Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 05, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Monday. August 5, 1912.
page ftvb
(( $ ))
Wealth Does Not Come
except in exceptional cases.
Almost every wealthy man got his
start by consistently saving a lit
tle at a time until he had accumu
lated enough capital to work with.
Get your start now. Do not
put it off putting things off will
never get you anywhere.
We pay 4 per cent.
Ashland, Oregon
Clif Payne makes wash benches.
Money to loan. F.,E. Onway Co.
.Mrs. M. Sturdevant has gone to
Tortland for an indefinite stay.
Mrs. L. M. Harrington has gone to
Illinois to visit relatives.
Fuller is the leading tailor, clean
er and presser.
Kenneth McWllliams left Friday
Tor Tacoma for1 an extended visit.
Manly Brower and wife are visit
ing relatives in Ashland.
Screen doors, screen doors. Car-on-Smitb
Lumber. Co. 15-6t
Mining location blanks for sale at
the Tidings office.
The Misses Etta and Eva Mackie
are visiting friends in Xewberg.
Miss Angie McDonald has gone to
Sacramento for a visit.
Buy your peach boxes of Carson
Smith Lumber Co.
J. M. Morgan and family- left last
week for Dead Indian, where they
expect to spend Beveral months.
See the new embroideries at
Madame Dilhan's Millinery Store,
201 East Main street.
See our screen doors and get our
prices. Carson-Smith Lumber Co.
F. B. Mix, Charles McWiUiams and
a party of friends left this morning
by auto for Crater Lake.
F. D. Swingle and O. J. Stone and
their wives have gone to Fort Rock
by auto.
For a short time 16-inch block
wood $2.00 cash. Phone 420-J.
Dr. Mattie B. Shaw has returned
from a vlHit to her sister in Van
couver, Wash.
Dr. Shaw left this morning by auto
for Coos county for a few days' out-iirg.
The Park Hotel serves a generous
meal with home cookine. 25 cents.
Ben Bowels reports a fine buck in
"his recent trip into the mountains
near Colestin.
Prof. A. S. Pope of Ellensburg,
Wash., is visiting relatives in this
The Tidings is for sale at W. M.
Poley's Drug Store. 17 East Main St.
O C. Paulserad, Claire Beebe and
Bert Griffith have gone to Cinnabar
Springs for a ten days vacation.
Mrs. Helen Marks returned Friday
from a long visit with relatives in
Klamath Falls.
G. H. Grover and Miss Ava da
rioi nf Murffnrri were Ashland can-
era Saturday.
A refreshing plunge at the Nata7
tori ii ni tonrhfs the snot these hot
Mr. and Mrs. W. Frulen, Fred
Dodge and Pearl Johnson are enjoy
ing a hunting trip near coie&uu
They report three buckks to date.
B. R. Greer and E. A. Estes and
their families left last Friday by auto
for an extended trip into Josephine
and Curry counties.
J. E. Gowland of the firm of Mc
WiUiams & Gowland has returned
from a trip to Portland and other
northern points.
Mrs. .John Yeager of New Yok
city is visiting a couple of weeks with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
A brand new bungalow with cob
blestone fireplace and porch work
complete. Price $50. F. E. Conway
Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington , left
Sunday for Chicago, where she will
visit relatives. She expects to re
turn by way of Texas.
Mrs. L. M. Goodwin arrived Friday
for a visit with her mother, Mrs.
Hargrove, and other relatives in this
B. F. Whitmore and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Finley and Miss Flnlev took an
auto trip to Central Point and Sams
Valley yesterday.
Money to loan on Improved ranch
es, first mortgages; mixed farms pre
ferred. W. D. Hodgson, Ashland.
Phone 427-J.
L. A. Michel has returned from
Flora, 111., where he accompanied
the body of his wife, who died re
cently. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Veghte and
daughter, Miss Gladys, of Richmond,
Neb., are visiting at the home of
C. H. Veghte.
Fire, fire, fire, it may be you
next. Get insured. See Clif Payne
he will sfcve you about 40 per cent
on the cost ot your fire insurance, tf
. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Bates went to
Colestin yesterday, where they
joined a party of hunters for a few
days' sprt.
Mrs. M. A. Stratton of Portland is
in Ashland to spend the month of
August with her mother, Mrs. M. E.
V. F. Bowen and F. E. Conway
leave today by auto for a trip
through northern California on business.
Letters of Credit, Foreign and Do
mestic exchanges, travelers' checks
issued, and safe deposit boxes for rent
at the Uuited States National Bank.
