ASHLAND TIDINGS. P U B L IS H E D Issued Mondays and Thursdays. ASHLAND W . H. LEKD8, f - »■ W AGXStt. LEEDS & WAGNER, PUBLISHERS. ASHLAND TIDINGS. SEM I W EEK LY . TIDINGS Issued Mondays and Thursdays. Rates of Advertising Furnished Upon A pplication, S U B S IR IP T IO S BATES. One year .................................................. 12.00 Six m o n th s ............................................. LOO T hree m o n t h s ............................................... ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1895. VOL. XX. NUMBER 39. T H E B E S T E Q U IP P E D J O B O F F IC E ) IN S O U T H E R N O R E C O N . PA Y A BLE IN AD V A NC E. O F F IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y . UNITED STATES. President Vice President . • Secretary of state Secretary of Treasury. Secretary of Interior Secretary of War Secretary of Navy Secretary of Agriculture Postmaster-general Attorney-General ......... state op It. S. Senators . Grov e-C levelan d Adlat Stevenson Richard Olney- John G. Carlisle Hoke Smith .Danl. Lamont Hilary A. Herbert J. Sterling Morton • ...W m . L. Wilson Judson Hannon J. L. FENTON AUG. COSTEI. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report IRON WORKS. ASHLAND FROM OUR NORTHERS TERRITORY A Letter From Alaska -Ashland Pearlies on Sale in the Land of the Midnight Sun. car to the mine by weight of loaded one going down. I t is an endless cable, which explains it better. The Bennet mine adjoiniug this claim has been worked this season by a cousin of Mrs. J. L. May of Ashlaud, Mr. 8. A. Bonnifield. He has opened out several ledges 8 aud 16 feet that average oar samples 89 to 811. Innumerable small propositions are being continually devel­ oped aud majority have a substantia) look. It will not be many years before Alaska will be the coming mining bonan­ za of the world. Lack of capital, good laws and honest officials are what is keep­ ing it dowu, but iu course of time all these will be remedied and everyone will be bound for the Laud of the Midnight Sun. Douglas island is situated across the strait aud on it is the great Treadwell Mill, with its 240 stamps. The Mexican with its 60 stamps adjoins same. Across the sound a few miles to the right is Sheep's-head” district; about 50 stamps are going there. These propositions cau run all the winter, while those in the 3asin can only put iu six mouths in the year on account of heavy snow from 35 to 50 feet tleep. Water freezes too; this is a God-eend to a few of us for it gives us an opportunity to get to civilization for a portion of onr life. Mail once every two weeks aud stale at that is not conducive to health aud hap­ piness. “Yukoners" only have a mail once iu several mouths and they have to pay a mail carrier 8300 for each trip. On his last jonruey he reported having fottud several dead lx slice which he gave decent burial. An Eugltsb party went in a few months back aud reports have been re­ ceived that they refused several starving parties even the least part of anything to eat. The river is now frozen and parties there will have to stay uutil next season, no chance to come out this way or even to get over to St. Michael. Winter is about commenced here aud we find a warm fire very comfortable. Al­ ready preparations are lieing made by everyone to move. All Siwashes have quit; they say one is a fool to work—con­ siderable truth in tbeir philosophy, but alas! we are not able to follow our fazy inclinations, much as we would like to. Am doiug well but tiud life in a mining camp somewhat monotonous. Be satis­ fied, friends. ’Tie not all gold that glit­ ters. Raise your fruit of every descrip­ tion and be satisfied with your everyday existence. 'Tie hard to jig gold from the bowels of the earth, it also requires capital. This proposition has takeu over 8300,000. Enough! do not wish to sur­ feit you with Alaska news. Yours truly, J. I. A llenbach . Silver Bow Basil), Alaska. Oct. 2, 95. A LL C L A S S E S O F F O U N D R Y W O R K D O N E E d . T idings : —Reading the T idings brings back recollections of many pleas- Cash paid for cast iron and brass scraps. Located uear Electric Light Station. aut days spent iu Ashland and vicinity. Would give much to take a spin up Aeh- laud creek and catch a few of the trout OKKOON. All Eastern Furniture Manufacturers that I know are “biting fine,” or go to . (J. H. Mitchell lave given notice of an_—--------- — the “Twin Peaks” with Kropke and get a fGeo.W. McBride I Binger Hermann Congressmen few quail, ’l i e hard living out of the t W. R. Ellis world, but we all cannot enjoy the good C. M. Idleman Attorney-General LEAKE BREAD DOLE. MYTHOLOGY. things of the earth continually. Notioed W. P. Lord Governor .................. H R. Kincaid Secretary of State while in Juneau the other day a sign that H era P arthenin w as worshiped by brides. . . . Phil Metschan State Treasurer.. — did my heart a world of good. I t read, One of the most interesting charities ................G. M. Irwin Supt. Pub. Instruction The Piérides gave Greek girls such “Fine Ashlaud Peaches”—needless to say ............ W. H. Leeds State Printer .......... graces of m ind and body as they possessed. lu operation iu this city, and one which rC. E. Wolverton I purchased all the largest bag they had J r . 8. Beau Supreme Judges A Greek girl offered g ifts of flowers to Is probably less known than any oth­ would hold and eujoyed an nnlooked for IE. A Moore IN P R IC E S Peltho th a t she m ight he fluent iu speech er, is th at which is designated in the treat. Fruit is a luxury here. Agricul­ t A Macrum J B Eddy R. R. Commissioners and pleasant iu utterance. ture has not been thought of. yet; ’tie nil register of T rinity church as “ the Leake H. B. Compson But we are selling goods C h e a p e r T h a n Ever B e fo re . Our large mines and mining. When a Rom an tra m p set o u t lu the Clerk of R. R. Commission ........l.yd ell Baker dole of bread. ” The T idings has a wider scope than Clerk Board School Land Com. W. H. Odell store is chock full of goods and more arriving daily. Call and see our White Enam­ m orning for a day’s business, he prayed to Since 1792 this practical benefaction many imagine. Received a letter from • FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. el Bed Steads, Bureaus, 4c., 4c. We carry a full line of B etiding-Q uilts, Comfort­ Them is to teach all housewives th e value has been in constant operation, and it Max Pracht in Manchester, England, of hospitality. Western b iv isio n ................. Judge H. K. Hanna Eastern D ivision .Judge W. C. Hale ers and Ashland Woolen Mills Blankets. The H indoo god of m arriage is ^ p r e ­ would be exceedingly difficult to com­ staling he had notioed my departure iu Prosecuting Attorney H, L. Benson Max has innumerable sented w ith a hum an body und elep h an t’s pute the great amount of good it has the T idings , j. r . d o d g e : , Opera House Block. Member Board o f E q u alization ... A C. Anldon warm friends iu Juueati hold him in head, seated on a throne resting ou a circle done and the num ber of hungry persons the highest respect for who V. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG. his uprightness of hum an skulls. it has fed. The dole is a bequest by and his ever readiness to fight the cor­ .A. M. Crawford Receiver R. M. Veateh Register When the steps of a Rom an urchin, after John Leake, a long forgotten m illion­ rupt political ring that existed iu Alaska. JAI KSON COUNTY. a day’s Ashing, were turned hom ew ard a aire and philanthropist, who, w ith John Alaska cun give even the San Fruucisoo Jas. R. N eil goddess nam ed D om iducatook him by the Watts, founded the well known Leake political bosses a few pointers in rotten­ County J u d g e ..,. .. t W. H. Bradshaw Commissioners hand and guided him to the paternal roof. and Watts Orphan House, which is still ness. Judge W. I. T ruitt’s resignation 1 Samuel Furry N. A. Jacobs The G raeae were dem ons of fear. They in existence in this city. The portion of has caused the deepest regret among the ‘ounty Clerk ......... C o m it y Recorder........... were greatly reverenced by Greek wom^n, his w ill in which the bequest is made beet class iu the territory. He was one Sy lvester Patterson •ineriti’ fur it was generally believed th a t they did of a few who did his duty conscientiously .S. H. Holt not like to see a woman too beautiful and reads as follow s: ' th e c ity . cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer deemed wise to change the weekly day over twenty feet. Three lines of steam­ tud December. from it. Nothing so dangerous if allowed of distribution from Sunday to S atur­ ers between here and Sound points, and COUNTY COURT. to continue. One M inute Cough Cure gives day and thus obviate the publicity and fare was quoted only last week at 85 Probate court first Tuesday after first,Mou- iay of each mouth. im m ediate relief. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW PROPERTY. lessen the pain to the pride of the recip­ steerage, 810 first class—cheaper to travel County Commissioner’s cou rt—first Wednes­ than to stay at home. day after first Monday in each mouth" ients, for some of them were, and even The World's Fair Tests now J nneau’6 population is over 2000, not A New Deal ou the Northern Pacific. are, not only communicants of the PROFESSIONAL CARDS. showed no baking powder church, but people who at one time had including Indians, about 1000 of them. That euterprieiug aud “Old Reliable” The “Siwashes” are not a very desirable L e tte rs of in q u iry c h e e rfu lly an d p ro m p tly a n s w e re d so pure or so great in le a v been among the most wealthy of the class—a dirty, greasy lot who would bar­ has consummated traffic arrangements congregation. Every Saturday morning ter their souls for a drink of whisky. On with the S. P. whereby they run one of W. B. ColtOS, ening power as the Royal. between 7 and 8 o’clock there are deliv­ steamer days they come iu by the hun­ tbeir upholstered tourist sleeping cars, A BST R A C T E R, C O N V E Y A X C E k C a ll or a d d re s s , ered into a recess of the gaunt ecclesi­ dreds with their wares to sell to the tour­ carrying passengers from Oakland, Gal., Southern Oregou to St. Paul, Minn., and N O T A R Y E E B I.IC . astical structure 67 loaves of wholesome ists, aud many a dollar they get. Women via without chauge of cars. This car pasaes do all the trading, sit cross-legged, tailor fresh bread of the kiud known as “ home­ fashion (no bloomers yet), on the side through Ashlaud, Medford, Central Point, Having com plete abstracts of the records of made, ” each loaf being worth about 10 walks around the town with their wares aud Grants Pass, Oregon, every Wednes­ Jackson county, Oregon, is prepared Io furnish correct abstracts of title to any lands in said cents. While not exactly “ sixpenny in their laps. The Indians are no doubt day on the regular S. P. overland train. ASHLAND, ORECON. county. loaves,” they are as near that price as descendants from the Jape; tbeir size, A second class ticket gives you the right O flce next door to Bank of Ashland. is possible to obtain, and no one has features, actions, artistic ability, aptitude to take this car, which you will find yet ventured an attem pt to break the in engraving and carving show all the clean, neat aud comfortable. A uni­ C. B. Watson, formed porter in charge to look after the w ill owing to this slight divergency or Japanese characteristics plainly. ¡Several large stores that carry many interests of all passengers going east via A T T O R N E Y a I' LA W . the fact of the change o f date of d istri­ thousand dollars worth of goods, from a that line. Go east via the N. P. and ad­ ASriLAND, o r . bution. paper of pins to a quartz mill, are to be vise all your fneuds to do likewise, and A s h la n d , O re g o n . The loaves are piled upon a long set­ seen here. Have postoffice, electric be happy. For tickets or further infor­ OFFICE — Upstairs, Bank building. aru. less,” he addid, “ they haven’t any. suit the times. See the undersigned ing. They have been washing banks whoever wishes to enjoy health and com« and acres of young orchard, eontainiug a New York Sun._____________ before letting contracts and save away for the last eight years; washings fort.” Miss R osa S heldon , La fine variety of fruit, including large proportion money. thrifty apple trees. Splendid living spring up­ I t’s just as easy to try One M inute Cough are carried through a tunnel Dearly a mile Washington. N. B. Be to g< Ashland o r Jacksonville, on land. Place is particularly adapted for a Care as any th ing else. I t ’s easier to cure •Oak Street, Ashland. D. A L L E N . long and the gold is caught in double Prepared only by C. 1. Hood " fruit farm home and well suited to anyone de­ O regon. sirous of liv in g in easy access to the Normal a severe cough or cold w ith it. L et your boxes and riffles. The Ground-bog Mine, Mass. Sold by all druggist^ next purchase for a oough be One M inute situated several hundred feet higher, has School. H o o d ’s F " ’« .... ' • Cure. B e tte r medicine; b etter results; Price and further inform ation furnished by T idings fur Job Printing. a gravity tramway that carries tip} em pty O r e g o n .. C o s t e l ¿fc r e n t s n . P r e y ' s . Powder A bso lutely p u b e $ Advance i Bank of Ashland CHOICE ORCHARDS BANK OF A S H L A N D , AFTER A HARD NIG HT EAGLE ROLLER MILLS. C O R N M E A L , C R A H A M FLO U R , Etc. Rolling, Barley for Farmers a Specialty. Moore’s Revealed Remedy SPRAYING OUTFITS! SPR A Y IN G PU M PS, ra y in g H o s e , N o z z le s , ^ e x te n s io n s , & c. JET. C . M Y E R , Hardware, Stoves & Tinware. DEPARTMENT MÜS1C M O N E Y LOANED. WHEN IN NEED J-Jood’; Contracting, Buildina and Boose Raisint and Moving. ures C. F. SHEPHERD, Mrs. C Noouan, Siskiyou, Oregon. b etter try it. Lu*>. •* ■ •*