F A G E H IX FROM THE NORTHWEST HI MAN HKITKN. Kxajii|»le Math* o f One In tlx* R egular INSTALL PAPER MAKING PORTLAND LETTE R . N G T K 'R D F H P IN 1 A I. C1TV K I.W I’. T IO N . A. S. HUBBARD R eclam ation of S tum p latini» of Armjr. D epartm ent of A g ric u ltu re Start« E x - N o rth went Now In Hight. Recorder's O ffice, C ity of Ashland. S trik in g a m ule o v e r' I* H n .. m U l W ood P ulp M ill Telegram _ ____ _____ Oregon, Feb. 16, 1 9 1 1. P ortlan d . Or».. Felt. 23 i Special) the head w ith a trace-chain la not a \v««hi„»».,n Public notice Is hereby given that O ffic ia ls T he transform ation of a wilderness In ­ a special election w ill be held In the • to a garden 1« planned for W estern C ity of Ashland. Oregon on the 4th W ashington and Oregon no less won­ day of March 1911, at which election d erfu l than the m iracle wrought by w ill be subm itted to Ih e legal voters Ir r ig a t io n east of the Cascades This of said city the question. Pitoni' ¡tltt-h Is the solutlou of the logged-off land "S h a ll th e City of Ashland, O re ­ lte»U|cnce S t a G ra n ite Htn-et problem th at now seems lu sight. To gon ap prop riate ih e sum of >7,500 the (tmuthwest W ashington Develop­ to he employed In Ih e construction ceed The office« of the various « 'a te «“ < * a b ru tal act. I ^rlnd T h e c a rryin g u, o? h e “,". , » ment Association must be given the of an Arm ory building In said city more than fifte e n per cent o f the departm ents an* well overcrowded. Mule« are pro verb ially p e rv e rs e ;) * ow announced a -* n n 3 e r credit of cu rrying th is movement under the conditions of City O rd in ­ vole cast fo r mayor at the Inst city New accomodation« are needed badly, but * he Dace-chain and the hoop-pole vlded for by a apectal •um ronKan?« forw ard u n til It has reached a point ance N o .- and election held Dec, 20th , 191(1, said but nothing ha« been done to w ard the «»•»hods o f subjugation have lost In „laced at the dlsnosai ,,r u f i a . ’ where successful clearing of large "S h a ll th«« CHy Council m ake a perm anent housing «Ince work w . . ! «” • ~ te e m of an ellgh.ened tim e, to A « r £ M tu J h v C . , e r e ^ areas of stump land at low cost Is apaclal levy of taxes In Decent her. petition was duly presented to the suspended on the F lagg foundations. J» » * tra d itio n a l evidences of , e r *, conduct test« o M h ^ a i k l h n JV successfully accomplished. At the 1911 ap p ro p riatin g said sum In accor­ common council of the C ity of Ash land. Oregon, at a reg u lar, a d jo u rn ­ convention of the nssoclutlou. held dance w ith the term s and conditions In the m eantim e, the state govern- b ru ta lity , and a lack o f In te llig e n t* i ed m eeting held oil th e 15th day of m ent has otilgrow u those plans. T h ev! ,h a l w° u ld shame the m ule The w hielt seem llk e lv o ¿ w - n n l w ‘“ !d ’' the past week In Vancouver, the me­ of said proposed ordinance, which Is F ebruary, 1911, «„d ther,. was then have been revised to provide for a ’>»« never been a spectacular fig- « b l‘ tmcTres o f sunt v ^f n « “ thod of operation was shown and In the words and figures as follows iluly pii»M«»»ral oral advancem ent; ent, but he has his his! Secretarv W ilso n r o a . i s » » « .w In pursuance of the ordinances of the C ity O rdinance No. Plans a te to right«, and among these is exem ption the best use which could h« m . i ' '"r man showed by actual dem onstration >350.000 hood Issue City of Ashland and Ihe General Laws An ordinance a p prop riating the how laud may he cleared of stumps Uigust 1. 