Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 05, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Monday, August 5, 1912.
i II I M H I II H M 1 1 1 HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M n H
I In the Social Realm f
DEPARTSIKXT EDITORS: Miss Maud Hawley, Miss Vivian Greer.
m rum t4 Mini m i 44 44 1 1 1 I
The business meeting of the Y. P.
S. C. E. or the Christian church., Fri
day night, was not very well attend
ed, but much business of interest
was transacted. Plans were made to
entertain the V. P. S. C. E. of Med
ford. Phoenix and Talent, in the near
future, and committees were appoint
ed to attend to the details.
The annual picnic of the Free
Methodist church was held Friday up
the canyon. As usual, the children
of the party spent a happy day climb
ing the hills and wading in the creek.
The classes were in charge of the
teachers, Mesdames Freeman. Childs,
Hanson, Hatcher and Ashcraft. The
basket dinner which is the chief fea
ture of all picnics, claimed its full
share of attention.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Casey, Harry
Casey and Miss Lena Casey were en
tertained at dinner Thursday night
by Mr. and Mrs. George G. cgrg, at
their spacious home on North Main
street, the dinner being given in
honor of Mrs. Ogg's cousin, Mrs.
Coolidge of Pasadena, Cal.. who
stopped in Ashland for a few .days'
visit with relatives while on her way
home from an eastern trip.
An interesting meeting of the C.
AV. B. M. was held in the pavilion
in the park Friday afternoon, with
Mrs. O. L. Young as leader. The
following program was preserited:
Bible reading and prayer, Mrs. G W.
Benedict; "The Work in Monterey,
Mexico," Mrs. E. N. Smith; "A Son
of Africa," Mrs. G. W. Milam; "Li
beria," Miss Mae Benedict; reading,
Unawares." Mrs. M. L. Sanders.
During the business session which
followed, Mrs. Sanders was appoint
ed to fill the vacancy in the program
committee. Reports of birthday and
future work committees were also
Among the merry crowds who pic
nicked in the canyon this week was
one composed of fifteen girls belong
ing to- a Congregational Sunday
school class taught by Miss Norma
M inkier. The journey up the canyon
was made In the cool of the morning,
and the return trip was not begun
until late in the afternoon. Even
then the happy day ended all too
oon to suit the small picnickers.
Those in the crowd were Ruth Patty,
Dorothy Howard, Norma Williams,
Alice Brown. Alma Cox, Aliena
Nealy, Geraldine HiflRins, Vanatta
Burns, Bernice Flackus, Cornelia
Wilson. Louisa Harrell, Helen Har
rell, Yoberta Rosenstock, Amy Field
er and Irma Cole. They were chape
roned by Misses Norma Miukler and
Gertrude Cox. i ,
Several little picnic parties were
noticed in the park today, and. a
number of others are booked to take
place during- the week. One little
family party was composed of Mr.
and Mrs. F. G. Easton. daughter
Hazel and son Douglass, of Oakland,
Cal., who are registered at the Co
lumbia. J. T. Little and sons Calvin,
Paul and Perry were among the fish
ermen who were trying their luck in
Ashland creek. On the side hills a
party of Ashland girls were seen rest
ing in the shade, and the empty
lunch baskets near the group be
spoke the fact that a picnic dinner
bad been enjoyed. The partv was
composed of Misses Rose Thomas,
Ramona Harrell, Laura Silver, Bes
sie Coon and Madeline Silver. Chau
tauqua Park is indeed a boon to all
during the summer months.
Last Thursday afternoon, when
, JUiss Neva Gearhart was preparing
lor a trip to Medford, a group of her
.young frlf-nds, headed by Miss Doro
thy Jones, quietly entered her home
and tendered her a most successful
surprise in commemoration of her
twelfth birthday. "All kinds of merry
outdoor games were indulged in dur
ing the afternoon. Dainty refresh
ments, brought by the invaders, also
claimed a share of their attention.
Miss Neva was the recipient. of many
pretty and useful girts. Those in at
tendance were Dorothy .Jones, AgneB
Hedberg. Laura Wiley, Alice Walker,
Huth Culbertson. Bonnis Jennings,
Laberta Leonard, Virginia Jones,
Lottie Morthland, Lena Provost,
Walter Jones, Domino Provost, El
wood Hedberg, Fred Jones, Raymond J
Long, Arthur Long and Clinton
A number of Congregational Sun
day school lassies are positive trat
Friday is not "hoodoo day," as many
people think. They declare that their
Friday picnic was better than any
other TWO picnics they 'ever attend
ed. Accompanied by their teacher,
Miss Uose Thomas, the girls made
ifeir way to Bear creek early in the
morning of Friday, and the swinging
bridge over that stream offering
such an opportunity for "fun," the
party looked no fartherfor a suit
able picnic, spot but spent the day
In the vicinity of the bridge. Wad
ing in the creek, playing on the
bridge and swinging in grapevine
swings kept the lassies busy until
late in the afternoon, when they re
luctantly turned their faces home
ward. Those in the crowd were Miss
Rose Thomas, teacher; Misses Ethel
Patty, Lois Leslie, Bessie Mackie,
Lottie Morthland, Bonnis Jennings,
Helen Walker, Florence Higgings,
Dorothy Jones and Mary Dennison.
