ffAGK EIGHT ASHLAND TTDIXGS Monday. A u (rust 10, 1012. OffEBJMG I J. P. SAYLES & SON Will open their Miliar! Panto x X I i X i ox Saturday, Aug. 24 In the Lee Department Store. The equipment will be entirely new and up to date, the most modern tables obtainable. jj The public generally are invited to inspect our J new quarters. .,...... . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . i ... ... . TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTI Classified Advertisements (Continued from Page Three.) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE Fine mule colt, four months old. Call Tel. Farmer 802-F-5. 24-3t FKESH JERSEY COW for sale. Fruit house south of Boulevard on Walker avenue, opposite B. Bow ers. 2 4-2t roe's, on Walker avenue, and get color. Finder leave at Mrs. Mon roe's, on Walxer avenue, and get reward. 24-3t COMPETENT, refined woman wishes position as working housekeeper, city or country, widower or bach elor's home, to take full charge Box 20, care Tidings. ' 23-2t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Town property for acreage; a 5-passen- ger 30 automobile; a fine, well lo cated brick block for farm land. See F. G. McWilliams, 175 East Main St. 24-tf The Tidings is for Bale at W. M. Foley's Drug Store, 17 East Main St. Holdup at Newport. Don't get held up on your way to Newport. Keep your checks and save money. Bains Transfer Com pany-meets all incoming boats. We have no solicitor along the route or on board the trains. We simply give the public a square deal and solicit a share of the patronage. .14- GYPSIES BID FAREWELL Nomads Prove Undesirable and Are Asked to Move Sjent Two Day as Guests of City. ' Last week was marked by the in troduction of a band of Gypsies into Ashland, a dozen or more of these popular nomads blowing in contem poraneously with the Wild West show. They lasted just two days, being told by the authorities on the morning of the third day that their presence was no longer desired. During those two days, however, they made themselves familiar with the business section of the city and had secured a good start on the resi dence sections. Thinly clad, untidy and possessed of a goodly supply of initiative, they entered stores and offices at will and plied their trade with the diligence and persistence of a mosquito. The band had paid their license fee of $15, which entitled them to the freedom of the city for thirty days, this class of mendicants being covered by a city ordinance which stipulates the license fee. But com plaints were so numerous and so strenuous that the authorities de cided to take the matter in hand and the band departed Thursday morning, packed several deep in their three small wagons. Whither they were bound no one knows. They started east and are likely in Cali fornia or eastern Oregon by this time. The story is told of one man who submitted to the entreaties of a member of the band for a chance to tell his fortune. The price asked was only a nickel and the subject thought his fortune was made. But he pulled out a five-dollar gold piece instead of the nickel and the bronze lady was about to make way with it. It required all the wits of the victim and two others to hold the Gypsy until the police could be summoned. As it was, the gentleman gladly gave up a half dollar in return for peace able surrender of the five. Many I similar experiences could doubtless be related. STRIKE ARTESIAN FLOW. Ashland Market Retail Prices. Butter, ranch, 2 lbs 60c Butter, Ashland creamery 65c Butter, country creamery 70c Eggs, fresh 25c Onions, per lb . 2c Cabbage, new ..2140 Rhubarb 4c Head Lettuce 5c New potatoes, lb 2c Beets, lb 2c Carrots, lb 2c String beans 4c Blackberries 4 for 25c New apples, lb 3c Oranges, doz 25c to 50c Lemons ,35c Bananas 30c to 40c Honey 15c English walnuts 20c and 25c Peaches 3c and 4c Plums: 3c to 4c Klamath Falls Company Gets Water at 74 Feet. The Ashland-Ktamath Exchange Wholesale and Retail Agency for ' Klamath Mills Products. Headquarters for all Kinds of Feed Stall. Hay, Grain, Alfalfa, Meal, Oil Meal, Bran, Middlings, Poultry Foods, Supplies and Remedies of all kinds. Stock Medicines and Liniments. Klamath Flour at $1.20, $1.40 and $1.S0 per sack. Special prices on larger quantities and at warehouse without de livery. The Klamath" Flour may be obtained through your grocery store or at headquarters. Try the Klamath Flour. Ask