9 P U B L IS H E D ASHLAND TIDINGS. ASHLAND Issued Mondays and Thursdays. W. H. LEEOS, S E M I-W E E K L Y . ». b. W 1 S S IÍ. LEEDS & WAGNER, P U B LIS H E R ? TIDINGS Rates of Advertising Famished Upon Application, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One y e a r............................................... 12.00 bix m ouths............................................ Three mouths ..............., ........••••■........... ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1895. VOL. XX. NUMBER 53. T H E BEST E Q U IP P E D JO B O F F I C I I IN S O U T H E R N O R E C O N . PA Y A BLE IN ADVANCE. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report □ O F F IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y . Are They Worth It? Circuit Court Docket. The following cases have been docketed The “unspeakable Turk” the “rotten for trial at the December term of circuit Turkish Empire must be dismembered” UNITED states . are the daily utterances of the English court for Jackson county: ............. .Groce?Cleveland President CRIM INAL. press of the world. Senator Hoar the ...................Ad tai Stevenson Vice President . . State of Oregon vs. A Weigel; practic- other day introduced a resolution declar­ Richard Olney Secretary of State John G. Carlisle Secretary of Treasury. ing the senate will support the president ticing medicine without license. __ Hose Smith Same vs. G £ Neuber; selling liquor Secretary of Interior iu any aggressive measure he may adopt .Daul. Lamont Secretary of War without license. respecting the alleg“d cruelties to Hilary A. Herbert Secretary of Navy Same vs. E H Renfro; practicing medi­ J. Sterling Morton Secretary of Agriculture missionaries in Armenia and Thursday a cine without license. • ...Win. L. Wilson Postmaster-general H as on its L is ts letter from Mr. Gladstone to Dr. Ghauucey Same vs. Geo E Bloomer; larceny. ..Judson Harmon Attorney-General Depew was published in which he says, Same vs. Burton Hawks; burglary. state or OREGON. Same vs. lAwrence Wade; recognizance. “in my opinion no cause more sacred and . i J. H. Mitchell U. S. Senators Same vs. Frank Wade; same. none more urgent thau that of the Arme­ (Geo.W. McBride Same vs. A C Saunders; same. I Binger Hermann nians has ever been brought before the Congressmen | W. R. Ellis Same vs. Ed Coyle; same. H o w T h e y T e le g r a p h I n P e rs ia . citizens of our humane aud enligbteued . C. M. Idleman Spirit of the State Press. Same vs. Ben Evans; same. Attorney-General conutry.” The impious and iniquitous Telegraphic communication In Persia is W. P. Lord Governor ............... ■■■ Same vs. John Doe; same. The Welcome is slightly inclined to government of Turkey as he regards it, H. K. Kincaid Secretary of State said to work fairly well In dry weather, ACTIONS AT LAW. . . . .. Phil Metschan State Treasurèr.......... but In times of rain and damp it is unfor­ hurrah for Tom Reed. It would uot we know, owee its existeuce more to the G. M. Irwin Supt. Pub. Instruction. R L Sabin Bloomer, Cronrmiller & weep more thau a pint ot tears if he were selfish and unprincipled foreign policy Co.; to recover vs. tunately far otherwise. This arises from W. H. Leeds Slate Printer money. C. E. Wolverton iC. the fact that the Insulators are not fixed to nominated and elected president, lie is of the British government of this “grand O a C R R vs. Geo Engle; 8*me. O f a il a g e s an d in la rg e or s m a ll a c re a g e J B I Eddy Geo Hamlin vs. W I Vawter; same. ing round the hooks and touch the wire, thau we do a clam.—|Portland Welcome. fight for the independence of his country. R. R. Commissionerà h i . B. i Compson F o r S a l e o n E a s y T e r m s . writ of Jett' Hamlin vs. B It Gervis; wi The sword of Islam alone could uot have thus intercepting the current. Astoria News: Tom Reed says the Clerk of K. R. Commission ........ Lydell Baker When a large tree is not available, a country needs a rest. I t certainly ueeds maintained the Ottoman Empire, and its review. Clerk Board School Laud Com. W. H. Odell A F Stearns and C L Chenoweth vs. J I. small one Is resorted to, which often something and ueeds it like a man ueeds sins against Christianity and humanity Bobannan; FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. to recover money. should he charged up against the en­ breaks, or the shaking of the slender tree Judge H. K. Hanna a gun iu Texas occasionally. We are L A Neil vs. G W Boggs and C P Jones; Western Division. Judge W. C. Hale lightened Englishman. There is a ques­ by the wind dislodges the Insulator or hook Eastern Division d e s ira b le b u ild in g lo ts in on which it is fixed, and the wire trails on inclined to the belief that the country tion if the Armenians are worth all this same. H. L. Benson H o u ses fo r re n t or s a le Proseeutiug Attorney Elizabeth A Smith vs. J M Gregory, B F has had too much rest to be healthy. It A C. Auldon Member Board of Equalization... A commotion in the civilized world as there Myer, E B Myer and J W G Gregory ; same. the ground. ueeds a shaking up. I t ueeds a tonic. a ll p a rts o f th e c ity . U. 8. LAND OF El UK ROSE BI! KO. E D Briggs vs. J P Walker; same. It Is no uncommon thing for the wires I t needs an infusion of fresh blood and is also of the tru th of mauy of the re­ R eceiv er......................................A. M. Crawford ports of horrible brutalities practiced up­ to be seen lying right across the highroad. patriotism. EQUITY. Register ........................................... R. M. Veatch on them. We suspect that the sympathy A case is officially reported of a high Catherine Noland vs. Silas J Day; to set NO TROUBLE TO SHOW PROPERTY. JACKSON COUNTY. Oregonian: “Peesism is an easy habit; extended to these people from all Chris- aside deed. foreign official telegraphing to Teheran County J u d g e .. .. ..............................Jas. R. Neil Fred Hansen vs. P J Van Harden burg from Europe announcing his Intended ar­ but, as a fact, this country is uot ruled taiu lauds could be expended iu a better Commissioners .................. .. ) W. H. Bradshaw rival at Resht, in which the telegram was by an aristocracy of wealth, nor, happily, cause aud nearer home for the promo­ and 1 L Hamilton, assignee; to set aside (Samuel Furry lonuty Clerk N. A. Jacobs received In the sender’s presence 18 days is anywhere near that condition.” tion of Cuban independence aud the ex­ assignment. L e tte rs of in q u iry c h e e rfu lly a n d p ro m p tly a n s w e re d . O & C R R vs. Geo Engle, et al.; injunc­ County Recorder........................................... Grant Rawlings tirpation of Spanish tyranny aud mis­ tion. after Its dispatch.—New York Herald. What the government wants to do is to Snorin' Sylvester Patterson rule in the western hemisphere. Our Senator .. . . . .......... . . . . . . ........ S. H. Holt Win I) Hanley, etal., vs. John A Hanley, twist the British liou’s tail smartly, and E very H ou sew ife Should K n ow T his. iG. tG. W. Duun people kuow very little of the Armenians et al.; partition of real property. follow it up with a third sound thrashing. ..............t Superini ..dent ............Geo. A. Jacksou appointment of receiver. AnseKsur don’t you?” country they helped to protect while iu zine says: . R. W. Kennedy 8urveyor .................... J N Gotcher vs. R Benedict, et al.; to “ Y—yes. I remember It.” “The Armenians live iu burrows iu the Dr. D. M. Brower Coroner . ............... the tlesh.—(The Bunday Argus. foreclose lien. “ But this Is the first time you have re­ earth, dirty and smoke-begrimed, passiug W M Hannutn vs. Geo Blalock: injunc­ ASHLAND IRKCINCT. A S H L A N D , O R E G O N . membered It since I gave them to you, There is no isolation more depressing their lives in agriculture or in petty trade, tion. ..........W. N. Luckej Justice thau that of the farmhouse iu au open aud, wheu rich enough, lending money at Isn’t It?” Manuel Silva vs. Win Redding; same. Joustahle .................. ......................... J. H. Heal “ I —I must confess that It Is. How do winter, late spring or early fall, that can usurious rates to the very Kurds of Susie Pittman vs. G R Pittm an; divorce. CITY OF ASHLAND, ouly be reached by a laboring team whose depredations they eo loudly com­ E J Bash ford vs, F V Medynski, et a l.; you know?” Mayor ................... ........................J. R »sey drawing a clogged vehicle through slush plain. Uneducated, a fanatical Christian to foreclose mortgage. “ I put a postal card addressed to myself ...Miliou Berry Recorder RUy Hammersly vs. Carrie E Hani- among the lot, and it hasn’t yet reached and mire. The increase of agricultural who looks upon all other Churches than K. V. Carter Treasurer F. Jones street < % % % % % * £*ures Tract No. 2. C. F. SHEPHERD, The U. S. Gov’t Reports