Miss B'unche. Salsbury charmingly
entertained a number of young ladies
at her home on Grant street, Thurs
day evening, in compliment to her
house-guest, Miss Clara Nauman,
who leaves Thursday for her home
in Sacramento, Cal., after a month's
visit at the Salsbury home. Vocal
and Instrumental music formed part
of the entertainment. Dainty re
freshments were served on small ta-
bles placed on tne porch, which was
prettily lighted with Japanese lan
terns. The place cards were hand
painted, and represented poppies.
Each card bore the letters "P. W. M.
B. K. A. F. and the guests were
requested to write the meaning.
Much merriment wa9 caused when
the various answers were read. Miss
Catherine Miller gave the correct
solution "Fingers were made be
fore knives and forks" and was
presented with a -dainty Harrison
Fisher picture as a reward. The
guests of the evening were Misses
Amy Stannard, Rose Thomas, Hazel
Dalzell, Edith Lowrey Grace Milam,
Nellie Beaver, Bessie Carpenter,
Gladys Nelson, Minnie Beaver, Calla
Beagle, Marcella Putnam, Catherine
Miller, Thelma Throne, Clara Nau
man, Irene Skeen, Alice Kromar
and Lizzie Kromar; Mesdames G. T.
Salsbury, J. R. Wick, G. T. Parslev
and S. E. Williams. '
V. P. S. V. K. Ekr Fry.
The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Christian
church will give an egg fry up the
canyon Wednesday night, in honor
of the young people of the Christian
church of Talent. Meet at the pa
vilion at 7:30. Bring provisions for
Second Alleged Assassin of Rosen
thal lieing Sweated.
New York. Charged with being
one of the four assassins who slew
Gambler Herman Rosenthal in front
of the New Metropole Hotel here on
the morning of July 16, Whitey Lew
is, whose real name is Frank Sieden
shue, was sweated Friday by Deputy
Police Commissioner Dougherty as
to his knowledge of the crime which
has convulsed New York.
Lewis is the second of the alleged
assassins captured. Dago Frank
Cirofici was first. Lefty Louie
(Louis Rosenseweig) and Harry Hor
rowitz, the other two who are al
leged to have killed Rosenthal at the
command of Police Lieutenant
Charles Becker, are still at large.
The police declare both of them were
with Lewis near Fleischmann, N. Y.,
where he was captured, and that
they are sure soon to be taken.
Stirred by the widespread criticism
of the police since the Rosenthal
murder and by the declaration' of
District Attorney Whitman that if
he wishes to rehabilitate the credit
of the force, he will catch Rosenthal's
slayers. Commissioner Rhinelander
Waldo sent out a general order to
his i 10,000 men, and sppcifically
stated to his inspectors that Harro
witz. and Rosenseweig must be
caught at once. Failure, he threat
ened, would result in a clean sweep
of the detective bureau and the In
stallation of new men, '.'who will get
Basing his action on the truism,
"Murder is worse than graft," Dis
trict Attorney Whitman let It be
known that, until the slayers of Ros
enthal are found and their guilt es
tablished, he will not press further
the police grafting charges already
made. "
Recent lprislng in Xiciiiinu.ii.i
Proves of Little Importance.
Washington. Details of the Nica
raguan revolution are being received
by the state department from Ameri
can Minister Wietval. Under recent
date, the report says General Mena,
recently minister of war, and dis
placed by President Diaz, left the
capital after cutting the electric
General Mena's brother, Salvador
Mena. was chief of police, so the
novel spectacle was presented of the
entire" police force marching out or
the city under the leadership of the
late secretary of war.
The t police were soon replaced,
however, by a provisional body, and
although there was some desultory
rirlng, comparatively good order was
maintained in the city. An innocent
spectator was killed.
Although, owing to the cutting of
the telegraph wires, it is difficult to
obtain news outside of the capital,
the government claims to control all
but two departments of the republic.
Others have done so and you cnn if
you will.
