ThunMlay, August 1, 1912. ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE FIT1 WealthDoesNotCome BY LUCK except in exceptional cases. Almost every wealthy man got bis start by consistently saving a lit tle at a time until he had accumu lated enough capital to work with, Get your start now. Do not put it off putting things off will never get you anywhere. We pay 4 per cent. GRANITE CITY SAVINGS BANK Ashland, Oregon LOCAL AND PERSONAL J. A. Lemery went to Hilt on busi ness today. Fuller is the leading tailor, clean r and presser. H. G. Enders leaves tomorrow for New York on business. See our screen doors and get our prices. Carson-Smith Lumber Co. C. A. Payne left Monday for Port land on business. : Miss Dorothy leaves Thursday for an outing 'at Newport. For a short time 16-inch block -wood 2.00 cash. Phone 420-J. "Come on in, the water is fine," at the Natatorium. Sydney R. Allen of Eugene is the guest of G. H. Tostevin. Chicken dinner at the Park Hotel Sunday. 35 cents. Home cooking. Miss Violet Herbert is home from Corvallis and Astoria. Miss Anna Hargrove leaves tomor row for San Francisco on business. The Tidings Is for sale at W. M. Poley's Drug Store, 17 East Main St. J. M. Mashburn has returned from a trip to his farm property at Mon tague. Jasper Lootais tleft Tuesday for .uray, uai., wnere ne,. nas accepted work In a lumbering camp. Screen doors, screen doors. ' Car son-Smith Lumber Co. 13-6t Miss Katherine Chapman of Duns muir is visiting friends in Ashland for a few days. Mrg. A. C. Emery and daughters, Mist-es Nina and Hazel, leave Sunday lor Portland and Newport. Money to loan. F. E. Conway Co. Mrs. A. II. Peachey attended the funeral of four-year-old Irma Wise, In Phoenix, Monday. Mrs. Neilie Lewis of Grants Pass, who has been visiting Ashland friends, has returned to her home. The Park Hotel serves a generous meal with home cooking. 25 cents. Clarence Tostevin has returned from a month's vacation in Portland and other northern points. Miss Maple Paine of Phoenix at tended the Epworth League picnic up the canyon Tuesday evening. Miss Frances Mulit is back from the Elks' convention, having visited at Eugene and Salem while away. A. R. Chancy and family left the fore part of tne week for Tillamook, where they will spend the summer. A brand new bungalow with cob blestone fireplace and porch work complete. Price $50. F. E. Conway Co. Mrs. Frank'Moore of Eugene ar rived in the city Tuesday and will visit her mother, Mrs. Anna McCar thy. George Irwin, Robert Casey, H. 0. Butterfield and Lowry Irwin left yes terday for a week's hunting trip in the Jenny creek country. r The Citizens Banking and Trusf Co. Issues "A. B. A." Cheques and recommends them to tourists. The safest and most convenient travel funds. Hotels all over the world are glad to cash them for guests. Railways, steamship lines, and the best shops generally, accept them. F t. -.riniwSWi iirfr-irf f mm i J. G... Hurt and daughter, left Monday for a two outing at Eagle Ridge Tav- ern. Protect yourself against loss by fire, but see Cllf Payne before you take- out a policy he can save you money. tf Mrs. Carrie E. Stewart, ex-post-mlstress of Talent, accompanied by her daughter, was an Ashland caller Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frulan, Fred Dodge and Pearl Johnson leave today for a hunting trip in the vicinity of Siskiyou. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McWilliams and Mrs. C. E. Lane motored to Medford Tuesday. Dr. Julian P. Johnson has bought the bungalow on the corner of Winter and Woolen streets and will occupy it at once. Miss Eusebia Hildreth returned Wednesday to her home in Oakland, after a few days' visit with Miss Violet Long. Ed Wolcott and Clayton Borror left yesterday on a hunting trip in the vicinity of Red Mountain on the Upper Applegate. We have dozens of little odds and ends in drug sundries slightly dam aged by water, reduced far below actual cost. East Side Pharmacy. Letters or Credit, Foreign and Do mestic exchanges, travelers' checks issued, and safe deposit boxes for rent at the United States National Bank. Jack Peebler, Lynn Purdin, Emil Brophy, Dale Baughman and Ed Steele left yesterday for the Dead Indian country for a week's hunting and fishing trip Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison and niece. Miss Emily Longfellow, of Minneap olis, are visiting at the home of A M. Beaver. Miss Longfellow Is a niece of Mrs. Beaver. . E. E. Bagley left today for a six weeks vacation at various points He goes front here directly to New port and will proceed thence as far north as Vancouver Wash. Mrs. C. J. Osterdahl and daughters Celia and Ebba left Wednesday for Marshfield, this state, where they ex pect to reside. Mr. Osterdahl pre ceded them some weeks ago. Mrs. Carson of Eugene was a guest of Mrs. A. H. Peachey last week She was on her way home from s visit with her daughter, Mrs. Lucy Carson Hardy, at Bray, Cal Mrs. E. A. Seiber of visiting with her daughter, Mrs Newell Wright. She was called here by the Illness of her little son, who is visiting with Mrs. Wright. Mrs. B. M. Farrell and little daughter Lilas, of Saskatoon. Sask Canada, arrived in Ashland Wednes day morning for a months' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Half hill. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Owen returned Wednesday irom .an auto trip to Ney Springs, Cal. Miss Minnie Owen has returned front an outing at Ney Springs, after a visit with friends and reiatives in .v.ontague, uai. Mrs. J. N. Nisbet left yesterday for San Francisco to visit her mother She has been receiving treatment at the Granite City hospital and was able to leave that institution Tues day very much improved in health loday Mrs. - B. M. wasson re turned from Long Beach, Cal., ac companied by her brother, H. G. Mills, and little daughter. Mr. Mills is a wholesale grocer of Chicago, but likes the west and is in search of a location. A. M. Beaver and son Meredith, Walter Herndon and Weiser Ed munds left this week on an extended camping expedition over the Dead Indian road and into Klamath and Leke counties. They will be gone about a month. Ashland friends have received word of the recent death in Muske gon, Mich., of Mrs. Dr. Richmond. Mrs. Richmond has a large circle of friends in this city. The sympathy of the community extends to the be reaved husband and children. Dr. Fawcett and wife and Mrs. Fawcett's mother, Mrs. M. A. Ragan, of Medford, have bee,n enjoying an outing the past wek in the doctor's auto. They visited Grants Pass and Roseburg and went from there to Bend, in eastern Oregon. W. A. Freeburg has received word from his son in Reno, Nev., telling that Billy broke his ankle in a game of baseball. Friends of Billy will regret to learn of this mishap. He is well remembered as second baseman on the Ashland team a number of years ago. H. L. White has sold his 240-acre ranch east of Ashland to Jack Mor ris, now of National City, Cal.' The Throne rooming house on Fourth street was taken as part payment. Mr. Morris, who recently came up from, southern California, is dispos-' ing of most of his city property. Harry Pellett has sold his automo bile repairing business to some Cali fornia parties, who are now In- pos session of the same. Mr. Pellett still retains the Ford agency and will con tinue to handle this car In southern Oregon. Up to the present time he has sold 25 cars during the season. Two automobiles loaded with of ficials of the Oregon-California Pow er Company passed through Ashland Monday en route for Crescent City. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Churchill, Miss Dorothy Churchill, Percy W. and Jerome Churchill, Miss Sybil Abshire and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Williams, all of Yreka. Cal. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. White and family, formerly of Chicago but now of Huntington, Ore., viBited at the home of Prof. Howell ; Isaac last week.. They enjoyed a visit to the park and canyon while here, and also attended the sacred concert last Sun day , night. They expressed them selves as being well pleased with the beauty and scenery of Ashland. Mr. White is a prominent railroad man. The Whites are old friends of Mr. and .Mqs. Isaac. f . .. , . .', . Mrs. Grace, months At Poley's TOILET PAPER Large Roll Larger ones Three for 25c. -AT- Poley's Drug Store HOItXBROOK ITEMS. Mr. Lemery of Ashland was a vis itor in Hornbrook last week, at the home of Rev. A. W. Walters. He is interested in a mining proposition near here. Rev. A. W. Walters and his daugh ter, Edna Mae, were visitors at Hilt last Thursday. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Hilt, who live a mile out from the station. . Dr. Richardson was called to San Francisco a few days ago to attend the funeral of his grandfather, who was 90 years old at the time of his death. Mr. Chambers, the editor from Montague, was in town last Wednes day, gathering news for his paper. Miss Dora Bevans has returned home from Weed. Thomas Wright of Camp creek, was in town last Wednesday. Herbert Cole of Colestin was in town last week. Horace Greer, a former resident of Hornbrook, now of Weed, has come to Hornbrook for a short stay. Deputy Sheriff Joseph Clawson has returned to Henley after deliver ing an insane patient to the asylum officials. Mr.