Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 05, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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I Shoe Shop
Shoe and Harness Repair t
t Work at reasonable prices. X!
Give os a call.
1343 East Main Street!
County Sues Railroad.
Eugene, Ore. Failing in the ef
fort to compel the Southern Pacific
Company to replace the county roads
which it destroyed when the new
railroad from Natron to Oakridge
was built, District Attorney E. K.
Bryson, In behalf of Lake county.
has begun suit in the circuit court1
against the company to recover $80,
000, damages for the destruction of
the road. It is alleged that 16 miles
of the road was completely ruined
and never rebuilt, and that its value
is $5,000 a mile. 'rhe complaint al
leges that the county has maintained
this road for the past 30 years.
Scale receipts at Tidings office.
Buffalo Ranch Wild West
" - ,i
Afternoon at 2, Evening at 8
largest Wild West Show on Earth!
Coming driect on their own special trains of double length railroad cars
j from, the biggest ranch in the world.
Menagerie of Trained Wild Animals
From all parts of the globe. Daring and death-defying acts almost be
yond the realms of lucid imagination.
A Cosmopolitan collection of Cowboys and Girls, Vaqueros, Senoritas,
Guardis Rurales, Champions of the Lariat, Hough Riders, Pony
Express Veterans, Daring Athletes, Comical Clowns, Thrill
ing Indian Fights and War Dances.
Prince Botloine's Troupe oi Russian Cossacks
t The most Daring Horsemen in the World. 0
Bands ot Sioux, Cheyenne & Comanche Indians
Fresh from the Cam pf ire and Council.
The G'and Performance concludes with the Superb, Spectacular, Dra
matic, Historfcal Fantasy,
Introducing a vast and motley horde of Ind'ans, Scouts, Trappers and Sol
diers that actually took active part In the last brave stand and hope
less struggle the noble redskin made for, his freedom and rights.
Grand, : Gold-Glittering : Free : Street : Parade
TWO MILES LONG, at 11:00 a. m. daily, on the main thoroughfares.
BIG, FREE EXHIBITIONS on Show Grounds immediately
after the parade.
Bring In Your Bad Horses and Mules
Our Cowboys will ride them FREE OF CHARGE.
$25.00 will bj paid to any person bringing a horse or mule they cannot
Classified Advertisements
(Continued from Page Three.)
LOST Hatpin with round head
studded with rhinestones, between
Factory and Main streets, Friday
night. Send information to P. O.
Box 456. 20-2t
WANTED Want four-cylinder auto,
second hand, In good condition,
for J400.00 or $500.00, in ex
change for clear, well-located
house and lot in iMedford, $1,000.
00. Address P. O. Box 48, Med
ford. 20-3t
Ilomb-Tlirotvers Active.
Chicago. Bomb-throwers recent
ly attempted to blow up the saloon
of Emmanuel Abrahams, the first
state legislator to vote for William
Lorimer on the ballot which sent
Lorimer to Washington.
Ashland Market Retail Prices.
Butter, ranch, 2 lbs 60c
Butter, Ashland creamery 65c
Butter, country creamery 70c
Eggs, fresh- 25c
Onions, per lb 2c
Cabbage, new 2&c
Rhubarb 4c
Head Lettuce '. 5c
New potatoes, lb. 2c
Beets, lb ,2c
Carrots, lb v 2c
Green peas, lb 5c
otring beans 6c
Cherries, qt 7c to 10c
Blackberries 10c
Raspberries 10c
Loganberries 6c
New apples, lb 4 c
Oranges, doz 25c to 50c
Lemons 35C
Bananas 20c to 30c
Honey ..15c
English walnuts 20c and 25c
Peaches , 3c and 4c
Officers and Men Who Mutinied Re
cently Punished.
By unanimous vote Friday morn
Ing the general staff of the Oregon
National Guard voted to disband the
second battalion, third regiment, of
ficers and men.
This drastic course was taken to
punish the organization for the diso
bedience Vhich resulted in the arrest
of Major R. O. Scott, Captains Harry
E. Williams and Walter E. Tooze,
and Lieutenants Richard Deich and
Harry C. Brumbaugh, pursuant to
orders of Brigadier General M. P.