80-acre tract, mostly;
50 acres In alfalfa; good free soil:
well-furnished house; delightful lo
cation. 118,000. -s
100 acres; 3d to 40 acres In al
falfa, balance grain land; good soil;;
house, barn and other Improve
ments; situation O. K. $16,000.
170 acres; 200 acres tillable land,
all of which will raise good grain or
make fine orchard tract. $13,500.
These are worth looking at, and
we will show you if you wish.
4 1 K. Main St. Phone 211-J.
Senate Eireign Relations Committee
Reaffirms Monroe Doctrine.
Washington, D. C. The senate
foreign relations committee has
adopted . without dissent Senator
Lodge's recommendation that the
United States reaffirm the Monroe
doctrine in terms clear to all the
world, and adopt a resolution to ex
press its disapproval of the. purchase
of any possible naval bases on the
American continents by any foreign
power. .
The senate in an early report will
be asked to endorse the committee's
stand. A firm statement ; by the
United States is asked for as the re
sult of the Magdalena Bay incident,
where it was show-n that a Japanese
syndicate had been negotiating for
4,000,000 acres of land along the
eoast of Lower California, in- Mexico.
While the Japanese government
was round to have had no connection
with the syndicate, tne senate sub
committee, consisting of Lodge, Root,
Hitchcock, Rayner and Sutherland,
reported to the full committee that
the circumstances afforded an appro
priate occasion for the expressing of
the view of the senate regarding
such cases.
The Lodge resolution, which will
probably be adopted, declares that
the United States cannot see "with
out grave concern" any harbor or
advantageous spot, in the western
hemisphere taken over by a foreign
government, or by a rorelgn corpora
tion bearing close relation to the gov
ernment, ir such occupancy would
threaten the commerce or sarety of
the United States.
Magdalena Bay is considered, the
most advantageously located naval
base on the Paciric coast because of
its relation to the western terminus
of the Panama canal.
Eagle Cap, Near Wallowa, to Re
Measured Ry Commissioner.
Baker, Ore. Mount Hood may
soon have an official rival in heiirht.
In the desire either to confirm or
disprove the assertion that the Eagle
Cap mountain between here and
Wallowa is the highest in the state,
Clyde B. Atchison, chairman of the
atate railroad commission, will take
accurate measurements of the moun
tain within a short time.
Mr. Atchison expects to be in En
terprise about August 11. From
'there he and three or four of his
friends will scale the Eagle Cap, tak
ing with them aneroids that Will de
termine the fact. Mr. Atchison is
reputed to be a mountain climber,
and the trip will be made for a va
cation as well as for the satisfaction
of knowing which is the higher peak,
Mount Hood or Mount Eagle Cap.
The trip will consume three or four
Governor Johnson Awaits Petition
Abolishing Capital Punishment.
San Francisco. Representatives
or the Antil-Capital Punishment
League, with headquarters in this
city, said Governor Johnson had de
clared that ir the petitions now in
circulation to initiate a law for the
aboilishment or capital punishment
received the necessary 30,000 signa
tures, he would allow no more hang
ings to take place until after the de
cision of the matter In the November
election. , ,
Governor Johnson has within the
last month reprieved six condemned
murderers, two of whom have been
reprieved several times before.
While none of these reprieves ex
tends beyond September 20, represen
tatives of the league say that future
hangings will depend entirely upon
the election and that they have
reason to believe further reprieves
will be granted.
Governor Wilson Will Retain Office
Until After Election.
Seagirt, N. J. Formal announce
ment was made Friday by Governor
Wilson that he would not
governorship of New Jersey duringj
ins campaign ror the presidency.
The governor had kept his mind
open on this question ever since the
Baltimore convention. Leading dem
ocrats in the state, however, have
urged him to follow the precedent
or Grover Cleveland, who was nomi
nated tor the presidency, but con
tinued in the ofrice or governor of
New York.
Governor Wilson keenly is inter
ested in the prospective reports or
the committee investigating the tax
problem and the efficiency of state
affairs in New Jersey, and prominent
democrats have asked him not to
rorsake his office unless called to a
higher one.
Penitentiary Employe Wins Fight
With Seal ion at XevMi-t.
Newport, Ore. Walter Johnson,
the crack shot of the Oregon peni
tentiary guards, had an experience
recently that is likely to nmke the
"trusties" keep their faith when they
hear of it.
Johnson shot a sealion from the
beach the other day and swam out
to get it. The animal was not dead
and put up a fight. Johnson beat It
over the head with his flat until he
had killed it. and then to wed it to
shore, where it took six men to pull
It out of the water.s
. Tlje dead sealion lies on the beach,
a visible proof of Johnson's prowess.
