Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, December 12, 1895, Image 2

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    Semi-Weekly Tidings
War Possibilities.
The Republican City Convention.
A war between Great Britain and this
country would disclose a bigger tory
Mayor—J . P. Dodge.
Thursday...................December 12. 1895 element than is commonly supposed to
Marshal—C. P. Jones.
exist among us, b u t it would arouse the
Recorder—Milton Berry.
great mass of people to the highest
T reasurer—E. V. Carter.
tension and incite our army and navy to
Street Commissioner—B. R. Willits.
deeds of valor and glory which would be
Surveyor—J. A. McCall.
The chaplains of both the house and the delight of the historians of this coun­
Councilmen—1st ward, H. C. Myer.
try. The ties of blood and language be­
2d ward, C. B. Crisler.
senate are blind men.
tween the Englishman and the American
3d ward, W. J. Schmidt.
Senator Cullnm stated the position of today count for little, and this people
Pursuant to call of the County Repub­
that a good American endorses, in the from the humblest school boy up through
United States senate Tuesday when he all ranks of society possess a poignant lican Central Committee, the city repub­
W e now have in a line of Double Fleeced and Wool Hose tor women
said: “This nation has played at diplo­ recollection of insults and injuries which lican convention was held in the city hall
macy long enough and without much ef­ they have endured from the Britisher Monday evening. The convention was Remember that Sherwin offers you the only High Class and children to which we invite your attention.
fect. Great Britain has been disregard­ that war which sooner or later must come, called to order at 8 o’clock by Committee­
Holiday Line in the city, and all at low prices.
Child's Caps,
Fine Wool Hose,
ing our requests, protests and arguments, only can efface. Who can forget our man Robt. Taylor, and onj motion, E. V.
and if let alone will finally dominate Ven­ humiliations
during Jefferson’s and Carter was made chairman of the conven­
ezuela.’’ “Our policy is an American Madison’s administrations)1 What school tion. Mr. Carter, on assuming the chair,
One ticket free on the Big Music Box with every
Hals for Men and Boys,
UndervesU, only
Cotton Hose
policy, our doctrine is the protection of boy does not blush and in his heart complimented the republicans of Ash­
American interests, and our motto is yearn for bis country’s opportunity to land on the large attendance at the con­
it being greater probably than at
‘America for Americans.’ ”
avenge the disgrace of the British vention,
T rr^g > r > v e - c e n t P u r c h a s e
party convention ever held in
Decently a couple of Chinese house occupation and burning of the capital? the city. He hoped the convention would
Dress Reform Corset Waists, only #1 ; worth $1.50.
servants were employed in Tacoma and What patriot does not recall now the look to the selection of candidates for the
the whole city is in a ferment. The agi­ cowardly double-dealing policy of the city offices, who, if elected, would give
tation of the incident in the Tacoma pa­ British government toward ns in the the city the efficient and clean adminis­ Holiday Goods or Epsom Salts, it’s all the same to
pers bills fair to cause a suspension for a midst of our most perilous difficulties in tration of municipal affairs which the
time of the story of the theft by public the conduct of the civil war? The most city had enjoyed during the past year.
officials of the city’s money. Tacoma s careful scrutiny of our relations with that Fred D. Wagner was elected secretary of
position is inconsistent, as she is also in government fails to disclose a friendly- the convention and Chas. Gillette was
violation of the equities of the case, not act toward us not induced by greed or chosen as assistant secretary. On mo­
to speak of law, in that she offers no ob­ in a id in n s diplomacy, but instances of an tion of M. F. Eggleston the following
jection to Chinese merchants, but draws open or back-handed blow at times when rule was adopted to be observed in bal­ Prescription Deportment the best in Southern Oregon.
75c, »l.f«, »1.35. per pair.
»1.80, »1.85, »2.25, p e r S u it
the distinction doggedly as against Chi­ we were not in a situation to avert or loting:
avenge it are plentiful enough. We hold
nese pursuing other occupations.
Ordered, that each person voting shall
the position of vantage now and if we
10c, 15c, 20c, 25c.
