P U B L IS H E D ASHLAND TIDINGS ASHLAND Issued Monday» and Thursday». w . H. LEEKS. S E M I-W E E K L Y . T- D- WAGS SB. LEEDS & WAGNER, P U B LIS H E R S . Issued M ondays a n d Thursdays. TIDINGS R ates of A dvertising F u rn ish e d Vpon A p p licatio n , SUBSCRIPTION BATES. $2.00 One year Six m o n th s ............................................... LOO T hree m o n t h s ........................................... ow NUMBER 30. ASHLAND, OREGON; MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1895. VOL. XX. T H E B E S T E Q U IP P E D J O B O F F IC tl IN S O U T H E R N O R E C O N . PA Y A BLE IN AKVAKCE. H ighest o f all in Leavening Power.— L atest U . S. G ov’t -Report O F F IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y VSITED STATES. . . Grov C leveland A diat Stevenson R ich ard O lney J o h n G. C arlisle __ H oke Sm ith .D aul. Lam ont Hilary A. H erbert J. Sterling Morton ...W m . L. Wilson . Ju d so n H arm on P r e s i d e n t ................... Vice P resid en t Secretary of .'tale Secretary of T reasu ry . Secretary of in te rio r Secretary of War Secretary of Navy . . Secretary of A g ricu ltu re postm aster-g en eral A tto ru e y -G e u e ra l........... STATE o r OKKOON. Powder Congressmen ......................} Bin% r % rD£ “is A ttorney-G eneral ........... ...........c - >L I ple1“ rd Governor „ W Secretary of State .......................... H -J t. K incaid State T reasu rer................................P h il G. M. S upt. Pub. In s tru c tio n ... '* M Irw , *w in ,n , W. H. Leeds State P r in te r ...................... iC U. . E. t . W olverton R. . 8. B ean Suprem e Judges Moore F. A A Macrum b Eddy K. R. C om m issioners b . i B. Compson ( h . d ell B aker Clerk of R. R. C om m ission .........^y c ie rk B oard School Land Com. . . . W. H. Odell Í FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. W estern b iv is io n ..................Ju d g e H. K. H an n a E astern b i vision ................... Ju d g e W .C . H ale P rosecuting A ttorney ... H, L. B enson Member Board of E q u a liz a tio n ... A. C. A uluon II. 8. LAND OFFICR ROSEBURG. R eceiver ....................................... A. M. Crawford R egister ....................................... . . . . . R. M. Veatch JACKSON COUNTY. C ounty J u d g e .... ................................Jas. R. Neil C o m m is s io n e rs ................... . IW. H. B radshaw ¡S am uel Furry Jo u n ty C lerk ..................................N. A. Jacobs C ounty R ecorder............ .-........... G ran t Raw lings Siierin' ................................... Sylvester P atterson Senator ................ ................................8. H. Holt O. W. D unn J. A. Jefliey S. M. Nealou T reasurer ........................................... M. 8. W elch School S u p erin t-...d en t ................Gus N ew bury Assessor ..................................... Geo. A. Jackson S u rv e y o r........................................ R. W. K ennedy Coroner .....................................Dr. D. M. Brower S ASHLAND FRRCINCT. . W. N. L ucke) .........J. H. Real Justice ..'unstable CITY OF ASHLAND, asey Mayor ................................................ ; ; J- ..M ilton Burry R ecorder ........................... p.. '.'.C a rte r Treasi. rer ..................... ..................p . Jo n es street co m m issio n er ..............Ira C. Dodge iu p t. C it) W ater Works Geo. W. Smith M arshal ......................... ..............C. B. W atson City A ttorney ............... JR . P Neil | C. H. V aupel j C. H. G illette C oim cllm eu W. A. C ordell | W. J. Schm idt [ D avid F. Fox ... city co u n cil o t A shland R egular m e etin g of In c council ch am b ers in city h all on th e ' held in o u n c il cl evening of th e tirst M onday in each m o u th , CIRCUIT COURT. Meets on th e tirst M onday in