Bon Historical Society. Ashland j Tiding SUNNY SOUTHERN OREGON ASHLAND THE BEAUTIFUL VOL. XXXVII ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1912 NUMBER 11 VISITORS TO SALUTE OtDGLORY! LARGE CROWDS FINDWELCOME TMI()!U)V WILL UK GnEAT DAY IN ASHLAM). HEAR CONCERTS OPEXIX; NUMBER OF CHAUTAU. Ol'A WELL HECEIVEI). s DECORATIONS LOOMING UPTODAY Parade Will Advance in Three Sec tions Mardi (Jras Festival and Grand Ilall in the Evening All Ready for Barbecue. Visitors to Ashland tomorrow will find the streets of the city decked with flags, bunting, greenery and ail forts of fandangles in keeping with the spirit of the day. Today, store fronts and booths are taking on their gala attire, no expense or work be ing spared to make the appearance most formidable. The right of way of the parade will be one long blaze of glory, according to the schemes now being carried out by merchants and residents. That friends from every town in the valley will find a royal welcome in Ashland goes with out saying, the entire community having united in this great celebra tion with but a single purpose the biggest free-for-all good time ever pulled off in this city. The program will be carried out as before announced, and as pub lished in another column. Activities on the streets will begin for the chil dren when the toot of the merry-go-round is heard at 7 o'clock, and for fourteen hours thereafter there will be no cessation of the fun. Other attractions are taking their places today and every train brings arrivals for various events of the day. The big parade is rapidly assuming proportions which guarantee the com mittee in charge that their work has been entirely successful and every one is assured that it will be the big gest affair of its kind this region has ever known. Jerry Thornton is mar shal of the day and has planned to have the parade in three sections, with the line of march as follows: First: Motorcycles and autos will form on Fifth street, resting on East Main. Second: Floats, marching orders and horseback riders and comics will form on Sixth street, resting on East Main. Third: Human flag and children on foot will form at Vendome Hotel and Gresham street. All motorcycles, floats, riders and other participants in fir6t two sec tions will report to farshal of the day at junction of Fifth and B streets for assignment in parade not later than 8:45 o'clock. The parade starts -promptly at 9, moving north on Main to Laurel, then to Mechanic, thence to Helman, thence to Main, returning' on Main lo Oak, thence on Oak to B. on B to Third, on Third to A, on A to Fourth, on Fourth to Main and disband. The Ashland and Central Point bands, the Grand Army fife and drum corps and a clown band will furnish inspiring music. Various orders be sides the Grand Army and militia will march. Some surprise floats and features are in preparation. The big barbecue will be pulled off from 12 to 2 and will be accompanied by music by two bands, while the bone-gnawing contest by two clowns will add diversion. In fact, the big delegation of clowns that are sched uled to be on hand throughout the , day will keep the crowd amused from the first to the last of the celebra tion. If you miss anything in con nection with the day's performances, you will miss half of your life. .No other celebration in the history of this valley has ever approached the proportions of this one, and the fel low who stays at home will be sorry. The clown band will keep you roaring and countless other features that don't appear in print have been pro vided for your amusement. Remem ber the salute will be heard at 4 o'clock and that is the signal to arise and greet the day a day that will long be remembered. If you are old, renew your youth and be on hand for every event of the day. Don't forget the big dance in the evening at the Natatoriuni. Also re member that a regular Mardi Gras festival is a part of the evening's fun, - as well as swimming contests and band concerts at the Natatoriuni. - Tidings Celebrates. Owing to the Fourth of July cele bration, this issue of the Tidings coiiies out a day ahead of time. The office will be closed all day tomor row. Attention, Comrades. All old soldiers meet at the G. A. R. hall not later than 9 o'clock a. m., July 4, to participate in the pa rade. By order of the commander. CHILDREN, ATTEXTIOX! $ All children who intend to participate in the Fourth of July parade must be at the Ven dome Hotel by 9 o'clock Thurs day morning. No invitation is necessary and all children who desire to have a- part in the grandest parade ever pulled off In Ashland are urged to be at the appointed place. "Salute the colors!" At the word The cockles of our hearts are - warming, Especially when it is heard From lips so charming. SALMON XKT COXFISCATKI). Warden Sundry Finds Evidence of Illegal Fishing. ' Sam L. Sandry, chief deputy fish and game warden, on Sunday night confiscated a new 90-foot salmon net at the By bee bridge in this county. This is the first evidence secured in four years of illegal fishing with a net in Jackson county. Heretofore the offenses have been committed on the lower portions of the river. Sandry found the net Saturday and watched until Sunday night for the parties to return and make their haul. When they did show up they succeeded in getting away from the officers, but the net was taken. Sandry stated that It was only an accident that he found the evidences of illegal fishing at that place on the river, as heretofore the Jackson coun ty end of the river has been free of such practices. Hereafter, however, he will carefully watch all portions of the stream. The poachers were in a boat. Cen tral Point parties are suspected. CAMKHOX ACCEPTS POSITION". Former Ashland Superintendent Will I hud Silvei-tou Schools. Friends of Prof. W. F. Cameron will be glad to leain that he will re enter the work the coming fall. A dispatch from Silverton is to the ef fect that Prof. Cameron has accepted the position of superintendent of schools at that point. Tic!'