Warren Construction Co. Officers
Sought an Witnesses to Prove
Existence of Paving Trust.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McClarenr, the
Misses McClaren and Anderson and
Charles Robertson left this morning
by wagon for Crater Lake. They win
take two weeks for this trip. i
E. M. Olmsted of Stayton, Ore.,
well known to many people of Ash
land, writes L. Pederseu of this city
that he has purchased the Stayton
Mail and is doing well in the news
paper business at that point.
Sam Grubb came home Sunday
evening for a ten days vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Grubb. He is an express messenger
between Tacoma and Deer Lodge,
D. H. Barneburg and wife enjoyed
short visit from Mr. Barneburg's
cousin, Miss Grace Barneburg, of San
Luis Obispo. Cal., last week. Miss
Barneburg is en route home from
the Baltimore convention.
last week for a
trip in the Umpqua river country.
Mrs. Salsbury and daughter, Miss
Blanche, expect to join them in a
few days.
Mrs. Judd Miller and family have
returned from Hornbrook, where
they have been spending a month
with Mr. Miller, who is a railroad
The Citizens Banking
and Trust Co.
Issues "A. B. A." Cheques and
recommends them to tourists.
The safest and most convenient
travel funds.
Hotels all over the world are
glad to cash them for guests.,
Railways, steamship lines, and
the' best shops generally, accept
To the Members of Hillah
Temple, Shriners, and i
any Scouts Running at
Large :
t .
Don't fail to remember
that the Tegular meeting
was called off because you
were'nt there and will meet
ifor ' organization Tuesday
evening, Aug. 6th, to make J
arrangements for two big
ceremonials at Roseburg J
and Marshneld. The Arab
Patrol has got to be out in 1
force. This is the very big
gest thing that Hillah has i
ever tackled.
Remember Tuesday even
ing. Alex will be there with
the "bun."
Illustrious Pole. I
Stickin' 'round.
Decatur Davis Did Not Violate Game
The case against Decatur Davis for
violation of the game laws was dis
missed in Justice Hurt's court last
Saturday, Attorney Mulkey deciding
the arrest of Davis was unwarranted
Game Warden McCorkle found veni
son in the possession of Mr. Davis on
1. onibuui mm mi na.,... . ,,,. ch..oH that Tlnvla hurl
i .. a f ;..,;. .r i 11 v- -......... v. v -
1 CI CI t CU IIIC I 1 J 111 Uliuiuvi wn
a gift and had not killed the deer
himself. . -.
Card of -Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to our neighbors and friends
the Order of the Eastern Star, the
mdnur iitih hsuHnimrtora nt that ! Woman's Relief Corps, and the
flifimiVir " i
J. C. McAllister left Sunday night
for Portland, where he will meet
Mrs. McAllister and son James, who
have been spending the summer in
Virginia. Miss Margaret Schell, who
has been visiting Missouri relatives
for some months, returns with them.
J. R. Gibson has returned from
near Rogue Kiver, wnere ne went
several days ago on a prospecting
tour. He brought back with him
some samples of black sand bearing
gold to the amount of $367.75 per
ton. He states that the saud is to
be found in large quantities.
Mr. R. A. Minkler is in San Fran
cisco, called to meet parties inter
ested in taking over his business. In
case the deal is not consummated he
will get in touch with the newest
eastern sample lines on display, with
the view of carrying on the business
through the fall season.
Miss Rose Bodayla of Salem ar
rived in the city Thursday and will
be the guest of Miss Martha Fordney.
Miss Martha wtU accompany her on
her return home for a visit at Rose
burg, Salem and Portland for an in
definite stay.
G. Frydendale and family from
Los Angeles, accompanied by another
family from the same locality, ar
rived in Ashland by team Friday
morning. It is their intention to
spend several days in the valley and
will likely locate. here if impressions
are satisfactory. As far as they have
gone they are highly pleaser.
The Misses Hosier and Mrs. L.
Coombs, who have been spending the
summer here, leave this week for
their home in southern California.
The Misses Hosier will go directly
south, while Mrs. Coombs will go to
Washington for a brief visit with
friends and proceed by boat from
there to Pasadena.
Mrs. H. L. Coolidge, sister-in-lay
of Mrs. J. R. Casey, is spending a
few days at the Casey home. Mrs.
Coolidge was formerly a resident of
this city but Is now living in Pasa-1
dena. one naa noi seen Asmuna iur
16 years and was impressed with the
many changes and improvements
since that time.
E. F. Veghte, wife and daughter,
who have been spending the winter
in California, came last week for a
month's visit with his brother, C. H.
