PAOK TWO Ashland Tidings SKMI-WKF.KLY. ESTABLISHED 1876. Issacd Mondays and Thursdays lrt It. Giwr, W. II. Gillis, V. E. Barnes, Editor and Owner j - - City Editor Business Manager SUBSCRIPTION KATES. j One Year 2.0oother wU1 Kather ln tne spoils. Six Months 1.00 I. "The only chance for the republi- Three Months 50 can party then is to secure a compro- Puyable in Advance. i mlse candidate who can unite the TELEPHONE 39 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class mail mat- j j Advertising rates on application. First-class job printing facilities. ' Equipments second to none ln the j interior. j Ashland, Or., Thursday, June 13, '12 Til E MEDFORD bridge. The Medford papers persistently j insist that the opposition of.Mr.Bow- j beginning to see that one really ers and associates to the Medford i means the same as the other so long bridge project is a scheme of Ash-j as political policies, both republican land against Medford. That claim is j and democratic, are dictated by those pure buncombe and Medford political j looking for advantage in legislation tricksters and press are well aware j and administration. They are begin of it. It is being'tised in an attempt ! ning to understand that the real to cement the Medford vote against need is that kind of legislation and Ceorge Dunn because he lives in this j administration that will bring about end of the county. It is used by the j equal opportunities and destroy fa Medford gang to defeat Dunn be-! voritism. No matter under what cause it knows it cannot exist as a j gang without 'refreshments" and J that when Mr. Dunn enters the county judge's office there will be no more "refreshments." There will need to be a dollar in value given for each dollar extracted from the Jackson county treasury under Dunn. That is exactly what the gang does not want. It has reveled in green and juicy pastures during the past four years and it knows that the elec tion of Dunn means the drying up of its succulent portion. Doesn't it beat the band how hard these graft ers fight when they feel their meat platter slipping? Hut how about engendering these bitter sectional animosities In order to accomplish it? Every move the Medford press makes along these lines but widens the breach. It is the fault of the Medford press, not the citizens of Jackson county, if such high animos ity is engendered as will result in the destruction of the prosperity and development of that city. That gang cares not for the future of Medford. The fight is a personal one. It is the grafter gang, backed by the Medford press, that is fight ing. The individuals composing that gang are after the cash, no matter who Is destroyed in its pursuit. He not deceived. It is not the new bridge this gang fights for. It sim ply uses that as a means to an en tirely different end. If the bridge can be used as the Instrument through which the gang can again land at the crib, by fooling the peo ple of Medford to the extent of ar raying them solidly against Mr. Dunn at the fall election, the purpose has been accomplished whether the bridge is ever built or no. The Anderson ditch mix up would seem to Indicate that what Ashland has needed for a long time is a com petent city attorney. Such is not only good business but an economy. If there was a question as to the title of the Anderson ditch It should have be'n settled ln the courts before the j city paid $2,000 for it. A little while ago the city passed a resolution to sell the surplus water running through it to parties outside the city at 2" cents per acre. As soon as i isni. the ditch was obstructed by those! The results of the coming presi cliiimlng title to it, those who would dent ial election will clearly demon l)enefit by buying water from the I strnte .the temper of the people and city immediately tendered the city I their determination that this govern- payment of the 25 cents per acre as provided. That put the recorder ln the hole. If he accepted the tender and the city was unable to deliver the water the city would be liable for damages, and he could only refuse the tender by violating the order of the council. He very properly chose to do the latter and refused the ten der. All such matters should be passed upon by a competent lawyer before the city acts. Much money and worry would be saved the coun cil by such action. The Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, who was in Washington for a few days, says that these innovations like popular election of senators and pri mary election of presidential candi dates will work a great revolution in the senate. and the presidency. The senate, he says, will ceuse to be made up of "wise and thoughtful men." and the presidency will be bought only by men "whose qualifi- cations are gall and gab.' Chauncey hasn't a very high opin lou of us common people. TJIK PEOPLES HI I K. There is a great deal of windmill fighting among the politicians, but the Atfierlcan people are complacent. 