. Ca:nc:on was superintendent of the Ashland schools for a number of years and while here made a large circle of friends. He has been enjoying a va cation for the past year. Elks Are Coining. A large number of Elks from .San Francisco and Sacramento will arrive in Ashland Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and will spend some time in this city. A number of auto owners are requested to bo at the depot with their machines to assist in entertain ing the visitors while here. Owning Tonight. Dreamland Theatre opens tonight, July 3rd. Tomorrow, July 4th, mat inee. Four reels of first-class pic tures. Coolest place in town.' '5 and 10 cents. Food Sale. The ladies of Trinity church will hold a food sale next Saturday at the Ideal Grocery Store of Mackie & Ninlnger, J 05 East Main street. Woman suffrage clubs are being formed all over the state. Clif Payne makes book stands. ; I S if -v'v - . V 1 " W i 1 V, GOV. WILSON OF NEW JERSEY NOMINATED ON 46TH BALLOT GOV. MARSHALL OF INDIANA NAMED AS VICE-PRESIDENT ON THE SECOND-WITHDRAWAL OF UNDERWOOD TURNED THE TIDE IN FAVOR OF NOMINEE-NEW YORK VOTES WITH MAJORITY Baltimore, Md., July 3. Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey received the democratic nomination for president here yesterday afternoon. His final triumph came as the climax of a cul mination of days of anxiety and wrangling. The final vote which determined the contest was taken amid scenes that for dramatic intensity have never been exceeded in any conven tion ever held in the United State? in the memory of any man now here. Wilson became a potent factor in the first ballot yesterday. Underwood's Withdrawal. But it was not until Senator Bank head of Alabama withdrew Under wood's name that the storm broke. Both the galleries and the floor wp nervous and excited when Bankhead took the stage. The Clark men had insisted that they would hold oner third of the delegates and block the Wilson nomination. Their boast was idle, however, and the Missourians showed their chagrin by demanding to know why Underwood had not been withdrawn when Clark had the majority of the deleeates. With Alabama's action, the Wil son victory was won. Foss of Mas sachusetts was then withdrawn amidst cheering and wild demonstra tions in the galleries. Tanimaiiy for Harmony. John J. Fitzgerald of Brooklyn, as spokesman for Charles F. Murphy and the New York delegates, took the platform and began a speech. Fitzgerald appealed for harmony. He made passing reference to the Bryan episode and declared that all demo crats should pocket their personal opinions for "the general good of the party." MIhsouiI refused the unanimous consent. Senator Iteed explained in a speech which plainly showed deep emotion that Missouri, without har boring a trace of rancor In Bentlment, was still for Clark. Koll Cull Amid Disorder. California passed when called so that Theodore A. Bell, chairman of the delegation, might be able to make a "harmony speech." He declared that the state voted two for Wilson against 24 for Clark, but annouueed V! It was our fathers' flag of old, ' And those nnborn shall tell its , story. Tomorrow 'twill be ours to hold. Salute Old Glory i that he would personally move later to make the nomination unanimous. Missouri stuck to its avowed inten tion of remaining with Clark to the very end. Their action in holding firm to the very end was applauded by every delegation ins Hie hall and by the pro-Wilson crowds in the gal leries. In order that the roll call niluht be a record one and nt the same time the nomination unani mous, Chairman James permitted Senator Stone to move after the vote was announced by the chair, but be fore it was recorded by the secretary, that the nomination was made by ac clamation. When the delegates reconvened for the night session the nomination of 1911. by American Tress Association. GOVKHNOR WOODltOW WILSON OK NEW JERSEY. vice-president and the adoption of the platform was all that remained, and while the delegates were gath ering, gossip was rife that Champ Clark would be willing to accept the socond place on the ticket. New Jersey delegates, enthusiastic over 'Jiff:;. f the afternoon's victory, cheered Wil son and Bryan impartially after they took their seats. Clark's vice-presidential boom grew stronger, despite a statement by Clark managers that he would not accept. When the roll of states started, II. II. Dean of Geor gia mounted the platform to make the first nomination. He placed be fore the convention Speaker Clark's name. In the meantime the leaders were exerting every effort to catch Clark on the telephone, and as Dean con cluded, ex-Governor Dockery of Mis souri hurried to the platform and de clined, in Clark's name, the nomina tion. Following Clark's declination, North Dakota placed in nomination Governor Burke. Illinois nominated E. W. Hurst of Koik Island. G. F. Menzis of Indiana named Governor Marshall. Iowa named M. J. Wade. Wade, however, declined. .Maryland placed in nomination James I'reston of Baltimore. At this time A. Mitch ell Palmer. Wilson's manager, asked the unanimous consent in the con shleraton of the vice-presidential nomination be suspended and the re port of the resolutions committee re ceived. The consent was obtained and tlie reading of the report, which constituted the democratic platrorm, begun. When lhe reading concluded. Senator Kern