t i l i c r M ii i l » ' ’ A SH L A N D 1(00,, TIDINGS. ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 6, VOL. XXXV « NUMBER Kt 1911 ARMORY GETS OFF TO THE PHILIPPINES HIGH SCHOOL WHO FOR WEST POINT? 61ST CONGRESS GErriNG READY TO FLY BIG MAJORITY BIDS OPENED IS ADJOURNED from Tr,Hi|M-ra I ’ m -« T h rou g h A m I i I i i i k I W ay Io Kloiunl P m m m I o m . C om petitive E xam in atio n at U n iv e r­ sity of Oregon, A p ril « Ih anti 7th . ou Ble riot Monoplane A ttra c tio n P ro m i« , ed fo r Ashland. A competitive qualifying examina­ Even records as a mortorlst are tion to be held at the University of i getting to be too slow a pastime for B E Oregon, at Eugene, on Thuraday and U N CLE JOK CANNON HINGH HWAN Geo. Gage, chauffeur for M. C. M ll- I Friday, April 6 and 7, will determine j ler, and be la having an airship built HONG Henator Chamberlain's appointment | at C liff Payne’s headquarters on ! from the state at large of a cadet to Granite street, plana and speclflca- West ■»* c Point. o m i . The i n e competition > o i n p e u i i o n la is o open pen | lions for which have lately arrived from New York, and an Inspection of comes within the age lim it. a------— Henator 1 waa composed of alx officers and 12# the blue-pflnts reveals the fact that I Chamberlain will appoint that can- I enlisted men. They traveled In five they incorporate the real, genuine Traver Make Ixm est Over- dldate who passes the highest test Negative Overshadows Positive Be- thing in hvery detail. Septic T a n k a fo r Mew Hewer lllatrlcta «pedal sleepers, with a baggage car Hnook . I In the qualifying examinations. A and three kitchen cars. They went The type of machine Is /he Blériot Win Out Overwhelmingly— 4 ' o u m c II from Fort Robinson tu n »— llcailn g suit« In National Ix-gislatlon—-Orc- i and \ cnUlatlng nrs(, and second alternate will also to Hllllnga, monoplane, duplicate of the original gon Receives Hoe Sliare of A tten-i with which the intrepid Frenchman C o n d W t Yet Under Coneldr r a t i o n 1*» appointed A fter qualifying, the Meets To-morrów Sight to Canvass Mont., on the Burlington, to Pasco, Contrm-t Wash, on the Northern Pacific, to appointee must report to the Pre­ flew across the British Channel in Vote O fficially, Uon. Relief for Hiletz Settlers. sidio In California on Tuesday, May Portland on the North Bunk and to ¡ by He I A it Board. the earlier annals of aerial naviga­ 2, for the official examination of the Han Francisco on the Southern Pact-1 tion. Materials entering Into Its „ . . _ government. If succeaaful he will be flc. main construction will be chiefly of A total of 560 votes were cast at Washington. March 4.— The Blxty- The School Board met Iasi Friday admitted to the academy at West ash and spruce In the wood line, the special city election, Saturday, V " r,,Uy, 'o f The tbé second F ir*I B . detachment a Bon and consisted Ba t "ries -venlng and opened bid. for construe- Po,Dt 7a June ,4 .« 19 11 I f he is flrst Congress came to an end today but there w ill be a m ultiplicity of bmlttcd J High Hcbool building, unsuccessful lh e two alt. over the three propositions su by constitutional lim itation. alternates will la n lta linij M OI In« n«.«OlJUaa the F«l1,»«a/lra following » fe from six be given a chance ......1 Respite Armory, salaries and septic » tanks Respite the the peril peril that that threatened threatened I braces Joints, etc., of' the highest and bleuten- submitted: |„ both t M q u a lif y in g examlna- ’ * ' » • “ >• big appropriation b ill. mo»< tenacious metals It will have As anticipated, the former carried 272 enlisted and officers, qualifyin ant lilshop had charge of the move­ Hoyt Bros., H ant. K o ... Cal.. 1 7 3 , t , o £ . a both . t h e the u n lv T s h / « d l” the i »P to the last moment. U»ey , « „ f * ’ “• * by an overwhelming m ajority. 