'They have learned Ions ago that the alpha and omega of virtue does pot lie in political machines. They feel !tnat ,nev bave been bmg enough di- ! vided against their interests by a party fealty that means at the most 1 only that one organization or the . iTaft and Roosevelt factions, and pre jsent a united front to the democratic I forces," shouts a local republican organ so much lost in party success I that lt falls utterly to gras) the tenl. j per of the American people. ! The tr,lth is the )0'Ie d0 not ca,e j a rap for republican or democratic ; success. The thing they want is hon- Kt WKl.,t,m the internet (if the many. Old party traditions are crumbling; the demand is growing for right action. The people are not now much wedded to protective tar iff on the one hand or tariff for rev- enue only on the other. Tbev are party name it is to be accomplished the sole issue is its accomplishment.! The people are tired of fighting j windmills. However attractive the! politicians may make them, the American voter will pay little atten tion to them in the future. Theoretically this Is a government for the peolpe and by the people. I The national determination is that it shall be for the iieoplc. Political manipulation through party ma chines makes it plain enough that a government by party does not mean Hovcriiniciit by the KopIe. The de mand that is paramount now is that this be made in -fact a government by tlu people. Out of these considerations has arisen the almost universal demand for direct election of United States senators, the initiative and referen dum and recall, and the direct nomi nation of presidential candidates through the primary. This demand will not subside until all of these! have been accomplished. The day of ' party machine control is at an end. The coming national convention,! dominated by steam roller tactics, will be the last. Wherever the choice of republican candidates has been put squarely up to the people i through the preferential primary, or the election of delegates through the primary, Mr. Taft has been the last choice. Notwithstanding that, through machine methods he will likely be the republican nominee, and the death knell of the republican machine will have been sounded. Either Roosevelt will win on an in dependent ticket or the democratic ticket will be successful. The people will not longer stand for Taft and the Interests and policies he repre sents. The politicians will learn the force of the saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink." These political machine smashing times are glorious days. The people do not fear the result only the pie counter crowd is trembling for po litical organization, both republican and democratic, ias slipped away from the people and is now in the hands of men who care not so much for good government as they do for personal advancement and l'avorit- ment henceforth shall be for and by the people.. After that the way will be easy from party convention to general pri maries throughout the nation. That means the people's rule. The first essential of success is In tegrity; a character that stands firm against both the music and the men ace of Mammon. The second essen tial is knowledge, born of earnest and close application, a knowledge that conies from observing experi ence, a knowledge that knows it knows. The third essential, though no less important, is enthusiasm; that enthusiasm which knows no fail ure, recognizes no repulses, and is blind to obstacles. Wisdom is tolerant. Ultimate truth is , yet problematical. Had there been no cranks there could have been no advancement. There- fore give place to the person with a TIOU' flw.l.frKt I - 1.1... 'J " i""isuL tiiiii nriii i i in out. A veritable gold mine may lurk within his babblings. ASITLAMJ WHAT IS A BANK DEPOSIT? The deposits in the banks are six teen billion dollars. The money in the banks amounts to one and a half billion dollars; the money outside the banks, to billion three and a half billion of money in the whole country. Bank deposits, then, are more than ten times as large as the banks' money holdings; they are nearly five times as large as the total stock of money in the country. For every dollar the banks owe their depositors they have less than a dime in money. Bank deposits are not money. What, then, is a bank deposit? Only one dollar ln twenty of the deposits the banks receive every day (they run about a billion a day) are in money. All the rest are in the form of orders or promises to pay money. If you go to your bank and borrow $1,000 the bank credits you with 1.000 on ist books. This Is a de posit. If you draw a check against this deposit for $1,000 to pay the mortgage on your home, the man who gets your check puts it In his bank. This is a deposit. If you are a manufacturer, 'you get from a customer, in payment lor goods, his written promise to pay you the amount in ninety days. You put this note in your bank, which credits you with tne amount less in terest. This is a deposit. Or, you draw an order on your customer to pay you the amount in ninety days; he "accepts" the draft; you put it in your bank. This is a deposit. In such ways the great bulk of bank deposits arise. Modern busi ness makes actual money of less and less importance in the exchange of goods between producers and con sumers. Nine-tenths of all our business is now done with bank credit. No bank is ever in a position to pay any large number of its deposit ors on demand cash in full. But every sound bank in a sound banking system has its resources in such form that it can obtain cash on short no tice to meet the extraordinary de .mands of its depositors. Every great commercial nation, with the exception of the United States, has provided a means where by sound banks can always convert prime assets into currency. The water fountain in the plaza is a splendid monument to those who provided it, as well as a valuable and convenient utility to the city. Lately the water through it has been of uneven flow, resulting in leakage and causing and unwholesome and unsightly condition to prevail about it. As it was generously provided free to the city, interest enough should he taken in it by