Thursday. M arcii W, »O il. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ASHLAND TIDINGS F o il H/tLK— 4 'out Inued. K A ItL Y HOHE und Blue V ic to r seed potatoes for sals, ulso seven aland« o f bees. C. A. D ray, 1372 Iowa street. _______ 7 4-tf FO B H A LE The complete fu rn itu re , fixture», bedding. etc., o f IX room». Cheap. Address P. O. Box I. 7 4 -tf F O Il H A LE o i l K E N T Four-room house, close In. Kent, reasonable, or w ill sell on term s lik e rent, Address 2, Tiding». 0 9 -tf F O Il H A L E Baseball mask and pro­ tector. Apply 404 Iow a street. X0-2t |2 ,5 u e 5 >4 acres, new bungalow, cost s i.o o o ; barn, 21 bearing fru it trees, c ity wuter for Irrig a tin g . Phone 35 9 -L . 7 7 -tf FOK H A LE d ra in mid a lfa lfa hay W h ite O rpington cockerels, 72.00 each. W. <1. Gordon, lihone X 13- F 4 FO K H A L E Hix acre», best home tract In Ashland Build your home to ault you and make the p ro fit. T erm s to a builder; w ill divide. K. I). Hanford, owner, low er H e l­ man street. 7 8 -lm o .* FO R H A LE •Cream separator. W (1. Gordon. Phone 1 : F-4 W O O D FO R 8 Ä L B Hurd and soft tie r wood fo r sub* H. J. Myers. W oodville, Ore 78 1 n o , • H T I'M P A G E FO K H A LE 100 acres finest tim b e r In Jackson county. V. E IL . 3521 F ou rth street. Han Diego, Cal. FO K H A L E Stock and fixture« of w«dl-e»tahll»hed business. H u lla ­ ble fo r lady. Addreaa L. V. M , 4'Al ME FOK ALARM. Loss of A p |M 'tile or O ls tre « « Not A fte r Mltould lie Disregarded. E a lin g u M yn i|i4 o m T im i PA O « threw ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL Personal Note« T h a t T e ll o f A ctlvl- ties in th e Ite a ln i o f the T h re e Ha. Appetite 1» Just u natu ru l desire fur fond I. oms of appetite or stom- "Horne of these days" yon w ill be oi h distress ufter eating Indlcutas In­ able to sit lit the gras» on the lawn. th e re a fte r; l o word» or less f t per d ig e stio n o r dyspepsia O ver-cutlug month. No u n by at laches EXCHANGE flood hotel business, I Orchestra practice was held In the 4 03 J. W oolen St. Phone 14X or of the district attorney's office which gym Monday evening. T . F . S M IT H & SO N smnll stock groceries, 4 7 -room M r. Norton, 5 6 -tf are In possession of th e defense. building, lot 50x100, four d w e ll­ Q f iA N IT E O IT Y P O U L T R Y Y A R D S th e director, is giving much of his The district attorney's office In ac­ tim e to this departm ent of high ing houses W ill sell or exchange FO K H A L E OK K E N T Four acres Phone 222 R. Ashland. Oregon. R oote 1, Box 11. any p art or a ll together. 8»>e or o f good land w ith w ater rig h t; cord w ith Instructions from the court school work and everyone should aid ( ♦ ♦ n H H 4 l l l l l )4 4 4 H H ( t 4 n i H t B 4 I I I U H + 4 4 4 4 4 I H 4 address owner. W E flood. 119 (tartly pasture and balance plowed gave these notes to the defense to him as much as possible. Houth H o lly street, M edford, Ore land, In suburbs of Ashland, lo­ augm ent the p a rtia l transcrip t of the The g irls' physical cu ltu re classes 7 9 -tm o cated on a good street, w ith good evidence that was taken. The notes O ffice Phone 213R . Res. Phone 3 2 8R I f you w an t eggB from prize w in nin g ""*.....