Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 01, 1912, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society.
A I G 1ST 7.
Secretary, Richardson Receives Noti
fication from State Game and Fish
Warden Finley and Sends Requi
Kition. Ashland creek and other streams
in this vicinity will be supplied with
trout fry next week, according to a
letter received by H. V. Richardson,
secretary of the local rod and gun
club. The letter states that a car of
the fry will leave Portland August
6 and arrive in Ashland the follow
ing day. Secretary Richardson im
mediately replied 'asking for from
100,000 to 300,000 fish, and it is
the intention of the club to stcck a
number of streams in this locality
The committee of the local club who
will undertake to distribute the fish
desire volunteers with wagons or
autos to appear at the station on the
date of arrival of the fish and assist
in the planting. The eans contain
ing the fry are heavy and contain
only a few thousand fish each, so a
number of w-agons will bo required.
All persons having teams 01 automo
biles to donate for this cause will
confer a favor by so notifying Mr.
Richardson or Harry Hosier. The
letter follows:
Portland. July 30. 1912.
Mr. H. V. Richardson, Secretary
Ashland Rod P.nd Gun Club, Ash
land, Ore.
Dear Sir: We are arranging to
send a lot of trout fry down to your
part of the country. We plan to
have a carload leave here Tuesday,
August 6, and reach Ashland about
noon an the 7th. Could you have
some of your sportsmen meet the
train with wagons, to take quite a
number of cans of fish and liberate
the fish in Ashland creek? We
should be glad to furnish you with
fish to stock other streams in your
locality, if you so desire.
Kindly let us hear from you "im
mediately about the matter.
Very truly yours,
State Game Warden.
Dictated by Mr. Finley but not
Don't be a clam. Learn to swim
Et the Natatorium.
Irrigation Scheme for Ashland and
Talent to He Submitted to
, Ranchers at Once.
It is 'said the irrigation plan to
water the district between Talent
and Ashland is now ready to be sub
mitted to ranchers and fruit grow
ers of this section for their approval
or disapproval. It is stated that if
they fail to accept the proposed plan,
the upper Ashland district will be
given an opportunity to obtain 'the
water for their large area which lies
above the proposed line.
In speaking of the probable re
ception that the plan would receive,
Mr. Osgood said: "Wenticipate no
trouble in obtaining the acreage. A
large number of the ralichers have
signified their intentions to obtain
water and when the contracts are out
and the .people of the district learn
the cheap rate and liberal terms that
will be offered they will undoubtedly
be able to obtain the required acre
Attitude of Teddy Toward Race Sul
ject of Visit.
New York. The attitude of the
national progressive party on the
race question was inquired into Tues
day by a delegation of negroes which
called on Colonel Roosevelt on his
arrival in' New York from Oyster
Bay. Representatives from three
states were in the delegation.
Colonel Roosevelt assured them
he would do all in his power to se
cure for the negro his full rights
under the constitution.
The question of the "lilywhite"
movement. In the south was brought
up.' but Colonel Roosevelt postponed
a definite answer as to this phase of
the question, saying that in a few
days he would make a public state
ment or his ideas of the attitude the
national progressive party should
take. '
Japanese Emperor Replies to Mes
sage of President.
Washington. President Taft mo
tored to the Japanese embassy Tues
day and personally offered his con
dolences on the death of the late
In reply to President Taft's cable
gram, the new emperor, Yoshirito,
cabled: "I am deeply touched by
your sympathetic message, and offer
my sincerest thanks."
The dowager empress, Haruko, re
plied; "Accept my sincere thanks
for the heartfelt sympathy so cordial
ly expresed by you and Mrs. Taft on
this sorrowful occasion."
ProfO'Gara Estimate Output Will
He 50O Cars,
"We are about to pick the finest
fruit crop in the history of the Rogue
rived valley," said Professor O'Gara.
county pathologist, "and I might add
that this year's pears and apples will
be in a class by themselves through
out the world.
"In Bear Creek orchard I maintain
there is the finest pear crop per tree
that has ever been grown. On 1,000
trees there will be 10,000 boxes, an
average of ten boxes per tree; the
fruit is perfect, large size, and every
tree is uniform.