The next republican national conven­ had something of the aggressive spirit in give his name to the teller receiving the liar kiud of vote) but finally Mr. Evans effort of their youug leader and the re­
tion will be held at St. Louis, June 16. the Washington government, which was ballot, and the teller shall thereupon an­ settled the difficulty by moviug to take a publicans of Mr. Smith, though it is
1896. That was the decision of the re­ shown by Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison nounce in a distinct voice the name of new vote; he wanted things fair and doubtful if the debate changed the
publican national committee at its meet­ when they had behind them a population the voter; and it is further ordered that square. Meantime some others came in. opinions of many on either side of the Cover Fruit Stands, 50c, 65c, »1.
75c. »1.00 set.
Glass Sets. », 4 4 pcs, 50c,
ing in Washington Tuesday. The follow­ and resources lees than that of one state in counting any vote had by ballot all The vote was taken and resulted: Smith questions discussed.
Hand and Table Ijtm pa, 25c to »3.00.
Tum blers, from 45c set.
ing is a list of the states and territories of the union now, we would humble this blank ballots or those not bearing the 31, Grainger 22, Tom Roberts 7. There
The music interspersed by the glee Celery Bowls, 25c each.
by which San Francisco led on the first modern Carthage to abject pleading to name of a citizen of Ashland be not was applause by the Smith crowd and club and the duet by Mr. and Mrs.
iuformal ballot: Alabama, Alaska, Cali­ continue in the list of the independent counted, but shall be thrown out and dis­ then the chair announced his nomination Shepherd were interesting parts of the
fornia, Colorado, Arizona, Connecticut, nations of the earth. Napoleon believed carded.
The convention then proceeded to the for marshal.
Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Michi­ the good of mankind required the destruc­
The large audience gave the closest
gan. Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, tion of this power and subsequent history nomination of candidates. Eugene Wal- balloting during the evening except that attention throughout, aud was highly
Oregon, Texas. Utah, Washington, West furnishes more in confirmation than in rad placed ¡in nomination J. P. Dodge encountered by the tellers in trying to de­ complimentary not only to the speakers,
Virginia, and Wyoming. The first for­ rebuttal of the correctness of his opinion. and D. F. Fox named the present incum­ cipher some of the bnllots. On motion but to Jacksonville aud the Jacksonville
mal ballot resulted: San Francisco 19, Had our oongrees declared war in 1808, as bent, J. R. Casey.
republican club.
Eugene Walrad and F. M. Drake were of G. M. Grainger, Milton Berry, the reg­
Chicago 6, St. Louis 14, Pittsburg 9, New it ought to have done, and joined with
ular republican nominee, was endorsed
Side Combs, new stock, 10c, 15c, 20c, per pair.
York dropped. 2d ballot—San Francisco him, supplying him with a great sea
the office of recorder and E. V. Carter
Jacksonville Items.
Mr. Casey’s name was withdrawn and for
19, St. Louis 18, Chicago 9, Pittsburg 5. power to cope with England, the history
H air Ornaments, 5o, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c.
of the republican ticket was also endorsed
3d ballot—San Francisco 19, St. Louis of the world would have been changed for the secretary was instructed to cast the for treasurer. These offices and also
Stick Bins, 5c and 10c.
22, Pittsburg 1, Chicago 9. 4th ballot— the better, of both Europe and this coun­
of surveyor were not regarded with
of Mr. Rogers
The chair announced the unanimous that
St. Louis 29. San Francisco 16, Chicago try.
Comb, only 15c each.
much interest. Jesse McCall of the re­
5; necessary to a choice 28.
There is always friction and irritation nomination of Mr. Dodge as the republi­ publican ticket was endorsed for surveyor. near Centra! Point.
Milk Bans, 10c, B2|c
can candidate for mayor to be voted for
John Sevedce a prominent rancher and Buggy Whips, 25c and 50c ca.
For street commissioner the irrepressi­
Last Tuesday at Topeka, Kansas, oc­ to our pride and our material interests in at the ensuing city election.
Chopping Bowls, 15c, 25c, 35c, 40c.
curred the greatest auction the world has every phase of our relations with that
C. P. Jones was named by E. B. Smith ble P. H. Donoghue named W. L . Jo h n ­
Mrs. Fannie Birdsey was in Jacksonville Dish Bans, 35c, 40c, 50c.
ever known. J. B. Johnson, special mas­ country. Excepting our naval exploits, for marshal; W. J. Schmidt named H. P. son which was seconded by W. R. Potter.