427. at the university, u ,. , a l l f finally e u t th r o u ic h a n d received I I “ w •■* 1,1 circumscribe a thirty-root • f ffjjil 9»__ — • *• . . . — ... t n a l l v t r o t » t> I’rx n a rti a n /4 C l r t U IH B 4 i i *>♦* The salary feature was defeated by ment. W II. Jenkins, traveling pas­ 0 0 0 | $ 6 9 500 examinations at the Presidio 4*1 rl,naIly got through and received heiaht of B artlett 4r Roth, Pullman W a s h .,! tbe anti •a close shave, only four m ajority senger agent of the Southern Pacific hjects for examination will In -; thpr a,«»a t“ K , ?f ,lhe r r^ * ,d5 nt .J u b b , Han Francisco, geometry, English grammar. E n g lish !0' ,he House the Postoffice Ap- hovering over an alfalfa meadow. The men have been ordered for *<•9*896; (»J5.M96. ond deciding Its fate by a vote 70 In composition, English literature, geo- proprlation Act. , The skeleton frame will posses« duty In the Philippine« and expect to Its favor to #r> iigulnst President Taft definitely annuirne Ward Bros. * Raider, Reno, N e v .g r a p h y and history In addition a] - * * The figures follow, deductions be- remain there for at least two year« or | 7 4 , h 3 8 .5 0 ; *6 9 .4 9 6 .2 2 .’ : strict physical examination will be r e -! ed. that _he rould certainly call an ■ negligee effects very pronounced, lug drawn frum thè bullellns as post until the terms of their ehllstmenta (extra session; the proclamation has the shoulder-pieces giving the fash­ Welch Bros., Halern, *6M,063. qulred. ’ Candidates must be not less than, »««ed and tb¿ date will be April ionable contour which Is so much In ••il in thè eeveral precisata by th e'cvp lre. and will sail on the tranw HntMik A Traver, Halen», *62,529; port Hherldan bound direct for Mani- *5 6 ,42b. vogue. The model Is closed In the electlon Judgea ~ 17 nor more than 22 years of age; I la. Speaker Cannon delivered hla vale- back and is fashioned with the slight- First W ard. The first and second amounts glv- not less than five feet four Inches In ' The officers who will go to the .-n with each bid represent maximum height at the age of 17 or five feel «HetofY »”d received an ovat'on. The ly-raised waisPIlne which is becoming Votea cast, 194, o í a Trojan i r u ja n w;ai w a s game to io the m e last, i s s i , and a n a , «o popular both in this country and Islands are Colonel John Conklin, and minimum offers respectively, ac- five Inches In height at the age of oId Arraory For ............................ . In command; Lieutenants A T. Blsh- cording to greater or less elaboraflon 1M or upwards. ‘ , . In - - wielding . - . - . . — A,........... v „ „ abroad. Very appropriately, the t*he gavel . u„,.. held -v_ the legisla- al Agalnst ..................... op. Acting Adjutant; Roy F. W aring, of the work on the contract, such as ' It should be understood that the, < tlve body In line up to the last'mom- w alst has a French lining which may be used as a gulmp. whatever that Is. examination held at the university Is : enL *1 52 L. II Taliaferro. K H Perkins. (J. H extra finishing effects, etc. M ajority for Out of the smoke of the closing A delightful characteristic of this de­ It will he noted that the bid of merely a qualifying one. while at the 97 Heatnan and H. K. M arr. Halarles F o r .............. ________________________________ _____________ The men detrained her« and march Hnook * Traver, of Salem Is *9.476 _____ same _______ time It w ill determine _ the ap-l . battle In Congress emerge these re- sign Is Its Individuality, which ap- 9ft Against f . . • • peals to the feminine aviator who ed about town by the way of re la x .- lower, relative ly, than their nearest polntee to the academy. Tbe candid-1 ,u ,i ” *Dtere8t Positive results: ! revels +n new and artistic sartorial Hon, evedently relishing a little eompatttlors. Crowley A Juhb. and ate making the highest mental and “ *** M ajority f o r ......... 2 Provision of *3,000,600 for the conceptions. Materials suggested in Bepttc T an ks— For ............ 164 fortification of the Panama Canal. , the blue-prints for finishing effects figures of Ward Bros. A Calder, the ment of tbe senator, 2 7 taking the long ocean voyage. Against . . . , • • 27 Provision for two new battlesblpg. ■ are pongee, shantung, foulard, cash- highest In both first and second Ik?codif«catlon » f the Judicial mere, satin, voile, etc., of which six classifications In the list. M ajority for • • 137 code— regarded as most Important yards and three fourths of 27 Hnook A Taver being the lowest H«-c«n« ‘ hrm Workers of the W orld, which means j Negative results: , tart out without regulation apparel month Heptlc Tanks— F o r ................ 