Veghte, and wife, before returning
to their home in Lincoln, Neb. The
two families expect to make the trip
to Mt. Ashland Saturday, and are
also contemplating a visit with Earl
Veghte, who is in business at Klam
ath Falls.
Woman's Home Missionary Society
for their many acts of kindness
floral offerings and sympathy In our
lecent bereavement by the death o
wife and mother.
. "If we can get the officers of the
Warren Construction Company on
the witness stand, we believe we can
prove that a paving combine exists
which has been operating in Oregon
and Washington, and through these
officers an .expose of the inner work
ings 'of the combination will be
made," announces S. B. Huston, who
with Bagley & Hare Is representing
property owners of Forest Grove who
are remonstrating against the award
ing or a street contract in that city.
The first gun against the alleged
paving trust was fired Thursday in
Hillsboro before Circuit Judge J. U.
Campbell, when in an additional par
agraph attached to the complaint the
charge was boldly made of the con
spiracy. Richard W. Montague,
counsel for the Warren Construction
Company, battled against the added
paragraph on behalf of the city of
ficials of Forest Grove, but Judge
Campbell allowed the amendment to
Hoyt, McDevitt and Lynch, In the
Warren Construction Company's of
fice, are wanted by the plaintiffs,
but service nas not been obtained on
them. Sheriff Hancock tried to
serve a subpoena on Hoyt last Thurs
day, but was tricked. The story
goes that the sheriff waited for Hoyt
until someone in the office asked if J
anyone else would do, stating that ne
was Hoyt 8 brother. The sheriff
handed the paper to the alleged
brother and asked him to give it to
Hoyt. Later in the day the sheriff
eturned and, seeing Hoyt. asked
him if he had received the paper
that had been left with his brother.
Hoyt replied that he had not, and
then, while the sheriff walked over
to the desk of tne supposed brother,
Hoyt disappeared and has been Invis
ible to the sheriff's men ever since.
It is said that Hoyt was furious when
someone in the office gave him the
subpoena, but that he called up
Richard Montague and the lawyer
advised him not to worry as Hoyt
had not been personally served with
the paper by the sheriff.
'What the officers are trying to
do," says Huston, "Is to keep under
cover until after the date of the trial
and then the paving people will try
to stir up public sentiment in Forest
Grove for the. immediate paving of
Second avenue and try to make a
showing bo the court will not keep
postponing the case. Without the
officers of the company we cannot
make as good a showing as we other
wise would, and the officers realize
'Providing we can get the officers
and the books of the Warren Con
struction Company into court we ex
pect to uncover a paving combination
which has controlled the state for
several years and which has dictated
the price taxpayers must pay for the
hard-surface streets. We know what
we want to ask if we can land those
officers in the witness box."
$35 AND $25 SUITS
Just a few cream serges and light mix
tures left to clean up our spring line. All
new spring styles, too, but they would be
old ones next season. We do not want one
left over when next spring comes.
As we predicted In the early
spring, this has been a won
derful season for white goods.
Here is a chance to get a
2o.OO to $35.00 cream serge
suit for $10.00. This is less
than the materials would cost
See the $10.00 Window.
A few extremely stylish mix
tures In light shades are also
priced at less than cost of
materials. All new styles, $10.
A few silk coats left, $10.00.
$9.50 cream serge skirts,
White corduroy skirts now
Standing of Free Scholarship Contestants at close of busi
ness Saturday, August 3:
Xorlinir . Mine Secures Services of
Experienced Man.
Cora Cllft 39,150 Laura Silver . ... 2,325
Zenas Moody 32,575 Harold Merrill' 2,225
Larkin Grubb 31,725 Melvina Fox ",17'.
Melissa Wenner 22,550 Jesie Inlow . .. ..... I.C15
Jan Mowat 1,575 Elmira Fox ... .. ... 1,425
Cora Ganiard . S.575 Samuel Koehler 1,350
Cornelia Larsen 7,250 Blanche Cox . l75
Hildred Bailey 4,575 Edward Flaekuj 950
Hiram Fordney 4.T-25 Guy Spencer ... . . . 25
Pina Benedict 3.575 Eva Mackie TOO
Mabel Rease .1,475 Merlin Wilson 750
Harmon Clark 2,875 Gladys Leslie 475
Winifred Hadlev 2,475 Ed Ackliu 450
H I I I I I III I I H 1 1 !
Home Ylew.s.
If you want a view of your home
or a family group, our local photog'
rapher, Wynne Scott, Is experienced
and equipped to do this class of work.