1911. A tem ple P T « “ ».ay hem by a trace-chain in ,h u mo,tev wm .IdTin. receive August of the S tale of Oregon, whereby said o f justice ■ Is to be built first for the ,h * hand« of a man whose brute In - ; p érim ent« on a com m ercial «cale* w ith and roots w ith a m inim u m of money sum of >7,500.1)0 to be applied In the common council did, by unanimous construction of an A rm ory B uilding and e ffo rt and at (he convention _ court, the attorney general I I ? Ä . * r“ * • * 1“ « » » h um anizing m - ‘various ¿ 7 . , 1 W“ ( •" ' “ •! « . « 0 . » « M . .„ „ a sessions prom inent delegates outlined In the C ity of Ashland. Oregon un­ vote, w ith Hie approval of the mnyor R e a lliliw th at «.,.,,1 ro a d , are a., t h ™ ' £ " " • « • » > . » « » * » d ,h ..” a l." r'.w ? v ." a „ 't (“ S a“ ?,’’ “ I ? a scheme fo r poolin ' large stump land der the provisions of an Act of the call speclnl clly election to b„ held on Ihe 4th day of M arch, 1911, f„ r the im p o rtan t help In j . . s .T a .. *• • " m lp iu m »’*’ .„u 111 -' areas and m aking fe rtile farm s out Legislative Assembly o f the S late of purpose of su bm ittin g to the legal the ^**® ,opm eut i then, tn f*ritiei««A »h»x ®°“ duct an'* .>*- «»•«- i tr.n H ? snRabie for Oregon In regard thereto, and provid­ of now alm ost worthless land. The —- f • ru ---«•• Indeed, the Forest Se'rVlce o ra l districts . \Ionrot* Coinm er- l'ip lln e ,n th e K egular Arm y, but this facture ing th a t said fund shall he ruined by voters of the City of Ashland for th e ir ctal Club recommends the raising of poHf y. * b ic h «wfeguards has actu ally made paper by one of organization of a big company to approval or rejection, Ih e herein p ro ­ handle the m land, clearing It and plac­ a special tax levy to be made In Dec one of ■"« > 1 ,250,000 by means o f bonds, for SferTor the “ ru te man ^ o f ^ t h ^ ‘ r * ¿ h‘‘ ,,Ucal pro. esses from several «« on e m ark ing It nn the m arket in «mull tracts 1911. at the d ale of m aking the re ­ posed am endm ent to section 2. A r t i­ h |g h w tay - ~ *___ ____ * • - —-— ’ 1 tn rerio r m e u n it e m » e ■- — » . .. — - Processes from several Improvem ents in Snohotuigh I r - , ‘ "he ° rut8 J * o f ,h a t <>» «hem. Rut In order to know whe- fo r the fa rm e r, wi cle V I of Ihe C h a rie r Ilf the CRy of was forecasted It g ular annual (ax levy fo r said city. y. I t is _ proposed to c o n d u c t t|( d f . h cover« a m u l- . th e r they can p ro fita b ly be utilised. * * > »UM ested that county _ _ ________ Ashland, Oregon. W H E R E A S , by a re g u la r act of money he raised n ih k M n n a rfa m . _ ____ l i d . ____ . . . e . 160 miles o i m macadam tru n k roads 1 * « * u u r U l 9 1 I1 H . , And fu rth e r notice Is hereby given under present conditions. It Is necee- for the work by bonding the land. the lmbly nf the S tale through a!, „arts of the county. Such m t m . t l e s X n fo r >'“ d- methods of | - I n . l l . r ,o the ¡ ,l.„ T o i i o W of Oregon, provision Is uinile for the that n Siiw lnl city election w ill be held ^ T T s T g i lS e " ^ ^ * - 1 ^ » d- f , C . Easy p a y m e n t, for construction of Arm ory Buildings In for Ihe purpose of subm itting to the • I ir a c x iv e i o . -•-=1 « ..,|..u,e< i in actu al b u sin ess opera-1 p urchasers w ere favored and It was such counties and cities as m aintain legal voters Of the CRy of Ashland ‘* T J ? I’a rH c „!a r. “ >a •’ “«'red to generally agreed that the resulting de to settlers. The m atter is^he ng well ' “ X S S l U « n ciitupanv or companies of the O re ­ for th e ir approval or rejection, on the to n th . a . . en d » . o L T . - Y k ? .......... f ‘ nd ° w h w a* iH ex,. * nt ’ » t can in I »” l«Pm ent In vesetHhl« d airyin g. vegetabl, received and may ... . .. ......m -u » ‘° « i i „ SO . e f f e c tiv e ly »„ r o OUi r u i ‘ nrw H i» i» n new i’ -« wo<“ 'I'n irn dairying gon N atlo n nl Guardi regularly o r­ 4lh day of M arch. 1911, the follow a., “ “ " ' l “ " ' Wln? ............ .. ......... . lug proposed amendment ganized, and . .. - — — - -w- ...... ' n VZUIU W H E R E A S , the C ity of Ashland A llle lillllH 'lit Io C ity C lu trle r, o f A a li- usually less than th at of | astonishing In Its far-reaching bene­ la io l, O r,*gon, fits to the te rrito ry lying between has fo r many years last past and still earn in g capacity m ill has been b uilt «be Cascade Mountatus und the sea. does m a in ta in such an organlxatiou AN ACT. cent, which it is predicted w ill follow "n«"8cîn tlo v L rysyr w\n«Vthde‘ï r i v e r . ’ am í m ^ ‘ ¡ °.n ^ " r a l l X d ‘ ’X oí* O n - g o Ï T ’ and lie In Enacted by th,- j ------ K « .s aavau a U I3 IIK le People of th« W H E R E A S , the M ilita ry Slate C ity of A shland' now pending at Olni.vpia. Such a law partly because th e 'c k iie 'n m a v ^ M n k 1,1 ay require- Its Inside dimensions j the operation of the Oregon T ru n k Hoard of the State of Oregon have An Act to Amend Hertlon 2, of w ill m ake It Illeg al fo r women to L u o f hU x «re 40 by 100 feet, and It Is equip,a-d up the ^ h u t e . Canyon and on to selected the C ity of Ashland as _ Lhan e/ g h ' houre At ‘« X .v .r y U8,X m « n U : M ? r • ele<'trlCal ^ ,. ? A .n,aC’; rjr and a ll nec- Madras, which w ill he start«" " *" proper sit,, fo r such building and pro­ A rticle V I, of tbe Act E n title d "An n,a<:h? ' n. : ury “« started ' March net to amend nn Act en title d nn act pose to construct the same here that *M,?at “ P-1?" ' a ' « • These centers have never hefor« 5 S ^ " ? O S 1“ r! ? ' ’._ t. “ hr X , n,axim un' « should m S a in ta in ì an effective h u B m a n i e — — shall cost the sum o f > 3 0 .0 0 0 .oo, pro­ to Incorporate the C ity of Ashland. In Jackson county. Oregon, and to de ------- -- w -vp erave; atm w nere b ru ta -1 a n d " p l Ì X r ^ A J a L Ì Ì i o n " T n - Ì* " P u l'’ a u r7 ,,,n d l“ K country w ill Increase In vided. o n e-h alf th a t am ount shall be fine the IMiwers thereof, filed In the ral«e° 4. of that certain act of the l7,5oo.OO tO ** th * f rSt w o o i,i ,'«*lle R» *»a a g ricu ltu ra l develop- approved Jan uary 30. 1903, E n title d A ll S kin Troubles Bible fo r the measure, as the w orking : for said purpose, provided, the C ity leaieu. ment. an Act to amend an Act. en titled "an A re overcome by using Dr. Bell'a women have not displayed any fra n tic W h ile the experim ent« are in te n d -j Product« of the Ileaver State w ill of Ashland shall appropriate a like Act t„ amend an Act entiled an A rt A ntiseptic Salve. It Is as pleasant to In terest in it. so far. ed to cover woods from a ll parts of have th e ir Inning d urin g the two sum th e re fo r, and to Incorporate the CRy of Ashland. kuOWn ;t o eg“ e ‘satHfarc « o n #nd g,,aranteed the country which, from the s ta n d -, weeks beginning F ebruary 27th when W H E R E A S , the construction o f Oregon, and define the powers there- 25 cents a box. such a b uilding In the C ity of Ash- h o rtlc n ltu ris ta in the N orthw est, has! i v 'i n . b i ’ .i,e .Vn C“ p r" t* >r‘ ,e.s ( ,hp ‘ Mad‘* O regon" exposition w ill <»•. In th»» offlc»» <>f (hi* HiM’ ri’farv F o r Sale by M c N a ir Bros now «•f State, F e b ru a ry 21, I8M 9. and the av a ila b le supplies, promise to furnish open In Portland. Hom e m anufac- land Is of great Im portance, prepared the text fo r a booklet which therefore new m ate ria l fo r the paper-m aking turers w ill show what they are dolns th e Chicago M ilw a u k e e & St. Paul A rts approved Feh 25. 