"Picking begins today In the Dag
gett orchard and by August 5 the
Burrell, Bear Creek, Bingham and
Carpenter orchards will be under
way. I estimate a crop of from 125
to 150 cars of pears, with quality,
size andeneral condition far ahead
of anything that has heretofore been
produced in this section.
"The result is due to climatic con
ditions, plenty of soil moisture, mild
temperatures, absence of early frosts
and consistent spraying. In many
orchards there is not a worm to be
"The apple crop will break all rec
cords. The trees are propped up all
over the valley, many apples being
sized already. I estimate a total
yield of between 500 and 600 cars,
or between 300,000 to 400,000 boxes.
"In short, nearly half a million
l . .. . r 1 1 .. : . . c i .
I uuacb ui nufciie river nun win ije
shipped out of the valley this year
in addition to the hay, potatoes and
miscellaneous farm produce. The
fruit will demand the highest mar
ket price because of its quality. Such
a condition certainly assures in
creased prosperity throughout this
Jackson County Itastile Has Only
Five Inmates.
Criminality has suffered a great
decline in Jackson county in the past
year, as is shown from the present
number of jail inmates and the num
ber of criminal cases docketed for
the coming grand jury. At the pres
ent time only five are incarcerated
in thf county bastile, one of which is
serving time for larceny and will be
released in September. All of the
other cases are for larceny.
Last year at this time the jail was
crowded with 14 prisoners, whose
crimes ranged from larceny thruogh
forgery up to assault. In addition to
that number, ten more were released
on bail in 1911 until the grand jury
met. while in 1912 only four are out
on baH. -
"This year," says Louis Eaton, the
jai'or. "has been an exceptionally
dull one in the jail business. I have
lived in Jacksonville for several
years and never remembered the
county jail being so nearly vacant in
August as it is this year."
The grand jury will sit August 2C.
and unless August furnishes several
criminal cases, that docket will be
exceptionally short.
Conditions in New York to Be Thor.
' oughly Investigated.
New York. Forced to action by
the arrest of Police Lieutenant
Charles Becker as the alleged plotter
of the murder of Herman Rosenthal,
the culmination of the New York po-lice-gambling-murder
scandal, Mayor
William J. Gaynor completely re
versed himself Tuesday and signed
a resolution that the board of alder
men probe the alleged grafting condi
tions which are said to eat like a
cancer into the civic life of the city.
Gaynor's announcement followed a
long conference with Police Commis
sioner Rhinelander . Waldo, who, it
is reported, urged the probe. It is
believed the aldermanic investiga
tion, in connection with that being
conducted before the grand jury by
District Attorney Whitman, will fully
bare to the world the details of the
alliance between the police, gamblers
and other lawbreakers, and, prob
ably, will enmesh a number of
Progressive Convention Permanently
Presided Over Hy Parker.
Oyster Bay. After a three hours'
conference here Tuesday with Colonel
Roosevelt, Senator Joseph M. Dixon
of Montana, who directed Roosevelt's
campaign for the republican presi
dential nomination, announced that
John Parker, a New Orleans demo
crat, had been selected for perma
nent chairman of the "bull moose"
convention which meets in Chicago
at noon Monday.
Comptroller W. A. Prendergast of
New York city will nominate Roose
velt and the seconding speches will
be made by Governor Johnson of Cal
ifornia, Judge. Ben Lindsey of Den
ver and former Governor Garvin of
Rhode Island.
Mis Lulu E. Monroe.
Miss Lulu E. Monroe passed away
at the hospital July 30, 1912. She
was born in Laclede, Mo. One year
ago Miss Monroe and her mother
came to Ashlana, where she bought
a home on Walker avenue. She
leaves her mother and two brothers,
Charles Monroe of Bisbee, Ariz., and
J. H. Monroe of Klamath Falls, Ore.
The funeral services will be held Fri
day morning at 10 o'clock from
Dodge's undertaking parlors.
Clif Payne makes clock shelves.
