Thursday, July 18, 1912. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertisement Inserted for less than 25 cents. BIISCELLAXEOUS CHAIR DOCTOR R. H. Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid and repaired, bed springs re stretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies. 26 First avenue, opposite First National Bank. Phone 413-J. LOST GOLD WATCH,-chain-and locket marked H. B. Reward. Re turn to Boyd's studio. 14-2t LOST Between Fourth" and Fifth on B street, a pair of spectacles in case. Finder return to Mix's drug store., 14-2t LOST A small green pocketbook containing some money and a jew eler's watch ticket. Finder return to the Tidings. 15-2t TO EXCHANGE 8 acres in Rogue River Valley Orchard Co., for property in Stockton, Cal. All clear. Address Box 59, Stockton, Cal. 14-4t FOR TRADE What have you? " 160 acres in Weld county, Colorado; small house, plenty good water. Address J. Baron, 304 Mechanic St., Ashland. 13-lmo. BARGAI NSHiN TENTS A few new tents, used for only ten days dur ing the Chautauqua, at special re duced prices. 345 East Main St. Cameron & Patty. 15-tt PORTLAND RESIDENCE-PROPERTY to exchange for Ashland prop erty. Estimates cheerfully fur nished on building and general carpenter work. Phone C. S. John son. 61-tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT Bedroom, with" use of sitting room and bath. Also table board. Mrs. Nathan Durkee, 64 Third St. 12-5t FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms; ground floor; hot and cold water; bath. Call at mil linery store, Second street, near Hargadlne. 56-tf FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Bedding, table lin en, dishes, gas range, water and bath on first floor. Mrs. A. L. Irwin, 156 North Main St. 14-2t BICYCLES FOR RENT New and second-hand bicycles for sale cheap. Bicycle repairing, prompt service, good work, low prices. All kinds of tires and supplies at cut prices. Eastern Supply Co., 104 North Main. 77-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE An Oliver typewriter. See Gillis at the Tidings., tf HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for sale. Good as new. Call at 520 Terrace St. 14-1 mo. BELGIAN HARES for sale. 13 hares and two-story hutch cheap. Call at 151 Nursery St. or phone 4 46-R. 13-4t FOR SALE Good income property, 82x140, with buildings, next to telephone building on Oak St. Ed A. Estes. 12-tf FOR SALE Acreage located on the Boulevard, near railroad. Call on or address Mrs. C. W. McKlbben, Route 1, Ashland. 82-tf FOR SALE 20 ACRES on Pacific Highway; joins Talent on the south. For sale at a bargain. Ed A. Estes, 1)hone 487-J. 8-tf HOMESTEAD FOR SALE If you want a homestead with 50 acres good, level, open land near rail road, call 129 Fourth St., or ad dress Ashland, Ore. I ll-6t TIDINGS WANT ADS are little real estate salesmen. A 50-cent want ad will put you in tquch with somebody who wants the property you have for sale. Try It. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for wood Strong buggy with long bed and brake. Price $40. R. D. Sanford, lower Helman St., Ash land. 8-tf FOR SALE Single harness $7. and up; with collar and hames, $10. Made In Ashland; our own make. Don't buy factory made harness. Eastern Supply Co., 104 North Main. 77-tf FOR SALE Kale plants, 25 cents per 100, $2.00 per 1,000. Makes hens lay and cows give milk in winter. Easy to raise, if set from now to August 1. R. D. Sanford, extreme north end Laurel street, Ashland. 7-tf FOR SALE At a bargain, by party leaving city, lot 100x300, with 7-room modern house, all In good bearing fruit. Will let party use adjoining lot, 16ox300, for caring for orchard. All piped for irriga tion. Will sell house furnished or unfurnished. Phone 487-J, or ad dress 248 Wimer St. 12-tf CLEARANCE SALE OF FORE CLOSED CHATTELS One heavy spring wagon, 1 two seated buggy, 1 light buggy, 1 set heavy hack double harness, 1 set light double harness, 1 set breast single har ness, 1 set collar single harness. Call at Trefren's. 438 North Main, telephone 226-R, and examine the property. 4-tf FOR'SALE OR EXCHANGE Eleven acres; all fruit; free soil; pears, apples and alfalfa; three crops; sub-irrigation; electric lights; fine well, best of water; engine, tank, spring, half acre of lawn, shade trees, shrubbery, bungalow with screened porch, all new buildings; fine location, grand view; district of prize apples; first-class grocery eervlce one mile west of Talent, and high school, five miles west of Ashland; short walk to experi ment station. $6,500. 'Owners, Brown Bros., Talent, Ore. 12-lmo. FOR SALE: Continued. FOR SALE By L. N. Judd of Tal , ' ent. Ore., 2 40 acres of fine saw timber and land, convenient to sawmill, not far from Talent. $3,000; $500 cash down, time on balance. Also sawmill property. Come and examine. 