133 *150 30 Mr Harmon's term will expire Jan- definite results being expected In th« nedlng of tbe fight against tbc> Failure of the Canadian reclproei- in generous amount. Take a trip to Agalnat . . . . • • uary I . 1912. ¡ th«^* p artlcularr-for several days. city speaking ordinance, which the In- ty agreement and consequent certain- Crater Lake, for instance, and a tal- * M ajority for Englneer Harmon Is a man of wide The Board Is pleased to announc» duatriala have conducted for the p aat,ty of an extra session. i lor-made suit with a blouse of the 103 •xpsrwnce In railroad, bridge and that the necessary funds are available ten months. Fa " -----* * of the ” Permanent -------------* T a riff game color are necessities. — allure There Is T h ird W ard . road building and Is one of the most for the prosecution of this notable u n -1 Under the terms of this agreement. Board bill, which passed the Senate, often a dance on board, when the Votes caat. >01. capable engineers In the northwest dertaklng, and la prepared to go ahead the 120 Industrialists now in ja il will but was killed by a filibuster in the ladies wear dancing frocks. A good 175 Armory— F o r .......................... Tbe court recently also received with the work- Completion of the be re least«!, but must leave the city, ; looking dress for dinner in the main Agalnat ................... 26 maps for the proposed bridge over < contract by September 1st Is a prl- and the array now marching from House. __________ __ ___ . F ailure of the resolution to a d m it1 _____ cabin _ of __________ the airship Is also a requisite. tbe Rogue river at Gold H ill, which , tnary stipulation. the north to reinforce the local army to statehood Arizona and New Mes- supplemented with becoming effecti M ajority for 149 M r g B<)O|, q f «„cressful firm of are to bt, stopped, while no more than too by a filibuster in the 8enate. for the opera and theatre. I t la pos- Halarles 100 wsru prepared by Engineer Harmon. The plans call for a bridge as high bidders. Is the contractor who built four men to be allowed to speak! F ailu re of the proposal to Increase! gjble to manage with one nice hat. Against . . . 99 • • as the railroad bridge spanning the , , he present High School bnlldlng and at only two places at one time the rate of postage on the advertís- which should be very large, however. Rogue, and wgs designed for thia Bbout «even vears ago; also the East within the city Umita. I Ing sections of the large magazines; to SPt ag a parachute in case of con- M ajority for 1 11 •• tacitly understood that all In- but a commission provided for to in- tingencles. Aside from this precau- Septic Tanka— For 173 height. so that It w ill be sufficiently HUJb school In this city, and various , high to clear all flood water. other school buildings throughout dustrlallsts who went to Fresno fro m • ve«tlgate the subject. tlon. it Is not necessary to wear hats Agalnat 2« • • Failure of the resolution provld- abroad. They may be worn In Ash- The site Is In doubt, as resident* the state.’ Since his last venture here d w w h e re to combat the city ordln-i of Go|d HUI cannot combine on a he has associated Mr. Traver, his son- ance wln l«avc the city as rapidly as Ing for the direct election of United |and but net in Klam ath Falls. In M ajority for 147 site, and the court postponed the lo­ In-law, In the business. th*Y can K**1 away. States Senators. case o, emergencies a supply of lin - K rce|>ltulnlluu. cation of the bridge until the April ■ This ends one of the most noted Faliure of the general age pension gerie, h’ot water bottle, sewing bag, Armory- For .......................... 493 term. fights In the West; one that caused bill. walking and dress shoes, evening Another cause for delay was that 66 Agalnat ................... l( IN I. hundreds of men to leave the North- j _ Failure to act on the Ballinger- g||p|)er/. rubbers, umbrella, a kimona pe». 