1895. am en d ­ “ dustry, a special point Is the N at- to meet the demands of th e ir own T H E P E O P L E O F T H E C IT Y O F ing the same, filed In the office of the In terest l>evoured P rin cip«|. R a ilw a y is d is trib u tin g extensively In T h e re are enormous people for factory products, and the th e East. I t calls attentio n to thè A S H L A N D IS ) O R D A IN AH T he leading negroes o f a Georgia lonal Forest-. Secretary of State, October 14. 1898. excellent chances in fru itg ro w in g In town started a bank and Invited per­ supplies of various softwoods In these; wide variety of articles to be shown FOLLOW S: and also fu rth e r amended by a vote Forests fo r which there now e x is ts ! w ill, unquestionably, prove a surprise W ashington, p a rtic u la rly In th at part sons of th e ir race to become custom­ o f the people o f said C ity o f Ashland S E C T IO N 1. A local d epartm ent store o f the state penetrated by the M il­ ers. One day a darkey, w ith shoes little demand and this fact c o n s tltu -ito many at an election held on the 15th day o f T h a t the proposition o f the .Mill A s im ila r w aukee. T he observations are con­ run down at the heels, a gallus over tes one of the serious problems of i w ill house the exhibits. December. 1908, the result of which tnry Board o f the State o f Oregon to servative T h e booklet is well iUus- one shoulder and a cotton >h irt. m anagem ent of the N ational Forests, exposition was held here some years construct an A rm ory B uilding In the was pniclslm ed by the M ayor o r the In o rd er to have forests produce tlm - ago and was a great success The tra te d w ith catchy orchard scenes Showed up at the bank. ' Ity of Ashland th a t shall cost not 1 (111 day of December. 1906, be, and T h e M ilw aukee's ex h ib it car is com- "See h ere." he said. " I want mah her steadily they must be cu t; but if I prom oters of the coming show ex- less than >3 0 .0 0 0 .0 » Including the th e «am«« 1« hereby amended ao a« to th ere Is a m arket only fo r tim b e r p ert to outdo the form er one p le tin g a fo u r m onths to u r of the { dollahs.” cost of the ground, Is hereby accept­ read a« follow«: A colony of Danish fa r m e r, Is to be m id d le W estern States. Reports " W h o Is y u h ? " asked the cashier. from the m ost valu ab le kinds o f| Section II»—T h a C ity Connell shall, ed under the term « o f the law pro­ reaching here are to the e ffect t h a t ’ "M a h name's Jim Johnson an' I t, reesK the . re8“ ,t of ru ttin g Is lik e ly ! brought to Oregon during the coming viding th e re fo r, as expressed In the by ordinance, prescribe the duties of la rg e num bers o f interested farm ers w ant dat ten dollahs." j ,o “® th * disappearance o f th e s e 'S p rin g and established on lands In Act of the le g is la tiv e Assembly, f||. appointive and elective officers, and have inspected the exhibits and had "Y ou a in 't got no money in his here «ree8 and th e ir replacem ent In the f o r - ’ M ultnom ah and Y a m h ill counties ed In the o ffice o f the Secretary of fix and determ ine th e ir compensation th e ir desires to come W est whetted, banh.** «aid the cashier, a fte r looking Krowth by specie« which are not The im m ig ran t« w ill num ber about and essentials o f q ualificatio ns, and State Feb. 24th . 1909 T he proposed W o rkin g m en 's Com- OTer the books. «“ a "d Since the pulp m ills take 100 and are a ll experienced In Inten- mny. In Its discretion, subject to the S E C T IO N 2. pensatlon Law w ill raise an annua! “ Ye8 1 ha8 ’’ Insisted the visitor. " I " Jii ' *1°° " T ? .. ,h i* lum ber sive farm in g . Sm all tracts w ill be conditions heretofore stated In eer- That the sum of > 7 ,5 0 0 .0 0 Is here fu n d o f >2.0 0 0 .0 0 0 . To ad m in ister It put ten dollars in here six mbnths «n «*1’ - S P ^ '*» suitable fo r paper m ak- used and vegetables, sm all fru its and tlon one, of this A