Maus, because of reported refusal to
march from Oakville to Gate, and for
the language used by the five of
ficers in addressing General Maus
during the recent maneuvers.
So far as the Oregon National
Guard goes, this brings the sensa
tional event to a close. By ordering
disbartdment, the general staff felt
that Us course would show the prop
er purpose to maintain discipline,
and would also sufficiently punish
all who had been guilty of mutinous
or seditious conduct during the re
cent field maneuvers.
Orders were also issued to Adju
tant General Flnzer to start at once
to organize another second battalion
for the regiment. As the disband
ment order is intended to apply only
to such officers and men as were
guilty of the offenses charged, in the
reorganization all who have not been
under charges, or who may not sub
ject themselves to charges before the
final mustering out occurs, would
be held eligible for readmission into
the service. This arrangement is in
tended to protect those officers and
men who have not been guilty of any
breach of discipline.
Canal Will Not Be Completed Next
Your Without Appropriation.
Washington. Unless congress at
this session provides for the opera
tion of the Panama canal, President
Taft and Secretary Stimson believe it
impossible for tne army engineers to
keep their promise to open the big
ditch next year.
The question of tolls and railroad
owned steamships has stirred up so
much controversy in both houses
that neither the president nor the
secretary is hopeful of settling it.
The Panama bill was put aside in
me senate alter Brandegee had stat
ed that adjournment probably will be
hastened if it were considered in
the senate which the postoffic'e bill
was in conference.
The only ray of hope that filtered
through to the White House was the
news that Representative Adamson
of Georgia was considering the intro
duction of a joint resolution provid
ing for machinery of administration
and operation of the canal. The
president is much concerned in the
matter. ' Several times he stated that
he hoped the Oregon wonlH ho th
first craft to make the trip through
the canal and that, he would be on
the bridge.
Energies Redoubled With Owning of
Annual Hunting Season.
With the opening of the hunting
season the forest service has redou
bled its watch over, the timber lands
under its care, as past experiences
show that with the woods full of
hunters the danger of forest fires is
greatly enhanced. .During the next
two months no section of the forest
will be left unguarded for a fire to
start and spread.
The opening of the fire season this
year finds the Crater Lake national
forest in better condition than ever
before for the fighting of forest fires.
Trails have been built into manv of
the Inaccessible spots, while niany
miles of telephone wires have been
spread like a network throughout the
forest to facilitate getting a call for
help to headquarters. Unless several
fires should break out at nearly the
same time there is little likelihood
of any fire getting beyond control.
The rangers will keep close watch
on the many hunting parties in the
hills and see that no camp fires are
left unextinguished. Rain over the
forest this season has lessened the
danger of fire..-
Sheriff Jones States Large Propor
tion of Taxes Paid.
Tax collections, according to
Sheriff Wilbur Jones, are extremely
good considering the levy rate and
the supposedly stringent times that
are general throughout the nation
At the present time the sheriff's
office has collected betwen $450 dflO
and $500,000 of the $718,000 that
was levied, and those who paved only
half of their taxes at the first of the
year and are waiting until October
15 to remit for the balance, will, ac
cording to Mr. Jones, make the de
linquent list exceptionally small,
when the second payment has been
The tax roll is the heaviest in the
history of the county and Bonie ap
prehension as to the collection was
entertained by the county officials,
and the promptness with which the
citizens have met the levy is a source
of great satisfaction to Mr. Jones.
May Impeach Wright.
Washington. The way for . im
peachment proceedings against Jus
tice Daniel T. Wright, of the supreme
court of the District or Columbia
was opened Thursday in charges
made by Attorney Francis Tobin in
a letter to Speaker Champ Clark
Tobin demanded the impeachment
of Wright, charging him with fre
quently violating his oath of office
Speaker Clark referred the letter
to. the house judiciary committee.
We have extended our cut prices
on wood ten days. Book your orders
now. Sixteen-inch block wood $ 00
by the load. Phone 420-J. " '
i. C inders & Son
v r Itcv1 i MA
Mwraira BT
1 1... ... v
Choice ot regular $20, $18 and $15 values,
During August, choice , . . . . .
