Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 13, 1912, Image 1

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    Historical Society.
hland Tidings
Cluyton Burton ApMintcd Sujkt
visor Over Work and Will Put
Gang of Men to Work on Road at
After long years of waiting, con
nection Is at last to be made be
tween . Asmanci ana Kianiatn Kails
over the Dead Indian route. Klam
ath county has taken the important
step and has appointed Clayton Bur
ton as supervisor over the extension
in Klamath county and the actual
construction of a new road from the
Klamath county line to Clover Creek
will be made. Klamath county has
long been clamoring for a good wag
on and auto road from its county
seat to Ashland. Time and again she
has come forward with a proposition
to Jackson county to meet her at the
county line with a first-class auto
road. Jackson county, however,
has failed to do her part, in spite of
repeated petitions to the county
court from this end of the county,
until last fall, when a crew was sent
into the. Dead Indian country and the
road was put in shape from the sum
mit east of Ashland to the county
line. This performance on the part
of Jackson county gave Klamath
county the opportunity to consum
mate her desire and the recent order
of the county court is the result.
The route trom Ashland to Klam
ath Falls by this road is about the
Fame length as that by way 01 the
Green Spring Mountain road, 63
miles. From the summit, 13 miles
east of Ashland, all grades of any
consequence have been eliminated up
to Klamath Falls. The new survey,
work upon which- will be begun as
soon as weather permits, .will head
almost straight for Clover Creek,
from which point the road had pre
viously been put in shape and short
ened materially. All rocks and trees
will be removed so that nothing will
be left to interfere in the least with
auto travel. A distance of 15 miles
will be covered thus under this con
tract. This improvement will give Ash
land a splendid road to Crater Lake
by way of Klamath Falls. From a
scenic standpoint it will be one oi the
best across the mountains. It will be
used extensively for hauling fruit
and produce between this city and
Klamath Falls, as well as a regular
route for auto travel between the two
places. With the road completed, an
increased amount of travel is expect
ed as well as an increased amount of
produce exchange.
Human Hen Hawk.
A well-dressed man. c:ad in brown
ish gray suit, snowy linen, white sail
or straw hat, with hair, which was
well kept, as white as the snow on
sun-kissed Wagner Butte was seen
recently to walk along one of the im
portant streets, step off the sidewalk
into a lawn and with the skill of any
other hen hawk, grab up a half
grown Plymouth Rock chicken, place
it in his right hand coat pocket anu
walk on. The lady who saw him do
it was less than eight feet away in
her vine-covered porch. With that
respect due to gray hairs, she al
lowed him to escape with his prey.
Social Postponed.
The strawberry social under the
auspices of the Trinity Girls Club,
advertised for this evening, has been
postponed until Thursday, June 20.
Take Notice.
J. H. Will, the shoe repairer, has
returned and is again ready to do
your work. Corner Fourth and Main
Elks Will Give Program in Honor of
the Day at Spacious Temple
Friday Evening.
The full program for Flag Day ex
ercises in the Elks temple tomorrow
evening is given below.. The celebra
tion of the birth of the American
flag by the Elks is one of the obliga
tions of the order. The public in
general is invited and should join In
the festival occasion. The elegant
Elks hall has ample seating capacity
and will be comfortable.
The Program.
1. Music, "The Star Spangled Ban
ner," orchestra.
Introductory exercises, Exalted
Ruler and officers.
Prayer, chaplain.
Solo, "My Own United States,"
by Stange, Mrs. C. B. Wolf.
Flag record, Brother R. A.
Altar service. Esquire and of
ficers. Song, "Auld Lang Syne," Elks
Elks' tribute to the fU'.g, Brother
W. E. Newcombe.
Solo, "Recessional," DeKoven,
Mrs. F. D. McQnilkin.
Music, "Dixie," orchestra.
Solo, selected, Mr. J. K. McWil-
12. Patriotic address, Brother R. H.
13. Song, "America."
Postmaster (J'iieral HltchcxK-k l$e
lieves in New Scheme.
Washington, D. C. Legislation
providing for a general parcels post
throughout ,Jhe Tnited States and Its
possessions, except the Philippine
Islands, virtually is certain to be en
acted by the present congress, per
haps before the conclusion of this
session, in the opinion of Postmaster
General Hitchcock.