14-4t NOTICE TO ALL WATER USERS. The Water Conimitfee of the Com mon Council of the city of Ashland has divided the city into two Irriga tion and sprinkling districts, as fol lows: That portion of the city lying be low the Boulevard and Main street is to be known as Lower District and the water users in said district are allowed to use water for irrigation and sprinkling between the hours oi 5 o'clock A. M. and 10 o'clock A. M. and between the hours of 5 o'cIock P. M. and 10 o'clock P. M. on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, and be tween the hours of 5 o'clock A. M. and 10 o'clock A. M. on Sunday. That portion of the city lying above the Boulevard and Main street is to be known as Upper District and water users in said district will be allowed to use water for irrigation and sprinkling between- the hours of 5 o'clock A. M. and 10 o'clock A. M. and between the hours of 5 o'clock P. M. and 10 o'clock P. M. on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, and be tween the hours of 5 o'clock P. M. and 10 o'clock P. M. on Sunday. And further notice is hereby given that it is a violation to use water for irrigation or sprinkling, other than is stated in tae foregoing, and it is also a violation To allow faucets to leak. To allow water to run to waste. To allow water to run on the streets or sidewalk. To use water for irrigation other than through a nozzle in the hand or by a set eprinkler when you are paying for sprinkling privileges only. Or to irrigate more ground than you are paying for. And any person or persons con victed of any such violation are sub ject to a fine in the Recorder's Court. This order will be in force and effect July 16th, 1912. By order of the Water Committee. J. G. HURT, City Recorder. Talent Meat Market F. T. Guyer, Prop. CHOICE MEATS Tel. 370-J. Good Paint and Poor Paint. If a dealer tells you he sells the best paint in town, ask him for a written guarantee. If he says a thing and refuses to give it to you in writing, it looks bad. We cheer fully furnish you a written guaran tee with GOLD SEAL PAINT because we know that it is the best wearing paint in the market. Swenson & Mc Rae. FOR SALE For the balance of the season I will sell $5.00 Indian Runner duck eggs for $2.00. $5.00 Orpingtons $2.50 2.50 Orpingtons 1.25 Two settings, 2.00 $3.00 White Leghorns . . 1.50 Two settings 2.50 Barred Rocks, good ones 1.50 Black Minorcas . . .' 1.00 Also have some nice Berkshire pigs $10.00 up, a fine Jersey bull calf and two two-year-olds. Address E. A. KRUSE ROSEBURG, ORE. Beaver Realty Co. REAL ESTATE-LOANS-INSURANCE 108-acre farm, woodland, partly good for orchard when cleared, in good orchard location, stream of wa ter, small buildings; 2 miles from railroad. Wood enough to pay for the place. Price, $35 per acre. 120 acres of land in southwest Texas, under ditch, no buildings, to trade for Ashland home. Wranted to list Good ranches, large and small, to trade for Ashland property. . Lots for sale In choice addition to I town, from $75 up. Wood ranch for sale. Down hill pull to market. Good terms. Exchange made I nail kinds of real estate. Have places In different parts of Oregon and in California to trade for Ashland property. City property for sale; also farms, large and small, improved and unim proved. Easy terms, For particulars inquire of Beaver Realty Company ASHLAND, OREGON. 211 E. MAIN ST. Phones: Pacific 68, Home 3-L. For soreness of the muscles, whether induced by violent exercise or injury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by Foley's Drug Store. Scale receipts at Tidings office. ASH LA A Mountain Elopement Br HELEN HARWOOD , There are no mountains In the world about which there Is so much in song and story as tbe Alps. Doubtless the reason for this Is that they lie In the center of Europe and no one can go from France or Germany down Into Italy or farther eastward to Austria without pausing over them. learn ago, before the Alps bad come to contain fashionable resorts, there lived at . Como, on their southern slope, a gentleman wbo. having made fortune In Milan, retired to spend bis days In peace on tbe beautiful Lake Como. Be was a widower with one daugbter, a charming girl, upon whom be doted. Italians have always ar ranged the marriages for their sons and daughters, and Signor Attannslo betrothed bis daughter, Theresa, to a man more than double her age. Know ing that at bis. death she would need a protector and considering Signor Riz zuto a man of business wbo would take care of her property for ber, he considered that he bad done a very good thing for bis child. But, unfortunately for his plan, be died before the marriage could be brought about After the funeral Rlz zuto claimed his bride, wbo was also