- 1 ' ------- ----------- " ------- J - __ house and barn. F. O. .McWil­ were accompanied by the a ffirm in g are now. p art of the tim e, exercising In the gym. The girls are beginning K i l t RENT. liam s A Hon, 175 East Main street. a ffid a v its of Assistant A ttorney Ford to take an Interest In this line of and Deputy Keetch. _ _____ 7 0 T FOR R EN T Furnished house, six work and they w ill undoubtedly de­ place your order now fo r spring de­ G. C. Murphy, Prop. rooms. In q u ire 32 4 L ib e rty street. S T R A W B E R R Y P L A N T S fo r sa le by rive a great benefit from It. livery. The securing of a building for the F u lle r Bros., on the old French llaiiilleM F reig h t, H ou seh old 6 9 -tf W . D . G IL L E N , The g irls' q u a rte t held ancther of exhibits of grains place, end of W im e r street. 10 to displaying G ' m m I r and G eneral D ray W ork F o il RENT Furnished housekeep grasses, -fru its and m inerals has practice at Miss M e rrill's residence I und C la rk Seedling varieties, R o u te 2 , Itellingliain . W ash ington . Ing rooms; ground flo o r; hot and 13 50 per thousand O ur berries again laven taken up by the C ottage Monday evening. They are rehears- O ffice w ith Rose Bros., Ashland. Ore colu w a te r; bath. C a ll at m il In r a new popular song which they lo o k ( u s i prase »>(. sr* Grove C om m ercial Club tlnery store, Second street, near w ill lik e ly render some Wednesday Mrs. John Robins, Canby, Ore. I'OK HALE A good, g e n tle and true H nrgadlue 5 0 -if m orning. Its title Is "T h e Kentucky let (Js Help Y ob Pay Your Taxes m are, buggy, spring wagon, h a r­ KtKJM A ND INM'LTRY— (o n tin u e d . Breeder of B. Minorca», R. I. Reds. F o il KENT M odern c o lt Babe." ness. burrow , plow, re frig e ra to r, Best . Royal Crown Patent Favorolle8, Barred Rocks. P ekin puved street. 11X lle ln ia n Bee You w ill have no trou b le In locat­ and Meyers h ydraulic spray o u tfit, F O R S A L E — T w o dozen thorough- F lo u r. 4 sacks.........................0 5.00 Ducks, Toulouse Geese; w in te r-la y ­ I T R taples. 70 tf ing the would-be Schum ann-H elnks tired W h ite le g h o rn hens. W . H . com plete, at 10M N ursery street. ing strains. M inorca cockerels, big Best G raham F lo u r, 50-lb. I i >K K E N T E ight-room bouse and G illis, 112 Nob H ill street. Phone ot the high school If you are near the fellows, 02.50 each. E ig h t B. Rock 7 7 -tf 8* c 8 ............................................ 1.25 acre of ground; fru it, berries, g ar­ assembly room d urin g the noon hour. 3 4 0 -L . tf pullets, one cockerel, 212. Eggs, any FOR H A L E T h re e -fo u rth s sere with den. In q u ire Heaver Ite a ltv Co. It would he w ell fu r people who crave R olled B arley Substitute, 7p- variety, 21.50 (>er set. Chicken eggs. X-rootn house and large barn: all O R P IN G T O N S -- A few choice cock­ Ib. sack ..................................... 7 7 -X t* 1.40 78 per 100. Nice trio o f Faverolles. erels of the K ellerstrass strain for strange sights and sounds to pay this kinds o f fru it In bearing. Also an room a visit at the said time. 1 <>K K E N T St.-mii heated sleeping Good Bran, per to n .................... 28.00 25. Baby chicks. 7 7 -8 t* 23 and | 5 . W . H . G illis, 112 8 % -acre fu ll-b e a rin g orchard. rooms over Vaupel store; hot and Nub H ill s tr e e t P h o n e 3 4 0 -L if T he teachers' study class met for Shorts and Bran m ix e d ............. 30.00 T erm s on e ith e r properties. T. W. cold w ater and hath. Cut prlc« on IN IN A S iR T N N K K D IC K S aud the second tim e Monday evening with A ll M ill Products a t bottom cash A ck lln . 108 N u rse ry 7 7 -tf C R Y ST A L W H IT E rent fo r the next 10 daya. See 8 Brown Leghorn chickens. Pure Mr. M oore leading. "T h e Thought of prices. TW O S N A P S T en a- -r.-;, on ro u nt) L. A llen , 03 N orth M ain street. bred and heavy layers. Eggs 21 the Text Book" was the topic of dis­ road; 5 ncres set to fr u it, hulnnce 7 4 -tf J . J . MORTON, (>er setting. J. II . Engem au. S il­ cussion and great Interest was shown a lfa lfa and g rain : house and ham . b) the teachers, a ll of whom were FOB KENT Part of furnished verton. Ore. “ S -lm o .