He has urged upon congress the
desirability of domestic parcels post
because he believes it will aid sub
stantially in the solution of the prob
lem of the high cost of living.
In a statement he expressed the
hope that the measure recently in
troduced in the senate might become
In the judgment of the officers of
the postal service, the new bill repre
sents the most scientific plan yet de
vised for a parcels post. It provides
for a parcels service throughout the
country both on rural routes and
city carrier routes. It consolidates
the third and fourth classes of mail
matter and raises the weight limit of
parcels to 1 1 pounds, which is the
limit of the international parcels
The rate to be charged for arti
cles carried in the rural route ser
vice and city carirer service is 5 cents
for the first pound or fraction of a
pound and 1 cent for each additional
pound or fraction of a pound. For
the general parcels post service,
which covers all mail transportation
other than local delivery by rural or
city carriers, graduated rates would
be fixed based on distance.
Boy Picked Ui Here a Week Ago
(ioem South With Officer Was
Guest of Chief Oien.
Eddie Consigliere of Sacramento
was taken back to his home in Sac
ramento yesterday, an officer having
arrived in Ashland from that city and
taken the youth back with him. Ed
die is an Italian boy of about 15
years of age. About a week ago,
Chief Oien overtook him in company
with a hobo painter, while making
his regular rounds along the rail
road right of way. The two spent a
night in the shelter of some railroad
ties near the Billings place and the
following morning Chief Oien, acting
on the inward suggestion that the
boy was a runaway, retraced his steps
to the improvised bunkhouse and
took the young man into camp. A
series of questions soon brought out
the fact that the boy had recently left
the home of his uncle at Sacramento,
proceeding thus far north in com
pany with hobos. It was also learned
that he had previously spent eight
years in an orphans' home in St. Vin
cent, Cal., from which place he was
taken into his uncle's home.
For the past week the boy has
been entertained in the home of
Chief Oien, where he has shown his
disposition to be helpful about the
house, so much so, in fact, that Mrs.
Oien states she is sorry to see him
go. He has shown himself to be a
model boy, quiet, faithful and will
ing to work. The officer arrived
Tuesday in response to a wire from
the police here and proceeded south
with his ward yesterday.
KiMt-ial Ievy Placed With the County
General Fund.
More than one-half of the money
derived from the four-mill tax levy
for road and bridge purposes by the
county of Jackson has been collected
and turned over to the county treas
urer. Instead of being placed in a
road and bridge fund as specified by
the state law, it has been placed In
the general county fund and has been
paid out for the redemption of coun
ty warrants. To be exact, $4S,075.
S4 out of approximately $76,000
which should be placed in a bridge
and road fund has been collected and
nearly all of it expended.
More than this, the county has
never kept a road fund. Present
county officials state that they never
I saw a "road" warrant, the so-called
"road" warrants being paid out of
the county general fund. The only
record on the county books, searched
back as far as 1901, show the only
"road" fund was kept in 1903 when
between $2,000 and $3,000 was re
j reived from, the sale of state lands,
the law stating that this money must
be expended for road purposes only.
Team Becomes Frightened and Hurls
Driver to Ground.
An accident that might have been
fatal occurred last Tuesday evening,
when -Billy Briggs and a - load of
young people came up behind a team
of colts In the vicinity of Jackson
Springs. The driver, whose name has
not been learned, is deaf and did not
hear the approaching atito until It
was upon him. The team gave a
sudden jump, pulling the reins out. of
his hands and running away. The
driver was hurled out, striking his
head upon a post and sustaining
some cuts and .bruises about the face.
He was taken into the Arnold house
at the Eagle mills, where an exam
ination revealed no serious injury,
and was then placed in the auto and
hurried into town . He was able to
be out yesterday and is apparently
Buffering no serious results from the
accident. His home is in Eagle
As a sequel to the event of last
Friday, when the chief of police in
terfered with the filling in of An
derson ditch by three property own
ers along the ditch, the parties In
question have secured from County
Judge Neil a temporary restraining
order, restraining the city of Ashland
from using the ditch for any other
purpose than that for which the ease
ment was granted. Attorneys are
now at work on the proposition and
further developments are expected
within a few days. In the meantime,
outside orchardists will be deprived
of the use of water for irrigation,
pending a settlement of the question.