Chopping Knives, 5c and lGc.
ter in chancery, sold to the highest bid­ we have never gotten any satisfaction Weeks and John Pennington was placed Ike Miller nominated J. K. Leabo which Monday accompanied by her father, Mr.
Drip or Bread Bans, long or square.
Pat­ Compton, of Butte creek.
der for cash in hand the entire system of beyond forcing upon her the arbitration in nomination by J. C. Plumerth. The was seconded by Gen. Applegate.
Mr. Robt. Kahler, who returned recently
the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. Noth­ of the Alabama claims, and against this, first ballot resulted in the nomination of sy’s nomination was successful by one
ing was ‘reserved of its 10,000 miles of she later worked in part an offset, by C. P. Jones. The vote was as follows: vote on the first ballot, which stood: from San Francisco, was in Jacksonville
on Wednesday and purchased a miners
track, its 2000 locomotives, its thousands mulctiug us in the fisheries matter. She Jones 108, Weeks 25, Pennington 9, and Leabo 31, Johnson 35.
gents, 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c.
The ward nominations made by the re­ outfit. In company with his nephew, Fine Handkerchiefs, for ladies or
upon thousands of cars, its buildings, has fostered and nourished Canada to Mr. Jones was declared the nominee.
rights and franchisee, which are consid­ the north as a menace to us and must
Judge Howell uamed Milton Berry for publicans were endorsed, except iu the 'togue river'this winter and expects to not Child’s Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c.
ered together to reach the imperial value always be a menace until brought under reelection to the office of recorder and the first ward. W. B. Million was named for get wealth but health in the broad gold
of «350,000,000. * One feature of this auc­ our flag. How she has attempted to secretary was instructed to cast the vote councilman in that ward by Lee Rogers, fields and genial climate of Southern Ore­
tion materially differed from the ordina­ gird our territory, and pretty nearly to for Mr. Berry, there being ’no opposition. which was seconded by Patsy Donoghue gon.
was carried by acclamation. This
ry. No one was allowed to bid unless he completion, with garrisons, naval and
E. V. Carter was renominated unani­ and
The grand rally of republican clubs
completed the making of a ticket which which
had first deposited «500,000 in cash with coaling stations need not be recited. A mously for city treasurer.
took place in Jacksonville Tuesday
the special master as an evidence of good study of the map of the British Empire
For street commissioner, B. It. Willits, helped to give it birth, judging from the evening, was one of the largest and most
Come and see our new stock.
faith. Judge Henry C. Caldwell came to
nleasaut gatherings that ever took place in
John Pennington, C. E. Hooper and W.
Prominent republicans,
Topeka for the purpose of confirming not too late to call a halt in her inimical L. Johnson were placed in nomination. expressions heard after the convention. Jacksonville.
career and public sentiment is ready to
I t was hoped by the managers that with democrats and populists from all parts of
the sale.
support such a movement to the extreme The first ballot resulted, Willits 52, Pen­ a solid and influential man like Mr. Neil the county were present. The debate,
The Portland Oregonian attained its and at any sacrifice. The inception of nington 20, Hooper 17, Johnson 37; no at the head of the ticket and an anti­ which was the important part of the
forty-fifth birthday last Wednesday. this movement is observed in the election. Messrs. Hooper and Penning­ life term candidate for marshal, to put program, was most interesting and the NoteBaper, Tablets, Envelopes, Bencils, Composition Books,
Like all human enterprises which have resolution introduced in the United ton withdrew. Second ballot: Willits 67, out a ticket that would oommand strength, contestants, Hon. R. G. Smith and Hon.
’ grown great and potent for good or evil States senate and which will receive the Johnson 55, J. K. Leabo 1. Mr. Willits but the success of Marshal Sm ith’s John A Jeffrey, were well matched in Slates, Crayons, Bapetrie, <fcc. <&c,
ability and a thorough under­
among men, its beginnings were very endorsement of a great majority of both was announced by the chair ns the nomi­ frieuds iu the convention had the effect oratorical
standing of political issues of the day, and
simple, first number being a little six- houses of congress. “Resolved, That in
each acquitted himself in a most creditable
J. A. McCall was unanimously renom­ of a wet blanket upon the whole ticket.
column four page paper printed weekly. accordance with the doctrine laid down
manner. Mr. Smith however discussed
Remember we are now in Odd Fellow’s Block, opposite
The Oregonian of today is the product of by President Monroe, as stated in the inated for the office of city surveyor.
the financial question from the only
practical stand point—a sound money Ashland Hotel.
many years of intelligent labor and close preceding resolutions (those defining the
The Smith—Jeffrey Debate.
basis—and of course had the best of the
and continuous application of two men, Monroe doctrine) the United States de­ members of the c»ty council were en­
The muchly advertised political debate argument.