moved the adoption of the report, which was done viva voce. In was after midnight when the viee prfsidcntial nominations were taken up agan. When Oregon was reached Will King offered the name or Sena tor Chamberlain. The first, ballot showed a widely scattered vote and it appeared early in the roll call there would be no nomination on thai ballot. On the second ballot Marshall jumped to G4.1 Vi. Burke 3K7'j and Chamber lain 121. Just, as the third ballot was about to start, the North Da kota delegation withdrew Burke's name and moved the nomination of Marshall be made unanimous. Be fore the motion could be put there was a chorus of "ayes" and the dele gates began to pour out. of the hall and the motion was declared carried and the convention a moment later adjourned. Iri IKlivery July 4. There will be no delivery of ice to private residences on July 4. It will therefore be necessary for con sumers to provide supplies on Wed nesday. ASHLAND ICE & STOR AGE CO. Trains Arrive Early. A misunderstanding has arisen as to the arrival of trains tomorrow. The regular early train leaves Grants Pass at 7:30 and arrives in Ashland at 9 in ample time for the parade. The special leuves Grants Pass at 9. MUCH INTEREST IN CLASS WORK Schuman Ouintet is Attraction for Next Two Days Word From Tlio Dalle Proclaims Them Great . Grove Well Filled. Those who were present at the opening number of the Chautauqua session yesterday were well repaid. The building was nearly filled, most of those in attendance being holders of season tickets. The audience was appreciative, and well they might be. for the entertainment provided by the Chicago Operatic Company was of a, high order, consisting of solos, duets, trios and quartets by the members of the company. Every number was heartily received. The same com pany appeared again in the evening, with an entire change of program, and delighted the large audience. The first half of the program was made up on the same plan as that of the afternoon, while the second was scenes from the opera, Martha. Hera the ability of the members of the company w as most apparent, for their acting was done with an ease and grace of manner that pleased and brought forth repeated applause. The company occupy the stage tnis afternoon and evening, gviing a com plete change of program. All tha members of the company are accom plished soloists, while the harmony of their voices in duets, etc., Is most excellent. The Schumann Quintet will appear tomorrow afternoon and evening and again Friday evening, while Friday morning Prof. Lampert, manager of the company, will lecture on ' Helig ion and Music." Classes in the various subjects are proving of great interest. The round table discussion yesterday afternoon was conducted by Dr. Wilkinson and the subject, was the training of the child. This brancn of the work la in charge of Prof. Briscoe and he is itrousing much Interest. The subject today has to do with Governor West'a prison policy. Friday Prof. Lamport of the Schumann Quintet will lead the discussion of "Music in the Home and School." Socialism will be the theme for Monday. Prof. Gilbert, in charge of the class in economics, is anxious for a larger attendance at his classes. The dis cussions of the railroad problem and various phases of the labor problem are highly instructive and interest ing. Prof. Gilbert is an excellent teacher and is particularly strong lu presenting the subject. All persona Interested in the economic questions of the day should avail themselves of the opportunity of attending these classes. The railroad problem will occupy the attention of the class to day and Friday, and the labor prob lem Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Prof. Gilbert will aim to cover three mnln topics during the session: The labor movement and the problem otf Industrial welfare; Industrial concil iation and arbitration; compulsory arbitraton of labor dsputes. In Bible study, Dr. Wilkinson will present for discussion the book of Galatlons. He will bring out the ract that Galatlans was the hook that definitely put forth Christianity, not. as a reform of the Jewish faith, but something that stood In its own light the Magna Charta of Christianity. He will dietiss llabaltkiik, the skep tical prophet. Students of the Bible and others are urged to take advan tage of this class. Prof. Larimoret is the center of at traction among the children. March ing and calisthenics occupy the time in the regular morning diss work, while the day Is chuck full of ath letic exercises. A portion of the park has been set aside for the perform ance of all manner of tricks, trapeze and turning pole forming the main attraction for the boys. The boy or girl with a ticket who hasn't joined Prof. Larimore's cla:;s is not getting his or her money's worth. Miss Dougherty has captivated the hearts of the little ones with her story-telling. There is something about the little stories of folk-lore that appeal to every childish heart, and a visit to the hall where the stories are in progress revealed sev eral older ones who seemed to bo drinking in the stories as eagerly at the little ones. The Chautauqua song, as being taught the chorus class by Prof. Isaac, is "Keep Sweet." He will meet the music class every morning and will give Instructions in breath ing, voice placing, nterpretatlou and a study of how to render the gospel soug. . &-i?$5$S4S3& S PAIUDE STARTS AT 0. s ? J. E. Thornton, marshal of the day, announces that the Fourth of July parade will start v- at 9 o'clock sharp Thursday S morning, no matter: how mauy floats are missing. So if you intend to be in the parade, don't fall to be at the East Side -school before that hour. $ &