A pril, Septem ber Mid D ecem ber. COUNTY COURT. P robate co u rt tirst T uesday a fte r flrst,Mou- la y of each m ou th . C ounty C om m issioner’s c o u rt—first W ednes­ day a fte r tirst M onday in each m o n th ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W . B. Colton, ABSTRACTER, CONVEYANCER and NOTARY PUBLIC. H aving com plete abstracts of th e records of Jack so n co unty, O regon, is p rep ared to furnish correct abstracts of title to any lau d s in said county. Uflice n ext do o r to B ank of A shland. C. B. Watson, ATTORNEY a T LAW. W e do th e L a rg e s t B u s in e s s ! O K F IC E -U pstairs, Bank b u ild in g . Geo. W . Trefren, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with G. F. B illings, Real E state and insurance A gent. THE LISTENER. Bids to R un the Rogue R iv er F e rry . General L ongstreet is still deaf from the By order of the county court sealed bids cannonading a t G ettysburg and is com­ will be received a t the office of the county clerk, iti Jacksonville, u n til W ednesday, pelled to use an ear trum pet. Frederic A rcher, the organist of Chicago, October, 9. 1895, a t 12 o ’clock, noon, for B l a c k s m i t h S u p p lie s , running the Rogue river ferry, on Rogue may become th e organist of th e Carnegie river, in Jackson county, Oregon, for the library of P itts b u rg In th e a u tu m n . R e f in e d a n d N o r w a y I r o n , period of one year from October 14, 1895. F o r 55 years Dr. George W. M ilten- Each bid tu b e accom panied w ith a bond S te e l, C o a l, H o r s e S h o e s , E t c . , in the sum of $200, conditioned th a t the berger lias been a popular practicing phy­ bidder will perform such work in accord­ sician in B altim ore. He now th in k s he M i l l a n d M i n i n g S u p p lie s . has earned th e rig h t to retire. ance w ith his bid. T he court reserves th e right to reject any Bishop P otter, who loves to ride horse­ and all bids. W e a re a t th e p re s e n t tim e in a b e tte r p o sitio n back, is o u t alm ost daily in New York and N. A. J acobs , County clerk. takes rides ag ain st tim e, though he is sel­ th a n e v e r to ta k e care o f y o u r o rd e rs for B la c k ­ Symptoms of kidney troubles should be dom in th e saddle more th a n an hour. s m ith S u p p lie s. W e h a v e ju s t receiv ed larg e s h ip ­ prom ptly attended to; they are n atu re’s C. M. Bailey, a M aine m anufacturer, w arnings th a t som ething is wrong. Many said to be the w ealthiest m an in th e state, m e n ts o f IR O N , S T E E L , H O R S E S H O E S a n d persons die victim s of kidney disease who could have been saved had they taken has for years employed a band of evangel­ C O A L w h ich g iv es u s a fu ll stock ; th is p u ts u s in roper precautions. T he prom pt use of ists to w ork in the sm all tow ns of the >r. J. H. M cLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm state. a p o sitio n to fill o rd e rs p ro m p tly . hassaved thousands of valuable lives. If Mr. W anam aker has increased his life have any derangem ent of the kidneys insurance to the rem arkable aggregate of LAR G EST W H O LESALE H A R D W A R E H O U S E yon try it. P rice $1.00 per bottle. $2,000,000. He Is certainly the m ost O N T H E P A C I F IC C O A S T . When the urine shows signs of disorder, heavily insured m an in America, and pos­ such as scanty or suppressed How, unusual sibly in the world. dark color, frequent calls, or if the am ount Dr. H iram R. Revels of W ashington, the passed is large and very light color it indi­ first negro ever elected to the U nited cates trouble in the kidneys. Diseases in States senate, succeeds the late Fred Doug­ in these organs are dangerous, hence the im portance of prom pt measnres to stop the lass as the suprem e tru stee of the colored trouble. D r. J . H . M cLean’s Liver and K n ig h ts