Harvey W. Scott and H, L. Pittock, the clares that it proposes to maintain the dorsed by the convention: First ward,
Prof, and Mrs. C. 8. Shepherd, Prof and
former in the editorial management of principles embodied in that doctrine and H. C. Myer; second ward, C. B. Crisler; arranged to take place Tuesday evening Mrs,
J. M. Horton, Miss Mollie Miller and
uuder the auspices of the Jacksonville Mr. John
the paper and the latter in its business will regard any infringment of it or any third ward, W. J. Schmidt.
Miller furnished yocal and in­
conduct. No other single newspaper in attempt on the part of any European
strumental music for the occasion, and
the west wields as much power in the power to take or acquire new territory on lowing resolutions which were adopted Smith, of Josephine county, one of the Mr. J. C. Whipp presided in his usual hap­
rising young republican orators of the py manner. The order was excellent and
field it covers as the Oregonian. As the American continent, whether under with much enthusiasm :
Resolved, That the republicans of Ash­ state,and Hon, John A. Jeffrey, of Jackson the house was crowded, making the occa­
Bacon says of men in great places, the pretense of boundary disputes or other­
Oregonian has attained a position where wise, ns an act of hostility to the United land, in convention assembled, have ob­ county, the leading light of populism iu sion a most pleasant one for all present.
it is “thrice servant”—servant of the state, States.” There is nothing equivocal served with delight and hearty approval this county and prospective populist can­
Furnished rooms to let by Mrs. H.
servant of fame and servant of business; about th a t The declaration, from the the joint resolution introduced in the didate for district attorney of this district,
“so that they (the managers) have no necessities of the situation, has special United States senate by Senator Lodge, attracted a large and intelligent audience Ralph, Main street, just east of opera
freedom either in their persons, or reference now to Great Britain and she declaring adherence by the congress of at the court house at Jacksonville on the house block.
actions, nor in their times.”
will continue to be the power whose the United States to the principle of in­ evening mentioned, the large court room
aggressive schemes it is intended to ternational policy announced in the mes­ being filled, many of the prominent
Congressional Notes.
circumvent so long as she has a foot of
1823, commonly known as the Monroe different sections of the county being JOHNSTON—In Jacksonville, Dec. 1, 1895,
Chief interest in the senate proceed­ soil in this hemisphere. This declara­ doctrine, and we favor the prompt pas­ present to do honor to the two bright
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, a son.
ings Monday centered in tne speech of tion expresses the policy to which the sage of said resolution by both houses of young orators. President J. C. Whipp of YOUNG—In Ashland, Dec. 9tli |S95,\to
Senator Morgan of Alabama, chairman of political parties of this country have congress; and be it further
the club presided, with the secretary, J.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Young, a sont
the committee on foreign affaire, on the always professed firm adherence. Carried
Resolved, That we favor the early rec­ D. Fay, at his post. The exercises EVANS—In Ashland, Dec. 8, 1895, to Mr.
Behring sea award.
that in the settlement of the Venezuelan ognition of the Cubans in rebellion opened with a patriotic selection by the
and Mrs. S. J. Evans, a 12 lb daùghter.
In the drawing of seats in the house boundary question, the British govern­ against Spain, as belligerents, by the excellent glee club, composed of Pi of.