As intimated in Monday's issue of
the Tidings, the matter of title to
Anderson ditch is involved, although
the plaintiffs, in their complaint, do
not allege anything as to the title.
They take the position, however, that
an easement was given for a pipe
line across their property, that the
pipe line was constructed, and that
the only use to which the right-of-way
may be used is for a covered
pipe line. When asked as to the po
sition of the plaintiffs in the matter.
Mr. Davis, their attorney, stated
"The easement is the city's, but they
can't do with it as they please."
An interesting feature of the case
is the fact that the deeds conveyed I flow in the ditch. "Wherefore, plain
by the property holders are for a ! tiffs pray judgment that said defend-
"right of way, easement and privi
lege to it, its officers, agents and
employes, for the construction of a
pipe line in, on or near the present
ditch line of the Anderson ditch.
Providing, however, and this grant
is upon the express understanding
and agreement between the grantors
and the grantee, that any such pipe
line, as aforesaid, shall be laid at
such a depth in the ground as to in
no way interfere with the free use
of said premises by the grantors,
etc." At the same time, a verbal
agreement was entered into to the
effect that the city would cover the
pipe, members of tne council having
in mind the crossing of plaintiffs'
property outside of the ditch. The
Dynamite Placed Under Wheels of
No. 10 Sat unlay.
A dastardly attempt was made to
wreck northbound passenger train
j No. 16 last Saturday evening, when
some miscreant placed dynamite on
the Southern Pacific track at Merlin,
and only the act that the powder) jury in $3.0(10 bond Saturdav after
failed to explode when the wheels of ! noon. His wile and daughter, charged
the engine struck it saves the record-j with aiding in the assault, were dis
ing of an accident that might have ! missed only because there is a sick
been horrifying in its results. child at the Ceol farm and the prose-
U .... 0 .1 ft. , .... '
' me iwsaase oi me urn
section of No. 16, due ta Merlin at
about 7 o'clock, a brakeman on a
freight train discovered dynamite on
the track at the upper end of the
yard and near the upper switch. The
.. ... x u nou ftmuuu me ca-
plosive into bits, showing that it had
been placed directly upon the rails
but from the fragments left it is evi
dent that from six to seven sticks of
mo. & tiercuies giant powder had ian's land. Ho was clearly within
been used in the effort to ditch the his legal rights and in fact was fol
train. The powder, which bears the lowing the instructions of the water
date oi manutacture, 190.9, was evi-
dently too old to exploae from the
grinding of the wheels. No cap or
fuse was found with It, and it seems
likely that the persons who placed it
on the track expected it to be fired
when the train ran over It.
Powder men say that good fresh
powder will readily explode under
such conditions If the weather be
warm or if the powder be heated.
Powder as old as that used at Merlin,
however, is never sold, and miners
and others who use tons of It in this
district every year will buy only
freshly made stock. The powder
placed upon the track was evidently
from some old mining prospect
where it had been stored, possibly in
a damp place, till its strength had
been largely lost, to which fact, can
be credited the saving of No. 16 and
! its dozen or more coach-loads of pas
I sengers.
The amount of powder used would
have been sufficient, say those versed
In the action of dynamite, to have
hurled the engine from the track and
thus have ditched the entire train.
There is no suspicion pointing in
any direction, and no clue was left
to aid in the apprehension of the
party who endangered scores of lives
by a deed that merits capital punish
ment if any deed does.
Fourth of July Celebration.
Do you know that Ashland is go
ing to pull off on July 4 the largest
and most exciting celebration In its
history? And in-order to enjoy it
to its limit you should leave your
measure now for that new suit so it
wll be here by that time. L. J. Orres,
203 East Main street, Ashland's lead
ing custom tailor, can show you thou
sands of fine woolens at $1 and up,
fully guaranteed. He also dry cleans
men's and ladles' garments at very
reasonable prices. Phone 141, and
he will call for and deliver your gar
ments. Mimic warfare and carnivnl ball
will be features of the celebration in
The barbecue will be the biggest
event of the season.