of H onor of A m erica. Kidney Balm exercises a healing and stim One of the sm allest m en in Maine, and ulating influence over th e kidneys and doubtless in the country, is Jo h n H. Rob­ urinary organs and will cause an early res J. L . FENTON AUG. COSTEI. toration to normal conditions. P r ic , $1.00 bins of Belfast, a native of Deer Isle. He Is 31 yearS old, is 86 Inches high and per bottle. weighs 87 pounds and 6 ounces. E x-Prosidsnt H arrison has a double in one of his personal friends, G eneral A. II. jk .d x la .a a .sl, O re g fo x x . C o s t e l <2c F e r . t c n , P r o p a . Beech of Wheeling. H is flguro and fea­ ALL C L A SSE S OF FO U N D R Y W O R K DONE. tures, even to his eyes and th e oolor of his hair, m ake him alm ost the counterpart of L ocated n e a r E lectric L ight S tation. Cash p aid for cast iron an d b rass scraps. Mr. H arrison. Jo h n B. H arlow , th e U nited States civil service commissioner, is universally know n ’as “ m a jo r," though he never a tta in e d a higher ra n in th e arm y th a n captain. H e was offered a m a jo r’s commission and re­ fused it, b u t th e title stuck. Ä C o m p le te T r a i n in g S e h o o l, B illy Caffyn, once a fam ous cricketer and a m em ber of th e first E nglish team th a t O ttering superior advantages to those desiring an education, or lit them selves lor any visited A ustralia, is now, a t th e age of 70, special calling. . . . T he fall term opens the Second M onday in Septem ber. earning a precarious living as a barber a t F o r full p a rtic u la rs and term s, address jg. e . R IG B Y , P r e s . H ertford. On account of his prowess a t the bat he used to be know n as T errible Billy. The Rev. P eter H averm ans of St. M ary’s church, Troy, N. Y., is the oldest priest in active pastoral service in the U nited States, if not in the world. He is now in his nin etieth year and has ju s t cel­ ebrated the sixty-sixth anniversary of his ordination Dr. D. F ra n k Pow ell has the unique Astounding in its Effects in the cure distinction of being m ayor of th e tow n of a Crosse, Wis., and chief of th e W inne­ H as on its L is ts of Rheumatism, Asthma, Malaria, L bago Indians. H is In d ia n nam e is W hite Billiousness or any other disease Beaver. F or m any years he was a su r­ geon in the U nited States arm y, and he is arising from deranged Liver, Stom­ a m an of fine personality. ach or Kidneys—It drives all Im­ Only seven of the defenders of F ort S um ter are now living. Two of these, purities from the Blood. P rivates Costello and Johnson, are now living in W ashington. A third, Mr. Jo h n Mrs. Chas. A. R ussell, w ho is favorably Doran, who was a t the fort on a pleasure know n th ro u g h o u t the N orthw est, says: "F o r fifteen years I w as a co n stan t sufferer trip a t th e tim e of the firing on th e flag, O f a ll a g e s a n d in la rg e or s m a ll a c re a g e from asth m a w ith o u t an y relief, ex cep t th a t ob­ is living a t Meriden, Conn. ta in e d by c o n sta u t ch an g e of locality. Two W illiam M. E varts was going up once in years ago I tried Moore,s R evealed Rem edy and th e benefits received from it w ere th e m ost the elevator a t th e state departm ent when g ratify in g . I t gave m e relief from th e first, It happened to be loaded w ith an unusual aud prev en ted th e terrib le distress p ecu liar to th e disease th a t m ade life alm ost u n b earable. num ber of strangers, presum ably appli­ A n y o n e w ho has ever had asth m a c a n u n d e r­ cants for m inisterships and consulships. stan d the g ra titu d e I feel tow ard th is rem edy. T u rn in g to a friend, who accompanied I have n e t hesitated to recom m end it to all like sufferers, an d alw ay s w ith th e sam e happy re ­ him , E v arts said, “ T his is the largest col­ H o u s e s fo r re n t or s a le an d d e s ira b le b u ild in g lo ts in sult. lection for foreign m issions th a t I have “Try it once. Sold by all d ru g g ists. seen taken up for some tim e !’’ g BAKER 4 HAMILTON, - - Sacramento. Cal. ASHLAND IRON WORKS. EDFORD B u s in e s s C o lleg e Moore’s Revealed Remedy. Bank of Ashland F o r S a le on E a s y T e r m s . ASHLAND, OREGON. W illiam I. V awtkr Hammond. & Vaw ter ATTORNEYS AT LAW O. F. B u ilding NO TROUBLE TO SHOW PROPERTY. 1635 Dr. J. S. Parson, «PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. L e tte rs o f In q u iry c h e e rfu lly a n d p ro m p tly a n s w e r e d . A shland , O regon . r g y o f f i c e at residence on Maiu street, next door to Presbyterian church. 111-42 C a ll o r a d d re s s ,' Dr. 3. T. Songer, PHYSICIAN AND ASHLAND, B A N K OF A S H L A N D , SURGEON. ASHLAND, OREGON. Administratrix’s Sale. pursuance of N otice is hereby given th a t in 1 Pl an o rd er of th e Probate C ourt of Oregon for Jackson C ounty, m ade th e 3d day of Sept­ em ber, 1895, in th e m a tte r of th e estate of M artin L. McCall deceased, th e u n d ersig n ed a d m in istra trix of said estate, w ill sell at p riv ate sale to th e h ig h est bidder for cash, su b ject to confirm ation of said court, a fter four w eeks publication of th is notice, th e ne*4 of the tie1* of th e nw % , Sec. 23, Tp. 39, R 1 E Wtl. Mer. Or. A liena M c C all , A dm inistratrix. D ated at A shland, Oregon, Sept. 16,1895. ORECON. Office iu Odd F ellow s building, second floor, am Maiu street. [11-12 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, i EAGLE MEDFORD, OREGON. Office In H am lin 's B lock—R esid en ce o n C 13—50 street. Dr. D. M. Brower, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ASHLAND, OREGON. Office iu G an tard ’s o pera house block, sec- 18-17 • ml fcusir. & Force Dental Co.. to C aldw ell Davis. ROLLER MILLS. A s h la n d , O re g o n . .care done w ith d isp atch , an d ou term s to su it th e tim es. See th e u n d ersig n ed before lettiu g c o n tracts au d save money. ’QEk Street, A sh lan d . I h a v e in sto c k SPR A Y IN G I t has b een found th a t if everybody using w ater for irrig atio n purposes tries to irrig ate at th e sam e tim e, som e persons get m ore ;w ater th a n they a re en titled to, w hile o th ers eaunot get an y . T herefore it is ordered by th e tire and w ater com m ittee th a t all persons living west and no rth of A shland ereek may use w ater from th e city w ater m ain s for irrig atio n and sp rin k lin g law ns only on Monday. W ednesday, an d F riday of each w eek, an d th a t all persons liv in g east an d south of A shland creek use w ater for said purposes only on Tuesday, T h u rs­ day aud Saturday of each w eek. The Supt. of w ater w orks is in stru c te d to tu rn off the w ater from an y person w ho neg ­ lects to obey th e foregoing re g u la tio n . By o rd er of th e fire and w ater com m ittee of A shland. Oregon, dated Ju ly 2 5 ,Mto- „ I. C. DODGE, S upt. of W ater Works. M O N E Y J .O A N E D . F ir s t M o rtg a g e s on Im p r o v e d F a r m P r o p e r ty N e g o tia te d . Don’t wear diamonds with red satin. Don’t wear pearls with a bad complex­ ion. D on’t w ear diam onds w ith artificial flowers. D on’t w ear earrings if of a plain, do­ m estic type. Don’t w ear turquoise screw ear b u tto n s if you are over 50. D on’t w ear old fashioned m antel orna­ m ents hanging from the ear. D on’t w ear diam onds w ith cloth dress­ es_they need to shine on lustrous fabrics. D on’t, if you were once told you were “ gypsylike,” w ear large gold hoops the rest of your life. Don’t w ear diam ond frogs, lizards, pigs __“ s tu n n in g " people can m ake an effect w ith them , h u t they are in very' had taste —avoid “ low comedy” jewels. D on’t th in k of th e diam ond only as a w hite stone—it is found in