rtic le , remove any * c tiv e ly w ill req u ire re _ a _________ large corns a « ° ” ng can be cu t to a low tim b e r dlam e- p ou ltry w ill be raised Practlca by appropriated out of any monies in appointive o ffic e r at nny tim e Conn- e ffe _ re a taige corps ________ . ___ __________ ter. and th u s th » h . I . n » t ___ .............. . .... o f deputies in a ll parts o f the state. w h y , m an, yuh sure Is foolish. ter. and thus the balance may be every foot of ground w ill be utilized the general fund In the C ity Treasury cllrnen shall receive as compensation turned in favor of the reproduction o f by these th rifty farm ers from abroad not otherwise appropriated for the fo r th e ir services a salary not exceed­ In fact this p art of the work w ill eat l * ‘ *n «r «8« done et dat up long er go th e more valuable kinds of trees. and It Is said th a t they can teach the purpose o f aid in g the M ilita ry Board ing >30.00 |M-r m onth, which ahall be up 85 per cent o f the fund. The -------------------------------- in addition to the benefit which the A m erican ag rlciiltu rlftt a few thing« of the State of Oregon In the con­ payable on tbe last day of each and lab o rin g classes, whom the measure An a ttack o f g rip Is often followed public w ill derive from the a d v a n c e -; In conserving a ll the resources of struction o f an A rm o ry B uild in g In every m onth, d uring th e ir te rm of proposes to benefit, do not lik e this by a persistent cough, which to many th e C ity o f Ashland which, In clu d ­ o ffice The M ayor shall devote hla phase of the bill. I t smells o f g ra ft proves a great annoyance. C ham ber- ment of forest conservation In con- the soil. T he use of a portion o f the Pendle- ing the coat of the site, shall not be e n tire tim e and attentio n to the duties and provides the way for b u ild ing up Iain's Cough Remedy has been exten- sequence of th e wood pulp expert- less than >30.000. ments of the G overnm ent, th ere Is the ton-Y oakum c u to ff on the m ain of his office, and shall be paid a aal- S £ x r 2 ! s j ? K a 3 i i i a j ,y B ? a s . 6^ , o,'h± * p" s r » 8 E C T IO N 3 * r y not exceeding >90.00 per m onth, opposition has developed. M any cases have been cured a fter I n „ n T i ! “ ,erim p n t" ahould th “ 1'*"« " • * * T his Is the developed. M any cases have been cured a fte r all T h a t the C ity Council of said C ity which sa ary shall alao be payable on i He price o f paper of rebuilding of the track between the Consideration o f the best and °«her remedies had failed. Sold by m ake possible, of Ashland Is hereby authorized and th e l««t day o f etch and every mooch the cheaper grades. Including news tw o points, e lim in a tin g curves and cheapest methods fo r clearin g logged- PoleY’s D ru K Store. directed, th a t at the tim e o f m aking d urin g hla term of office. paper, has been advancing rap id ly o f! leveling grades The work has cost T he ballot title and num ber of Its annual taz levy In December. 1911 o ff lands was given by the delegates . -------- ----------------- ------ recent years as the supply of spruce >1 .2 5 0 ,0 0 0 and w ill be a great Im - to m ake a apaclal levy sufficient to such measure shall be as follows: to the Southwestern W ashington De- " h ltc M a n ’» C ountry, has dw indled, and Am erican m ills provement fo r the fast and safe opera- Pro|MMMsl Ity In itia tiv e P etlU oa. raise said sum of > 7 .5 0 0 .0 0 which velopm ent League convention at V an- In passing opinion on the proposed are now d raw in g a large p a rt of th e ir I tlon of trains. shall be used to reim burse the gen­ couver, last week, in W estern W ash- Japanese tre a ty Governor W est says; supply from Canada. I f ground pulp! . A."