Ellis was very fortunate and secured a ment must acquiesce in what is really a government of the United States.
and Mrs. J. M. Horton, Prof, and Mrs. C.
seat almost directly in front of the speak­ concession by us, arbitration. I t obligee
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu­ F. Shepherd, Miss Mollie Miller aud Mr. The World's Fair Tests
er, near the main aisle. Hermann’s name us to interpose in that matter, and as a tions be transmitted by the secretary to John Miller. President Whipp selected
showed no baking powder
was not called until very late in the matter of fact we have already done so. the members of the Oregon delegation in six gentlemen on behalf of the republi­
so pure or so great In leav­
drawing, and he was compelled to go If that government decides to refuse our congress.
cans, ex-senator Theo. Cameron, Hon. N.
around on the extreme left of the demo­ proposed method of settlement, or at­
On motion the convention adjourned. Langell, Gus. Newbury, Geo. Merriman,
ening power as the Royal.
cratic side. Quite a number of republi­ tempts to shift and evade it, in order that Good feeling prevailed throughout the C. E. Wolcott and F. D. Wagner, and
cans were also forced to take seats in this she may yet adjudicate the question in proceedings. The ticket is a good one Deputy Sheriff Barnes submitted the
vicinity. Among the more prominent her own way and to the mjury of and should be elected.
names of half a dozen leading populists,
are Henderson of Iowa, H itt of Illinois, Venezuela, then the first overt act by her
J. W. Ling, J. W. Boosey, Senator Holt,
Grout of Vermont, Walker of Massachu­ toward the effectuation of su?h a policy
Co. Treasurer Welch, John Treesler and
setts, besides others who bid fair to be will, of necessity, force the American The Democratic “Citizens’ Conven- G. W. White. These were invited to
Perfect seeds grow
quite prominent in the future. Hyde of congress to declare war. In the con­
front seats but happily their intervention
rpaying crops. Perfect seeds’’
Washington is in the row in front of Her­ tingency assumed, and it is most probable,
Pare not grown by chauce. N o th ^
Tuesday evening “dodgers" were scat­ was not needed|during the debate.
mann; Bnd Sayres, democrat, of Texas, there is no other possible issue. There tered about the town announcing, by
Mr. Barnes, as suave as if the next
Fing isever left to chance In grow-1
ing F e r r y ’s S e e d s . Dealers sell ’
sits between Hermann ami Hitt.
It is are really no alternatives for Great “many citizens,” that a convention of cit­ campaign for county officers was already
them everywhere. Write for
quite a coincidence that this is the fourth Britain but to retreat from her reported izens, “irrqgpective of party,” would be on, introduced Mr. Jeffrey iu a pleasant
term that Hermaun has sat very close to attitude, or tight, if we are to’preserve held in the city hall Wednesday night, little speech that created a favorable
At yard north of railroad track, have ou hand a large stock of
F E R R Y ’S
Hitt. In two ’congresses they occupied our national pride and self respect by an and at the appointed hour sixty or sev­ impression. Mr. Jeffrey stepped forward
adjacent seats.
for 1 8 9 6 . Brimful of valuable j
open and determined adherence to the enty men aud boys assembled in the hall. aud for three quarters of an hour gave
i Information about best and new-
The Washington correspondent of the Monroe doctrine.
The meeting was to be engineered princi­ the large aud most attentive audience
seeds. Free by mall. ,
Oregonian says: Senator McBride made
The deprecations of those who are pally by democrats, who had undertaken a reiteration of his speeches of last cam­
And can furnish Sash, Doors, Shingles, Lath, Mouldings aud
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
an excellent impression in the senate. active in showing how illprepared we are the project of nominating G. M. Grainger paign and all his speeches siuce, expound­
all kinds of building materials. Woven wire fencing made to
Nearly all the Jmen who met him found for war will weigh for little. We have for marshal, but the scheme did not work
Given au equal chance we will positively not be undersold
him a genial and cultivated gentleman, never been prepared for any war into successfully, as will appear from the pro­ rasping the wicked old parties aud their
and a man, who, in his conversation, which we have been drawn thus far in ceedings. On motion of W. J. Stanley, rotten leaders. He had a particular
showed that he was possessed of the re­ our history. Really, we are in a better E. D. Briggs was called to the chair. spleen against John Sherman, the re­
The following
quisite ability to make a good senator. position to enter upon hostilities than at They were somewhat at sea for a time for nowned republican financier, whom he
Senator McBride occupies a seat around any time heretofore, when there was a a secretary, when finally E. E. Deming, a alluded to as au “arch-traitor,” and
have been received
on the extreme right of the republican shadow of a war cloud. Our military prominent populist, was selected to act as insisted on giving him a middle initial
this week at the
side. This is where nearly all the new resources are practically illimitable and secretary. I. W. Burriss and I. O. Miller
senators land when they first come, but much of them are immediately available. were appointed tellers to count the votes He also devoted some time to the defense
after a few changes they find themselves
A war with Great Britain would be a had during the evening. Gen. E. L. Ap­ of the populist | free trade doctrines,
securing more prominent seats.