those in authority to keep it in perfect run ning order. It should be somebody's business to do that, every day in the year, to the end that its purpose may be fulfilled as both an ornament to the plaza and a convenience to the citizens. Public men who dislike to be criti cised shoudl not do those things which in themselves are an adverse criticism. THE TIHTLE. The turtle is a bone-headed indi vidual who was born into this world for the sole purpose of perpetuating the soup industry. He is built into a neat water-proof case with slate roof, and nas a neck with three speeds forward and one reverse. Whenever the turtle sees somebody coming whom he does not care to mingle with, he folds up his neck and leaves it lying around on the side board for hours at a time. There are two kinds of turtle green and mock. The green turtle Is a verdant proposition which will bite on any thing from a spoon hook to a cold air register, and he is about as volatile and elusive in his 'movements as a motor truck. He has a better physique than the rest of his family, and frequently weighs 300 pounds prior to being husked. Scientists claim that the mind of the grtcn tur tle conies nearer to being a total blank than that of any other sensate being on earth, unless it Is that of a witness for the defense in a trust prosecution. The mock turtle is a hollow joke which is used to pad out a lean menu and make It sound like a $1.50 plate. It' is related by mar riage to the green turtle, but the two families have very little to do with each other in a social way. The mock turtle generally comes In the form of canned soup and can be had in nine different flavors, from pepsin to blood orange, it Is called mock turtle soup on account of the com ments of guests who are not favor ably impressed with the way it sets. The turtle dove Is the only' member of this family which shows nnd vocal ability. It is a lugubrious bird with a mellow baritone voice and a limited repertoire of funeral chants. People who inhale the music from a turtle dove for any length of time become low-spirited enough to go out and assault a hen roost. Turtles live for hundreds of years and carry around on their backs monograms etched by the swains of other days. The Tidings Is for sale at W. M. Poley's Drug Store, 17 East Main St. TIDIXG8 !? nri i t n ine nome urae a 11 U Thoughts from the Editorial Pen If you would have your wife an angel, treat her like one. An hour of triumph conies at last to those who watch and wait. There is a crop that the household ought to reap every day. It is the harvest of happiness. But it Is a crop that must first be sown. Have you planted the seed? Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Some people bear three kinds: All they had, all they have now, and all they expect to have. A child needs disciplining when In ill-health as well as in good. Some people imagine that a child cannot be petted and indulged too much when in delicate health, but it Is a mistake. Ye mothers, we beg of you do not let your child's disposition be more impaired than its constitution Is by a spell of sickness. Is it right for the mother of a fam ily of small children to have to leave them alone, as they so often do, to go out to scrub and wash to earn a miserable livelihood for herself and them, and, alas, also often for him who promised to cherish and protect her for life, but does not do it? It is a stain and disgrace upon the man hood of this country that they take so little interest in this unprotected class of helpless ones. They are very merciful some ways; a man cannot drive his horse without a shoe, but he may let his wife and children go barefooted without fear of interfer ence; he must not overwork or half starve his beast without being justly amenable to the law, but his wife and children may be overworked and un derfed, and half dressed, and it's no body's business they "must look out for themselves." There are more nenglected women and children right here in this Christian country than we like to own to. In the rush and hurry of modern life do we think as much as we might of the happiness of those who are growing old? They have lost so much! Their youth, often their health, most of the friends and com panions who started with them on life's journey; and yet we often grudge them the brightness and joy we might so easily put into their lives. We will not stay to hear the recollections of old and happy days which they love to tell us; we let them see so plainly that their day is over and ours has come? That those who have borne the burden and heat or the day, toiled and struggled and worn themselves out for others, should be left to feel lonely and neglected is sorrowful. We can and ought, each and all, in our own place and way, do something to bring the glow of summer and the remem brance of the days of roses and love into the lives fast nearing their win ter and their end. "Never put your arm through the handle of a jug," is a piece of advice given by an exchange to the young ladies. Most of them ought to know what it means without further ex planation. A woman Is never so fool ish as when she hopes to reform a man after marriage. "He loves me," she trustingly says, and because her own love is pure she expects the pure article in return. Poor girl, you do not know the witchery of the jug, nor the strong bands which bind the soul of the man to whom your hap piness is entrusted. True enough, he is good heatred and kind, except when in liquor, but as his slavery increases his kindness decreases. While seeking for some one to shield