1 In placing the bridge on one site pro- west and endure hardships and hun- Pinchot investigation reports. or t < o and other haberdashery ,, , . , . ger to get to Freano to protest against Failure to enact the ocean, mail ought to be w ith in ’ easy reach, for 427 paged. Its cost will be about J12.000, prohibiting "free subsidy, passed .by the Senate alone. I there Is no telling where one may Halares For 275 or about twice the sum that would .M<-4-tlng t ailed fo r Iow a Ib-siileuts on t he ordinance F rid a y E vening. , speechmaking.’' Failure of the effort to unseat W ll- |a nd in the. wilderness. 27« be required to locate It a short dis­ ----------- ----------------------------------------------- Ham Lorimer as Senator tance away. .. _ from . . Illln ,, - . . . . . ___ This airship is no w on the stocks A delegation of citizens from The undersigned, former Iowa Heath o f O ctogenarian. 4 : ' Magorlty against. t ^ . ? ™ Und ° f a" eged b rlb € ry ! where the very best materials, in the petitioned the desire to call Heptlc T au k- F or . •.............. , a 470 Evans creek have . , „ residents, 1, , , , a . meeting - of . 1 Newton McClanahan, residing at in h,s election. I hands of skillfu l workmen, are be- the s*>oate- B a il'y . of Texas. , uged construction. But It «Against . . . . 83 c«;urt to construct a bridge between all former Iowa peojile who are reel- the corner of Beach street and th e ’ W imer and Woodville. The need of dents of Ashland add vicinity at the Boulevard passed awav ve-iterdav made a grand-stand play by resign- . I o n « time to nerfeet the meeh the bridge was admitted by the court. City H all, next Friday evening. March aged 80 yt^ars >esterday. pl » > — »_ wt. » - W. Hchwlndey C B Larakln, B 8n, „H v e ^ i here a w’^ k ago ^ il ' - d to bla r~ * « na- , e- ¡T u s ^ b . a g g a ^ In dueTeason it w ili our midst. But they are ererwhelm - of capac- . B l.am kln, A. H * ^ * * * . ** E. Sten- tw be present In the time of need. -„ « a i,.« -,. -ir ,Bi nD. s n „ r. > to assume shape, and in the Ingly snowed under, and now that chase .. . two . 12-ton . , |»er hour . the verdict Is practically unanimous to b£ 00 rond w’ «' H oLa.T.!‘.ln ’ .C ^A 'r.GSa' ’ J. i 1' 1 Funeral services were held this af- U u rln* tb* meantime the public should bear In They will cost «1500 each and McGee. D. R. Mills, J. P. Podge. John ternoon at the fariillv residence con- the «Peaker appointed Representative , d h "C1i{ f Pavne „laketi a Ir. to hnve this fine public improvement. work. will be bought from the Beaeh manu- Van N atta, J. B. C arllle, W. H. Pay. dacted by Rev E H Hicks In ter Hawley of Oregon a member of the , ‘ nal ,a > n e maKes air It Is In order to go after It nt once, i company of Portland. W. H . Gowdy. J. J. Myers. “ t 11 ring ‘ ‘ .......... ~ .................... ment in Mountain View Cem eterj; 1 commission to supervise the purchase --- --------------------------- allowing no other necessary prelim in­ flu 1 l o t lands to orotact the watersheds of! , . aries to go by default. Opponent of the salary measure ex­ pected a far bigger m ajority Bgalnsti _____ , bill _________ _ the Secretary of the Exalted R u ler From Ashland Lodge» authorizing the measure, and quite a few express t h ie f Executive of Neighboring Town Annual Selection of I «-tv tiers Attend- K m U r Monthly Meeting of Boost- Interior interior tc exchange desert lands In. In , .... . ___... ed themselves to this effect previous | Resigns O ffice. I .1____ _ 1.— . __ _ ivegumr .wonwiy “ un8 or . Ra - t in o * the k -N National a .lo n .1 f for-1 o c -l islts T h a t Locality j Oregon f„ for , , lands ed by Banquet Features. big Organization. to election day. In view of the fact I ests In Oregon. Vv A ° - Livingston, Exalted Ruler or that the pro|H>sltlon was defeated be- Under date of F p 1>. 25th. Mayor W. At the annual election held by Ash- The Commercial club meets in r e -' th gt *t J lM t moment > " hland .Lod^ - No wac the ftiye. At the first s> tryout " ’t’T.'a on I this n" sal J 1 H. l’arh,!’n Barham, ' of <>f Yreka, resigned his land Lodge. No. 944, B. P. O. Elks. „ guIar u la r M.8Rlon .