your gro cer for It. i IM M WM. FLACKUS " "" 1 1 ' " ' ' " '-' nil I I. . Boys' Knickerbocker Suits BE8I0MED BY BECUB. KtlU CO. CHICAGO l, You Mothers Who Know Good Fabrics, and Good Sewing EXAMINE OUR BOYS' SUITS We want you to see the fetching new styles, to study the careful, sewing, the richness and hardiness of the materials and the general good ness so evident throughout all our garments. Our suits are built lor wear as well as for style. Pleased to show you. pre":;: m to im YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO For men and young men, which includes the season newest styles and fabrics, broken lines and odd lots worth up to $20.00. Choice during August Our Big August Suit Sale ?$ir Ample artesian water has been de veloped by the Klamath Falls Light & Water Company on its property on Conger avenue, acquired from Evan R. Reames, to assure It a supply am ple for the city. Two 12-inch pipes driven down 74 feet reached the flow, which proved such as to gratify the water company officials. Notwith standing the good supply obtained from these two pipes, the company will continue its efforts to get addi tional water from boring for artesian water at a spot 100 feet back on the lot from the two pipes, the latter be ing where the old springs were, com paratively on the front of the lot. The two pipes brought so much water up that a test made by the company Wednesday with its two city pumps and an additional 4-inch pump, worked to full capacity, failed to reduce the level of the water In the basin. These three pumps pulled aoout l.oUu gallons of water per minute. The company will construct a con crete pit or basin at the mouth of the pipes, which will be 15 feet -dee)) and 20 feet in diameter, and hold about 45,000 gallons of water, from which the pumps will draw. It is better for pumps to get their supply from a still quantity, for rushing or n'o,v ing water when pumped often per mits considerable air in the pipes, which is a disadvantage, especially to centrifugal pumps, and also bad for the pipes, which get shaken up'. Klamath Herald. . . JUST RECEIVED THE CELEBRATED MALL0RY HATS FOR FAll The showing includes all the latest Brush and Velour Felts and the new Hat Derby. Prices $2.00 and $3.00. August Footwear Specials $2.25 buys a pair of men's regular $4.00 shoes or oxfords. x $1.38 buys a pair of ladies' regular $3.50 tan oxfords. $2. So buys a pair of ladies' regular $3.50 strap pumps. 98c buys a pair of children's regu lar $1.25 to $1.75 oxfords or shoes. $1.95 buys a pair of boys' oxfords worth $3.00 and $3.50. This ridicu lous low price means a rapid cleanup. I fff We have a large new stock of men's, women's, boys' and girls' shoes at prices that will pay you to consider. Come and see. RANCH Kits WANT WAV Kit. Oregon-California Company Plan to Kxtend Their Line. ! Taxidermists and Furriers! --Si r.? 1. We mount deer heads, whole animals and birds absolutely true to life. Let us manufacture your raw furs Into ladies', coajs. muffs, scarfs, etc. We tan hides and furs, make fur rugs, robes and Alaska sleeping bags. Special attention given to remodeling seal and mink skin garments. We were surprised last year at the volume of work we received and must confess that we got swamped, but this year there will be no vexatious delays as we are fully alive to the situation. With our new improvements and enlarged facilities we are prepared to handle any volume of business and get the work out promptly We will appreciate your patronage. ' , NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT 10 GltAXITE ST. HIGHEST PRICE PA1I FOR RAW FIRS. The farmers and fruit growers of the entire valley are becoming alive to the importance of electric power in its application to the farm, es pecially as It is used by the irrigator In raising water to his land. Monday night the farmers of the vicinity of Applegate met with rep resentatives of the Oregon-California Power Company. Tuesday a meeting was held at Provolt, and Wednesday Williams was the scene of a meeting. Thursday the citizens of Murphy dis cussed the electric question. The power company proposes that if enough encouragement is given by the people of the Applegate and Wil liams counties, the line will tie ex tended, and a service of current tor power and lighting given. The peo ple along the route of the proposed line are enthusiastic, and. many are already signing up