Fully half a hundred, It Is expect
ed, will ascend Mount Ashland Sat
urday night and be on hand for the
sunrise Sunday morning. Already
close to thirty have signified their
intention of making the ascent and
a number of others are contemplat
ing the trip but are still undecided.
The party includes both ladies and
gentlemen and will be a jolly one. If
you intend to join and have not sig
nified your intention, notify C. B.
Watson or F. C. Routledge at the
Western Union office before tomor
row night and specify whether you
wish to join the afternoon or evening
party, and arrangements will be
made for your comfort.
Those who go in the afternoon
should take a blanket, as an attempt
will be made to sleep until midnight.
This party will leave the Plaza about
4 o'clock by team. Some will go
afoot earlier. The evening shift will
leave the Plaza at 10 p. m. Don't
Ashland Citizen Heroines Confused in
San Jose and Spends Night
in Iodging House.
Considerable excitement prevailed
here Sunday and Monday when Port
land newspaper wired to local repre
sentatives regarding the reported dis
appearance of Charles Trask of this
city while on an auto trip in south
ern California. Investigation of the
circumstances leading up to his dis
appearance soon cleared up the mys
tery and Monday morning the lost
man was found in a lodging house in
San Jose, where he had spent the
The family had arrived at San
Jose Sunday evening and while his
son Avery was filling the gasoline
tank Trask went to a nearby bakery.
Becoming confused, he wandered
around the city for several hpurs un
til kindly disposed strangers secured
a room for him.
Upon his failure to return a few
minutes later, a search was started,
and after fruitless results from the
efforts of his wife and son, they
asked the assistance of the police,
who immediately took a hand in the
affair. The city was scoured, but no
trace of the man could be found.
The story that Trask told the of
ficers was that when he came from
the bakery he could not find the au
tomobile or his family and set out to
locate them. Confused by strange
surroundings, he wandered around
the streets until about 9 o'clock and
was then taken in charge by two
kindly disposed strangers, who took
I him to the hotel and say that he was
safe for the night.
The family are quite well known
in Ashland, having been residents of
the city for some time. They have a
fine home on Fairview street. The
trip through the south is being made
for the benefit of Mr. Trask's health.
When the family left here they told
friends that they would keep' them
posted on the progress of the trip
as they went along, but no word ever
reached the city from them.
Stick 240 Feet Long Sent for Use of
Panama Exposition.
San Francisco. The huge flag pole
presented to the Panama-Pacific In
ternational Exposition by the citizens
i oi Asioria reacnea tnis city in one
of the giant rafts of the Hammond
Lumber Company, and has been
rowed to the exposition site at Har
bor View. It was sent by Mayor
Henderson of Astoria, as that city's
contribution to the wondprful pvun.
Kit inn tb fit ia in Im tmlrl lmn ln 1 im r.
v.w. ...... 1. w I W " V 1 1 V III HCIC 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 I) ,
j The pole was originally intended for
ine Astoria Centennial celebration,
but it was so long and heavy that it
was impossible to raise it. The di
mensions or tne nag pole as given by
an expert timber scaler are as fol
lows: "Douglas fir, a perfect piece
of timber; base 56 inches, top 23
inches; estimated weight 93.061
pounds; cubic contents 1.95S.52
cubic feet; contains 23,515.46 solid
lumber feet; length over all 246 feet.
The special flag which is to be flown
from this flag pole is to be furnished
by the citizens of Astoria. It is
planned to hold appropriate ceremo
nies when the pole is raised and old
glory is unfurled from its lofty peak.
Injured Laborer Submits to Amputa
tion Without Anesthetic.
Spokane, Wash. After having his
hand nearly severed by an edger saw
in the Phoenix lumber mill Monday
afternoon, -Frank Henley, a laborer,
walked nine blocks to the Spokane
General Hospital and calmly asked
for treatment. The hand was ampu
tated without the patient taking an
anesthetic, he insisting on watching
the operation. After the member was
removed Henley took the street car
to his home at the northern city lim
its, saying he would figure out some
way of making a living with one
Clearance Sale.