„aslon f<>-nient to-night, w with ii several - B l S r "iT co ? - * ue8l °X hi,noT o f'th e membership o f of major importance ary feature f ^ s t *26’ f »r and 373 “f l T * ’ ttaal* n‘®« aM a ,r„ea’ 0" ,h " lack on Saturday evening the following was the following: were 69.» . votes . east, >62 for .and 332 | oj harmony between between the the city elty council council office- officers ---------- were elected for the ensuing tended' to'” " ^ lmporlance to be at':w of e ll. United States Marshal, Marshal. Pistrlct Pistrlct • vicUHty*. vicliHtyr lm lT u r^ a y 'a a V t"& * * a" S a td of harmony •— ------ Oregon last rt^ *Thureday smoker. against, a m ajority of 71 unfavor- ftn<, blmselg. Ills particular reasons year: Exalted Ruler. Pr. F. G. By the President renominating Mr. ^ ‘" V c m e n t ‘"4 « * » ' t T S ! ® » i / ably. Hwedenburg: Esteemed Leading re8U’t8 for the step tnken follows: election insorar a . tne salary ques- ,r „,w ell. after withdraw ing his name 2 " " ® ^ ® ” » e n in f " ‘‘It has been with considerable! K n ig h t, W’ E. Newcombe; Esteemed Ion Is concerned th« following reso- on accoUnt of the Bourne-Chamber- d<‘’’ of the evening, .. . .* “ u,’*r Y 'hesitation that I give up the position Loyal Knight, H. H. G illette; Esteem According to Klamath papers, At the Armory, next Erlday even- citizens of our town h a v l.e- ed Lecturing Knight, L. P. McKee; lutlon w ill be Introduced for con-, |aln opposition. It Is apparent to friends of the Oregon Marshal that whlle thla smoker was largely In the ii*'» iM.Brr’v I,H b ' jhhder auspices of Up«n nie, and I thank them Secretary. H. C. Sparr: Treasurer, R. slderation: W H E R E A S. The city of Ashland, the Chief Executive intends to hold °™ er of a Jollification, It was also Baptist Young Peoples Union. a,ery „meh for the nuftiy kind cypres- Guy Gpod; Tyler. Geo. Baughman; Kesxaslzv 1 ««» Finn ih /> en a «* I vt in t efil a v "¿'j appreciation of — . "my* efforts r Trustee aw.. _ . _ A for term * fine < orchestra, mlnlstrels of — three years, Pr. wi’ h fu ,,y 8ls thousand population, him in oiflce under the recess ap- *he .e"*ng. aun f ired ?y ,!be. mem: Music by .. a „V t »'ill<> .« igx Endelman Representative t o ,^ a® ri8en lcl> entitle It tot the dtstlne-|thc purpose of the President when organizing a lodge there. There are a general carnlvnl occasion. | dlnances of this city obeyed; my ei inte, C. H. Pierce. tlon which It holds, of prominence withdrawing Mr. Colwell's name was ( ovor »ne hundred mombers of the _ ~~ 1 forts in this particular are of m , ere was a very large attendance among the cities of the state, and ! believed, as no new development aIl8i a." d List lo u r I roperty. avail. In the recent case of the VI-' There number of or can-i can-1 W H E R E A S . It can not maintain ( whatever of a political or other nat- ^lg,bA1 members belong to the Mrs. Husle L. Alleq has returned olatlon of one of the ordinances. It Is j of members and a number and tnken posswslon of her real es- dearly shown that the m ajority of dldates were Initiate?! during the such distinction without the most «¿e has arisen between the parties to ‘ i8 necessary fate office at the old heaquarters. 1 the members of the Board do not session, two from Klamath Falls and ' careful and business-like government, the controversy. I- ' « 10 nave a p p nation or at least 5,000 before an Elks lodge ran Now Is thcedime to list your property.| inteBd that the ordinance shall be one from anpther adjoining precinct, and which cannot be Insured except! ------------ h« organized, a special census will be as tots and acreage tracts are on th e 1 enforced. Ordinance 65 states that A feast of good things closed the It has an adrainstration com-' move. of the elective session. I posed of careful business men who h.'.'fnBv 8nrt- Th* any person to whom license shall labors Medford Elks elected officers last !