Ashland is the place to spend the
Fourth of July.
question arising involves the accept
ance by the city of a deed to property
which the city already owns.
The suit is designated as a "suit
in equity for the specific performance
of a contract and does not touch up
on title to the ditch. The complaint
cites: First, that on or about April
1, deeds were asked and given, upon
the si length of a verbal agreement
to cover the. pipes, for right of way
for a pipe line across plaintlfs' prop
erty; second, that the city laid the
pipes, iind that on May 7 demand was
made ;y plaintiffs that the ditch be
filled, which was refused; third, that
plaintiffs own land on either side of
the ditch and the pipes will interfere
with cultivation and the free passage
across the ditch unless they are cov-
ered; fourth, that it is the intention a,1(l 110 l''" tell where it will
of the city to use the ditch as aneuti-"
open uncn to convey running water
for irrigation and, unless prevented
from so doing, will inconvenience
and injure the plaintiffs if the ditch
is tiscii for any other purpose than
that contemplated in the right of
way deeds, viz., a covere.I pipe line;
fifth, that the plaintiffs are con
structing a roadway along the ease
ment and unless the agreement of the
defendant is compiled with, the cost
of construction of the road will be
i200 more, water lmini nllmvori tn
judgment that said defend
ant lie required to specifically per
form said agreement and fill up said
ditch and cover said pipe laid by said
defendant across said lands and ease
ments." What stand the city's attorneys
will take in the matter it is impossi
ble to state at this time. The effect
of the order is to step the city from
using Anderson ditch as an open
ditch to convey water for irrigation
purposes. The Intent of the plain
tiffs is to restrict the city from using
the ditch, designated as the right of
way for a pipe line, for any purpose
except as a covered pipe line. Chas.
Pope and wife, Isaac Bailey and wife,
G. W. Pellet and wife are named as
plaintiffs in the case.
Grand Jury Holds Italian in $;l,0H
Frank Ceol, Italian farmer who
assaulted and almost killed W. C.
Daley of Lake Creek, pioneer and
democratic candidate for eountv com-
missioner. was held over to the grand
: cution Knows t nat whenever it is
, necessary they can be taken again, j May 1 tax lew due'ltr
Mr. Daley's condition is critical. Ma'v Id' tax levy' due 191"
i Evidence before Justice Taylor i Ma'v 27' tax lew' due 191''
i showed the attack upon the agedljia'v 111' tax levy' due 1912
man to have been particularly ma-'jne 7". rebate 'on paving
uguani ana unprovoKea. .vir. ualev
, was patrolling a water ditch through
tne ueoi tarm tor the specific pur
pose of seeing that no damage was
being done by the water to the Ital
permit. Ceol rushed at. Dalev as a
man would tackle in a game of foot-
ball and threw him to the ground
landing blow after blow on the older
man's face.
One beating was not enough to sat
isfy the rage of Ceol, and as Daley
was making off with his face bleed
ing, the angered man again overtook
him, this time thrusting. a handker
chief in Daley's -mouth so that cries
for aid could not be heard by a near
by road crew. Pinned to the ground
by the Italian, Daley was subjected
to one of the most brutal beatings
imaginable, for .Mrs. Ceol, armed
with a shovel, and the lC-year-old
daughter, wielding a hoe. beat the
defenseless man almost to insensibil
Refuses to Cross-Eva mi lie lnHii-tunt
Los Angeles, Cal. The defense in
the trial of Clarence S. Harrow, for
alleged jury bribery, sprang a sur
prise when court convened Tuesday
by declining to cross-examine Patrick
J. Cooney, the McNamara defense
"investigator." Cooney's place on
the witness stand was taken by
Keene Fltzpntrlck, another former
employe of the M,cNaniara defense.
Diekelman was the most Impor
tant witness yet placed on the stand
by the prosecution for the purpose of
showing that members of the McNa
mara defense had sought to corrupt
witnesses as well as Jurors. He was
the man who first Identified J. B.