For two weeks, in millinery, all
lines, big bargains. Mrs. H. Simons.
fail to bring a bug. It may be a lit
tle bug or a big bug, but you must
have a bug. The Siskiyou club will
furnish candles, but every pilgrim
must furnish the can. Anything in
the shape of a can with a handle on
it will serve the purpose. The bug
will be found invaluable on the first
mile of the trail above Long's. The
comfort of the party will be well
looked after. Bring your own lunch.
The list of climbers as at present
made up is as follows: Judge Wat
son, H. L. Whited, O. H. Sneed. Mrs.
Delia Noffsinger, M'ss Sylvia G.
Brown, F. A. Brown, Miss Maude F.
Barnes, Miss Mamie C. Barnes, Mrs.
Fannie Davis, Miss X. Homes, Don
Bassett, Miss G. HicKs, Charles E.
English, W. H. Gillis, W. E. Barnes.
Dr. Gail C. Kammerer. F. F. Whittle
and wife, H. L. Xorwood and wife,
C. B. Wolf, W. H. Day. F. C. Ront-
ledge. G. W. Seager, Miss Hunt, Mrs.
F. Pinkerton, Miss Marie Martin,
Miss Ramona KerroII.
H. G. Enders, Jr., Succeeds l allier
in The Hull ill Add Com
plete New Lines.
Today the active management of
"The Hub" passes out of the hands
of H. G. Enders and is taken up by
his sbn, H. G. Enders, Jr. Mr. End
ers, Sr., will retire from business
temporarily and take an extended
vacation, while Henry will assume
active charge and run the business
on the same progressive principles as
in the past. Mr. Enders has sold to
his son a half interest in the busi
ness. He leaves tomorrow for a 60
day trip to New York city, where he
will purchase a full line of notions
and 'ladies' furnishings and will fill
up the spacious store building to its
fullest capacity. Upon his return he
plans on taking a long vacation.
Mr. Enders came here six years
ago and established his business In
the building now occupied by Dirk
erson's paint and paper store. He
was very successful in this location,
but the era of improvement lured
him to the East Main street location
and he erected the splendid concrete
store building which he now occu
pies. During his business career
here he has shown himself to be an
up-to-date business man, progressive
both in a mercantile way and for the
general interests of the city. His
retirement from active business op
erations will be regretted.
The new manager is well known
here, having attended the local high
school and been a prominent figure
in social and musical circles among
the young peole. His entrance
upon the business arena in Ashland
will be welcomed and his success is
freely predicted. He has recently
graduated from the high school at
Hollywood, Cal.
Wilu West Show.
Something absolutely new, some
thing never before carried with a
wild west show, is but one of the
many features of that most noted of
all American amusement enterprises.
Kit Carson's Buffalo Ranch Wild
West. We refer to the excellent and
most complete menagerie of trained
wild animals in existence today. Car
ried simply as an added feature for
your inspection and no extra charge
for viewing same. During the
course of the performance animal
acts of all description are presented
for your approval. This with the
fancy riding, roping and other traits
of expert horsemanship, displayed by
the cowboys, cowgirls, Cossacks and
Mexican vaqueros constitute but
part of the two hours of solid amuse
ment. A dozen clowns are continu
ally at play and it will be a hard
matte!- to stop watching the antics
long enough to view some of the im
ported European artists in novelty
acts of every description. The per
formance ends with the superb, spec
tacular, historical fantasy, "Battle
of Wounded Knee," in which over
two hundred Indians, soldiers, trap
pers, cowboys and scouts take active
part. Many of the Indians were act
ually present at this famous battle
and It is reproduced exactly as they
describe it.
The two-mile parade will pass on
the mn in thoroughfares and a grand
free exhibition takes place immedi
ately after on the show grounds.
Only two performances in Ashland,
on August 13.
Owner Now Says He Will Go Hunt
ing for Game.
M. 1". Hanley suffered the loss of
a yearling steer last week, evidently
at the hands of an amateur hunter
who was without doubt hunting deer
out of season. The steer was shot
and left, and had been dead two or
three days when found.