Banker Morse, who was pardoned
by President Taft on the representa
tion that he was dying, is now plan
ning extensive commercial enter
prises. Burglars stole some wine and sev
eral boxes of -cigars from the resi
dence of Bishop Scanned, in Omoha.
Floods, Attributed to Cloudbursts,
Interrupt Traffic.
Reno, NeV. TrafHc was interrupt
ed and telegraphic - communication
upset in western Nevada Thursday
by floods attributed to cloudbursts.
Officials of the Southern Pacific
reported minor washouts near Tnno
pah Junction, but were unable to
get full information because their
wires, were dow n. :
t No loss of life is reported.
Another cloudburst between Belled
vllle and Tonopah Junction washed
out the tracks of the Nevada & Cali
fornia narrow gauge at both places
for a distance of six miles. It will
be nearly ten days before service be
tween Mina and Keeler can be re
sumed. This is the second cloud
burst at this point.
Delayed meager advices from Love
lock state that in a recurrence of the
flood at Mazuma and Seven Troughs,
a high wall of water swept both
towns and sent the terrified inhabit
ants to the hiils. It is not known
w hether any wews killed, as the tele
phone and telegraphic communica
tion to Lovelock is Interrupted. A
message from Lovelock statoa anr
is seven feet deep In Mazuma and
most of the able-bodied men have
gone in automobiles to search-- tor
victims and render aid. It is be
lieved in Lovelock that several were
killed, but there is no conrirmation.
Havenieyers Secured $12,050,000
From Spreckles Concern
San Francisco. Ownership" of
half of the common stock of the
Western Sugar Refining Company,
the Spreckles concern of San Fran
cisco, has netted Havemeyer inter
ests In the American Sugar ReHning
Company $12,950,000 in the past 21
years. For all but tun voir. f that
.time these payments were made on
an investment that represented
$500,000. This was developed
Thursday during the hearing or the
government's suit tn Hmsnivo tv.
I American Sugar ReHning Company
uuuer me snerman law.
Unclaimed Letters.
List of letters remaining in the
Ashland postoffice for the week end
ing August 3. 1912: o
Ladies Miss Alice Girdlestone,
Mrs. R. Smith.
Gentlemen Dr. Austin, R. C. Bur
nette, Geo. Y. Churles, C. W. Dug
gow, I. E. Francis.
These letters will be sent to the
dead-letter office August 17, 1912,
if not called lor before. In calling ror
the above, please say "advertised "
giving date of list. A charge of one
cent will be made on delivery.
4 H. P. Single Cylinder Indian, $200
It's the machine you should choose for
your vacation, tours and week-end trips or
for regular use.
The Indian is easy to ride and eco
nomical to maintain. Any bicycle rider
can master the Indian in five minutes. No
mechanical knowledge .or skill needed.
The Indian has done over 31 miles on one
pint of gasolene.
7 H. P. Twin Cylinder Indian, $250
Come in and ask for demonstration
or write for free illustrated catalog.
Phone SO.
$07 E. Main St.
Tier Wood, by the load, $2.00
Order your winter's wood now, while the cheap
price is on.
Only Two Le
We wish to call 'the attention of prospective buyers to the fact
that we have only TWO FORD CARS LEFT in stock and will
be unable to secure any more until October. Phone your order
now for a
Li n nwnmni t - ratif ll'IIPI T "'mU.J. Li UJl 1 jgSCSSSBKM
A strike of 2,000 I. W. W. work
ers tied construction work oh the
Canadian Grand Trunk Railway.
Peach boxes, peach boxes.
Smith Lumber Co.
Exterior and Interior.
GOLD SEAL PAINT covers well,
looks well, dries well and wears well.
Many beautiful colors and white.
Ask for colo- card. It is good for
the Inside of your house as well as
the outsilde. Swenson & McRae.
For Paint and Wall Pa
per, or work in these
lines, see Wm. O. Dick
erson. Residence phone
494-R. Store phone 172.
We can save you money
Kimono Crepe (Seersucker) 25 cents
Japanese Table Linen, in Sets
Clearance Prices
Summer Shoes, Skirts, Ginghams,
Corsets, Parasols and Waists
Rio Trouble to Show You f
Fuller has a special line of novelty
woolens that will attract the good
The Chair Doctor
On and after July 15th will be lo
cated at 26 First Avenue, opposite
the First National Bank. Phone
413-J. 12-lGt
East Side
Meat Market
LAMB, &c
Telephone your fish order
for Friday.
Fresh eggs, butter and veg
etables delivered with your
meat order.
395 E. Main Street
WHWWWMH III! H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 t , , , wwj