- J. Jacobs has removed the plaster cast and bandages from his broken arm and is getting along nicely. A. P. Prichard of Seattle, one of the parties interested In the De Flesh mine, was here inspecting the prop erty last week. Constable C. "L. Hughes has ap pointed Joseph Shults as his deputy. Mr. Shults! duty will be to enforce the game laws in the vicinity of Hilts. T. K. Anderson, a mining man of Gottville, came to town on Tuesday for a load of supplies. Last Sunday our home team went to Etna to play ball with the Etna boys. The score was 4 to 1 1 in favor of Etna. . Our boys were weary from dancing over half the previous night. They had plenty of courage even to try. Mr. Davis, one of the owners of the La Flesh mine, has gone east and will attend the Grand Eerie of the Eagles at Columbus, Ohio. Active development work at the mine will be commenced on his return. T. O. Maze, who has been in charge of the Sterling mine, had a runaway accident at Hilts last Sun day. He and his wife were thrown from the rig and the lady sustained a broken arm. She was brought to Hornbrook and placed under the care of Dr. N. E. Richardson. Mr. Joe Niles and Lewis Niles were in Hornbrook Saturday night and Sunday. They attended the benefit ! dance given for Mr. George Rader j Saturday night. Nearly all of Horn brook was there to show their loyalty to their neighbor. All who could, took part in the runaway hug. The music was extra good. Both the or chestra and band were out. Mining location blanks for sale at the Tidings office. e ivi a nx Newly Furnished Rooms Centrally located. Well ventilated. Gas and electricity. Everything new, neat and clean. Reasonable prices. 349 E. MAIN STREET. Natatorium NowOpen TUB SHOWER PtUNGE SWIMMING ' BATHS We are equipped with mod em steam laundry facilities, all suits and towels receiving the most sanitary treatment. Open from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. BATHS 25c Visitors' Balcony Free TALENT ITEMS. The business relative to the sale of the 'water bonds has about been com pleted, the bonds having been signed and returned to the purchasers. This will give assurance of the comple tion of the water system here this fall. Bids are to be opened the 5th of August. As to the erection of the reservoir, the bids will be let sepa rately on this. The foundation, which is to be of cement, will be a separate bid from the part of the steel tower, but one party may bid on both jobs. Joshua Patterson left Wednesday to join Jack True at Ashland, from which place they will go into the Dead Indian country for a hunt and outing. Mr. Patterson says he im agined he? could see some deer up in that direction from here, so is going to try and get the limit as soon as possible. Mrs. T. L. Stewart was removed to Ashland, where she underwent an operation which was quite severe, but she withstood the firBt part very well and has a good chance now for a speedy recovery. V. K. Wolgantott is moving into his home here, having removed from the E. C. Gardner place, where he has been employed about two years. During that time the entire 160 acres has been set to fruit and it is hard to find a tract of the same size in the country that will surpass it. The whole 160 acres lies in a square piece, and the trees are . perfectly blocked, a good stand and well cared for. Mr. Gardner Is going to build a fine house on the highest part of the land this fall, and when complet ed he will command one of the finest views in the valley. Ashland, Talent, part of Phoenix and Medford can be seen. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Rhodes left for a trip into southern California, where they will stay for & month or more. Mrs. G. A. Gardner made a visit to Medford Tuesday - and Wednesday, where she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richardson. Mrs. Riley of .Ashland and some friends were visitors with Mrs. Pace last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Yount have returned from an outing up on Wag ner butte, where they have been for the last three weeks. Mr. Yount says it is a delightful place to spend the time In summer, the water being good and the weather cool. About every week a load of young people go to Ashland to the swim ming pool and take a midnight lunch on the road home. All enjoy the trips and look forward to the next one. The Talent meat market has re placed its old refrigerator with a modern one and Is making a general change in the interior, which looks much better and will attract more trade. Fred Rapp has returned from a trip to California, where he has been for a few weeks. His new car at tracted his attention this way, and as soon as it was received he ap peared. He got a