"Evidently the shooting was done
by an amateur hunter," states Mr.
Hanley, "who was out for deer. I
think I will do a little hunting my
self this season and there will b
trouble when I meet with the man
who can't tell a bald-faced steer from
a deer."
Pictures are all going dirt cheap
at the fire sale at the East Side
Man in Klamath County Jail Sus-IN-ctcU
of Brutal Murder.
Bacon Clark, the man arrested
here more than two weeks ago be
cause of his attentions to little girls,
Is still being held in the county jail
with no definite charge hanging over
Deputy Sheriff John Schallock
made the arrest. At the time he
believed Clark was the murderer of
the little Holzman girl in Portland
and for whose capture a large re
ward had been offered. A descrip
tion of the suspect was sent to the
Portland authorities and it was an
nounced by Chief Detective Beatty
that he was not the murderer. Still
believing that Clark was really the
man wanted in Portland, Schallock
had the suspect photographed and
Bent this to Portland for better iden
tification by the Portland officers.
Although this picture was sent out
more than a week ago, nothing has
been heard from the Rose cifv in
answer. In the meantime Schal
lock is sure the man In iail herw iu
I the Holzman murderer and is hold
ing in in iiiii ii u is ueiiniteiy estab
lished that he is or is not.
One thing that strengthens Schal
lock in his belief that Clark is the
brutal murderer of the Holzman gill
is that when he was first arrested
he asked the deputy if he was want-
ea in Portland. Later he asked
i Schallock to allow him to escape and
stated that if the officer would give
him a chance he woulrl make himself
"scarce about these diggings." Be
cause of this show of anxiety about
wanting to know if he was wanted
in Portland, Schallock believes there
is something which he does not wish
to come out in connection with his
past lite and he will hold him until
he knows positively there is no
chance that Clark is the Holzman
murderer. Klamath Northwestern.
Regular Session of luteal Club
Next Monday Evening.
Having skipped the July meet
ing, the Commercial Club will
resume the regular schedule
next Monday evening, August
5, at which time it is not only
expected to take up the transac
tion of routine business, but if
Prof. Van Scoy returns in time
from his canvassing trip to
Klamath and Siskiyou counties,
he will have something definite
to report concerning the Poly
technic School situation inso
far as encouragement received
from the sections mentioned.
Q J. A 1 'J. ($1 J J. , , ,$ J,
Despised .lack Pine Found to Have
According to reports issued by the
! government, the much despised
"jack pine" and the nearly as useless
j scrub hemlock can and will make
ideal paper pulp, and that such por
tions as are favored by timbered
areas of these woods will be eventu
ally blessed instead of cursed.
The local forestry office has re
ceived samples of the paper made
from the pulps of the respective
trees. Aside from a slightly yellow
color, the paper is of as fine and
! smooth a texture as is the exhorbi-
tantly priced spruce. The papers
received are the results of the first
experiment and the government test
ers state that they will soon happen
upon a process that will remove the
color of the pine and leave the same
silken whiteness of the spruce.
Through this section jack pine Is
found in abundance. On account of
its grain the woo:l has no real com
mercial value and it is used entirely
as cord wood on that account. With
the establishment of a pulp mill, this
timber could be furnished on the
average of $1.6(1 per cord, while the
manufacturers of pulp are forced to
pay as higi as $12 per. cord for
spruce. Not only is the cost high
on spruce at this time, but the gov
ernment reports show that the sup
ply is fast becoming exhausted. Al
ready thousands of cords of this
wood are being shipped as ballast
from foreign countries.
With the substitution of jack pine
the making of paper will be reduced
in the manufacturing cost and a
great deal of heretofore waste tim
ber throughout the coast country
will be used. When such a time ar
rives, southern Oregon will bid fair
to a pulp mill a great Industry, em
ploying many men.
Clarence True YiIson So Seaks of
Granite City.