bis ward, but found, to bis disappoint ment, that she had a lover In tbe per son of Giovanni Fabronl. Rizzuto was not minded to give ber up to bis young rival and so Informed b2r. Having certain powers over her as her guard ian, Theresa and her lover saw that tf she refused to marry the man to whom ber father bad given ber be might put ber in confinement and per secute her till she consented to be his wife. The lovers therefore decided to go away together. Southward, eastward and westward lay Italian territory in which the guardian could Invoke tbe law. Northward was Switzerland. In which be would have no claim upon her. But to go northward meant to cross the Alps, and that at that time was a difficult and dangerous feat to accomplish. Nevertheless, taking .the horses and carriage that had belonged to Signor Attanasio, Giuseppl, the coachman, and Elena, the heiress' maid, both of whom would give their lives for their mistress, they started to go as far as wheels would take them and then endeavor, if they could not find sledges, to pursue their jour ney on foot. They set out after they were sup posed to be in bed. and Rizzuto did not learn of their departure till morn ing. Being a very energetic man and spurred to the probable loss of tils ward's fortune, he started In pursuit, having learned tbe direction, tbe fusil tives bad taken. It was in the latter part of May, and be knew that this, being tbe season of melting snow, was tbe mast dangerous period in tbe Alps. Moreover, be did not believe that the lovers could go very for in a carriage or that they could secure any further conveyances. Besides, it would be an easy matter to track them by the marks they would leave in the snow. The lovers reached Locarno, a village on Lake MaggiorL then drove over a gently rising road to tbe foot of the St Gothard puss. On this road they traveled all day and in the evening left It for concealment In a Swiss cabin. Early in the morning they start ed to go over the pass, leaving tbe car riage, but taking the horses, on one of which Theresa rode, while the moid rode tbe other, the men walking. Aft er making a part of the ascent they saw tbe guardian's carriage coming rapidly u"p the valley through which they bad passed. They tolled on as rapidly as possible till they came to a point where tbey were screened from below and where there was a pocket in tbe mountains. The wind bad driven the snow from here, enabling Giovanni to practice a stratagem. He sent the coachman and tbe maid with tbe horses on through the pass, while he and The resa turned into the pocket which led Into tbe pass again farther on. Rizzu to, reaching this diverging point hesi tated, then went on through tbe pass, taking up the tracks left by tbe coach man and tbe maid. It was several hours after this that Giovanni and Theresa reached an eminence where they could look over a narrow gorge upon tbe road on tbe other side. On this road tbey saw Rlzzoto's carriage. He saw them and called on bis driver to stop and. get ting out of the carriage, called over to the fugitives to give themselves up since they could not escupe him. He was on a road that bad been cut through the side of a mountain, which extended above hlra thousands or feet It was one of those balmy days In spring when the air Is laden with moisture, though tbe sun shines bright and warm Jnst such a day as Alpine dwellers fear the avalanche. Though Rizzuto was half a mile distant from the fugitives, bis Tolce sounded as If he were close to them. Just as be pro nounced tbe words "can't escape me" Giovanni and Theresa saw the whole Ida of the mountain opposite seem to slide slowly downward. It gathered rapidity ns it sank, and In a few mo ments tbey saw it pass over Rlzznto and his party, burying them a hun dred feet deep. The snow bad been o evenly balanced that It required only tbe sound of a voice to vibrate he air sufficiently to bring it down. The lovers retraced their steps and were married it the bride's bom. VI) TIDINGS HORXBROOK ITEMS. There was an extra large attend ance at the tea given by Mrs. Dr. Plimell at her home last Wednes day. The people expect an extra good time when they go there and are never disappointed. Mrs. Pli mell had the gospel measure of good things for the ladies who came. The famous Indian Girl mine eight miles below Hornbrook is showing greater values than ever and prom ises to be one of the best gold pro ducers in "the country. Mr. Lewis Niles, Mr. Joe Niles and Henry Walters, who are working, one of them in Hilt and the other two nearby, were visitors at Horn brook Saturday night and Sunday. On their return to Hilt Sunday even ing Miss Eda Mae and Elmer Walters accompanied them. The crowd took a trip to Soda Bar. Miss Edna Mae and Klmer Walters 'returned home on