..Act to Section 2 of A r t i­ ----------------------------— e ra l fund fo r any and a ll monies cle V I o f the C h a rte r of the C ity o f ington alone, there are 2 .5 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 " I believe this is a w h ite man's of the requisite q u a lity can be made H ow ’s T his? draw n th erefro m and used In the Ashland, whereby city council shall acres of fine logged-off land that country, and to allow foreign lm - from new and abundant woods as ... _ „ ,, . ' w ould m ake excellent homesites. if m ig ratio n , especially coolies, from cheaply as It Is made from spruce one »»« olTer One H undred D ollars Re- construction of said A rm ory B uilding prescribe duties of appointive and cleared. Consequently, this problem from Japan, to pour In should be o f th e most serious problems of the ward ^,>r a“ Y of C atarrh th a t can- If any monies shall be draw n from elective officers, fix and determ ine Is rig h tly engaging much attention. blocked im m e d ia te ly ." said general fund th e re fo r o r If no th e ir compensation, rem ove any ap­ newspaper publisher nowadays w ill not be cured by H a ll'« C a ta rrh Cure. S ecretary Barnes' report showed th at money shall be so draw n then the pointive o ffic e r at any tim e. Council- F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. A lthough th e Governor has had no or should be considerably sim plified , > 7 ,5 0 0 .0 0 so raised men shall receive a aalary not exceed­ th e League Is m aking headway tim e o f late to read the papers, he Is W e, the undersigned, have known whole of said F. J. Cheney fo r the last 15 years. shall bp and Is hereby appropriated ing T h irty D ollara per m onth and the W ashington stands No. 17 among • l,re l,areo« oniy are the m em oirs of R lc h -i cents per bottle. Sold by a ll drug- m ediately upon the receipt of the land. Oregon, of the foregoing the • T h e outlook fo r a good year w a s 1 ______ certific a te of the County C lerk fo llo w ing Judge« of Election and the n e v e r b etter and bankers a re report ; Toe the m a rk ; when you are ard V a g n e r to be published, but a gists ^ “ ” ” ¡5 7 » T i to r c o n .,I. of Jackson C ounty, Oregon, show­ fo llo w ing voting places have been tng enconraging money movements. ! chopping wood also m ark the toe. [ pation. ing the aggregate valuation of the •Inly appointed by the common ceun- I assemble property In said C ity of cil: First W a rd , voting place. F ou rth Ashland to a n n u a lly levy, by o rd in ­ ance, the taxes p erm itted In said street F ire S tation B uilding. Judges of Election: G. W Bene­ c h a rte r and to n o tify the C lerk of said County C ou rt, under the c e rti­ dict. J. M G r iffin , K. H . Gould. ficate of the R ecorder, of the rate Second W ard , voting place. M ilitia per cent o f such tax levy made bv lla rra c k a , M cC arthy B uild in g , corner said council. M ain and G ranite streets Medicines like those of Dr. V. Pierce of Buffalo, warrant their makers in printing their every ingre­ Judges of E lectio n: H. A. P arm a- S E C T IO N 6. dient, which they do, upon their outside wrappers, verifying the correctness of the same unde^ ofth. ter, O. (). Van N a tta , Z. A. Moody. This ordinance shall ta k e effect T h ird W a rd , voting plnce, CRy This open publicity places these medicines in a clan all by themselvei. Furthermore, it warrants physicians and be In fu ll force from and a fte r H a ll. prescribing them largely as they do in their worst cases. w a rra n ts pnysicians the date of Issuance of the proclam a­ Judges of Election: E J A rant tion of the M ayo r of aald c ity d eclar­ Jurnea Lowe, O. H. Johnson ing the result o f the «pedal election The two last named Judges In held thereon as provided