Be true to your town, and when
you have the opportunity, place your
business at home, rather than with
an outsider. In tne end this will be
a benefit to both parties.
. Mails Delayed.
Mails from the east are held up on
account of a bad washout near Hunt
ington. Two mails are overdue to
day, though it is possible they may
arrive this afternoon.
Embroidery for Yacntion Time.
New eastern goods received today.
Madame Dilhan's Millinery Store,
201 East Main street. Latest novelties.
A wealthy Greek has purchased
two military aeroplanes for the use
of his government.
James H. Henley, former manager
of the Granite Mountain and Drum
Lumond mines in Montana, has been
secured to manage the Medford Min
ing & Milling Company's mine near
Jacksonville, the Norling mine. The
contract with Mr. Henley was, made
Friday afternoon. He is one of the
most prominent and successful min
ing men in the country, having had
charge, of a number of very large
producers in various mining camps.
The Granite Mountain mine, which
he managed for several years, was
the largest silver mine In the world,
producing over $12,000,000 in divi
dends. It is located at Granite,
The securing of the services of a
mining man with the experience and
ability of Mr. Henley means much
for the successful operation of a
property which is considered one of
the most valuable prospects In this
vicinity. Several cars of high grade
ore are at present blocked out there,
also a considerable quantity of pay
ore. The successful operation and
development of so favorable a prop
erty as this is, under Mr. Henley's
management, will do more to attract
mining attention to this section tnan
scarcely anything else that could be
Hardware & Furniture
345 East Main Street, Ashland, Ore. Phone 121
200,000 Eastern Fry Planted In
Streams of County.
The Tidings deBlres to' acknowl
edge the receipt of some fine cucum
bers from a subscriber.
Holmes Bros.
Corvallis. Two hundred thou
sand rainbow and eastern trout fry,
hatched from Colorado, Montana
and Vermont spawn on January 3,
lit 12, and destined to grow to 12 to
14 ' inches in length in two years,
were dumped into the Btreanis or
Benton county last week, and anglers
are happv.
This shipment of trout fry consti
tuted a full car sent here by State
Came Warden Finley from the state
fish hatchery, the car being in charge
of Chief Deputy T. J. Craig, I. H.
Wilson and three others. The 225
10-gallon cans, carrying from 750
to 1,000 fry two inches and under in
length, were packed in Ice, and con
tained ice enough to keep the tem
perature at 4 0 degrees. The ship
ment was in perfect condition when
it reached' here, and it Is believed
that few if any of the fry were lost in
getting them into the streams.
Get Our Prices on Tents
Rogue River Valley Farm, 4 miles east of Ashland, Ore., on
Emigrant Creek. 160 acres, 80 of which Is as fine land as can
be founa In Oregon; the otner 80 is rough but good for pasture:
fine creek and springs, also good soda spring. 60 acres of this
place in cultivation; 40 acres will grow alfalfa, also good orchard
soil. Plenty of timber, fine fishing and hunting, good outside
range for stock. The farm is well fenced and cross fenced. 5
acres irrigated from springs; more can be watered from creek.
Buildings are old. Mild and healthy climate here; no bad storms,
no cold or snow to speak of. Some orchard planted.
' Price $6,000. $2,500 cash, balance easy.
Usual corTimission to agents.
JAMES LOWE, : Ashland, Ore.
Dies While Kinglntf.
Newton, Iowa. JuHt as he was be
ginning to sing "Miserere." from "11
Trovatore," Friday night, Francisco
Al-biach, a Spanish tenor appearing
before a local audience,' fell over on
the stage unconscious.
Albiach's home was in Paris,
where, it is said, his wife resides.
His death was ascribed to neuralgia
of the heart.
It it is Tidings work it Is the best.
Alleeioe Beyers
The Ashland-Klamath Exchange
Wholesale and Retail Agency lor
Klamath Mills Products.
Headquarters for all Kinds
ot Feed Stuff.
Rolled Barley, per sack $1.50. Rolled Oats, wheat and
barley mixed, $1.00. Rolled Oats and Wheat, No. 2,
$1.35. White Middlings per sack, $1.G5. Brown Mid
lings, 100 lb. sack, $1.80. Bran aud Shorts mixed, 65
lb., sack $1.10. Klamath flour per sack, Anchor $1.40
and Crater Lake Patent $1.50. Special prices on larg
er quantities. Cash paid for grain sacks.
The Klamath Flour may be obtained through your
grocery store or at headquarters. Try the Klamath
flour. Ask your grocer for it. We mean to treat you
right always.
Win. FLACKUS, Manager
mt -w.-w r.
g--.'.r." "