the 7 o'clock train. Mr. and Mrs. Gillette of Garvey Bar were visiting in town last ween. Mis. Ilawley of Yreka was visiting with the A. B. Smith family on Camp creek recently. Mrs. Myrtle Strobeck has returned to lieswick to finish her term of school. The Calvin mine on Hungry creek, in the Cottonwood mining district, was sold last week to capitalists from Portland, Ore. The price was not given out. Mary Jane Galpin came up from Montague to visit relatives. Hornbrook baseball boys played with Yreka at Hornbrook Sunday. Yreka had some fine players, and yet our home team gave them a tussel. It was a close game, 7 to 5, in favor of Yreka. It is reported that three tumors were taken from George Rader's head and that he is improving nicely. He has been In Grants Pass, under the care of a specialist. Mr. and Mrs. Wood of Nolton came up on Wednesday and took the train for Ashland to visit Mrs. Wood's mother, who is 96 years old and ill. Forest Ranger James T. Richard son, who has had charge of the Goose Nest district of the Klamath forest, and Russell Walker bought the Hornbrook-Hamburg stage line last week from Quigley Brothers. Mr. Richardson has resigned from the forest service to take charge of the business. Mrs. M. Van Vactor and daughter Mildred and Mr. E. R. Greave and Mrs. Greave and their daughter vis ited Ashland to take in the Chautau qua last week. Alfred Clawson accidentally shot himself through the right hand witn a .3S-calibre pistol the first of last week. The ball went through the palm without breaking any bones. It is reported by friends that T. Jones and Gordon Jacobs and their wives will make an auto trip to Ban don, Ore., Crescent City and home by way of Grants Pass. D. M. Horn will be the chauffeur. G. A. Johnston, Dr. Richardson. Gordon Jacobs, Sam Meeker and Bud Wilson were on a fishing trip on Jenny creek and Fall creek last week. The catch is reported to be 300 fish. -Jack Shultz and Don Drake hav,e gone to Scott's Valley, where they expect to find work in the summer. R. B. Bishop- has gone to Fort Jones, where he will be employed at the Golden Eagle Mine. Roy Drake has gone to Med ford to work for L. J. Miksche. Miss Hallie Hobson, who has been working for some time at the Hotel Montague, has returned home. Mrs. E. Hobson has accompanied Mrs. J. O. Jillson to Ashland, where they will visit friends. Mrs. Spannaus has been entertain ing her cousin, Mrs. Blakiey, a few days. F. M. Smith returned on Wednes day from San Francisco, where he nad gone with his daughter Mildred, wno is visiting her sister Martha. On his return he stopped at Dunsmuir to visit his son, S. J. Smith, and at ireka to visit his daughter, Mrs. Eu gene Dowiing. Ruth Niles of Montague was a vis itor in Hornbrook Sunday. Mr. F. Niles and Mrs. Niles were in Hornbrook Sunday, visiting with the Rev. Walters' family. Mrs. H. Dosier of Hilt and Bell uoilihide of this nlace. who is snend ing some weeks with Mrs. Dosier, were visitors in Hornbrook Sunday. Mrs. N. D. Chase and Arthur and Ruth Chase were visiting Mrs. D. Stallcup of Henley, Saturday. it is known among a few of Mr. Joe Niles' best friends that he was carrying a secret sorrow about with him last week. It was not a matter of tbe heart, as one might well sup pose. It was much more painful. Now these good firends would not have this get out for anything, so if the editor w'ill promise not to men tion the matter well, here goes: It's a boil. i When the Siskiyou Electric Power & Light Company purchased the Harrison Ward ranch, on the Klam ath river, it was found to contain a small cemetery of about a dozen graves. When the surveys were com pleted it was shown that the graves will be covered with water when the dam 1b completed. At the request of the relatives of the deceased, the company has decided to have all the bodies removed to the Hornbrook cemetery. Scofield & Herman Com pany have the contract and have sent H. G. Brantlacht to Hornbrook to se cure the lots and dig the graves. Mr. Brantlacht went to Ward on the 13th and buried the remains at Hornbrook on Tuesday, July 16, at 2 o'clock p. m. Following are the names of decedents to be removed: Harrison Ward, Henry Hoover, Ben Davis, Henry Anipter, Frank Picard, Mrs. Frank Picard, a son of Henry Ampter, a son of Mrs. V. T. Dorris, and an Indian named Alum. Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is al most certain to be needed before the summer Is over. Buy it now and be prepared for snrh fln pmcrvunnv Cm. sale by Foley's Drug Store. Star ! Laundry and French Dry Cleaning Company. Phone 64. Miss Head's School BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. Boarding and Day School for Girls. Twenty-fifth year begins August 20. 