contracts, a num ber having agreed to take current for large, motors for running uunmine j plants, so that there is little doubt about the building of the line. L G. Enders & Son KXDKRS I5LOCK Kust Main Street Ashland Girls Are Reaten. St. Antnony, Idaho. More than 14 girls told Thursday of floggings with heavy straps at the state indus trial school investigation. lva Horrigan testified that the su perintendent beat her with a strap as she lay over a counter with ner body bared from the waist down. Gladys Chapman swore that her hips had been beaten black and blue by the "matron, who hung her over a oatntuo. . , . v-ajcuue irpier was usea Dy Ansa Leary, a nurse, to inflice punishment, according to witnesses. WESTVILLEABANDONED Convicts Entitled to Parole and Honor Men Are Scarce at Salem Three Attempted Escape. ' Westville, Honor Camp No. 1, is to be temporarily abandoned, owing to the remarkably good conduct of the honor men at work on the Crater Lake highway who have shown them selves to be entitled to parole and the scarcity of honor men at Salem. Warden Curtiss of the Oregon peni tentiary arrived on the scene Satur day for the purpose dt paroling the men. -As there are no other men giyailable, the camp will have to be temporarily abandoned. The de mand in state institutes and from other counties for men far exceeds the supply of men available. The county court some time since made application for men and greatly re gret the abandonment of the camp. Westville, Honor Camp No. 1, was established last November at the Pjeelor ranch on Upper Rogue river. Since that time the honor men have constructed ' several miles of excel lent mountain road, their work re ceiving the highest commendation from all who have inspected it. The men worked under the direction of a foreman furnished by Jackson coun ty, but without any guards whatso ever. All of the men proved wormy of the trust reposed in them by Gov ernor West and faithfully kept their promises to him. Several times.the working force at the camp was cut down by men whose sentences expired and these vacancies were filled by other men from the state penitentiary. Re cently the number of men at the camp was cut considerably and no other men were available. These men, in the estimation of Governor West, are now entitled. to parole, so they will be freed as soon as Warden Curtiss reaches the camp. Only three men. made an attempt to escape from the camp and it was due to the activity of the other hon or men that tnese were speedily rer taken and returned to Salem. NOW JFQJ&L j& CLEAN U TP! We have about 1,000 feet of hose left of our fourth purchase. We have sold this season 14,000 feet.' The prices were right. We are going to sell every foot on hand this month, regardless of price. We never carry over any garden hose. .Flying Switches" to Cease. Salem, Ore. "Flying switches," practiced on loaded passenfjer coaches at the Jefferson street sta tion of the Southern Pacific, will be discontinued in the future, according to a letter received by the state rail road commission. Tle commission objected to the company allowing switching in this mauner, charging that it was a common practice at that point. -Six Staten Follow Oregon. Salem, Ore. Six states have now evinced a desire to incorporate into their statute books a similar law to the proposed Blue Sky bill, accord ing to Corporation Clerk Babcock. These statea are Oklahoma, North and South Dakota, Washington, Min nesota and Iowa. The interest shown by these states is the direct result of the wide publicity given to ure gon through its efforts to throttle wildcat corporations, says Mr, Bab cock. ' h . ' . ' . The celebrated Goodrich corrugated reel hose, worth foot in inch, will go at, the foot, 15c. 20c .a "Red Fox," a heavy duck-filled hose, a high grade red hose, in Vi inch and inch. inch, worth 15c a foot,' to close at 11c; inch, worth 16c a foot, to close at 12 c. QliiEID "Falcon," a good weight hose in 12i,fcc. This lot will go at, the foot, 9c. inch, made to sell at Money to loan on Improved ranch es, first mortgages; mixed farms pre ferred. W. D. Hodgson, Ashland. Phone 4 2 7-J. Interesting to young people and some others: Get your marriage' license, of Billings. Mum Is his motto.; " s 23-4t "Summit," a grade that sells While it lasts, the foot, 8c. at 10c a foot everywhere. mm The Low Priced Hardware Man Phone 146 375 East Main m n i X x