* Firs» and A Streets. Hlx-room cottage, every modern house, w ith lawn and garden. Ad- convenience; large lot. fr u it nnd 8. C. B L A C K M IN O R C A S - N orth ru p fu lly prepared, and no one had to rem ain a fte r school. i I ichk lliu In. i are T iding» Xl-41 flow ers. See 8. L. A llen . 03 N orth strain , uuequah-d layers. | 2 per 01 the Better Class H S H L H N D T he sophomores held a meeting IllC Y C L E H FOB K E N T New and Main street. 7 4 -tf 13. No baby chicks. W in . Gale. last Tuesdav evening and decided to second-hand blcyrles fo r sale FO R H A I.E C H E A P 8045 8. Oakes St., Tacom a. Wash. F .rs t pen headed by pure w h ite Black mare 10 send fo r class pins at once. The pic­ cheap. Bicycle rep airin g , prompt 7 9-2 m o.* cockerel, son of S now drift, which has yearn old. w eight 1,200 lbs.; bay aervlce. good w ork, low prices. A II m are 7 years oid, weight 1.050 had s tay-w h ite sires fo r three gener­ F. BLAdk M IN 0 R C A 8 — Prize tu re fo r the Annual was discussed, C. F. BATES, P rop rietor. kinds of tires and supplies at cut and a motion carried th a t the girls ations, also some fine birds from lbs.; wagon, good as new. 1 Si-Inch winners and good w in te r layers. prices. Eastern Supply Co., 104 would be notified a day before the K ellerstrass. A few birds fo r sale. steel axle, bolster springs (). H. Eggs fo r hatching. $1.50 and 22.50 Two warehouses n ear Depot V e ry reasonable. N orth M ain 7 7 -tf shooting Last year a num ber of the B a rn h ill, 344 W im e r street Phone per 15; 25 and 27 per 100. E. E. Goods of all kinds stored a t reasona­ young ladies were quite put out be­ EGGS FO R H A T C H IN G — F irs t 4 7 0 -L ,_______________ 7 4 -t f - T h 11 » Quim by, 46 B la ir, Eugene Ore. FOR MALE. cause they did not receive sufficient ble rates. pen headed by S n o w d rift. 710 per 15. 7 9 -ln io . • FO R H A L E A house and one-fourth tim e to get ready. F O R H A LE New five-tooth c u lti­ A G eneral T ran sfer B u sin ess. s tra ig h t: second pen. 25 per 15; acre land on G ra n ite street, to­ H IG H F E R T IL IT Y FOG S from vator. w ith wheel; p a rtia l set of th ird pen, 72.50 per 15, o r 77 fo r 50. M anager Pete Spencer. '12. of the W ood and Rock S p rin gs Coal gether w ith one acre wood lot one- W h ite Leghorn hens; large, vigor­ harness, 1 (»-gallon Iron k e ttle , 2 basketball team is try in g to land fo u rth m ile away. W ill sacrifice ous, selected stock. Select eggs. em pty barrels, wood heater, goose Newburg high school fo r two games Phone 60. fo r 2050 If taken at once F. fl. 25 per 100; $45 per 1,000. A n­ feath er bed. A ll fine condition. Io be played here next week These M c W illia m s A Hon, 175 E Main Office with W ells-Fargo Express. drew E rlkso n , la iu re l P oultry 399 Beach street. 7 4 -X t* games would he a great draw ing card, street. 7 3 -tf R anch. Glen E llen, Cnl 70>lt* ASHLAND. OREGON. 1064 Ashland St. us N ew burg has defeated both the F o i l H A LE Home near high school; F o il HALE Light back harness, W \ I . N i r AV E M L FA R M W h ite Albany and the Dallas boys, besides acre lo t; alx rooms, hath, sleeping baby fo ld ing buggy, single harness, B u ff, Barred Rock, American num erous other good teams. porch, electric lights, chicken Every single buggy. W ill trade for Dom iniques; vigorous farm raised e ffo rt is being made to get these houses. Easy term s. Also two spring wagon. Full-blood llu ff birds. Stock and eggs fo r sale. games, and If there Is h a lf a chance lots, corner Montana and T aylo r. O rpington eggs, chicks and hens; Mrs. E lla P lan k, box 12, Wood- the basketball enthusiasts w ill have Horse, surrey, spring wagon, h a r­ no b etter layers; one Incubator. h u m , Ore. 7 7 -X t* another opp o rtu n ity to exercise th e ir ness. Cheap. I ’hone 2 7 2 -lt. Call W . E. Pierson, on Boulevard, near Hl Y Y O l'K 8. C. W h ite nnd B u ff lungs. 