black, blue, orange, red, green, brown, p in k and yel­ low, and of surpassing beauty. The blue is th e rarest, th e pink th e m ost beautiful. —E d m und Russell. ¡p g T I k e e p W h a le O il S oap, so m u c h u se d in sp ra y in g . H . C. M Y E R , Hardware, Stoves & Tinware. OKKOON. B. F. R , Remedy for the general good th e ir remedy has done me. For years I was a co n stan t sufferer from weak lungs and bronchial asthm a. My rest a t nig h t was disturbed by a hacking cough, so th a t I felt miserable th e greater p art of the tim e. Many rem ­ edies recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to m y case. I did not experience any beneficial results u n til 1 began taking C ham berlain’s Cough Rem edy. A fter two bottles of th e large size have been used I am pleased to state, my health is better th a n it has been for years. 'The soreness has left my lungs and 1 can b reath e'easily . I t has done m e so m uch good th a t I w ant all who are suf­ fering from lung troubles as I was to give it a tria l.” For sale by A shland D rug Co. A M ob. A mob is usually a creature of very mysterious existence, particularly in a large city. Where it comes from or w hither it goes few men can tell. As­ sembling aud dispersing w ith equal sud­ denness. it is as difficult to follow to its various sources as the sea itself, nor does the parallel stop here, for the ocean is not more fickle and uncertain, more terrible when aroused, more unreason­ able or more cruel.—Dickens. second love affair has followed it. A m an and wife were form erly one. T he new idea is to m ake them tw o men. There are some people who couldn’t be m ade in terestin g even as characters in a novel. , Every girl should be so neat th a t she || I n H a rd w a re , feels uncom fortable w hen her stockings || T in w a re , are w rinkled. The explanations you m ake for your ac­ W ooden a n d tions are usually laughed a t by the people W illo w W a re w hen your back is turned. K ick a t all tim es and about everything, || • S toves. and you w ill become know n in tim e as a CEDAR TUBS for 60c and up. high a u th o rity and a great critic. CYCLONE CLOTHES W R IN G E R S ,$2.10. Every m an declares th a t he intends to give his children a good education u n til GRINDSTONES, 3c per pound. his children become of school age. A tch i­ _____ M an u factu rer of T in, Sheet Iron and Copper son Globe. Ware. P lum bing a n d Job W ork No remedy for external ailm ents of the done to o rd er. flesh is more widely or favorably known th a n D r. J . H. McLean’s Volcanicf O il L in ­ im ent. I t has been in constant use for eeser more th a n forty years, and is recognized as a valuable household remedy. Price Reeser Block, Ashland, Or. 25c, 50c, and $1.00 per bottle. GREAT REDUCTION PU M PS, S n ra y in g H o s e , N o z z le s , E x t e n s i o n s , & c. ASHLAND, D. ALLEN. Notice to Water Consumers. B a k e r C ity . O r. Office iu Masonic Block, u p stairs. Contract^, Bulliini and House Raising; aud Moving.. Indigestion is a result of a p artial sus­ pension of the process of food m anipula­ tion in the stom ach and organs of assim ila­ tion. A gentle cath a rtic , such as D r. J. H. M cLean’s Liver and Kidney P ellets, fol­ lowed by a few doses of D r. J . H. McLean s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier will relieve and cure th is distressing a il­ m ent and cause the digestion to proceed with a-sense of com fort and gratification. JEWELRY DON’TS. There is more C atarrh iu th is section of the country th an all oth er diseases put to ­ gether, and u n til th e last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure w ith local treatm ent, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a consti­ tu tio n al disease and therefore requires co n stitutional treatm ent. H a ll’s C atarrh Cure, m anufactured by F . J. Cheney