Uryce as James B. McNamara, the
man known to him as Bryce having
been a guest at a Los Angeles hotel
of which Diekelman was chief clerk.
Diekelman testified at length con
cerning efforts made by agents of the
McNamara defense to persuade him
to desert the prosecution and of
numerous offers or financial better
ment made to gain his consent. One
of the offers, Diekelman said, was
that of the management of any one
of a string of cafes which llanner
stroine told him were owned by the
American Federation of Labor.
106 pairs of ladles- $3.50 tan Ox
fords on sale this week at the Hub
for $1.95 a pair.
wakkaxts go begging.
Injunction Outcome Awaited by Med.
ford Inventors.
Local men who have been in the
habit of buying county warrants as
an Investment, says the Mail-Tribuue,
have suspended, pending a decision,
purchases of warrants as the direct
result of the suit filed by Benton
Bowers and S. A. Carlton of Ashland,
to enjoin the erection of the proposed
bridge over Bear creek in .we.lford.
The complaint attacks all outstand
ing warrants as illegal.
J. S. Howard of Medford. who has
dealt in county warrants for a num
ber of years, stated that he would
buy no more warrants for the pres
ent at least.
" I have $6,000 worth of warrants
now," stated Mr. Howard, "and 1
was approached and asked to take)
over an additional block of them, but Chicago, June 13. This week's
I refused. The risk is too great since ! work of the republican national coin
suit was filed to enjoin the county mittee has added 123 delegates t
iroiii nuiioing the bridge over Hear
creek. This suit questions the valid-
(llt warrants issued already
G. A. It. and Holier Corps.
Members of the G. A. R. and W.
R. C. are requested to meet Friday
evening. June 1 4, promptly at 7:30
at the G. A. II. hall, to march to the
Elks temple to participate in the
Flag Day exercises to be given by the
local lodge of Elks.
By order of the commander and
1'or Sale.
hay. Close
J. Rathbuii.
259-Y. O.
in. Phone
Park Hoard Gives Items of Receipts
and Expenditures for .Mouths of
April and May.
During the past six weeks we have
been installing sprays for sprinkling
Boulevard parkways, Iowa street
park and Mill street park. They
work satisfactorily and save expense
in both labor and hose.
We have cleared a large part of
the 40-Hcre tract and made some
paths. This is preliminary work to
parking. On account of possible dan-
ger to live trees and bushes we have I
discontinued clearing. Lack of funds
is also preventing us from carrying
on much-needed work. We have dis
charged all men engaged in work on
the parks except the head gardener,
Mr. Blair, who is paid at the rate of
30 cents per hour for actual time
engaged in work, and one permanent
helper 25 cents per hour, not over
eight hours per day, actual labor.
MYs. .Mary Melkle resigned as mem
ber of tile board, as she will be ab
sent several months.
Financial Statement.
May 1, cash on hand $1,435.57
May 1, tax levy, due 1912. 1S3.46
i-n- 1 ,wi
. i :
23. 7S
June 3, Emll Pell, contri
bution Total $2,351.99
Kciiditiiivs on Account, April and
Account labor $
I Trees, plants, etc...
Sewer pipe, etc., for drain
age Hardware, pipe, spray tools,
Paving assessments
Tap on water main
Expenses to date . .
Balance on hand . . .
. $2,050.99
Due during 1912 on last
year's tax levy $ 952.39
Probably delinquent on
same 352.39
Available by fair esti
mate $ 600.00
Due city October IS, ac
count sidewalk assess
ment $ 54.m
Due city November 12, ac
count paving assessment 391.42
Total $ 4 4 5.4S
Paid city during May ac
count paving assessment S37.K6
Total this year $.,23.34
Respectfully submitted,
Board of Park Commissioners.
H. E. BADGER, President.
Make Great (Jains,
The biggest gain financially as well
as numerically that the Oregon
Grafid Chapter of the Order of the
Eastern Star ever has shown was re
ported at the opening business ses
sion of the twenty-third annual ses
sion in Portland Tuesday morning.
The increase in numbers has been
93S, while over $2,000 has been add
ed to the treasury.
Over 300 delegates are in Portland
to take part in the chapter proceed
ings, which began Tuesday morning
with the ritualistic, opening cere
mony, a feature of which was the re
ceiving of the Grand Chapter colors.