war around the world. I t 'm ust be plegate was observed to take a chair at although by the arrangements for the
to have been confined to a
Senator Mitchell has introduced a bill recollected we never agreed with the the table, as if to lend support to Chair­ debate it was
of the money plank of the
to allow the admission to soldiers' homes great powers to abolish privateering and man Briggs and the secretary on this in­ discussion
populist platform. He also, of course,
Having moved into larger quar­ Parlor Suits,
Ladies’ Cabinet writing Desks
Kitchen Safes
of veterans of Indian wars on the same the loss which our regular and volunteer teresting occasion. The indident is worth deplored official extravagance and the
fronting the Plaza, we have in­
Bed Room Suits,
and Book-Cases combined,
Enameled Goods,
footing as the old soldiers of the civil war. navy would inflict on British commerce recording as the general’s former antipa­ payment of too liberal salaries to public
Upholstered Odd Pieces,
Fancy Extension Tables,
Bed Springs,
would be enormous. W hat some of our thy to affiliating with the democracy or
Rockers in endless variety. Selected Especially for the Holiday trade,
There is a disposition m the house to coast cities might suffier in comparison any part of it is well known. In fact, no officials, deepite his supposed sympathy
Curtain-Top and other Business Desks,
“ Household Treasure Tables,
give Embassador Bayard some trouble would be a mere bagatelle. Further­ later than twenty-four hours before he with the present populist official regime goods in the very best assortment of
Folding Beds. Dining chairs, Sewing machines, Bed spings, Mattresses,
1 »ecause of his free trade speeches recent­ more, some sacrifices at the seaports had asserted with emphasis that that of Jackson county and the total inade­ W riting Papers, Envelopes, Tablets,
ly in England in which he talked like a must be expected, always, in the eveut of “ wooly-headed monster, the democratic quacy of the supply of offices and salaries Pens, Inks, Books, Stationery and Picture frames and moulding, Doll carriages, etc., etc.,
The m oot o f th e s e goods w ere Shipped D ire c t fro m th e E as tern M a n u fa c tu re rs .
partisan before an American audience, of war and no consideration of safety for party, ought to be allowed to lie down to the wants of the populist people, at Notions. Our stock of Candies, of
this time. As iu his previous speeches the best make, is new and fresh, and H aving p urchased th e m for sp o t chsh, I am a b le to , and W IL L sell th e m a r th e very
using language respecting the democratic a big coast city can ever be allowed to ami die the everlasting death.”
L ow est P rices.
policies of his countrymen unseemly in weigh against national honor. Such a
The chair announced that nominations the well known populist financial
his place and position. Some of the war would result in the complete dis­ for mayor were in order. A long pause literature, so much of which has had its we carry a line of most excellent
Nov. 20th, ’95.
members go so far as to threaten im­ memberment of the British Empire, and ensued and it seemed for a time that no alleged truths exploded, like the “Seven Cigars, and all the standard brands
peachment, but the republican managers if John Bull got out of it with a Britain one had been able to muster up any can­ Financial Conspiracies,” were liberally oi Tobacco.
will not consent to anything more than of Scotland, England and Ireland left, didates for this office. The embarrass­ drawn from.
i J . L . FENTON
Mr. Smith had been alloted an hour
the passage of resolutions ofjosnsure.
he would be thankful that so much was ment of the chair was to be relieved, how­
of the Golden Owl.
preserved. The whole colonial system ever, by J. B. R. Hutchings who named following Mr. Jeffrey aud was iDtroduoed
would fall to pieces and Russia would the present president of the city council, by Mr. Whipp as being, like his opponent
gain the long desired sea ports in warmer R. P. Neil. Time was given for other in the debate, a young man and a native
■ A -s lila n c l, O r e g o n .