Rev. L. C. Poor of the Methodist
church of this city is In receipt of a
letter from Clarence True Wilson,
national secretary of the Methodist
Temperance Society with neadquar
ters at Topeka, Kan. Dr. Wilson
takes occasion in the letter to state
that in all his travels he has nevei
seen a more beautiful city than Ash
laud with its setting In the hills, Its
green parks and clear creek. Dr.
Wilson has covered a large part of
the United States in his present ca
pacity and should know what he Is
talking about.
August Millinery Sale.
Hats at your own price. Madame
Dilhan's Millinery Store. 201 East
Main street. See the new fall felts.
N. W. Cole of This City Clothed
Brother and Sent Them to School
in Hope Parents Would Turn
Homeless and practically without
friends. Otto and Alfred Pilgrim,
aged 10 and 11 years respectively,
caused a pathetic scene in the county
court room Wednesday afternoon,
when with tears streaming down
their faces they said good-bye to X.
W. Cole of this city, who has kept
them r the past year, and were
taken away by Sherirr Jones to b
sent away to the Boys' and Girls' Aid
Society in Portland. The decree to
that efrect was all that Judge Neil
could give as the little fellows had
bocoine too much of a burden to Mr.
Cole, and no one had volunteered to
assume the responsibility.
A year ago the parents of the boys
left them in this city. Since that
time the parents have not been
heaid from and Mr. Cole has clothed
and kept them in the city schools in
hopes that the parents might return
and claim them. Both boys formed a
deep attachment for their new father
and when Judge Neil told them that
they would have to go to Portland
and leave Mr. Cole, both boys broke
Finally Alfred, tne older, con
trolled himself and placing his arm
about his brother the two ltft the
court room for Mr. Jones' house,
wuere they waited for the train that
took them to Portland.
Sit On the Front Seat.
This is what the people do who
run the Hotel Ashland, and they get
there with the goods. On Sunday
next they will serve a special dinner
that will be a hummer. Bring your
wife or sweetheart and give them a
treat (hut will make the heart glad.
Next Sunday, August 4, 12 111. to S
)). 111.
New Embroideries.
.lust in today. New package
goods, including thread.,. Madamo
Dilhan's Millinery Store, 201 East
Main street.
Wilful Waste of City Water Brings
Fines of $K.5 and $10
Both Plead Guilty.
Water users who are covering
more land with the water than they
are paying for and others who are
allowing fawcets to leak wasteftilly
may take warning from the experi
ences of two citizens, whose names
were not. given, in police court. The
gentlemen were taken before the
magistrate, one last Saturday and
the other Tuesday, and fined, $.S.50
in the first case and $10 in the sec
ond. The complaint was stated as
wilful waste of city water and the
irrigation of more land than was
signed and paid for. Both parties
pled guilty.
Infantile Paralysis.
Los Angeles, Cal. An organized
campaign to stamp out the epidemic
of infantile paralysis which admit
tedly exists in Los Angeles nnd its
suburbs, has been launched by the
city council. The council authorized
Dr. L. M. Powers, health commission
er, to expend money wherever needed
to check the epidemic. Since the
middle of June. Dr. Powers reported,
there has been 150, cases. More than
100 cases are now under the care of
Large ('nip Melons.
From present indications there will
be a great crop of watermelons this
year in the valley, as a large acreage
has been planted to melons and all
of the vines are doing well. It is
highly probable that a few carloads
will be shipped out.
CiintiJoupcH will be grown in great
quantity as in the past. Much of
the so-called desert land east of Cen
tial Point is in melons.
We extend to you a cordial invita
tion to come and look over our dam
aged goods. If there is anything that
you can use, we will be glad to dis
pose of same to you at au exceeding
ly low price.
Come and look, anywav.
Prop. East Side Pharmacy.
Conway Sells Bungalow.
J. I). Burnette, salesman for the
F. 10. Conway Company, yesterday
closed a deal with Dr. Julian P.
Johnson for one of the Conway com
pany's fine modern six-room bunga
lows. Dr. Johnson will move in at
Park Club Dinner.
The ladies of the Chautauqua Park
Club will serve dinner and supper in.
the grove tomorrow noon and even
ing. Price 25 cents.