by law. each ward w ill also act as C lerks of "T h e b allot title and num ber of the Election. proposition to be voted on w ill be as T he polls w ill be open from 9 follow s: , /« a most potent alterative or blood-purifier, and tonic o r Invlgorator and acts especially favorably o ’clock In the forenoon u n til 6 o'clock Shall the C ity of Ashland, Oregon, In the ufternoon. in a curative way upon a ll the mucous lin in g surfaces, as o f the nasal passages, throat, bronch- appropriate > 7 ,5 0 0 .0 0 for an A rm o ry J 0. H URT, building and maye special levy of lal tubes, stomach and bowels, curing a large p e r cent, o f catarrhal cases whether the disease at- C ity Recorder. taxes th e re fo r? ” tecta the nasal passages, the throat, larynx, bronchia, stomach (as catarrhal dyspepsia), liver. D ate of firs t publication F eb ru ary Vote Y E S o r NO. 16. 1911, . | bowels (os mucous diarrhea), o r other organs. 100 YES. F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N O T IC E - 1 01 NO. l i n n » o f In terra i F r o m Ihe S la t e o f W a sh in g to n . General Contractor And Builder . . . . ASHLAND, OREGON GOOD, HONEST, SQUARE-DEAL R. in i Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is advised for the cure of one class of diseases only—those peculiar weaknesses, derangements and irregularities oeeuk It is a powerful yet gently acting invigorating tonic and nervine. g irregularities pecul- Ur to women. f °,n W° r n ' out’ o ^ r-w o rk e d w o m e n -n o m atter what has caused the break-down, "Favorite Prescription" w ill he found most effective In building up the strength, regulating the wom anly functions, subduing pain and bringing about a healthy, vigorous condition of the whole system. A book of particulars wraps each bottle giving the formula: of both medicines and quoting what scores of eminent m rd. seal authors, whose works are consulted by physicians of all the schools of practice as guSes in prescribing, say of each tngredient entering into these medicines. H 8’ y n Both medicines are non-alcoholic, non-secret, and contain no harmful habit-forming drugs, being composed of glvceric extracts of the roots of native, American, medicinal, forest plants. They are both so k lb y dealers ^ m e d id n e * 7 You can t afford to accept as a substitute for one of these medicines of known compojilion, any secret nostrum. Don’t do it. And fu rth e r notice la hereby given that on the 13th day o f F chruary, 1911, an In itia tiv e P etition was re­ g u la rly filed w ith the C ity Recorder of Ashland. Oregon, dem anding that there be subm itted to the legal voter» of the C ity o f Ashland, fo r th e ir ap­ proval or rejectio n , the herein pro­ posed am endm ent and said petition In addition to the foregoing contained a call for a special city election to lie held on the 4th day of M arch, 1911, fo r the purpose o f s u bm ittin g to the legal voters of the C ity of Ashland, for th e ir approval or rejectio n , said proposed am endm ent. A fte r the re­ corder had d uly verified the num ber and genuineness of the signatures to said petition and found the same to be In proper form and to contain In the County C ourt of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the m a tte r of the estate of Jacob L. Padgett, deceased. Notice la hereby given th a t the un­ dersigned, executrix of qiie above named estate, has tiled In the nbove named court her flnnl account and th n t by order of Raid court, F rid a y , the 17th day of M arch, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. ni., has been fixed as tho tim e fo r the hearing o f objections to said report. If any there bo. E L IZ A P A D G E T T , Executrix of the estate of Jacob L. P adgett, deceased. Dated February 13, 1911.