1 Ob L incoln st i ■ 7 5 -tf Normal. 78 1 mo* Leghorn eggs for hatching, a ll fu ll FO R SALE L ot 78x140, one block G O IN G TO ID A H O The Germ an play is progressing Must sell my blooded and heavy laving s tra in , of very nicely. A num ber of the parts from M ain street; eight-room fu rn itu re before March 15. then I A rnold A M cCrow, McCoy, Ore. have been assigned and rehearsals house, sm all h am . F o r term s see w ill ship to Boise, Idaho. Anyone 24 per hundred. 7tl-X t* owner. 355 Almond. 78-1 mo. have commenced. The title of the shipping goods to or near Holst* K E L L E K H T K ASH ' C K V H T A I," play is "A ls V erlobtc E m fehlen 8 ic h ." F O R H A LE Hlngle harness 17 and w ill p ro fit by com m unicating with W H IT E O R P IN G T O N S P en of The cast: F rauletn H apfstengel, up; w ith co llar and hanies, *1 0 . me before the 15th. Mrs. W illiam large, good type, splendid second Miss O live Thorne. '1 3 ; E raulein Mnde In Ashland; our own make. Jones, 1107 E. Main street Phone year birds beaded by rim* male <11- 1 M alw im Grum bach, Miss Calla Bie- D on't buy factory made harness. M t. 80-St* rect from Kellerstrass farm . Eggs 1 gel, 13; H e rr F ran z Grum bach, Fred Eastern Supply Co., 104 N orth F O K H A LE C H E A P , If sold during 25 per 15. (I. W . Gregg. 93 Kush Tostevln, '1 3 ; H e rr Andreas Lang er­ Main. ?7 if next tw o weeks One bay learn street, Ashland, Ore. X l-2 m o . hans, Bob Throne. '13. Miss Ken­ 8 0 A C R ES C ary Act land for sale or five ami six years old, weighs ANC O N A EGGS for hatching, from n a rd , the G erm an teacher, deserves trade, located 10 miles from T w in 2.X00 pounds; one hay m are and 214 layin g strain liens. Mrs. much cred it for her e ffo rt to stage F alls, Id ah o ; h alf m ile from It. It. one bay horse, weigh about 1,150 H enry E asterly, Canyon V iew Poul­ this perform ance. In q u ire H enry E asterly, 527 T e r­ pounds each; three sets of harness, try F arm . 52 7 T errace street. The com m ercial law class Is pro­ race street, Ashland. Phone th re e p ractically new wagons, P h o n e 26 I- Y . 7 5 -tf gressing very rap id ly: In fact, a num ­ 2 fi 1 - Y ._____________________ 7 1 -tf some fu rn itu re , also m odem four- L E G H O R N S A N D IN D IA N ber of first-class lawyers w ill be ’T ID IN G S W A N T ADH are little real room house nnd lot 40x100. C b II B I F F R l'N N E R D UC KS Leghorn eggs ushered Into the wide, wide wotld «stale salesmen. A 50-cent wnnt a t ¡¿36 F ifth street, or telephone 21.50 setting of 15; 28 for 100. the last of May. Practical problems 408-J. 10 I t* ad w ill put yon in touch w ith A mock R unners. 