new Ford from Harry Pellett of Ashland, and Fred lonows how to make a car do the work. Mr. Butterfield, who Is an Inter ested party in the McMahan ranch that was .recently sold, has reached here, unloaded his car and taken pos session of. the ranch, which Is three miles east of here. Emmett Beeson is soon to take a trip into eastern Oregon In his auto Mr. Patterson, who bought the south part of the Rapp place burning off the brush and getting the land in shape to farm, that has been cleared of the trees, and wfll soon- start a fine new house on the highest part of the land, which is a prominent view of the whole lower end of the valley. O. H. Roberts has completed the cement walk in the front of his prop erty on Wagner avenue. George Kerby left Tuesday for Eagle Point, where he says he has employment on a ranch. TREK IS NOV K LTV, Sjecies of Greenland Fir Has Spread of 0 Feet. Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, contains the only tree of its kind in the world, a species of Greenland fir, and although less than a foot high, the circumference of the space cov ered by its branches is 60 feet. This tree is at least 200 years old, and from a short distance it appears to be simply a collection of small shrubs. Horticulturists of the country who have heard of the phenomenon have made offers of substantial sums for the tree, with a view of removing it, roots and all, but these ofrers have been consistently refused. Aside from tree specialists and residents of the neighborhood, few persons have : heard of the spreading tree. I In Greenland, its original home, I the species never grows high and is ! little more than a shrub. In its nat ural surroundings it does not attain anywhere near the circumference of the one in Pennsylvania. Jiiiiil) From Sleeper. Billings, Mont.-r-Mrs. H. J. Mock of Kansas City, Mo., leaped front a window of a sleeping car on a west bound Chicago, Burlington & Quincy train near Pertisa. Mont., early Mon day and was killed. Her absence was not discovered for an hour after the train had passed Pertisa. Her body was recov ered by railroad men sent our from Sheridan, Wyo. Mrs. Mock was being taken to Hel ena by her husband and daughter for her health. , Embroidery for Vacation Time. New eastern goods received today. Madame Dllhan's Millinery Store, 201 East Main street. Latest novel ties. Money to loan on Improved ranch es, first mortgages: mixed farms pre ferred. W. D. Hodgson, Ashland. Phone 427-J. A Sale That Grows Not a one-day event, but one that holds the interest. Styles are good, goods are new and assortments still large enough lor good selections. McGEE'S CLEARANCE SALE I KLKS BUILDING Notice. Dr. Gail C. Kammerer will have charge of Dr. Bertha E- Sawyer's practice for the next two months. 16-4t President Mohler of the Union Pa cific announces that an order has been given for $2,000,000 worth of new rolling stock for the Union Pa cific and Oregon Short Line. KIT CARSON'S ' Buffalo Ranch Wild West - - WILL EXHIIHT IN TUESDAY, AUG. 13 AHcrnoon at Largest Wild West Show on Earth! Coming driect on their own special trains of double length railroad cars from the biggest ranch in the world. Menagerie ol Trained Wild Animals From all parts of the globe. Paring and death-defying acts almost yond the realms of lucid Imagination. Cosmopolitan collection of Cowboys and Girls, Vanueios. Senoritas, Guardis Rurales, Champions of the Lariat, Hough Riders, Pony Express Veterans, Oaring Ath fetes, Comical Clowns, Thrill ing Indian Fights and, War Dances. Prince Botloine's Troupe ol Russian Cossacks The most Daring Horsemen In the World. Bands ol Sioux, Cheyenne & Comanche Indians Fresh from the Cam pf ire and Council. The Grand Performance concludes with the Superb, Spectacular, Dra matic, Historical Fantasy, "THE BATTLE OF WOUNDED KNEE" Introducing a vast and motley horde of Ind'ans, Scouts, TrapiKMS and Sol diers that actually took active part in the lust brave stand and hope less struggle the noble redskin made for his freedom and rights. LA Grand, : Gold-Glittering : Free : Street : Parade TWO MILES LONG, at 11:00 a. m. dally, on the main thoroughfares. B,IG, FREE EXHIBITION'S on Show Grounds Immediately after the parade- Bring In Your Bad Horses and Mules Our Cowboys will ride $25.00 wlilxba paid to any person t i ASHLAXI), ORE. Hillali Temple Will begin to heat the sand at the regular meeting Friday evening, Au gust 2. Every scout wants to be there, for there's goin' to be soine thtn' doin' pretty quick. Alex hau dles the dope. E. A. SHERW1N, Recorder. Buy your peach boxes of Carson Smith Lumber Co. 2, Evening at 8 be- them FREE OF CHARGE. bringing a horse or mule they cannot ride. v