The address of welcome to the dele
gates was made by Mrs. Lena C.
Mendeiihall, worthy matron of Cor
inthian Chapter, No. 34.' The re
sponse was made by Mrs. Margaret
V. Ilayter, associate grand worthy
mat run, who will probably this year
be elected to the office of grand wor
thy matron.
One. District in California Goes to
President Fourteen Tuft Men
Seated From Iiuisiaiia Six Mont
Under Consideration Today.
i t"H catalogue t.-f Tan. strength on the
temporary roll call of the republican
national convention. .With 201 in
structed and uncontested delegates
rredittd to hini, they bring the total
up to 324, not counting other con
tests among the 130 cases to bo
passed on by the committee, delegates
instructed for Taft.
The precise number is the subject
of much dispute, however, aud it
cannot be stated how many of these
contests Taft will win.
"'he cases decided Monday were
those of the Indiana delegation at
large, four in number, and district
delegates from the first, third and
thirteenth districts. 12 in all. The
contest iu the fourth district was
withdrawn and the committee con
firmed the Hitting of two Taft dele
gates. One delegate for Colonel Roose
velt, the first awarded him since the
national committee began the con
test cases last Friday, and 17 for
President Taft, were the net results
of Tuesday's session of the commit
tee. The one placed in the Roose
velt column was D. C. Edwards, Troni
the eleventh district of Kentucky.
The Taft forces on the committee
refused by a vote of 33 to 19 to seat
both the Roosevelt delegates whose
places were contested, but agreed to
a split, which gave Colonel Roose
velt and President Taft each one del
egate from the district.
President Taft won six Arizona
d logates-at-large and his delegates
from the fourth California district
were sealed at the session yesterday.
The debate over the California.
case, including the conflict between
the primary law and the official call
of the commiiteo, was bitter and at
times sensational. The governor of
California refused to dignify the
proceedings by appearing before the
committee. He said he would not
try the title to property before the
"thier who stole." Francis J. Heney,
defending the Roosevelt claimants,
"warned" the president against "re
ceiving stolen goods."
Six dclegates-nt-large and eight
delegates from four districts in Lou
isiana were also added to the Taft
column yesterday. The committee
today has under consideration con
tests in the third, fourth and fifth
Louisiana district',. The Lorsel or
"black-and-tan" delegation from Lou
isiana was seated by a vote of 4 2 to
two. The Roosevelt contests were
withdrawn by Pearl Wight, national
The situation as it stands today is
as follows;
Whole number of delegates.
Necessary for nomination...
Instructed for Roosevelt un
contested Instructed for Taft uncon
tested Instructed for La Follette
Instructed for Cu minings-uncontested
Uiilnstructed (including New
York's 90)
Contested 254
Of the 254 contested delegates,
Tal't has been awarded 123 and
Roosevelt 1, giving Taft an uncon
tested delegation of 324 and Roose
velt 412, with 130 contests yet to be
dt elded.
Polytechnic School Will Profit. By
Scholarships as Result, of Rose
and St raw berry Carnival.
At the last regular meeting of the
Ladies' Civic Improvement Club.
held Tuesday afternoon, it was unan
imously voted that the club would
guarantee two scholarships for the
Polytechnic. School that will open
here next September. A canvass of
the receipts and expenditures of the
carnival show a substantial sum iu
the balance and the ladies desire t
put the, money in a place where it
will do the most good. They also
voted to give $100 towards new seutsi
in the park. These seats will be on
the ground by tlu opening of Chau
tauqua, If possible, and will be of
great value to the chautauqua assem
bly during that session. This makes!
a total of $350 donated to public use
at this time and shows that the ladies
have not been Idle dining the past
months. The club adjourned until
Rug Weaving.
J.,.B. Wolf or the Reliable Rug:
Factory of Corning, Cal., is stopping;
at Hotel Park, taking orders for rug;
weaving. Please write and address
general delivery, or phone 163.
Cooked Food Sale.
The Relief Corns will hold a
cooked food sale at (!. A. R. hall Sat
urday, beginning at 10 a. m.