2 L 5 0 for 12; 75 fo r 50; are being discussed daily. somebody who wants the property F O K S A L E OR T R A D E Ten acres, 28 for 100. Fine standard-bred tria l is to In* held as son as a few- you have fo r snle. T ry It. out of fog belt; d is tric t of prize ap­ stock. R u ff Leghorn cockerels for more people join the class, so th at all F O R HALE F ive ro o m s of f u r n i­ ples; first-class grocery service; sale. Mrs. Ed K e rr, It. 2, Box 148, the court offices can be filled . Every »in»1 m ile west of T a le n t, five miles tu re ; 1 V icto r phonograph and 35 S a n ta R osa. Cal. 7 6 - 8 t* Inducement Is being offered In order 1 0-lnch records, nearly n e w ; 1 west of A shland; new high school E g g s, In s e ttin g s o r In­ to secure m ore members and the In ­ horse and buggy; 2 dozen laying In fu ll view ; pears, apples and a l­ FO R HALE cubator lots, from my selected structor Is certain th at It w ill only fa lfa , th ree crops; s u h -lrrlg a tn d ; hens. C all at 450 W a ln u t street. matings In 8. C. Rhode Island be a short tim e u n til the room w ill be The Local Service Is useful in a rra n g in g his a ffa irs a t home Phone 470-J. 7 4 -8 t* electric next house; flu e w ell, best Reds. The kind th a t delivers the (nicked to suffocation. of w ater; engine; spring; all new and the Long Distance Service of the B ell System helps h im to F t 'K H A LE Trees In e ith e r w hole­ goods In w in te r, ns attested by my The high school g irls ’ basketball buildings; bungalow , screened sale of re ta il lots, by th e Ashlnnd decide to go and w hat to take. d ally egg record, which is open to team w ill play the return game with porch; law n, shade trees, “hritb- N ursery Co. A ll standard varie­ By means of his Bell Telephone he can find out w h eth er Inspection. O. W . Benedict. 219 the G rants Pass girls In the gym Sat­ bery; grand view ; fine location. ties. See its, or send fo r prices. M ountain avenue north. Phone urday n ig h t, March 9. The local girls th e fish are b iting or the birds a re flyin g , and w hether guides o r Jfi.000. Photo at Camps' studio, 143 G ranite street, Ashland, Ore. 2 5 1 - L . _________7 1 -tf have In flicted one defeat upon the nrow u Bros., T a le n t. Ore. 7 4 -tf horses can be secured. 7 5 -tf FOR S A L E —Peerless Houdans. Grants Pass team , by a very clone I A fte r he hits been out aw h ile. If he wants to get word from FO K SALE New 5-rootn bungalow, young and old, In trios and single m argin. T his game w ill be the g irls' j EGGS AND POULTRY. modern, not quite completed, and the city, the nearest B ell Telephone Is a friend in need. cockerels. L ig h t B rah m a cocker­ championship game of southern O re­ six 25xlO O -foot lots between B oul­ GEN1 IN K IND IA N RUNNERS els and trios: W h ite Muscovey gon and w ill no doubt he closely con- : evard and East M ain streets, close Bred to English standard. The T he admission w ill re m a in ; ducks. All pure bred nnd grand tested. In. Splendid garden land. House­ o rig in al nnd tru e R unner duck. birds. M altese and H ugarlttn pig­ the same, 25 and 35 cents. A large hold goods. A ll for quick aale nt Guaranteed w h ite egg strain. eons, first and second prize w in ­ crowd Is expected as this w jll be the | 11,300, w ith |55O cash payment. Eggs |1 per setting. Scott M a r­ ners In a ll leading European first, last and only g irl«' game to he See or phone »no a t 07 Hcenlc shall, Route 1, E v e re tt, Wash shows .1. F. Richards. R oute 1, played here this season, w ith nn o u t­ D rive. W . I). Hodgson. 8 1 -3 t X 0-8t* llox 352, M ilw au kee, Ore. 8 0 -8 t* side team . Every Bell Telephone Is the Center of the System. One cent per word, firs t Insertion; H cent per word for each Insertion ROYAL BAKING POWDER AbsoluCofy P u r e Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; m akes the food m ore appetizing and wholesom e Granite City Express In d ia n R unner Ducks ORPINGTONS Storage and Transfer Co. W . S. H ow ard SPORTSMAN and TELEPHONE E VERY TIME a man wants to get away from all connection with a busy world the telephone is an important helper. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.