<*" a^°«-d to give to Its a ffa ir, a large- ----------- I no doubt be fu,,y «ntanlzeH by the have been granted who shall not obey the provisions of this ordinance, or Thursday, the following being chosen: part >'nrt of or their tn«>r time, and j Me 1 - "The day’s JollkHeaHon endeS Park Gardener Gilbertson Is ,0 ther states that If complaint Is true, ! John O'Brien, tyler; Edward Potten al Club, that ... In ...... our Judgment ------------- " H»* "*‘w n«iarters. ------------- Oyer 100 mem- 8a> big smoker dally expectancy cy of a shipment of the Board shall revoke such license, ger, trustee one year term ; W . W . . nch compensation , should be u ro vld-1 berB pndpd the op* opening, ***-■ J h i In u the rooms of provld-, bpr? aU attPndpd n‘^ ; and ^ V' the was espeelaf- 200 specimens ______ _______ _____ ______ _________ ___ Mayor and C ouncil-lpra , pand,datp" * prp lnlt,,a5 td / bS y arranged for the entertainment of that l b . c o rn e a- «-1« " i . w ’. X ! ‘f X dlflora direct from old Japan, was found guilty of furnishing liquor 1 T.E Rantola, alternate. men. We believe they having left the empire of th e | to a habitual drunkard and was fined' ««tlon provided for He handsome strictures la" d l«>dKe of Elks. No. 944. and who Mldado the third of February, c o n -ij^ o . This record was Introduced ln-| ordinance which was defeated at the in Medford Elegant Fixtures. It Is three stories In ¡ sppkp , at tb® , meeting to a large signed Io Ashland via Portland. The to our case ns evidence. The record election held on March 4th, 1911, height, the second and third stories fath ering of Elks Mr. Llv ngstone __ _____ J. A. Nelson, the confectioner In young trees are designed for the work cannot be denied or disputed. W h _ at, was reasonable and Just end we re-, L occupied by the lodge. The " °>an exceptional ability ahd Allen block, la Installing n num- gret that said election was adverse ' being of ornamentation that Is now being |Wn. done? Three menihers members of the *> v*nIC occupied by the lodge. The . •• 9 si at xxsw »• I » f ( v 9 • a 1» A I w n s x z l l «a» «x s» lr annual meeting of the lodge wll! be¡ his address last night was Interesting prosecuted under auspleces of th e , Board of Trustees voted • —. ‘‘not g u ilty.” Yvra ber of *«P«rl> fixtures, ♦ the handiwork thereto. held this week, at which a banquet and 11’’*’‘ rM|Pt,vp' and " a” •’ ,ghly »?- Park Commission, and will be a lead-1 1 cannot Continue In Justice to m y -1 oi Moyer & Van Natta. among them will he served, and the occasion will ^ ’rpplatpd by thoa* ^ ‘ unate enough Ing factor In adding to arboreal anti . elf b> ,,p « member of said Board.” a Inrge back-bar 16 foot long and 8 Appointed Justice. feet high, partitioned e tf and equlp- florlcnltural effects In the work o'f be a memorable one In the history of to hear him .” ped for e every requisite; also a num­ The County Court, in adjourned the triple-linked fraternity. Mem- beautifying park surroundings. Metro|M»lltnn Hkyshra|»ers. ber of show cases, the woodwork of session last Thursday, appointed Re­ bers of (he Ashland branches of the The magnolias left Yokahoma on Next number of our Lecture .glimpse of New York will be all of which Is In native fir highly corder J. G. H urt as Justice of the order will attend. the oriental liner ’’Bellerophon.” Course, Saturday night. The Houa- plying between Oregon and Japanese glveif l | Ashland. A New York sky- polished. These modern appliances Peace for Ashland precinct, tor serve __ __ be'occupied _ tona. Music, Magic, Mlnlcry, A popu­ The _ new quarters will ports, Feb. 3d, and are due here scraper will be constructed at Uream- will replace old fixtures In Mr. Nel-* out the unexplrwd term of M. F. E g -'b y several other orders, prominent lar number. Tickets*at Rose Bros- among them the B.P.Ô.E. fellow ship.1 Friday morning. gleston, deceased. , son's model headquarters. almost any day. i land to-night. On th d r way Kurt Robinson, Neb,, to Han Francisco, where they P A R T I FX W IL L HA L A K Y M E A H l’KK I'll» »P< »HITION will embark today for the Philippines, HA L K M u special tralu passed through Ash- A W A K K K I» C O N T KA'-•»>» •» *-■> . «"d RANGE FROM $ 7 4 ,8 3 8 TO $ 5 6 ,4 2 0 41 COUNTY HAS ENGINEER .!T.un,Lm“n ,n.? hr. ",aate who EXTRA SESSION MEETS APRIL 4TH FRESNO FIRES FANATICS —For ....... t lin n g m r v v H A W K K Y l’ l_ A I H k YREKA MAYOR IS DOWN AND OUT ELKS LODGE ELECT NEW OFFICERS COMMERCIALS GATHER TONIGHT c m . H A M A lU FA U SE U SC H iB ItA T E ODD FELLOWS IN NEW TEMPLE 'ok WHERE SWEETMAGNOUAS BLOOM f