1912. MISS MARY WILSON, Principal. Catalogue sent on request. Belmont School for Boys BELMONT, CAL. (25 miles south of San Francisco.) Is trying, and we believe success fully trying, to do for the moral, the intellectual and the physical welfare of its boys what thoughtful parents most wish to have done. Contrlbu tive to this end are the location of the school, removed from the tempta tions and distractions of town or city, the fineness of its climate, the excel lence of its buildings and other equip ment, ana the beauty and extent of its grounds, with the wide range of foothills surrounding them. We are glad to have our patrons and gradu ates consulted. For catalogue and other specific Information address the Head Master. W. T. REID (Harvard). Head Master. G. N. BRINK (Pomona). Assistant Head Master. Some Baker county farmers are experimenting in the cultivation of flax with considerable success. JOHN WANAMAKER. Distinguished Merchant, Poli tician and Philanthropist Q 1912, by American Press Association. It you are a housewife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by washing dishes, sweep ing and doing housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out Into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bow els in good order by taking Chamber lain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beautiful. For sale by Poley's Drug Store. Place for sale? House for rent? Want anything? A few lines in the Tidings' want columns will do the business. L. N.Judd Orchards, Homes and Farms In a Thriving Center in of the Rogue I TTI TT TTTTT1 Good Chance to Some of these may seeking a 12-acre tract between Ashland and Talent, on main road; good Improvements, bearing orchard, gas, electric, telephone, and rail road and auto service at hand. Price $6,000. 34 acres, of which 25 acres are bearing, most all good variety; early peaches are first on market every year. Price $10,000. Will quote prices on application, relative to an 11-acre bearing orchard, most of the trees being Yellow Newtowns, and can show that the orchard has been and Is a paying proposition. Will be sold this spring. Inquire now. Alfalfa tracts, from 5 acres to quite large tracts. Various prices. A good little place for a home, 21 5-8 acres, 14 acres In young orchard; water to irrigate most of the land. In a good locality; road on three sides. For these or other tracts, inquire of PHONE NO. 808-F-4, Ashland. TALENT, OREGON. PACE THREB ST. MARY'S INSTITUTE BEAVERTOX, OREGON. Boarding school for young ladles and girls. Academic. Commercial, Intermediate and Elementary De partments. Teachers' Preparatory Course. Special advantages in mu bIc. Write for catalogue. Address SISTER SUPERIOR. 0 Kaalrtant and Ti.w Rhw.l . ni.l. : i i-Wge of biatera of St. John Baptiat ( Epiacopal) Collaglate, Ac4mle and ILmantarr Dcnartmaata. Mule, Art. Elocution. Qymnulon For catalog ndrirna THE HISTI-K NIFERIOB Office tint. Helena Hall NAMES OF 1ESUS AND MARY. GW.. j'lXd CilIitiM Cwm. Miuic. Ait. Elocution and Commer cial Depti. HjtUM mj Duj Sn&nu. Refined Moral ana IntellectualTraiaint.WriteforAnnouiicemTOt.Addreal SISTKR SVrt RWR, St. Man'i j4,oUmt. nlM For (.trl Cnnrln.rl K. .k- GlCTCDC nt Tuf iiai w PARSONS' PRIVATE SCHOOL Boarding school for boys under twelve and girls all ages. Careful home environment. Primary, Gram mar, College Preparatory. Special attention to Health. Terms, $20 to. $40 per month. Permanent board ers taken to mountains in the long summer vacation. 886 Thlrtyfourth St., Oakland, California Society Women Gray or Faded Iluir Does Not Match, a Graceful Form and Ilund soine Face. Beautiful hair natural colored every woman wants it every woman can have it. It s a simple matter. Just got a bottle of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH today. Use It regularly and you'll not be troubled with gray hair or dis tressing D a n druff that's so annoying and Ir ritating. HAY'S HAIR HEALTH is Just aa good for men as well. McNalr Bros, sell it for fiOc or $1.00 and will give you yijur money back it it's not sat isfactory. Dysentery is always serious and often a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it even when malignant and epi demic. For sale by Foley's Drutr I Store. I James R. Jennings TEACHER OK Piano, Singing and Violin A sixth year trained graduate of "The Mexican Government's" Nation al Conservatory of Music, Mexico City. A pupil of Dr. Lebert, Stutt gard, Germany, and voice pupil of the world-noted Italian operatic sing er, "Qulntlle Leone," gives lessons in your own home nt very low ' rates. Consular and private recommenda tions as well as certificates and dip lomas are at the disposition of the public. Address 107 Fourth street. TALENT, OREGON JACKSON COUNTY One of the Garden Spots River Valley. Get a Small Place be of Interest to those small place. i ! in if