C 3 3 te l Js F e n t o n , P r o p 's .
climates, a thing she ought to have and names to be mentioned aud then H. S. of Jacksonville where both had been
Chicago is to have a mining exchange. which Bbe has always been prevented Evans moved that Mr. Neil be nominated rocked in cradles 25 or 30 years before.
Mr. Smith makes a good appearance, is
securing by the selfishness of Eng­ by acclamation, which was carried.
The Steamboat quartz mine on upper from
and ofttimee eloquent in his
Cash paid for cast irou and brass scraps.
Located near Electric Lignt Station.
land. Will the English government risk
Applegate has been sold to capitalists in so
much? Not if they are wise, but it tion tor marshal, in which the slate of the speech. Mr. Smith was one of the ardent
the east. Mr. F. E. Birge, the mining ought not to be forgotton that that gov­ managers was to be shattered. W. J. supporters of Senator Dolph during last
expert, conducted the negotiations, so ernment several times in the past has Stanley uamed G. M. Grainger. The winter’s prolonged contest in the legisla­
reports say.
gone to war, when it was neither prudent audience was apparently listless for a ture and his views on the money question
Eugene Guard: The big ten stamp nor wise, and such was the case in the time, when R o b t Leonard named his are well known as being in line with his
Leading Millinery and
as an man, G. W. Smith. Then Jack Mahan party aud strongly in opposition to the
n u ll of the Champion mine is doing a war which gained us a place
Dress Making Parlors.
placed Tom Roberts in nomination,which
rushing business and turning out piles of independent nation.
was seconded by “Hutch” of Hunsaker’e which position he maintained with much
gold. Good pay rock running way up
saloon, and the balloting began. The
Ashland, Or.
into many thousands, is ready for work
Ashland, Oregon.
first ballot resulted : Grainger 16, Tom minutes in which to close the debate,
and will be a bonanza to the owners.
Roberts 8, G. W. Smith 27; total 54. The following Mr. Smith.
Complete line latest style Millinery
New York Son editorial: Col. Conger tally kept at the secretary’s deek of those
Yreka Journal: The Seattle Placer
The audience was left to form its own
Mining Co., which recently purchased the onght to know that Mr. McKinley is not voting showed that only forty men had opinion as to who won the victory. The Goods received direct from the east
C i g a r s and T o b a c c o s ,
Shinar mine, on Thompson creek, has 50 the only “ pivotal candidate” tor the pres­ voted, whence it appeared there had been popu'ists were of course proud of the quarters for the styles of the day.
men employed on the ditch at that place idential nomination. Ohio is not a way- a “stuffing o f voteâ This was very em­
and the contract for the entire i'.l4 miles off at one end of the oonntry. And this, barrassing to the chair. He appealed
C o n fe c tio n e r y
has been let. I t will be about March be­ by the way, reminds us to look in Web­ with the suggestion that a ballot like
fore this ditch is complete«), after which ster’s Dictionary, which defines a pivot that be regarded as “informal.” The
a n d N o tio n s .
work will be rushed by this enterprising &e a “ pin fixed only at one end, upon Smith crowd didn’t see it that way nnd
which anything turns.” So that, if Mr. not a man budged from his seat. The
Reed »hw'sn’i just fit that description, and
We always carry the largest stock uf Cigars, Tobacco
The smelter is in position at the Illi- isn’i n pivotal candidate, indeed, we shall chair could not announce Smith’s nomi­
Pipes, Meerschaum Goods, E tc., south of Portland .
nois i copper mines and holds 100 tons of have b> look toward Oregon, where Hon.
is now Jnhu H. Mitchell stands smiling.
has been roasted
ore which
Every nerve Is strengthened tn the core of It by
Musical Merchandise.
obliged as chairman to regard this ballot
su periu-
ready tor smelting when
tendent applies the match.
T idings and N, Y. Tribune, «2.
25c Each,
25c Pair,
20c Each,
15c Pair,
25c to $2.75.
and Holiday Coods!
Cottonade Pants,
Boys’ Suits,
G L A S S W A R E , A c.
Dolls and Doll-Heads!
The Golden Rod Note Paper.
S t a t i o n e r y ,
The Fair Store.
Hardware, Stoves, Ranges.
Farmers’ Implements and Tools.
F E R R Y 'S ,
N O R R I S & CO.,
At tie ■
of tie
Neuralgia Torture.