him in his helplessness, he may In deed flatter you that you only can redeem him. After you become his slave you may well wish for an early grave. Many an error" it hides, many a heartache it cures. But the lack of love soon follows protracted In dulgence In folly. Young ladies, never put your arm through, the han dle of a jug. Commendable! Religion. We' want a religion that softens the step, and tunes the voice to mel d fills the eye with sunshine, and checks the impatient exclamation and harsh rebuke a religion that is polite, deferential to superiors, cour teous to inferiors and considerate to friends; a religion that goes into the family and keeps ths husband from being cross when the dinner is late, and keeps the wife from fretting when he tracks the floor with his muddy boots, and makes him mind ful of the scraper and the door mat; keeps the mother patient when the baby Is cross, and amuses the chil dren as well as instructs them; cares for the servants besides paying them promptly; projects the honeymoon into the harvest moon, and makes the happy home like the Easter fig tree, bearing in Its bosom at once the beauty of the tender blossom and the glory of the ripened fruit. We want a religion that shall interpose be tween the ruts and the gullies and the rocks of the highways of life, and the sensitive souls who are traveling over them. Look Here, Hoys. It has been most truly stated, "Dis tance lends enchantment," and the city looks well from the old farm. Perhaps you do not see thorns and thistles, but they grow in the city thicker than on the farm. Home dis cipline may be hard to bear, but in it are gems ot all successes. Parents are midway ln the temple of life, and certainly must know more than those standing on the threshold. It is al ways safe to listen to the voice of wisdom and affection. You may not be permitted to control all things at home, but please remember before seeking the large liberty of the city that you can control nothing there. You may wear store clothes, but you must be the servant of all. Liberty and ease are the fruit of toil. The boy that knows more than his par ents goes to the wall ln the city. Success depends upon industry, obed- i PurcMoiinfainWaterlcc I I f Reduced Prices on Ice I FOR SEASON OF 1912 Save money by purchasing coupon books. Issued for 500, 1,000, 2,000 up to 5,000 pounds. This is the cheapest way to buy your ice. Delivery every day except Sundays. ASHLAND ICE AND STORAGE CO. i TELEPHONE 108 M.M..iMfr4t-frMM4MM JOB E. HEDGES. Mentioned by Republicans or Governorship ol New York State. Photo by American Press Association. ience, economy and purity. Brown hands, clean tongues and hearts are in great demand in the city. A coun try loafer becomes a city loafer, and neither country or city has use for either. The earthquake never breaks the ground so as to heave gold at their teet. Boys who present noble and manly lives for recommendations may win anywhere. In the city yon must begin way down, but if you smilingly submit to the inevitable and make each day tell how much, rather than how little, good work you can do, you will be on the line of promotion and in time may rise, but think not the way is strewed with heartsease and roses. Ah, there is many a bitter pang and sharp thorn that will pierce you, but if you dare to grapplpe with them you may even win in the great city. VolcaiKK's Still Active. Cordova, Alaska. Mount Kataai Is still in violent eruption and it is believed that Mounts Redoubt and Illamma and other volcanee In the chain are also busy. The steamship Sampson brought the news that Seldova is safe. Mea gre information from the revenue cutter Manning to the mail boat Dora Is that the Kodiak settlement also escaped damage. There is no news from other fishing or Indian villages. The Manning is having much trouble with its wireless and cannot hear from the Kodiak station on account of the ashes and smoke. j Spray 1 f Vi'-,- V'" , STOP THE WORMS Better Spray 20 CENTS This new eVrsenite Compound kills the Codling Moth without damage to the foliage or fruit. Better Spray Neutral Arsenate ot Lead 8 to 10c lh, according to size of package. TOBACCO EXTRACT BLACK LEAF 40 85c to $12.50 per can. Garden Hose 7 to 12c per ft., PROVOST BRQ. Thursduy. Jmie 13, 1012. t Granite City Express A. F. Abbott, Prop. Handles Freight, Household CJoods and General Dray Work Office with Rose Bros., Ashland, Ore. Office phone 213R. Res. phone 252U V. V. HAWLEY Contractor and Builder Remodeling and repairing, etc. 25 years' experience. Address P. O Box 174 or TELEPHONE 30. Phone I2Q 2j Main St. C. II. GILLETTE Real Estate, Loans, Rentals, Conveyancing SEE ME BEFORE IllVIXG. FOR SEWING MACHINES AND SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES SEE Independent Dealer 28G E. Main St. Phone 113 HOUSE OF COMFORT Hotel Manx Powell Street at O'Farrell SAX FRANCISCO Best located and most popular hotel in the city. Headquarters for Oregonians; commodious lob by; running Ice water in each room; metropolitan service. Bus at train. A la carte service. Ideal stopping place for ladles traveling alone. Management, CHESTER W. KELLEY. "Meet Me at the Manx." A farmers' institute for Merrill, Bonanza and Klamath Falls this month is the plan of the Klamath chamber of commerce, and assur ances received from the office of State Dairy and Food Commissioner Bailey indicate that he will be glad to co-operate with the local organiza tion in the work. "Get the habit." Send your social news to Miss Hawley. Phone 3-9. flovxtlj Zinc Arseniie A roUXD guaranteed, rubber and cotton t