
May: last looking after his fruit ranch
and hl interest in the Lamb mine,
left on the same train for his home
in Rio tie Janeiro. Brazil, where he
will rejoin his family. On leaving
he stated that the date of his return
was uncertain. He was practicing
dentistry in the South American city
before coming to Ashland.
- f
Just revived, that new line of la
dies' anl misses' shoes. The ones
you are waiting for. Enders' Big
L. E. Woodman, who came to Ash
land aboi'i a month ago from the
City of -Mexico, accompanied by his
sister, Mi. Anderson, left Wednes
day afternoon for Lowell, Ore., near
Eugene, where they will .make their
future home. Mr. Woodman was
driven lYom the City of Mexico by
the unsettled political conditions
T. W. lirittsan of Klamathon, Cal.,
is in tb cUy visiting his brother, I.
F. Britt i.u.
Chief Oien and Special Officer Ir
win of the S. P. rounded up a bunch
of "boes who were in a carload of
pears which came in Wednesday
morning. The car seals were broken
and the hoboes were held until after
noon that the railroad company
might hue an opportunity to prose
cute, but no word having been re
ceived. from headquarters, the crowd
was turned loose after dinner and re
quested to beat It.
O. H. Sneed, wno has had charge
of the recent construction of the ap
paratus at the Western Union office
in this city, left Tuesday evening,
accompanied by Mrs. Sneed and by
j J. E. Dunbar, one of the eelctricians
who assisted him, for Victoria, B. C,
to do a hurry up job of reconstruc
tion in the Western Union offices
there. Mr. Sneed expects to return
to Ashland in about six weeks to fin
ish up some work which they were
unable to complete at this time. The
many friends of Mrs. Sneed, former
ly Miss Gertrude Hicks, will be glad
td know that they will see her again
so soon.
G. C. McAllister has purchased a
120-acre ranch on Williams creek be
longing to a son of William Abbott
of that section. Mr. Abbott took Mr.
McAllister's residence property on
Taylor street as part payment in the
deal, which was made through the
agency of C. B, Lamkln.
W,i P. Hvbft formerly with the
Ashlfchd. Record, has gone to Marsh
field to take charge of a paper there,
acoordlns to a message received by
friends here,
F, M. Carlock of Bakersfield, Cal.;
who was callod to Ashland by the ill
ness of hU hrother, the late W. E.
Carlock, departed for his home Tues
day afternoon. v --,-
Selling at a Sacrifice.
I find myself overstocked with
Michigan buggies and spring wag
ons, and in order to close them quipk,
I am going to offer for the next 30
days at- net wholesale cost plus the
freight,' the following:
1 Michigan extension top, two seat
1 Michigan canopy top, two seat
1 Michigan four bow, leather top
2 Michigan rubber tire bike bug
gies. 1 Michigan mountain hack with
op and brake.
1 Michigan platform spring wagon
with brake.
1 Michigan gentleman's road
These rigs are all first class and
fully guaranteed. They were bought
by the Beaver Implement Company,
and I will not ask you to take my
word for it, but will show you the
Invoice and you can figure the freight
for yourself. Here's a rare chance
to net the best that money can buy.
E. E; PHIPPS, 389 East Main street,
Ashland, Ore.
Sclirank a Deserter From German
Munich,. Bavaria, Oct. 16. Mili
tary . authorities here today an
nounced" that John Schrank, who at
tempted to assassinate Colonel Theo
dorse Roosevelt in Milwaukee Mon
day evening, failed to serve the re
quired enilstment in the German
army before going to America.
Schrank's name appears in the rec
ords here as a deserter.
They Make You Fed Good.
The pleasant, purgative effect pro
duced by Chamberlain's Tablets and
the healthy condition of body and
n.l.l.L .U 1
by " Foley's
Drug Store.
Tirlinfra nno vonr II! 7R to nlrl rti nonr
.subscribers. Regular price of Sunset
Magazine is $1.50 per year.
Ashland-Klamath Exchange
buy all your empty sacks.
Which Do You like Best?
The latter? Well, listen: Why be duped with the "just-as-good"
story ?
The happiness of your home and the future of your
business hang on your fire insurauce policy. Now, can you
afford to take chances on that policy ?
Sixteen big companies in this office that are worth
tying to. Tie on.
Billings Agency
Real Estate and Insurance
Phone 211 jr.
Do you need Drainage or Irrigating Tile?
Increase the yield of your land 25 to 50 per cent.
Jacksonville Brick and Tile Co.
Ladies,' save money by having your
old furs remodled into new and up-to-date
style. .If your furs are out
of date there Is no need of buying a
new set. Properly remodeled furs
look like new. Now is the time to
have such work done before our busy
season commences, then when cold
weather comes they will be ready for
you. Natural Science Est., 10 Gran
ite street. 38-4t
(Paid Advertisements.)
for coroner.
I want your vote. W. W. Ussher,
Independent candidate for coroner of
Jackson county.
Fred L. Colvig.
Republican nominee for county
recorder, second term.
Extract from, report of J. H. Wil
son, expert accountant for Jackson
county: "Mr. Colvig's books have
been excellently kept. In all my ex
perience I have found but one re
corder s onice with so good a rec
ord," 40-7t
Jackson and Douglas Counties.
C. J j. Reanies.
Democratic nominee joint repre
sentative Jackjson and Douglas coun
ties. Residence, Med ford, Ore,
W. T. Grieve.
Republican nominee for assessor
for second term. Residence, Jack
sonville, Ore.
J. A. WesterliiiHl.
Republican nominee for re-election
for Btate representative of Jack
son county.
Wholesale and Retail Agency lor Klamath
Falls Flouring Mills
Store I. OO. F. Ruilding, Opposite Hotel Ashland
Warehouse First Avenue
We carry the largest stock of Flour, Feed and Seeds
in Ashland, and our prices will always be right.
Klamath Flour at $1.20, $1.30 and $1.40 per eack.
Klamath Flour in barrel lots $1.10, $1.25 and
$1.35. Try this flour. It will please you. Get yo;jr
winter supply while prices are low.
Graham, Whole Wheat, Germea and Rye Flour,
Wheat, Oats, Roll Barley, Middlings and Bran in any
quantity. Corn either shelled or cracked, oil meal,
alfalfa meal, cow chops, etc.
Seed Vetch. Seed Rye, 2c. Beardless barley
seed, 2c. Club Seed Wheat, $1.70.
Call and bee us.
The Klamath flour, graham, germea, etc., are
also sold by Nims & Saunders, Casey (Plaza), Ashland
Trading Co., Ideal Grocery, Loomis & Nelson and
Tostevin & Son. ; ;
Save all your good sacks and bring them In.
We buy them.
41 East Main.
Pianoforte and Theoretic Branches
Thorough and systematic instruc
tion. First year ciasa work free.
124 Nob Hill street.
For Representative to the 1egisla
tu re from Jackson County.
I believe strictly in the principles
of the progressive party and also the
prohibition party, which 1 think goes
just one step farther.
In the absolute protection of labor
without impairment of the rights of
The strict regulation of all trusts.
In the suffrage for women on the
same terms as men.
In the strict prohibition of the
manufacture of liquor In any form,
I believe In liberal appropriations
for Oregon enterprises where they
will be of state-wide benefit.
Good roads legislation must be en
acted whereby counties or communi
ties can have as good roads as de
sired, and in a way that they can get
the most for their money.
I believe the people are supreme
and their wish should control.
Statement No. 1 should be carried
Paid Advertisement.