Men's 'regular $4.00 and $5.00 Ox
fords at a big bargain during Au
gust. Art or-
Choice JpZ.Zj
Boys' $3.50 Oxfords,
During August
Equally good bargains in other lines
H. G. Enders & Son :
July Weather Itecord.
Co-operative Observer's meteor
ological record for the month of July,
1912, at Ashland, Ore.:
Kate. Max. Min.
1 67 43
2 . . 70 43
3 76 43
4 :; SO 50
5. : 71 56
6 : 71 48
7 ... 73 45
8 78 47
9 85 50
10;.. 87 5
11 84 69
12 87 52
13. S6 58
14 i 90 55
15' 95 60
16 98 63
17 86 67
18 90 , 64
19., 86 60
20 77 57
21 69 54
22 77 53
23 72 50
24 ; 76 54
25 72 51
26 : 83 52
27.. - "87 '55
28. 91 57
29 93 59
30 89 62
31 82 62
Mean temperature, 6S.6: maxi
mum temperature,- 98; minimum
temperature, 43.
Total precipitation, .86 inch.
, Number of clear days, 53; partly
cloudy, 6; cloudy, 2.
' Co-operative Observer.1
Cull Out and Fatten.
It you are desirous of having a
thoice flock of pullets, you must cull
closely as they are growing. Weed
out every undesirable. specimen. If
you can get several of them out at
'once, yovi can fatten them for the
broiler market. It does not pay to
raise nnllets tnat are off color or de
fective In any way. You may think
at the time that they are pullets and
that you will want them for egg pro
duction, but the time will come when
they will be an eyesore to you. You
will mar' an otherwise fine lot of
birds by having in with them some
that are not right as to color, form
or some special points. The best
thing to do is to watch and crtll close
ly. In order to do this, endeavor to
raise as many chicks as possible so
that you will have a wider field of
Smuggling Attempted.
Nuevo, Laredo, Mexico. The dis
covery of a number of rifles and
10,000 rounds of ammunition con
cealed in a sleeper of a train crossing
the border here Thursday led to the
arrest of an American conductor and
porter by the Mexican custom, officers
on the charge of smuggling.
The rur.ales took charge of the
men and the train proceeded to Mex
ico City, v . .
i a- :
East Main Street
We have taken all our broken
lines and odd lots of regular $20.00,
$18.00 and $15.00 suits and placed
them in one big lot lor rapid clcar
. ance. This season's newest styles,
fabrics and patterns, handsomely
tailored and splendidly trimmed.
All sizes from 33 to 44, and you're
sure to find one to please you. Bet
ter hop in and take a look.
These Suits Must Go!
Ladies' $3.50 Oxfords,
1 hiring August
Ladies' $3.50 and $4.00 or
, Shoes during August. . .p.Ot)
Children's $1.50 Oxfords, fQ
During August SOC
Buy while the buying is
Cast Main
We have about 1,000 feet of hose left of our fourth purchase.
We have sold this season 14,00 0 feet. The m iees were right. We
are going to sell every foot on hand this month, regardless of price.
We never carry over any garden hose.
11 I -
The celebrated Goodrich
foot in inch, will go at, the
1 ""J" ,!l..."Vi,..iw.jJMi
"Red Fox," a heavy duck-filled hose, a high grade red hose, in
k inch and i inch. inch, worth 15c a foot, to close at 11c;
3,i inch, worth 16c a foot, to close at 120.
"Falcon," a good weight
12'c. This lot will go at, the
"Summit," a grade that
While it lasts, the foot, Sc.
The Low Priced
Phone 146
Monday. August 5, 1912.
.tui.r' ,'t .iff irwma
rrngnnsm 1 v"tt i wi i i i
I?I2viZ I
cnrnifFnt pil reel .,,,., oa
foot, 15c.
hose in inch, made to sell at
foot, 9c.
sells at 10c a foot everywhere.
S3 2! 2S
Hardware Man
375 East Main